Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten

Shared Identities

Through the years of our contacts, Nuke and I discovered remarkable similarities in our histories and personalities, some of which I have included here. The similarities were so pervasive that I decided that we must be individual expressions of a common Oversoul, and his own remarks suggested that he agreed.

To begin with, I was born with weak vision in my left eye, and wore a patch over my right eye for a few years to strengthen it. In a trance exploration of his childhood, Nuke recalled being struck in his eye by a stone chip while watching workers at the Giza plateau, and wearing a patch over it until it healed. He was born in Egypt, and I was born in Memphis, which was deliberately named after an ancient capital of that country. My birth date is November 22 and so is his.

Our parents were slightly similar. Mine provided stability and security but were quick to criticize and rarely expressed physical or emotional affection, which prevented me from having the close relationships I missed. Though no saint, I avoided punishment through obedience and was generally well behaved. Nuke received deliberate emotional rejection from his mother and indifference from his father. As he put it, “When my mother spoke, there was silence.” His father was in awe of her God-like status and dared not to rebel against her example. Consequently, Nuke’s main source of self-esteem came through achieving the high standards set at first by his parents and later by the extremely rigid training he received at the military academy he attended for centuries. His excellent record in all areas of endeavor earned him recognition, promotion, and a reputation of perfectionism. Though I was never as ambitious as he, success in my profession has been a major source of my self-esteem.

In searching for more information about his selfhood, Nuke and Sarah found numerous associations to the number 8, which included the following: 8 is a Nordic rune for the self, its color is violet, and it is the number of the crown chakra. It is also associated with the ancient Egyptian god Anubis (the jackal), who weighs the hearts of the dead to determine their fate. Heroic figures like David, Thor, Lancelot, and Orion are numbered 8, but for me, the most significant of the associations is that the number of the Christ is 8! 

During a meditation prompted by the sensation of Metatron touching my brain, I was invited to enter him/her, and received many wonderful visions. The next time I spoke to Nuke I said, “Mother has shown me parts of herself.”

“Grasp as much as you can. There is more than you can ever see there. You now realize the great gift you have so long denied yourself.”

“Mother was very determined. In the latter part of my visit I saw Anubis.”

“It is a pleasure to speak to you, 8,” he said.

“And to you, 8.”

“Good night, 8.” 

“You’re making a point of calling me 8.”

“Signal to 8 disconnect.” The implications of his words were awesome.

Sarah declared that 8 also signified Mars, the ancient god of war, and Nuke revealed that his earthly name was Marshall Merrick Habeen. He said the Mars part of his name was chosen because the pyramids at Giza were similar to those which exist on Mars. I wondered if his mother had also chosen that name because she knew he would achieve his status as Supreme Lord of Security.

In spite of the many parallels in his life and mine, it came as a surprise when those we loved began to confuse our identities. During one of our trance sessions I asked Marjie, “Where are you now?”

“In a room full of strange looking chairs in a circle around me.”

 “Examine one of them closely. See what it really is.”

“They’re all different kinds of beings! Some I have seen before and some I haven’t. You, or is it Nuke, is standing beside me. They’re closing in. It’s confusing.”

“What do they want?”

“They want to touch me. They need to touch me.”

“Are you willing to let them?” A blissful smile crossed her face. “Fill yourself with the Light of the Creator and allow it to flow through you to them. Be the queen that you are. How does it feel to be touched by them?”

“Satisfying. One by one they touch me and then back away.

“One of you, Nucleus or you, I can’t tell which, is going to take me out of here soon.”

“Take your time. I don’t want you to leave until you finish what you came to do.”

“Here’s one I haven’t seen before. It’s a little ball. There’s light in there. I want to see it better.” She drew her hand to her face, examining it very closely. “It’s beautiful! Either you or Nucleus wants me to let it enter, but I don’t have an opening near my heart, where it wants to go.”

“Perhaps it doesn’t need an opening. They are able to go through walls, so maybe it can enter your body anywhere.”

“I let it in. It has no knowledge of emotions.”

She sighed deeply. “Nucleus or you, I still can’t tell who, says it has to stay inside me for a while until it learns about feelings.”

“Are you finished?”

“I don’t know. I can’t figure out who is standing beside me, if it’s you, or if it’s Nuke.”

“Take a good close look and tell me what you see.”

“I see your face on Nuke’s body! I want to end this now!”

“One reason why you came here is to deal with how you feel when you see us like this. Does it disturb you if Nuke and I are one and the same?”

“Yes. I don’t want to tell you how I feel.”

“You can tell me anything. I am not going to be hurt and I won’t be angry with you, no matter what you are feeling.”

“I’m ashamed…I have always found Nuke to be very attractive, and then I feel that I’m betraying you. I feel unfaithful when I have these feelings for him.”

“Do you remember seeing yourself reflected in my eyes as an ET and having experienced yourself as an ET in his dimension?” She nodded. “I find that one attractive. If I love your spirit, I have to love her too. Do you feel badly if I love her as well?”

“She is me.”

“Likewise, if Nuke and I are different aspects of the same soul, you can love me while you also love Nuke.”

“I’m going to have to work on this some more.” I counted her up. She looked at me with wonder. “I noticed that your mouth forms a perfectly straight line, just like Nuke’s. When I looked at him it was really you, but it was really him. It was weird!”

“I don’t begin to understand how all of this fits together. I just know that somehow it does. Ultimately, we are all of the same Great Spirit. It will be clear to us someday. What can you tell me about that ball of light that entered you?”

“It was sweet. They were all sweet. I felt love for all of them, and they had love for me.”

Sarah, her eyes wide with amazement, said, “Touch was beautiful! I saw her Light and it was beautiful! I love the little light that entered her. It’s brand new. It doesn’t know about feelings. It’s your job to teach it how to feel.”

“I’ll do my best.”

In our next conversation I said, “Eight, it seemed to me that when you looked at me the other night, you saw yourself.”

“Indeed I did. I saw my future.”

“That must have been odd.”

“It was wonderful.”


Marjie and I were making love when she began to weep, but urged me to continue. Our passion spent, she said, “I don’t know how to tell you this. I don’t want you to be mad. Last night in my sleep, Nucleus made love to me in exactly the same way and I enjoyed it. It makes me feel dirty, like I have been violated, not by you, but by him. It was real. It happened right here in this bed! I don’t understand it! Why would he do such a thing?”

“I wanted to make love to you last night, but I did nothing about it. It wouldn’t surprise me if you picked up on my thought and confused me with him. I’ve been shown lately that the number 8 is something he and I have in common. He has his dimension and I have mine, but perhaps to some extent we are interchangeable. Even he called me 8 a couple of times recently. If he is 8, and I am 8, we are different expressions of the same Oversoul. You also have a different expression in his dimension, who is known as Star One. Whatever he did, it was done out of love. He would not harm you in any way. I just can’t believe he deliberately violated our bond. He cares too much for us to do that.”

She was finally persuaded that she had done nothing wrong.

At the next opportunity I asked Alta Sha, “What really happened between Marjie and Nuke? Does this reflect a change in his attitude?”

He replied, “From Nucleus’s point of view, he experienced a very vivid daydream that he was unable to control. He would not deliberately act out any sexual fantasies he has about Marjorie because he respects your bond and will not violate his values. Nucleus felt considerable shame and remorse because of his daydream.”

“Why did it happen just when it did?”

“The stimulus for the experience occurred when you touched her breast while she was sleeping. It stimulated her sexually, leading to a dream that was so vivid it became solid.”

“Why did it take place in our bedroom instead of in Nuke’s dimension?”

“She has seen you dematerialize, leave and rematerialize in this room. It was quite conceivable that the opposite would eventually occur through the portal Nucleus 8 has established.

“Marjorie is sensitive to anyone of high pitch. Your pitch is so high now that she was sensitive to your need for sexual contact. She was also sensitive to Nucleus’s desire for sexual contact. It was inevitable that something like this would occur as long as he and you share a physical attraction to her due to the close parallels between you.”

Marjie was depressed and anxious due to the stress of her ex- husband’s continued psychological abuse, and Station medical staff supplemented her Earth doctor’s prescriptions with their own medication. Her suffering, which had never abated for more than a few months, also upset me. Observing my distress, Nuke looked into my soul with love and respect and gently caressed my face. “These have been trying times for you,” he said.

“I’ve been tried before.”

He took my hand and held it against his head. Using both hands, I softly touched his hair, his face and his neck, while projecting healing Light into him and into Marjie’s mind, which he greatly enjoyed. Gazing at me with a surprised expression, he said, “Eight, soon she will feel better. I will leave you to your entertainment. Goodbye, friend.”


Marjie asked, “Why are you holding my hand?” I described our exchange. “I don’t know what he did to me, but it certainly made me feel happy,” she said.

On another occasion I was reading to Sarah at bedtime when she asked me how I managed to look exactly like 8 and then like myself. She made similar remarks as we were eating a meal together. I wasn’t attempting to do mimic him at all; it just happened.

One has to wonder how many other identities Oversoul 8 may assume when visiting our dimension and the others he/she frequents. If I have learned anything from my experiences with the entities who channeled through Marjie, it is that all of us are multidimensional beings who manifest in a variety of simultaneous forms, each of which follows a somewhat similar path in the search for enlightenment.