Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Three

Nuke’s Environment

I was a bit confused about Nuke’s  location and asked Alta Sha, “Eight said he was 37 light years away from here, but you said he was in another dimension. I hoped you could explain how both can be true.”

“You live in one dimension, Nucleus lives in another, and Perithnea in yet another. Each of these dimensions can be transposed upon another. If you were looking at a cross section of these dimensions you could find corresponding points. If you were to go thirty seven light years away in this dimension, you could step into his dimension at the corresponding point.

“Each one of these dimensions is just as solid and real as the next. Faeries and angels can navigate through these dimensions easily, and so can Nucleus. Each is designed by I AM to meet the needs of their inhabitants. However, none of them are truly real. You know that what appears to be real in your own dimension is actually not solid. It is made up of moving particles. The same is true of all dimensions; the particles in them are constantly changing. That which is truly real is that which is of Spirit. That which is wholly Spirit does not change, but is eternal. There is only one thing that is real, and that is I AM. If you delve into this too far, you may have to give up your illusions.

You are greatly blessed to be able to talk with beings from another dimension.”

In 1994, the self-sufficient Alliance headquarters that we referred to as the Station was a discus-shaped structure suspended in space. It was approximately twenty miles in diameter and three miles in depth at its widest point. It was divided into various zones for particular functions. The botanical area was devoted to gardens containing a wide variety of vegetation that originated from numerous planets, including those grown for food, along with all of the animal life necessary for a sustainable ecosystem. Other areas were set aside for residences, engineering, medicine (including a nursery) and security, where training and administrative functions took place. Although huge by Earth’s standards, when Nuke’s Alliance joined the much more extensive Red Star Alliance, it was necessary to replace the Station with another that was five times larger.

Nuke would occasionally accompany me on guided tours of the Station and to other locations in his dimension, which were accomplished with my third eye while in a meditative state. When he took an active part in such journeys, the images I perceived were clearer than when I traveled alone, and his confirmations increased my confidence that what I perceived was real, for much of it was unlike anything on Earth. During one such trip with him I perceived that domes protruded from the top and bottom of the Station discus. From the distance, the numerous pinpoints of light on its surface caused me to compare it with a huge Christmas tree ornament. While some areas of its surface shone like polished chrome, other areas were gray or black, and I remembered that its appearance could be made to mimic the space around it, or to shine as brightly as a star.

Eight told me to look for an entrance and I located a triangular hatch bordered with orange light. What I perceived and experienced when inside was very similar to general descriptions given by Marjie and others who also toured the Station, some before and some after my first visit. The consistency of our perceptions gave credence to the belief that what we saw was real. For example, levitating platforms inscribed with our names that we stood on transported us to wherever we wished to go.  One only had to think of a destination to be taken there. One could perform fun maneuvers such as barrel rolls or loops with them. The platforms made necessary corrections to prevent falls and accidents. If the rider deliberately jumped off the surface, the platform would quickly return underfoot.

Marjie described one of her visits thusly: “Mother is here. I’m in her office. It’s a circular room with about forty vertical panels from floor to ceiling. For some reason I can’t see the floor clearly, but I know it’s there. Each panel has writing above it which explains its purpose, but I have no idea what it means.” She traced some of the symbols in the air with her finger. They consisted of straight lines at various angles and reminded me of Nordic runes.

“Mother’s explaining that each panel is like a doorway to another dimension. I can see the floor now, but my feet aren’t touching it. I’m levitating! It’s made of a clear substance like glass. I see thousands of circuits under it with lights darting along them. Somehow I know they’re connected to the panels, and that’s why you can’t walk on the floor. Mother is resting in a support like a hammock, but it doesn’t have any ropes at the ends to hold it up. She’s telling me that she can travel to any time or place from this location in an instant. She is tuned in to particular coordinates and if she receives a distress signal, she knows exactly where to go.

“Mother instantly transported me to my quarters. We didn’t go through any corridors or walls or anything! It was like in a dream where you’re in one place and you’re suddenly in another. She’s giving me the communication rod. For some reason it doesn’t seem to be working.” She frowned. “The whole left side of my face is hurting. It's as if the signal is bouncing back at me.”

“Maybe you should put it down. Something could be wrong.”

Nuke’s familiar head movements signaled success. He said, “Good evening, Pat.”

“Good evening to you.”

“I have missed our contacts.”

“So have I. What was the problem with the communication rod?”

“I was not at my System. The circuit was incomplete, which is why she felt it bouncing back. My security is too high for anyone to get through when I’m not here.”


On another of her visits to the Station, Marjie said, “Mother has been buzzing me. I want to find out why.” I counted her down. “I’m walking down a hallway with Mother. The wall is curved. Mother says it’s the outer wall of the craft. She’s also saying that she spoke to you once.”

“I don’t remember that.”

“She only said one word, Lower.”

“Now I remember. I was trying to get a possessing spirit to leave you and had my hand on your stomach. I thought you said it.”

Marjie continued, “The wall has a line in the middle. Above it there are lights rotating from right to left and below it other lights rotating from left to right. Each time the bright pulse of light goes by, it’s a slightly different shade of color, and it changes through all the colors of the rainbow. Mother is taking me to the central power source. She’s going through the lights in the wall and the wall itself. Guide me so that I can follow her.”

“Just will yourself through the wall.”

She smiled. “It felt good to go through. In front of me is another wall made of mesh. On the other side of it is a huge column of very bright, white Light. The edges of the light are sharply defined. It‘s so rich and pure it looks solid, but it’s not. It’s very beautiful. It pulses slower than my heartbeat. It goes up so far that I can’t see the top, and down below the floor too far to see where it stops. I know it goes a long distance. There are other places like this one where the Light’s energy is being tapped. The room goes all the way around the Light.

There are little machines going around it on the floor, but I can’t see them clearly. They’re making a really deep sound that is like the lowest sound there is. They direct the sound at the Light, which is absorbing it. There are things following the machines around shaped like the fins you’ve seen on dinosaurs, the kind that had a row of big fins on their backs. There are four or five of those in a line on top of a platform. They’re clear and sparkly. They clean up the traces left behind by the machines that make the noise. I see 4717. He says Uncle Nuke.” She smiled again. “He wants to know if you have questions about what I have seen.”

“Greetings, Uncle. Mother showed her your power source. Can you tell me anything about it?”

“He will answer if he may. What would you like to know?”

“Where does it come from? How did you discover it?”

“He says the Light was discovered through the attempt to move objects with the mind alone.”

“How do you produce it? How do you use it to move things?”

“It is produced through the cooperation and desire of all the entities involved. They give themselves fully to the creation of this Light. It is actually a product of intelligence. There are individuals who can tap into this Light and direct it wherever it is needed. All who participate give themselves fully and do not hold anything back.

“Uncle Nuke is asking if I want to see where he works. Now we’re in his workspace. That was quick! There’re a lot of big screens on the wall in front of where he sits and a console with a lot of buttons and other controls. On one side there’s a board with lots of lights that flicker on and off. I see something on a screen that’s really amazing. He doesn’t want me to remember what it is and the image in my mind is getting foggy.” She pleaded, “I want to see; let me see; please let me see it! He won’t let me. I’m finished. It’s time to come back.” Alta Sha explained that Nuke was protecting the confidences of others by not allowing her to remember what she saw.

Chapter Six is devoted to the physical implants usually installed in contactees’ bodies which are used for communication, for monitoring the contactees’ emotional and physical health, and for maintaining vital connections with other individuals having linked implants. Nuke was very pleased when Marjie learned how to use hers more efficiently. She had felt Nuke pulling at her, so I counted her down. She said, “Mother’s holding my face in her hands and stroking it. She’s telling me to go to Nucleus without the communication rod, but I don't know how.”

“You have contacted many others without using it. Just concentrate on his face and think of communicating.”

Within seconds Nuke cheerfully said, “My prize pupil has passed a test.”

“Why is contacting you without the rod important?”

“It means that her implant is working in coordination with her thoughts. It is cause for many of us to celebrate.”

“Why do you call her your prize pupil?”

“When many humans reach a certain point in their growth, they hesitate, become fearful, and do not wish to continue, but she is always willing to take the next step. We have so many failures that when one succeeds, we celebrate.”

One year, as his Christmas gift to me, Nuke said, “Would you like to travel with me, Counselor?”


We reclined side by side on the bed. He said, “I will hold your hand and guide you. Are you ready to go?”


“Let me know what you are seeing along the way, so I can tell how well things are going.”

“I’m seeing a red triangle on a black background.”

“Oh. Then we don’t have to travel. You’re already at the Station.”

“I am?”

“Yes. This is an entrance. I will have to gain access.” He touched the hull and the portal opened onto an ovoid corridor of polished metal walls with rib-like structures which conformed to and supported them. We entered and  he said, “Look down at your feet and find the platform.”

“I see it. It’s about two feet wide by three feet long.”

“Do you see your name on it?”

“I see the word Counselor on it. It’s levitating.”

“Very good. Step onto it.”

He also stepped onto his, and we began to move down the corridor. “We will pass two corridors on the left which I want you to notice.”

“Wait a minute. I’m trying to see what you’re wearing. Is it a light blue uniform with a metallic sheen?”


“Does it have a silver V at the throat and chest and silver gauntlets at the wrists?”


“Are your boots silver?”

“It’s my favorite color. Can you see what you are wearing?”

“It’s a bluish-purple outfit with gold shoes and large gold buttons down the front.”

“Yes. That is your favorite color. Look down the hallway on your left and tell me what you see.”

“It’s dark in there.”

“Yes, but peer into the darkness.”

“I see two glowing red eyes.”

“Let’s travel on. We don’t want to disturb them.”

We continued down the hall until he said, “We will stop here. This is an entry to the residential section. Tell me what you see.”

“It looks like an archway. There are panels on the arch above our head. They look like they’re made of gemstones and each one is a different color.”

“Reach up and touch one of them.”

“It changed from dark purple to light blue.”

“It’s a security device that is sensitive to your temperature. If all of those panels were to go clear, then we would be in trouble.”

We proceeded into another corridor, stopping when he said, “We are at the entrance to my quarters. Describe what you see.”

“A triangular panel that has a blue band across it.”

“Correct.” He touched the wall beside it and the panel dissolved. When we entered, a sultry female voice said, “Good evening, Counselor.” I told him what I heard.

“That’s my personal System. I told it to sound like that.”

“It has a sexy voice. It sounds a lot like Candace.”

He laughed. “It’s a fairly close imitation. Do you like the color scheme of my quarters?”

“I see a lot of yellow.”

“I’m partial to yellow. I like the yellow walls, but Candace despises yellow.”

“I like it.”

“It cheers me up and makes me feel like it’s sunny in here. Do you see the viewing screens on the far wall?”

“Yes. I see plants on the other side of the wall.”

“Would you like to take a look at the botanical area?”

“Yes.” We moved closer to the viewing screen.

‘Describe it for me.”

“I see tall plants that look like tree ferns and palms, and a lot of other tropical plants. It’s like a jungle.”

“I’m rather partial to those types of plants. Do you see any other life forms out there?”

“I see something that looks like a cucumber with a mouth on one end and little brown spines sticking out of its cream colored body. I don’t see any legs. I guess it moves along on its spines.”

“Did you notice the soil the plants are in?”

“It looks like the thick humus that you would find in a really fertile Earth garden. I see a beautiful blue butterfly. Its wings shine like neon lights. Something large is in the foliage off to my left.”

“Can you see what it is?”

“It looks like a gorilla!”

“Yes, we have gorillas.”

“I never expected to see one here.”

“Why not? This is a perfect environment for them. It’s quite intelligent. Why don’t you mentally communicate with it?”

I transmitted greetings to the huge, handsome, silver back male, communicating how much I admired his appearance and strength. Nuke laughed and I said, “What are you laughing at?”

“The faces he’s making.” The gorilla. wearing a very human expression of pride and self-satisfaction, held his face within inches of the viewing screen,. He strutted around, raised his arms, and flexed his bulging muscles.

I telepathically asked him if he had a family, and received images of a female and several youngsters. Nuke asked, “What did you say to him?”

“I asked if he had a family.”

“They are close about somewhere.”

“Does he have work to perform, or does he just live in the jungle?”

“By his own choice, he prefers to simply be a gorilla.”

“Well, even that serves a useful purpose.”

“Yes, it contributes to the ecosystem.

“Do you see the other quarters around the borders of the garden?”

“Yes, I see tier upon tier of lighted windows reaching high above our level. This is a vast opening.”

“How many do you see?”

“There must be a hundred levels.”

“Quite so. Why do you suppose it is so tall?”

“So you can have clouds and rain at the top.”

“Yes indeed. Sarah has recently been learning how to make it rain.”


“Mother has been teaching her, and Sarah has been experimenting with her new skills. Sometimes she goes a little too far. We’ve been having red rain and green rain.”

I laughed. “That sounds like something Sarah would do.”

“It makes for a pleasant change of pace. Would you like to see my bedroom?”

“Sure. I see a round bed. It has a pink cover on it with white roses and green leaves embroidered on it, and a pleated skirt around the sides. It’s a real work of art. Did you pick this out?”

“Why, yes.”

“How long have you had it?”

“Since we came into the room. Why do you ask?”

I laughed. “I thought Candace might have picked it out. It looks rather feminine. You seem to enjoy the flower theme.”

“Yes, I do. You don’t think it looks too feminine, do you?”

“No, it’s very attractive. It’s a change from the sort of things you had in here before you became attuned to your feelings.”

“Would you look behind yourself and notice the sculpture?”

“I see a white, stylized 8 with petal-like extensions on the edges that make it look like a flower.”

“It’s a holograph, you know.”

“It looks solid.”

“Yes, but try to touch it.” My hand went through it. “It changes color in response to my emotions. Try to grasp it with two hands.”

“It became solid. What made it do that?”

“It takes more energy for it to become solid. We try not to waste any. Let’s go to the living area.”

“I see your sofa. It’s a deep purplish color, almost blue. It’s very comfortable.”

“I think it contrasts nicely with the walls. Would you care for something to drink?”

“Yes. I would like some of that blue liquid I once saw you drinking.”

“Come this way. We have to go down a couple of steps. What do you see before you?”

“It’s your System.”

“Yes. How does it look to you?”

“I can’t see it very clearly.”

“That is done for security purposes. Your personal level of security has an effect on its appearance. If you will step over to your right, you will see that there is a little panel where you can put your hand. Let me put my hand there first. Now, if you will put your hand there and think of what you would like to drink, the System will make it for you.

“If you look at the little tray there, you will see a glass being formed.”

The glass was not the simple flute I had thought of, but a gorgeous tall and slender vessel. Its top was formed into thick and profuse petals like an Iris, in various shades of white, purple, violet, and blue, my favorite colors.

“Is this to your satisfaction?”

“Oh yes, but it isn’t the glass I imagined.”

“My System says it was being creative. It has a personality of its own.”

“It’s a very attractive vessel, but I don’t know if I can drink out of it. I’ll give it a try.” The petals were surprisingly soft and fragrant and I easily drank from it.

“Now, System, give him what he asked for.”

It complied, furnishing me with a simple flute. We sat down and sipped our drinks.

I said, “I’ve had this before. I remember the taste. I could enjoy a lot of this, but I don’t want to drink too much.”

“It is addictive. Suppose we take a tour of the lounge area and the medical unit? We will use a different method of travel this time.”

“Do you mean the tubes which Marjie has seen?”

“Yes, they are a high speed means of transportation. Are you ready for this?

“Yes.” We got into separate capsules just large enough to accommodate our different sizes.

“Grab the handholds, because we’re going to move very quickly.”

“I know.” I felt quite familiar with this method of transportation as we shot off through clear tubes full of curves like those of a giant waterslide. In a few seconds we arrived outside the lounge area and disembarked.

Nuke introduced me to an individual who reminded me of a large octopus, having many flexible tentacles around its head. It rapidly changed colors in synch with its thoughts and emotions. Its large brown eyes were very expressive as we mentally communicated. I sensed great peace and tranquility within him and I felt a wonderful, empathic response when I telepathically praised his beauty.

Nuke said, “This individual is highly intelligent.

“He is very useful here at the Station due to his skill in mathematics. Shall we go to the bar?”

We obtained drinks and I said, “I see two beings across the room who resemble large frogs. The definitely feminine one has a beautiful face, light green on top and white underneath, with large red eyes. She has a curved shield on the back of her head like an ancient Triceratops, but without the horns. She’s looking at me with interest. The male is a darker shade of green and looks more like a bullfrog.”

Nuke said, “Why don’t we go over and meet them?” We glided to their table. “Counselor, meet Til and Tal. Til and Tal, this is Rex, Special Counselor to the Board.” I received a telepathic image of them surrounded by their many children.

Nuke asked, “What are you communicating to them?”

“That I think she is very attractive.”

“You are permitted to stare. She finds you quite attractive also.”

“I thank her for the complement.”

He then showed me a bank of floor to ceiling viewing screens which revealed a vast field of colorful stars and galaxies. A gigantic cosmic cloud where stars were being born glowed vividly red. We moved to a darkened panel and Nuke said, “Adjust the light for viewing, please.” The screen cleared and through it I saw a huge galaxy tilted at an acute angle with several spiraling arms radiating from an intensely bright center like a giant spiral. He said, “I never tire of looking at this scene. I especially like to watch the vessels coming and going.” Variously shaped ships from tiny to huge were moving to and fro. He said, “Look down.”

I felt intense pressure across the entire front and top of my brain as a vessel, several miles wide, sedately left the Station. It was shaped somewhat like a manta ray with rounded wing tips. Its top surface was very smooth except for a few low, longitudinal ridges. Pinpoints of light dotted its otherwise flat black surface. Tubes like rocket exhausts extended from its rear, but instead of flames, I saw shifting rainbows of light within them. I asked, “Is that a military craft?”

“Yes. We call it Enlightenment.”

As it passed away, I mentioned that the pressure in my brain was easing. Nuke said, “What you felt was the effect of the ship’s energy on your implant. Whenever there is a large source of energy nearby, your implant reacts to let you know.” (As if to confirm the truth of his statement, the following night a low flying, soundless craft with simultaneously flashing red and green lights on its sides passed directly over me, causing a similar sensation.)

We proceeded to a very large nursery where the bodies of many different species were lying in their personal, see-through containers that were arranged in horizontal rows and columns. Joseph’s body (a precious young Teglinlin child whose consciousness normally inhabited and channeled through Marjie) was there, and I was allowed to hold him. Sobbing with gratitude, I suddenly remembered that my sperm had been used to create many hybrid babies. Nuke was alarmed by the strength of my reaction, but I assured him I was alright, saying, “It’s as if all the children of all my lifetimes who died from starvation or violence are calling to me. I feel the overwhelming sadness of their loss. I dearly loved them all. Holding Joseph reminds me of the ones I can’t hold again.”

“Yes, but we are changing that. The day is coming when none of them will have to be cold and hungry. They will all be provided for as you see Joseph is, healthy and well cared for. Thanks to people like you, we are getting the message to save the children across the universe. There must not be war. There must not be starvation. There must be protection for these little ones.”