Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

Goals of Contact

A tear rolled down Nuke’s cheek when he first mentioned his desire to remember his childhood, indicating to me that he must have powerful but deeply suppressed feelings about it. I felt great empathy for him and said, “It must be very important to you. How old are you in Earth years?”

“I must think about that.” A second or two passed. “This is remarkable! It is the same as my number!”

“What number do you mean?”

“Four thousand seven hundred and seventeen. That is my age in Earth years!”

 “Our scientists believe that is the approximate age of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.”

His head jerked. “Don’t you find that truly amazing?”

“Perhaps I am helping to open that entrance to the past you seek.” Nuke quickly checked with his System and was surprised to learn that he was born in Egypt!

I said, “I have a book titled Secrets of the Great Pyramid which describes various mathematical properties of the pyramid and how its dimensions relate to the size of our planet, and so on.”

“Could you place it in my hands?”

“Of course.” He stroked the cover of the book for about a minute, his face occasionally registering surprise.

“Most interesting. A good deal of it is quite accurate.”

“Was it built in Egypt because that is the geographic center of the landmasses of Earth, as Mr. Tompkins claims?”

“Yes. It was also built there because it needed to be in a flat place where it would be seen. It was intended to be mysterious and to make people question why it was there and how it came to be.”

Later on, I asked him to tell me about something he enjoyed doing in his childhood. He replied, “Watching others construct. I roamed all over the Giza plateau.”

I asked, “How long did it take to build the pyramids?”

“They were built over thousands of years. As many as six or seven million men at a time worked on those constructions. It was forced labor. They had many slaves.”

“Why did it take so long?”

“They were not built with our technology alone. The people did much of the work of quarrying and transporting stones to the sites, but at night, under cover of darkness, we positioned many of the heavier stones. We did not want them to know we were doing it, because they would have worshiped us as gods. We did not seek god-like status. We did not want to be responsible for them.

 “I think the humans in charge were insane. They did not follow my mother’s advice, which resulted in a great deal of unnecessary labor and foolishness, such as building passages that went nowhere. Although the outer dimensions of the Great Pyramid were perfected, the arrangement of the inner rooms was a mess. It was intended to be a source of enjoyment, but was turned into a monumental source of pain and discomfort for many.”

“What kind of society would produce such results?”

“Many pharaohs died when still young, and their successors were pressured to continue building. My mother was present throughout the construction, but she stayed aboard a craft. I suppose she believed in free will and allowed them to go their own way.”

“What sort of face did the Sphinx have when it was first carved?”

He smiled. “Some sphinxes had the faces of animals, but the one you speak of was a symbol of beauty modeled after a mixture of your four main races. The symbol of the Sphinx has been used on other planets in addition to Earth and Mars.”

I said, “I’ve been enjoying The Message of the Sphinx, by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval. They wrote that the major monuments of Egypt are located in places on the ground that match the positions of various stars and constellations in the sky when the vernal equinox occurred in different epochs of time. They claim that the Sphinx represents the constellation Leo and faced it when it rose at the vernal equinox around 25,000 years ago.

“According to Egyptian heiroglyphics, the original rulers of Egypt were beings of Light who came from the stars. In succession, seven of them supposedly ruled Egypt for thousands of years before a hybrid child, created by mating with a human mother, was chosen to be the first pharaoh.”

Nuke replied, “Archaeologists have discovered six fingered mummies in Egypt. Some of them are quite tall, whereas the average Egyptian was quite short. Those anomalies were due to the genetic influence of the Star Beings. My father was one of their descendants, and my mother is a member of the tall gray species.”

“Were Egyptians and Mayans genetically related? The skulls of their ancient leaders are unusually long.”

“They are distantly related. The first Egyptians were colonizers from another planet. They came here intending to extend their culture to Earth and wished to maintain communication with their home planet, which is a member of the Alliance. Although they arrived with advanced technology, they could not sustain it because they did not bring the means for reproducing it with them. They were more interested in universal truths than the technology. Over thousands of years, they physically interacted with indigenous earthlings having a lower vibration, which eventually lowered their previous level of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

 “The Mayans also came here to colonize, and they did interact with Egyptians. The pyramids of both cultures are communication devices interconnected with other pyramids, such as those on Neptune, Mars and your moon, and with pyramids in other solar systems and in other dimensions throughout the Alliance. There is a vast network of pyramidal structures which are able to communicate with each other.

“There are seers and wise men in Egypt who are not allowing certain ancient prophecies to be revealed to the world because the time for that is not yet here. When certain sacred events have occurred, they will share the information. Ancient prophecies say that approximately 15,000 years after Egypt was first established, the network will be reactivated…When that occurs… Everyone on Earth will know that the nature of reality has been fundamentally altered. This will occur universally and simultaneously wherever these pyramidal structures are located. When the activation begins, there is nothing anyone can do to stop it…it will be such a large scale event that it will be unmistakable.

“There are many people on Earth who are ready for

 this change and who will embrace it as a new beginning, something they have been waiting for all of their lives. Others will immediately reject it, push it away, and deny it, because they cannot accept a change in their perception of reality. Those who reject the changes will, by their own actions, separate themselves from the glory of the Second Coming. They will not be able to enter into the kingdom of spirits that will be created by this event.”

“Will all the pyramids linked with the Great Pyramid be activated along with it?”

“On Earth the smallest pyramid at Giza will be activated first, followed by the next largest and then the largest. Then they will be interconnected with activated pyramids at other levels in this solar system and then with those in other dimensions as well.”

“When will that happen?”

“I don’t know. It is not up to me.”

“It’s amazing to me how archaeologists and historians ignore the evidence of extraterrestrial intervention in our history when it’s staring them right in the face. So many so-called scholars persist in being blind and ignorant.”

“They prefer ignorance. I almost made the same mistake concerning my youth. Ignorance can be very dangerous. Ignorance causes war and even automobile accidents. I am the enemy of ignorance. It has been responsible for much wanton killing, where one wants power to take the life of another, while in the wider view it is no power at all.”

In one of my “third eye” meditations, I was suddenly looking down upon a very large pyramid with a transparent, dark blue capstone. I felt deep grief and cried copious tears for several minutes, not knowing what caused such powerful feelings. After I regained my composure, Nuke joined me, expressing his concern about my distress. I said, “Tesar advised me to use my third eye to find the reason for my sadness. When I did, I saw a pyramid.”

“Congratulations! Excellent.”

“Did the Great Pyramid in Egypt once have a blue capstone?”

“No, but there is another pyramid which does.”

“Where is it?”

“Beyond your solar system, and soon your scientists will know about it.”

“How will they find it?”

“Your probes, as I believe you call them, have been sent beyond your solar system. They will soon be entering another solar system near your own where they will discover a pyramid which will confirm many of their present speculations.”

“I wonder if the public will be informed.”

“It’s very doubtful. Your government has a great deal of information about extraterrestrials which they do not reveal.”

Nuke also confirmed Richard Hoagland’s claims in The Monuments of Mars that the pyramidal structures and the nearby face in the Cydonia area were built by ETs. He also said an active Alliance base still exists there. The permanent staff members of the base are mostly Martians, who must live underground in an artificially maintained environment due to the loss of Mar’s original atmosphere, which was caused by climactic imbalances created by the misuse of natural resources, a scenario similar to what has gradually been happening on Earth. He also confirmed that there are underground Alliance bases on our moon, in natural caverns that have been further excavated to accommodate them. Furthermore, there are a number of underground and undersea Alliance bases on Earth. As some scientists have claimed, Homo sapiens sapiens was deliberately created by extraterrestrials through genetic alterations of a more primitive humanoid.

I was discussing a meeting of ET contactees that Marjie and I had attended with Nuke and said, “A man who sat beside me during one of the presentations made a point of showing me a news article about an anatomically perfect crystal skull which is thought to be very ancient. No one can provide a plausible explanation of how prehistoric Indians with primitive tools could have carved and polished the extremely hard quartz it is made of. Do you know anything about it?”

“The skull is ours. It was perfectly made so that no one would attempt to improve it. We knew that it would be treated as a sacred object and be well cared for, which was our intent.”

“Why did you want humans to have it?”

“It is much more than a piece of sculpture. It provides a link to your planet and is the only one of its kind. It receives energy inputs from us which contain information and it transmits energy to us from its surroundings. As long as it continues to transmit, its location is irrelevant. It is so powerful that even if it were placed in the core of your planet we would receive its signal. It provides us with information about the status of your entire planet.”

As previously mentioned, a Board of Twelve member who is known as Mishaka or 9 in 8’s dimension and as Tanner in his earthly manifestation, is a pure energy being who can assume any form and mimics a Native American. Channeling through Marjie, Tanner sent us on journeys to widely separated locations in search of his teaching stones. Nuke always monitored our movements, channeling at frequent intervals during our journeys. As Tanner, 9 had lived in several famous pueblos in the southwest that we visited,  and there we found stones that he wanted. On several of these journeys we also found other evidence of human contacts with extraterrestrials, especially at Bandelier National Monument, which is adjacent to Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico. During a trance session months before our trip there, Marjie woke up inside a two room cave that she described in detail. In a room next to the one she was in, she saw the backs of a few men dressed like ancient Vikings, who were carving marks in the soft sandstone of the wall. At Bandelier Marjie and I explored some caves away from the beaten path, and the first one we entered was identical to the one she had seen in her trance, including rune-like markings that literally covered the ceiling and walls of both rooms. After taking several pictures, we followed an ancient trail to another cave where an equilateral triangle had been carved in the stone near its entrance. Nuke was channeling and I asked, “Does this triangle signify what I think it does?”

“Yes, there used to be a portal here.”

“How can you be sure?”

“They leave traces.”

Inside the cave, a black band extended about halfway up the interior wall, above which more of the rune-like grooves had been carved on it and the ceiling. I took more pictures, hoping that someday we might contact someone who could interpret them and the petroglyphs that we thought were connected with extraterrestrial-human contacts.

One of our most exciting finds at Bandelier was a small cave, inside which Tanner’s life-sized face had been carved, complete with strange headgear. We knew it was him when he channeled to confirm our impression. We did meet someone who could interpret our pictures when we took a journey to Canada that involved collecting some of Tanner’s stones along with other purposes affecting Nuke, Marjie and me. Candace (a pseudonym) said that the runes in the caves were a map recording an interstellar journey that included extraterrestrials, Metatron, and contact with humans. The petroglyphs depicted extraterrestrials deploying equipment, a space satellite, and the fear of earthlings. Tanner channeled during her interpretations, paid close attention, gave instructions, and corrected a few mistakes.

 In my opinion, the most important thing Candace revealed, which was confirmed by Nuke and Tanner, is the existence of several pure energy beings (like 9) in a hidden cave in Chaco Wash, not far from  Chaco Canyon National Historic Park in New Mexico. They are waiting inside a sealed and protected container for the appointed date of their emergence. Nuke said, “They will be the leaders of your New Age. They will emanate such peace that everyone who comes into contact with them will be influenced for the better.”

Eight was visited a few times by awesome beings of Light he called Patrons and whom he described as being very compassionate. He said that  Patrons were responsible for causing the Divine Plan of the Creator to be manifested spiritually and physically. Each Patron had particular responsibilities and carried them out in coordination with others. Nuke said it was the Patrons who originally instructed him to blend with humans in fulfillment of the Divine Plan. In 1999 they instructed him to compose a letter which would be mailed to one hundred prominent earthlings of his choosing. At that time it was widely feared that computer programs which had not been designed to work with dates having a prefix of 20 instead of 19 would not work properly at the turn of the century, which would create havoc with dated information and control systems around the world, affecting all types of financial transactions, commercial transportation, military deployments, etc., which might lead to an economic disaster. Nuke’s letter included a bit of advice about how to prepare and respond to such a disaster in addition to other general information about himself, his mission, and the purpose of extraterrestrial-human interactions:

Dear ______

This missive is being presented to you from the consciousnesses of other worlds. It is our hope you will entertain it in its entirety.

Mankind has had a continuous contact from several intelligent life forms since the first indications of intelligent consciousness were noted by our societies. Therefore, this message is not unique, with the exception that a governing entity in a position such as mine has now been required to contact you in this manner.

I must reveal to you my identity, known on my world as Nucleus 8. My position within my organization is that of Chief Commander of Security Forces, maintaining peaceful coexistence of allied worlds within a specified boundary, the exact nature of which I will not reveal, as it would be considered by you to be so enormous as to seem preposterous.

Our governing Board of Twelve is designed to oversee a continuous, peaceful cooperative involving thousands of civilized, highly evolved worlds in multiple dimensions. I sit in 8th placement on this Board. I have, with a good deal of disinclination, been appointed to the regretful task of approaching you, as well as others upon your world, without the advantage of utilizing more advanced technology. Perhaps, as part of this task, I will fully realize the restrictive nature of this type of communication.

I have been officially assigned to this area for the past forty-four Earth years, and have entertained virtual anonymity pertaining to my actions until now. In this time I have come to understand, somewhat, the thought processes of mankind and so do not ignore the highly possible discard response to this communication. As a member of Earth, you may place this missive into your awareness and either become a skeptic or an ambassador. You have not been chosen at random, however. Your Light has placed you on this mailing list.

I am who I declare myself to be, as I recognize you. Hear then, my words: As Earth is progressing, mankind is educating itself to go beyond self-centeredness and being exclusively occupied with that which is tangible. We see this as a necessary stage in the perpetuation of man. With maturity, mankind will eventually visualize a united existence; a blended, cohesive, synthesized consciousness which will give all purpose with a clear cut plan in view.

Globally there exists an underlying intelligence of the higher consciousness. By implementing practical applications of ideals and beginning to realize each one’s immediate duty, you became a participant and furthered your world. Now it is time to think clearly for yourselves.

To those in isolation, find a peaceful group with which you can identify, ones who love and assist by way of sacrifice, and through which you willingly can change selfishness to service. This would be a cooperative with general purpose. To those who may be uneducated to the sciences, begin to recognize the life force within you. Reflect on Man’s own history, the errors which are being and shall continue to be corrected.

Learn to use your intuition and foresight.

Global warnings are prevalent. Mankind is destroying the very environment upon which it is totally dependent. You have industrialized to the point that you are now seeing daily evidence of various climactic changes. Your actions dictate the destructive nature of floods, droughts, abnormal ecological patterns. Man’s actions=Earth/Nature’s reactions.

Do not become the victims of regret. Mankind has the capability to prepare, for oneself and for one another-if only for yourself and one other individual. You are approaching a near time of facing the consequences of limited consciousness, of dependence on those who have limited your technology, the aftermath of which most will experience and some will fall victim to. Some (very few) of your own leaders are now directing caution concerning predicted technological failures.

Until such time as your technology can align with the next century, calculate areas you find yourselves dependent upon and enact alternatives. Those dependent upon sources of industries will find themselves, at some time, unable to retrieve funds, which escalates into numerous scenarios. Always maintain an alternative protocol. Your technology appeared freeing at the time, but hindsight now proves this is in error. Each in his/her own personal life can prepare for the period of diminished activity which will take place.

In my world, economic systems incorporate standardized bartering, which has only the limitation of one’s own creativity, encouraging trade solely for the purposes of need. We do not tolerate greed to any degree. Greed is based on fear. Fear is based on the unknown. After extensive time of self-exploration and by our collectives, there arose answers to prove fear is caused by the unknown. Fear is weakness and a waste of resources and time. We do not fear you. We continue, to enlighten ourselves, to explore your kind. You have always been viewed by us as but another Life Form, struggling with your own growth. As an open minded entity, reap the harvest of mysteries revealed-benefit yourself and others. Know that your universes are unlimited; dimensions are unlimited. A material existence is only limited by thoughts.

You are not isolated in time and space. Others exist. You

 have not been forsaken. Some beings attempt to make their presence known-using extreme and calculated caution with valid reason. We use the power of thought and this occurs continuously, yet some of you allow yourselves to be persuaded that what you experience of this nature is not reality.

Beings everywhere undergo all levels of evolution; most have the ability to recognize the unlimited possibilities of consciousness. Your greatest inventors, artists and musicians were open to consciousness. Each of you is capable of creatively inventing your life and sustaining it.

Break out of your confined thought-reap the harvest of your continuing enlightenment. You, all of you, are in this together. You can avail yourselves of assistance, but you must understand the Universe as a collective of Co-operation. No one is truly isolated and all are an integral part of the plan for universal peace. Exercise this on the practice field you call Earth. Exercise your team members and be prepared to take part, or you will find yourselves unqualified to join others in the advancement of life. You will destroy yourselves and we will remember you with regret and state, “What a sad day that they are no longer with us.”

May whatever life force you hold closest to yourself guide you and embrace you in peace. 

 Nucleus 8

Nuke once said, “In comparison to other life forms, I am amazed that you have survived as long as you have. You always seem to be looking for new ways to destroy yourselves.”

“I agree. I believe there must be some major flaw in our genetic make-up which causes us to do this. I hope that you and your kind are trying to correct it.”

“It is an important part of our work.”

On another date he said, “It isn’t your human forms that interest us, but the Light of your spirits, which is very bright. It is this that attracts us and this that we love. This Light is the Light that we all share, the Light of spirit which was given to us all. That is why you few humans are so important to the many of us, because we share the same Light. Your Light and spirit is growing to embrace us also.

“When I look at you, I see your Light. You cannot see Light in the way that I see it. In fact, I have to look through the Light in order to see your physical form. The Light is very beautiful. We want to encourage that Light.

“We are thrilled when a member of the human race begins to realize there is more in existence than meets the eye. We do everything we can to enhance that knowledge and the growth that comes with it. This is our goal for you. All we are really doing is awakening you to a subconscious truth you already know.”

Upon his death, Nuke’s father, Moussa Habeen, bequeathed ten stone tablets to him, which were thought to contain important information concerning ET/human contacts. Six of them were written in one ancient language and four in another. Because Nuke feared that knowing their contents would place even more responsibility on his overburdened shoulders, he delayed having them interpreted for several weeks. When he finally sought to learn their contents, even his newest System had great difficulty interpreting the no longer used Mayan language in which the first group was written. A journey to the Mayan’s home planet was in order, and at 8’s request, using my third eye, accompanied him and Haggabatha, another Board Member. Nuke gave the task of translating the tablets to Haggabatha and me while he was meeting with Mayan leaders.

I arranged for the Mayan’s System to teach Nuke’s System their archaic language, and the translation was very quickly accomplished. Meanwhile, I was busily observing the silent Mayans in their fascinating, elaborate costumes. They relied on telepathy for communication, radiated serenity and harmony, and I felt at ease with them. When it was time to go, Nuke was a bit exasperated with me for not taking an active part in the translation process, but I was not interested in learning the details of their ancient, unused language. My only interest was in the meaning of the writing.

After we returned to Earth, 8 read the translation and said, “The tablets indicate that the Mayans who first emigrated to Earth were visited by beings that could fly. The System equates them with angels. Apparently there were several of them, male and female… The angels gave birth and their offspring walked among the Mayans at the beginning of their civilization. The Mayans began to build, expanded their territory, and had all that they needed. At that time there was only one large land mass (today’s geologists call it Pangea) and it was easy to travel from one place to another until major geologic upheavals began which formed continents. Massive earthquakes, volcanoes, and tidal waves separated them into groups that migrated in different directions. Unlike the angels who could fly, god-like beings arrived in flying machines. Those beings contributed to new constructions, but the Mayans slowly began to die, possibly due to increased solar radiation.”

“In The Mayan Prophecies, Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell say the Mayans were quite concerned about the adverse genetic effects of increased sunspot activity.”

“The tablets don’t say what caused their deaths. The last part that is translated deals with the arrival of the cataclysm survivors in the area that is now called Egypt. There’s a lot of uninteresting technical information about agricultural practices and irrigation systems.

“My father was chosen to work with the ones who came in the flying machines. He wrote that the Great Pyramid was intended to serve as a beacon. He did not write about the details of pyramid construction.”

The remaining tablets were written in yet another language that Nuke’s System did not know, but it was revealed that Christina, Nuke’s stepmother, was able to translate them. Due to the lingering effects of traumatic experiences with his natural mother, Nuke was reluctant to request her assistance, but he finally did, and she promptly agreed.

Amy, Nuke’s current bonded one at that time, came for the weekend. When all was ready he said, “The Patrons intend for us to interpret the last four tablets over this weekend. You are to help deepen my trance so I will not resist receiving all the information they contain.” I asked if he wanted me to be present when it occurred. “You are very important to the entire process in ways you don’t realize. There are things you don’t know.” He didn’t explain further. I simply accepted his word.

We started right after breakfast. I got out the tape recorder and Nuke reclined on the living room rug with pillows under his head and a blanket covering him. I sat at his left side and his girlfriend Amy sat at his right. She placed her hand on the center of his chest and I placed my hand just above his forehead, as if soothing a child. “Relax while I count you down,” I said. I prayed for love, Light, protection, insight and wisdom for all of us, that we might do the Creators’ work, and that we would understand the meaning of the tablets.

When he was deeply entranced, Nuke said, “Help me go back.”

“Back where?”

“In time.”

“Go back to the time when the tablets were being created. Understand what they record and why.”

“I am at the beginning, the beginning of creation. All the Patrons are present. I am reading from the tablet and it is also being read by Christina, who is one of them:

It has begun. Persons of Light, Persons of Sound, Persons of Law. A remembrance forever. Patrons countless, seeing from above upon us, unworthy of their sight yet loved, yet held aloft. We accept countless many to join with us here, teach us, sing to us, embrace us. It is new. It is good.

We shall suffer, we shall yield. We are family, never alone. Many times will pass: times of confusion, times of awareness. Each time will find a few who know. Too many thoughts cannot be expressed. We will learn over and over to polish ourselves, prepare for periods of peace, periods of war, periods of famine, periods of disease, periods of rejection. We say angels, lovers of Light, will surround this small world. Only a foolish man would cast that aside. We are not foolish. We embrace them, protect them, provide for them, create a path for them. They are the saving grace.

Wise ones are to come to take you to infinity. Regard this energy. It is everyone’s. Tall mountains speak surrounding us. Walk over the mountain into the plains, into the flood lands, into the desert. Move about. Spread us. Find the Patrons.

Listen. They have power. In their words, power of the beginnings, power of the end. We are changing, we are modernizing, we are foolish ourselves. This is only a moment for us. As a thirsty man desires water, seek the Patrons. They are here. Seek your guidance. Seek infinity. Follow infinity. Seek the angels always for yourself.

There is no more. There is no more.

Nuke emerged from the trance. I asked, “Why do you think you were with the Patrons at the beginning of creati