Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Six


Nuke had been channeling for a few months before he asked Marjie if she would accept the consciousnesses of two Teglinlin children into her body, while their bodies would be conscientiously maintained at the Station. The implants in their bodies would be linked with hers, allowing them to experience all of Marjie’s thoughts, emotions, memories, physical sensations and actions while maintaining their separate identities. Like Nuke, they would be able to speak and act through her body. The implants would also allow the caretakers at the Station to maintain contact with their mental and emotional condition.

I asked Nuke, “Does that mean you also have to separate your mind from your body in order to channel through Marjie?”

“Yes, but the degree of separation can vary. I have come to your home within my body on occasion. It was invisible to you because of its much higher rate of vibration, but I have to slow it down a great deal to be here. Everything happens here at a rate six times slower than it does in my dimension. It feels like I’m walking through molasses.”

Linked implants facilitate beneficial interventions, but in the wrong hands, they can be deadly.  We named the youngest Teglinlin Sarah and her older brother Joshua. They had been brought to us because the Alliance knew that Sarah was going to play a very important role in connection with the Board of Twelve when she grew up. Sarah therefore became a target for rebels within the Alliance who wanted to overthrow the Board, which also put Marjie, me, and Nuke at risk. More than once, those who wanted to overthrow the Alliance obtained unauthorized access to Marjie’s implants with murderous intent.

 Sarah’s nickname for Marjie was Touch, and she named me Sound. I was reading to her when she said, “Touch’s skin is very cold. Touch hurts.” The room was quite warm, so I thought Marjie might have a fever.

“Where does it hurt?”

“Everything hurts.”

I gave Marjie some aspirin and sinus medicine, but these didn’t help much, nor did the healing energy I projected to her body. I felt Mother’s touch and told Marjie to seek her help.

She said, “I’m in a room with Mother. The floor is slowly rotating, but I can’t make out any of the details. My mind is too foggy from this fever.”

I prayed for healing. With a weak voice, Alta Sha slowly spoke through her rapidly worsening stupor. “Her symptoms are due to her immune system turning against her body. This attack, which is intended to destroy her neuromuscular system, is being caused by an alien species which is quite corrupted.”

“Are they attacking because she is Sarah’s host?”



“There are links between Nucleus 8’s retired System and his new one. They are using those links to give false instructions to her implant, which is causing the changes in her body.”

Marjie said, “Mother is here. She’s telling me my implant was damaged by the false impulses. It will have to be replaced. They’re going to do it this morning while you’re at work.”

“Shouldn’t I stay here with you?”

Perithnea answered, “She will be well looked after by the medical staff, by me and the other children, by Alta Sha, and by Mother. She’ll sleep most of the day and by this afternoon will be feeling better. You can call her after lunch to make she’s alright.”

Marjie had recovered by suppertime and asked, “Can we talk to Nucleus?”

“I don’t want to drain you.”

“I feel alright now.”

I began the count, but Nuke channeled right away.

He said, “I have been very worried about Star One. During the crisis I was quite calm, but not now.”

“I also had a delayed reaction. It wasn’t until she was out of danger that my tears fell.”

Swallowing a sob, he said, “I want to assure you from the bottom of my heart that if I had any inkling that such a thing would occur, I would have prevented it.”

“I know that. I don’t hold you to blame.”

“The memory of my old System has been completely eliminated. The only links to her implant are through my new System. No one has access to this System except members of the Board, and they can be trusted.

“I have learned to love and to trust, and in doing so, I lowered my guard somewhat. I despise weakness, but made myself vulnerable. I will have to raise my shield of distrust again.”

Conspirators tried to kill Marjie again using implants.

It was around 3:00 a.m. one morning when Marjie suddenly jumped out of bed and paced around the room, gasping for breath. She said, “My lungs are so congested I feel like I’m having an asthma attack.”

I asked for assistance from Nuke and Alta Sha but got no response. Confused and disoriented, Marjie began to cough violently, bringing up thick, yellowish phlegm. I prayed, “We need healing Father. Work through Nuke or Mother or Alta Sha, or any other agent you choose, but help us now! Your son is asking for healing!” Marjie’s breathing eased, but was still rapid and shallow. I said, “Breathe deeply like me, slowly and deeply, slowly and deeply, slowly and deeply.” She followed my example and her breathing almost returned to normal.

“My chest hurts,” she said.

“Mine’s hurting too.”

Nucleus, also gasping for air, said, “This reaction is not a side effect of our treatments. The ones Candace warned us about attempted to remove Star One’s implant. As soon as they were intercepted, adjustments were made to correct her breathing difficulty, but it’s taking her body a few minutes to respond. No permanent damage has been done. Because of the connections through her spider web link, removal of her implant could have caused the deaths of several others. The culprits intended to eliminate them all.”

“Thank God you caught them in time. Thanks.”

“We will talk later.” Had the rebels succeeded, our whole physical family and circle of connected friends would have been wiped out.

Marjie said, “That felt awful. I thought I was going to suffocate.” I explained what happened to her. “Nuke and his staff caught them red handed.”

“Thank God. The house is crawling with grays. I can

see them very clearly and I can feel them holding my hand and soothing me.”

In yet another implant incident, Nuke was having frequent and extreme mood swings. After a sudden shift, he asked, “Should I report that I just had another thought about ending my life? ... I really can’t think of a good reason why I shouldn’t. Candace told me that I if took my life, she would take hers and we could be together forever on the spiritual plane. Why shouldn’t we?”

“This is just another one of your mood swings. They’re happening rather frequently.”

“My species normally recovers from depression faster than this.”

“I feel Mother’s touch. Ask her about your medicine.”

His eyes closed and he went completely limp. I held onto him as he slid to the floor. Marjie opened her eyes and asked, “Where’s Nuke? What happened?”

“I think Mother took him to the Station. He had another suicidal impulse.”

Marjie said. “I’m in the medical unit. He’s on a table. I see some grays and Mother. A thin beam of red light is coming out of Mother’s body. It’s following the lines of a grid-like pattern on the wall. I’m telling Mother to bring him back and make him safe here with us.” She paused. “Ah! He’s back.”

“Where is he?”

“In his bedroom.”

“I’m going down to see how he is.” She hesitated. “Don’t you want to come with me?”

“I’m a little afraid of what I’ll find when I get there.”

Nuke began to channel when we reached his bedside. I said, “Welcome back. How are you?”

 “I’m fine. I feel more like my old self.”

“Good. I was worried about you.”

We walked to the dining table and sat down. He said, “Mother made adjustments to my circuitry. I don’t appreciate having to drink a titanium solution. It tastes awful.”

“Was that required because of the adjustment?”

“Yes. I just heard some very disturbing news. There has been interference. I am totally enraged.”

“What kind of interference?”

“A group to the southeast of here somehow obtained certain coded numbers from the Station’s archives. One of them was for an ancient implant we discarded long ago, but it is still linked to my current implant. The group used their collective psychic ability to “bump” one of  the numbers. The number itself wasn’t changed, but its value was intensified. Even several fractional thousandths of difference can have an adverse effect on all the implants that are linked to that code. Because so many individuals are linked to my implant, seventy three lives were lost.”

“My God!”

“Pilots, scientists, and ordinary workers were killed. It’s a random pattern, and not confined to the Station.”

“How did they get past your security protocols?”

“We don’t know. It is my wish that all those who did this should be destroyed, but I have turned this matter over to Mother. I hope she eliminates them.”

“Do they know how many individuals they killed?”

“No! That’s why it’s so insane! It was like throwing daggers into a crowded room without any concern for whom they would strike. Now we must change all the implants linked to mine. It is a massive undertaking.”

“Can’t you get your System to change the coding of the implants so you don’t have to replace them?”

“I must get to my System, but they won’t let me!”

“Maybe Mother can be persuaded.”

“I already asked. She just shook her head. You and Adam can access my System. Adam knows how to operate it and can show you, but it has to be done very precisely or it will not be effective.”

He quickly wrote down several numbers and instructions. “Adam will show you what to do, but he needs your help to operate the System. He can freeze the System so that you can’t do any harm, but you will have to follow him to it. He will run you through a series of practice exercises. Can you do that?”

“I can try. Let’s get on with it.” I sat in a comfortable chair and asked, “How will Adam be able to talk to me if you are talking?”

“Read this to Adam and he will understand what he is to do. He will not be speaking to you so that I can. Understood?”

“Yes. I’m ready.”

“Close your eyes, relax, and use your third eye.”

“I see Adam’s Light.”

 “Is he helping you?”

“He isn’t doing anything. I need some structure.”

“Do you see my System?”


“Excellent. Look to your left where there is a row of colored lights, like small squares. Can you see them?”

“Yes. I see two groups of four lights in a vertical pattern. Are they green?”

“Yes. To the right of them you will see several silver bars with ridges in them.”

“Like the fingers of a hand?”

“Yes. Take the little finger of your right hand and place it on the farthest right strip at the very top. Slowly move your finger down the bar and you should see a light.”

“Is it yellow?”

“Yes. Excellent. Continue down this strip until you feel heat on your hand. It will be quite noticeable.”

“I feel it. My finger is about halfway down the bar.”

“Good. Place the remaining three fingers on the silver bars. On your left you will see a circular screen in the middle of the console with colored lights in it.”

“I see a whole rainbow of colors swirling in it.”

“Place the palm of your left hand about six inches above the screen and move it around. What do you see?”

“The colors change when I move my hand.”

“Look for a brilliant blue light.”

“I have found it.”

“Already? Do not touch the screen, but move your left hand closer to the light and then withdraw it. When you withdraw the light will dim, and when you move it closer it will brighten. Move your hand within an inch of the screen and then withdraw it. Do it eight times.” It took only a few seconds. “Leaving your right hand where it is, move your left hand over to the column of green rectangles. Place your first finger over them and move it down the column while looking at the screen above you. At the top of the screen you will see lines of colored light crossing rather quickly. When you see a blue light flash across, push down on the rectangle below your finger and hold it until the blue line remains on the screen.”

“Okay, I did that.”

“Take your hands off the console. You will see a flash of darkness. Above the controls you have been using you will see two squares with recesses in them that look like mittens.”

“I see white mitten shapes on a black background.”

“Place both hands on the mittens. When the light on the screen is completely blue, press the mittens firmly and release them. You will notice a change in the room lighting and hear some tones.”

“The room light has changed into a peach-colored glow and I hear tones coming from the machine.”

“Excellent! Excellent! Do you find these tones pleasing?”

“Yes. They remind me of Joseph’s song.”

“Don’t be startled. Two officers will now enter the room, and they will be carrying tablets. Do you see them?”

“Yes, I see two grays.”

“Place your right thumb print on each of the tablets.”

I did as told and telepathically expressed my love to them. Although their faces were expressionless, I felt the love they returned.

“Congratulations, Pat! We have done it! You have saved thousands of lives… Do you like my machine?”

“I like it very much.”

“Did you notice what color the officers were wearing?”

“I saw tight fitting, blue uniforms.”

“Excellent! It’s time for celebration! Again, I am indebted to you.”

“There’s no debt involved. I’m honored to have the chance to do these things.”

“But you have saved who knows how many lives.”

“And last night, whose head did I stroke in my lap? It’s all the same to me. A good deed is a good deed, whether it saves millions or is only for one. My Father gave me an opportunity to do something good and I’m grateful.”

“You just said something very profound.”

Marjie’s implant was in need of adjustment and she was receiving surgery in the medical unit when the Station experienced a sudden jolt, causing a laser to go astray. In a seemingly impossible “coincidence”, it was reflected from the mirror-like walls of the surgical unit and precisely struck Marjie’s exposed implant. The damaged implant was quickly replaced and her vital signs returned to normal, but her consciousness was could not be located by the Station’s System. Nuke was horrified, thinking that her spirit might never return, but Alta Sha had already told me during their repairs that Marjie was safe in the arms of Breath.

When I finished telling him the good news, Nuke impatiently asked, “When is she going to come back?”

“I don’t know, but it wouldn’t make sense for her to be gone for very long. She has work to do here and needs her body to do it. We must trust Breath to do what is best for all of us.”

“I know, but I can’t stand not being able to locate her. It’s my need to be in control. I do know one thing, though.

“When this is over, I am going to get out of your lives. I seem to bring disaster upon you, and you don’t deserve that. I won’t meddle in your lives anymore.”

“You are not to blame. It was bound to happen.”

“Why do you say that? It was our technology that destroyed her implant!”

“I suppose one of the reflectors was displaced by the shift, causing the laser to go astray.”

 “Yes. The staff covered her with their own bodies, but the laser passed between them.”

“What would have happened if the laser had hit them?”

“They would have died.”

 “What are the odds against that laser hitting her implant without injuring anyone in the process?

“It must be in the billions.”

“That’s my point. What happened is a miracle! Breath intended for this to happen, just as He intended that an impossible message would appear on your console so long ago. Do you want to take credit for His miracle? There is no blame involved. Besides, if God offered you what Marjie is receiving, would you turn it down? I’m happy for her, and when she comes back she’ll be better than ever.”

“I won’t leave you stranded, Pat. I just don’t want to cause any more trouble. I hope that you will keep this whole incident classified!”

I laughed loudly. “Classified? How would you classify it, Top Secret Miracle? Why do you want it to be classified?”

“It isn’t funny! We have enough trouble getting humans to trust us, and this could set us back tremendously. It happened under my watch and I feel responsible.”

“I could just as easily say that you were nearly killed because we have entered your life. We accepted Sarah and you were targeted along with her. Breath has helped us all to survive. You have always been loyal and brave. What warrior would want to lose a good brave?”

“I suppose you’re right. We are bonded together forever.” We clasped forearms in the Indian handshake and locked eyes. He said, “Do me a favor. Erase the image of Star One from your vision, and see my face in place of hers.”

“I can see you in my mind’s eye.”

“Then gaze upon that one, and see that I love you.”

We embraced. “You are most unusual, Pat. You are extraordinary.”

“So are you.”