Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

Strange Phenomena

From the beginning of our work with faeries and other spirits paranormal phenomena in and around our home were not unusual. They increased in number and impressiveness after Nuke began to channel, happening in the homes of others he befriended as well as ours. They  were so frequent, varied, and synchronized with remarks being made in conversation that they left little doubt that invisible individuals were present, listening, and active, even when they were not channeling. Here are a few examples:

I began to notice small patches of energy waves and smoke-like wisps in the air near me. I gradually realized that they were caused by emboldened, small grays who were comfortable enough to partially reveal themselves, and I thought my own sensitivity to them had increased. I welcomed them and sometimes held out my hand to receive their very delicate touch.

Nuke had assigned ten of them to guard our twelve acre property. Some were posted around its perimeter and others inside the house. They were ordered to be unobtrusive, and they usually hid, but we frequently heard them exploring utensils in our cabinets and kitchen drawers, and sometimes they moved things from the places where they had been left.

Marjie and I were asleep in bed when the sound of something fairly large falling to the floor downstairs woke me. I was so used to weird noises by then that I just went back to sleep. In the morning Perithnea told me that grays had been playing at levitating the plastic clothes hamper and one had accidentally allowed it to fall when it reached the ceiling.

On another occasion Marjie and I were discussing a session about her contacts with extraterrestrials when she said, “Shh! Did you hear those footsteps downstairs?”We went to investigate. The toilet had been flushed and was filling, but we were the only humans in the house. Nuke had told me that recycled water was carefully conserved at the Station. It was not surprising that curious grays wanted to check out the toilet, but it made me a little anxious to think I might bump into one in the middle of the night

Nuke had been listening when Marjie and I talked about the gray’s activities and said, “You mentioned the noises you have been hearing in your home (pots and pans clattering, footsteps, doors closing, etc.). I hope they didn't disturb you too much. My staff is doing it for your entertainment and as a form of communication to make you aware of their presence.”

 “Why were those particular noises chosen?”

“We thought they would be better than a scream.” I laughed.

“I have also noted that you search your sky a great deal for our craft. Unfortunately, you live in an area where few craft visit in solid form. The noises were provided instead.”

“I appreciate your thoughtfulness.”

One day, Marjie had received a treatment from the ETs and was told to stay in bed and to conserve her energy. She wanted to watch television but needed the “rabbit ears” antenna that was downstairs. She asked the grays assigned to watch over her to fetch it, and was quite amazed when they actually did!

In another instance of moving objects, Marjie had gone to Canada to help an acquaintance, so I was by myself for over a week, although I knew a cadre of grays was still around. I got up one morning, made the bed, and went downstairs for a cup of coffee. When I returned to the bedroom I noticed that a book Marjie had been reading before she left had been moved from a bedside table and placed on the bed! I picked it up and opened it to the bookmarked page, where I found a discussion of the beatitudes from the sermon on the mount, one of my favorite passages in the Bible. I thanked my protectors for showing me this evidence of their presence.

Marjie and I were watching a video cassette recording about crop circles, a subject entirely new to her. I thought she would enjoy seeing them and hearing experts discuss some of the beautiful, complex designs that had appeared in England. A recent, intricate crop circle was about to be shown when the television screen turned to static, although the narration continued as if nothing were wrong. I adjusted the video settings, which had no effect. I turned the set off, but it continued to play. I therefore unplugged it from the outlet to no avail, because it stayed on! Having demonstrated their complete control over it, a few seconds passed  before the ETs allowed it to turn off.  To test the set I plugged it back in again and put in another video cassette which played perfectly. Later that evening Metatron said Marjie had not been allowed to see the crop circle because it was too soon for her to be exposed to them. I will add that I had seen the video previously, and it had worked properly.

Marjie and I normally took nighttime walks and it was very common for various entities to channel as we strolled along, causing Marjie to complain at times that she couldn’t remember them. Occasionally I asked the entities to give her a rest so we could enjoy walking together. We were returning from such a walk one night when, about forty feet from the house and in the middle of our driveway, we saw a piece of wrinkled and twisted sheet metal colored like pewter which had definitely not been there when we left. It was about ten inches in length and five and a half inches wide, but was so crushed that if completely flattened, it would be twice as large. One third of it was bent at an angle of approximately 45 degrees from the rest, and on one side it was scorched and blistered from exposure to great heat. The edges were torn and ragged, as if ripped from a larger piece by a violent explosion. Although the metal was very thin and light, it was difficult to bend. Nuke said it was debris from an Alliance craft that had been damaged by the nearby explosion of a Russian missile, and had been placed where we would be sure to find it for our entertainment. I could not think of any other plausible explanation for it being there, due to the isolation of our home from neighbors and knew with certainty that no earthly vehicle had entered our driveway during our walk.

Although we often saw UFOs during our walks, we had not seen one that night. However, we already knew that transporting objects or people from the Alliance’s  dimension into ours and vice versa did not require the nearby presence of a craft.

Another night we were walking on the hill and saw what looked like a car’s headlights enter our driveway. We hurried back to the house to see who had come to visit, but found nothing to account for those lights. I assume it was just another form of entertainment.

Nuke demonstrated his ability to bring his physical body into our dimension in a convincing and amusing way. Marjie and I had decided to take a walk while a cake she had just baked was left to cool. She was going to put icing on it when we got back. We were walking when Nuke said, “I woke up from my nap and realized that no one was in the house. I heard your footsteps on the gravel of the driveway as you were leaving. I saw the cake sitting there and as a surprise, I went ahead and put the icing on it.” Marjie was indeed surprised to find the cake frosted when we returned.

We had an amusing verification that his essence radiated unusual energies when he was channeling. Marjie and I travelled to Bandelier National Monument, which is adjacent to Los Alamos National Laboratories, looking for evidence of extraterrestrial contact with humans, among other things. Eight was channeling as I was driving on a curvy highway that passes through government land allotted to Los Alamos when we noticed a giant microwave dish pointed skyward a mile or so ahead of us. Nuke said he was going to play with their signal, and when we came around the corner next to the dish, it was pointed directly at the highway! He said, “They’re  zeroing in on my signal. I’m outta here.” 

The staff grays had incredible capabilities, and some were revealed when a violent thunder storm generated a bolt of lightning that struck a tall pine tree 33 feet from our house and 15 feet from our well. Past experiences with nearby lightning strikes led me to expect damage to the well circuit, telephone, answering machine, and possibly our computer, but none were affected. The only damage was a superficial burn that followed the path the lightning took on the tree and the destruction of a bird house nailed to it. When I told 8 how grateful I was for our good luck, he said I should thank the grays, who had anticipated the lightning bolt, instantly surrounded the tree, and absorbed most of its energy into their bodies! “How could they move so fast?” I questioned. He said they had better be able to move that fast, and that if I could see them, I would be impressed with how much they were glowing.

Taking a mini-vacation, Marjie and I went to tour the Huntsville Space Center in Alabama and visited a few other sites in the surrounding area. When we got back home I said to 8, “We thought some of the people we met might be members of your staff.”

“Which ones do you mean?”

“The first one I am thinking of is the woman who showed us the apartment we stayed in at Huntsville. She had unusually large eyes and marked curvature of the spine. We both thought there was something peculiar about her. There was a man at the space museum who kept staring at us, and another man at the airplane museum we visited who went out of his way to start a conversation with us.”

“Congratulations! You were followed for the entire trip by several members of my staff who assumed human forms. Some followed you in automobiles, others just observed, and you met a few of them.”

“How could you know in advance that we would be in those particular places? Oh, that’s right, you have time travel.”

“Yes indeed.”

“I had no idea there were so many watching us.”

“They did their job well if you didn’t recognize them.”

“The man at the airport seemed hungry for company.

Now I’m sorry I didn’t try any harder to carry on a conversation.”

“He was lonely. He was truly out of his element. He had been told to speak to you for your entertainment and to practice the art of communicating with humans.”

“There were a few other people I thought were unusual, like the desk clerk at the state park and the information clerk at another park. Were they yours, too?”

“Yes. You will encounter others.”

Nucleus assigned staff members to several people he was close to and they also experienced strange events. One was Candace, who lived on Prince Edward Island. We visited with her for several days, and she drove us to the ferry terminal when it was time to leave, a round trip from her cottage that normally would take over an hour.  We phoned her after we arrived at home and she said, “When I got back from the ferry terminal, I found that the eye under the pan of water that we used to make coffee was on. If it was on when we left, the pan should have been empty or might have even melted, but it still had water in it. Another time I unplugged my curling iron when I went to town, but when I got back it was plugged in. I’ve been seeing flashes of light and glimpses of grays.”

Another acquaintance suffered from crippling arthritis and a stiff neck from the surgical fusion of vertebrae. Due to the danger of paralysis, he had been warned to avoid any injury to his neck. I watched Nuke manipulate his neck in a healing session and within minutes he was able to freely move his neck. Shortly thereafter he was in an automobile accident that would normally have caused whiplash, but he emerged without injury to his neck, which he considered a miracle. Nuke offered him a permanent cure for his generalized arthritis, but he would not do simple self-help exercises Nuke had assigned to him. When he was taken to the Station medical unit between our earthly sessions with him, he aggressively resisted treatment. Nuke reminded him more than once that the ET medical staff would not continue to waste  resources on someone who wouldn’t try to help himself. When he consistently failed to follow instructions, the treatments were stopped.

Marjie and I were very fond of Isabel, who taught a class we attended at the First Unity Church in Memphis. We were dining at her home when, after she told us about the strange appearance of a big owl in her backyard, Nucleus 8 began to channel and was introduced to her. She looked at me with a shocked expression and said, “The minute he started to channel, I suddenly got very hot.”

Nuke replied, “I often have to adjust my energy according to the reaction of the person I am meeting. Don’t be alarmed. The sensation of heat will pass.”

The ceiling fan suddenly made creaking noises. Isabel said, “That fan never made a noise like that before. I wonder what’s wrong with it.”

Nuke said, “It’s responding to my energy. It will stop in a moment. The owl you and David saw was not really an owl, but an individual who assumed the appearance of one so you could accept it. I suggest that you attempt telepathic communication with it and more than likely it will respond in some way.” Isabel had been collecting owl whatnots and pictures for years, so this was a most appropriate choice of animal.

After some mutual discussion of his work and hers, Nuke said, “I will not be whisking you away in a spacecraft. There will be no interference with your normal routines and schedule, and we can meet when counselor and Marjorie come to Memphis.” Isabel and 8 quickly formed a close, valued friendship.

He told her he was leaving staff at her home for protection and to expect some unusual phenomena to occur. She later reported lights turning on and off by themselves, the sound of heavy breathing in one corner of her living room, strange buzzing sounds in the wall and an attic fan coming on by itself. She was convinced that an unseen helper had prevented her head from hitting the edge of the bathtub when she slipped and fell in it. She considered her lack of bruising or significant pain to be a miracle. Wispy entities and orbs of light not seen by the naked eye appeared in photographs that were taken in and around her home.

Nuke and I, with frequent assistance from a Board of Twelve member named Falcon V held several trance sessions with Isabel for exploration of her inner self. After she realized she had an alternative identity in Nuke’s dimension, he presented Isabel to the Board during a hypnosis session in which position four was offered to her, and she accepted. Her primary responsibilities were to provide for the education and general welfare of Alliance children.

After receiving this honor she said, “My awareness is expanding beyond the Board Room and the Station. I’m travelling in a huge field of stars. It’s wonderful! I’ve never experienced anything like this before. I have left my body completely. I feel as if I contain a huge area of stars and space.”

Nuke said, “You are feeling the power that goes with your position and the vast area in which you operate. This is your true self. It is power that you have always had, but have not accessed in your life on Earth.” Isabel’s ecstatic feeling of vastness continued for several minutes before

her consciousness returned to her body.

In time, Nuke came to think of her as his surrogate mother. They had a number of private conversations during our joint visits and at times when he and Marjie were with her but I was elsewhere.