Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Egypt and Beyond

By the beginning of 2008, Marjie had largely stopped channeling anyone but 8. Her fibromyalgia was in full swing and she was able to do less and less physically. Without my knowledge, she was communicating with men in Egypt who spoke English because of their military backgrounds, and both of them were making her offers she found hard to refuse. We had been drifting apart for a while, our relationship was stagnating, and she was ripe for a change. She asked for a divorce, and  wouldn’t take no for an answer. Alta Sha said it was the will of I AM for us to part, so I agreed to a no fault divorce, and we quickly came to terms. She had already made plans to meet her husband to be in Egypt. Before she left, our interdimensional children, Nucleus 8 and I said our tearful goodbyes, and pledged our eternal love for one another.  Upon the day of her departure, I drove Marjie to the airport and she again swore that she would always love me. After she left, my I felt extreme grief, not only for losing her, but my best friend and the children who had meant everything to me. She had said she would keep in touch via the internet or phone calls, but I heard nothing from her for a couple of weeks, and thought I might never hear from my loved ones again in this lifetime. I finally began to receive emails from her and we have maintained

contact about weekly via the internet ever since.  

Marjie informed me that she had not been contacted by Nuke since shortly after her arrival and didn’t know how to interpret the loss of his comforting presence. He finally made some brief contacts after she had been there for several weeks, and a few months later he sent me an email through her.

Nuke wrote that upon first hearing the call to prayer in Cairo, he was struck by waves of spiritual energy that rocked him to his soul. He immediately went to the pyramids of Giza, where he was flooded with memories of being raised to worship Allah. Old Thing helped him to remember a great deal more about his past and to finally understand his place in the order of things. He was again practicing the religion of his youth, and urged me to read the Qur’an.

 Marjie wrote that as soon as she arrived in Egypt she felt she was at home. She loved to hear the call to prayer, and soon converted to Islam, which entailed being given her new Muslima name, Maryam, by a sheikh. After surviving some serious financial and marital difficulties which culminated  in the annulment of her first marriage to a deceitful Egyptian, she met and married her present husband, Sherif. I stayed with them for approximately ten days in mid-December, 2008. Maryam, Sherif, one of his friends and I went to the Giza plateau to see the monuments.

We were viewing the Sphinx when I noticed, off the beaten path, the decorated stone facade of a half-buried ruin and went to explore it. An excavated trench revealed a short stone path leading to the entrance of a square room having walls I estimated to be about twelve feet in length. Polished stonework around its barred doorway was covered in hieroglyphs. I thought its long dead inhabitant was probably an important person. I was taking pictures of it when the others joined me, and was thrilled when Nuke greeted me. He lovingly traced some of the hieroglyphs with his fingers and reverently said, “This is where I lived with my uncle.” My steps had once more been led to exactly the right spot!

Nuke talked to Sherif for a few minutes as I took more pictures and afterwards to me as we continued toward the pyramids. I did not feel the flow of great spiritual energy I was expecting at such an important place in the history of human-extraterrestrial relationships. I had been far more inspired in the Anasazi ruins of the four corners country and on the Spanish Peaks of the good old U.S.A. For that reason, and because of Marjie’s fibromyalgia, I did not consider it necessary to enter the Great Pyramid, which required standing in line for a very long time and being with hoards of other tourists, which would have been very distracting. Instead, 8 and I sat on foundation blocks at the base of the second largest pyramid, chatting while he smoked a cigarette. I commented about feeling a  lack of spiritual energy and my disgust at the trash that littered the ground all around this world-famous plateau, wondering how a people with any pride could allow it to look like a dump. Nuke said the people would collect the trash if the government would provide containers for it. He also said many Egyptians were so downtrodden that they barely had any ego left, yet they still worshipped Allah, and most of them had very good hearts, which he greatly appreciated.  .

On a hilltop perhaps 70 yards away, Sherif jumped on a horse rented to tourists and galloped across the sand as if born to the saddle. I said, “I wonder how on Earth he learned to ride like that. Sherif is a city boy.”

“He was once a Pharaoh, you know.”

“Wow! That explains why Marjie was so impressed by his golden aura from the first time she saw him.”

“He also recognized her Light. To him she is so bright she looks like an angel. He is not the only one who has noticed how bright she is, and it’s not due to paleness of her skin.”

Eight and I descended into the pyramid via a passage which for part of the way had been precisely cut through solid rock. I thought, No copper or brass chisels could have done that. When we were inside the rectangular central chamber, Nuke and I sat on a bench next to a wall. The painted hieroglyphs along the top border of the walls were too faded to see details, and a large image on one of the end walls was so faint only vague outlines remained.

Nuke asked, “Do you sense anything special about this chamber?”

I took a closer look and said, “I think a Mother’s face was painted on that wall.”

He replied, “It was put there to honor the Mothers who helped them build.” Maryam said later that she perceived a cloud and a UFO in the background that I had missed.

It was close to my departure date when 8 said, “Sherif sometimes flies into rages which are very frightening for Star One. He raised his fist to her recently. Do you think she has any business being here?”

“If she’s unhappy with Sherif, she can come back to the States and stay with me until she knows what she wants to do.” Marjie did return for several days in late December, 2008, but quickly concluded that her sons no longer needed her to be their mother and found that she dearly missed hearing the calls to prayer. She and Sherif had a long talk on the phone and she decided to return to Egypt and try to make their marriage work.

When all was settled between them, Nuke said, “Boy, I’m glad that’s over! What a relief! I was having a hard time following her through all those ups and downs, but I think she’s doing the right thing.”

“She wouldn’t have lasted much longer here, no matter what Sherif might have said. She can’t stand not being in Egypt.”

“It’ll be good to be back there. I can’t take much more of this peace and quiet, the trees, the grass, the birds, the rain, and there’s no trash in the streets.” I laughed.

“It’s Christmas Eve. Feel like celebrating?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Having a few drinks. Oh, I forgot. Muslims aren’t supposed to drink.”

“No, a man and wife are allowed to have a drink, so long as they don’t become addicted.”

“I read in a book about Islam that Allah forbids all alcohol.”

“That guy was wrong. It is permitted for a man and wife. What do you have?”

“I’ve got some rum and grapefruit juice or we can have lemonade to mix with it.”

“Lemonade sounds good. Can we have a fire?”


I fixed our drinks. Eight had a fire going when I joined him in the living room. I sat facing the fire and he sat by the hearth, letting the smoke of his cigarette climb up the chimney, just like old times.

I said, “Why did you wait until Star One went to Egypt before going there on your own? Wait, I forgot about you going there to bury your father.”

“Yes, but I didn’t linger. It’s odd that I led her by the hand and instructed her for all those years, but she was the one to take me back to my roots.”

“Did you react to the call to prayer like she did when you first heard it?”

 “When I heard Allah akbar, it was like there had been an explosion and the concussion waves hit me again and again. I was thinking, Give me more! I went to visit my uncle Abed Habeen’s quarters and sat inside for a while, remembering my childhood. Then I searched my system for information about the Qur’an, and it said it was the unspoiled words of Allah.”

“So your System already knew about the Qur’an and Allah.”

“It knows about the Qur’an as well as millions of other sources like it throughout the universes. It is a sentient being.”

“Who decided it should seek such information?”

 “The Annunaki.” That was a jaw-dropper.

“The ones the Sumerian legends say live on Nibiru?”

“Yes. When I went to the Board and revealed what I had learned, some of them already knew about the Qur’an. Haggabatha said, Are you just now figuring that out? You are Egyptian, you know. I entered a period of self analysis for about two of your months. I had to cleanse myself of a lot of misguided beliefs and realized that I can do nothing without Allah’s permission and that I should serve Allah in all that I do.”

“You said it is the will of Allah that the Alliance will rid the universes of the negative influence of the dark powers. How’s it going?”

“There is some really nasty stuff out there. We encountered manifestations of evil that we have never seen before. Do you remember seeing those metallic Tesla balls that emit bolts of static electricity like lightning?”


“We have run into black spheres that look like that.

 In their center they are pure evil. They try to engulf our vessels in order to destroy our propulsion systems. We draw the negative energy out of them, contain it, and transform it into positive energy. It’s an ongoing job.”

 “Are they destroyed when you remove their energy?”

“Not entirely. We don’t take all the energy from them because that would create a black hole, and we don’t want that. We leave a tiny bit and contain the sphere within a barrier in an area designated by Allah. We still have a lot of work to do.”

“What prevents them from coalescing into another powerful force?

“They don’t have enough energy to join together. They could be reactivated if an outside source of energy was supplied, but the Mothers have assured us that Allah will not permit this.”

“When you weaken them, does it weaken their source?”

“Yes. Their numbers are decreasing. Recent positive changes in the spiritual energies on Earth and in your solar system have encouraged members of the Alliance who formerly had little or no interest in you. People are ready for real change. They’re not going to be satisfied with the same old policies anymore.”

“Say, did you see my Labradorite rock?”

“No.” I handed it to him. “Hold it directly under the light so you can see the refractions better. There are layers and layers of crystals in there.”

“Wow! The pyramids will have that same vivid blue color when they are re-activated.”

“That would be something to see. Are you really going to activate them?”

Smiling, he held a thumb up in affirmation. “Yes, but it certainly isn’t time to do that now.”

He stood up. “She has some things she wants to do upstairs.” We gave each other a lengthy, heartfelt embrace and he said, “I love you.”

“I love you too, daddy-o.”

“We are forever.” He smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

I returned his kiss. “Yes, forever.”

In one of his first channeled emails from Egypt, Nuke said the Alliance would not exist if not for their acknowledgement of Allah, and that the tones which are constantly heard at the Station are a reminder of His presence. He added that Allah would see to it that Star One would remain with Sherif. He was impressed with Sherif’s loyalty and his willingness to learn, and that Sherif looked up to me almost like the father he wished to have.

In September, 2010, we chatted via the internet. I asked, “How is the conflict with the dark forces going?”

“Rather quiet, thank Allah. It seems lately that Earth has all our attention. Its occupants are waking out of a deep sleep. Still, many want to roll over and go back to sleep. It's too late for that now. The alarm clock already rang. We are very excited about the Earth's awakening.”

“The other night I talked to a group of about thirty people about the importance of spreading their spiritual Light around the planet…How are you doing?”

“I am well, thank you. No battles to be fought.”

“Would you say that the dark cabal on Earth is still on the run? I ask because ultra-conservative, right-wingers who want to eliminate regulation of corporations seem to be stronger than ever in our legislatures.”

“Seems is the key word there. They are battening down their hatches. They are very worried and they should be. They will not succeed.

“Truth is creating a grand vortex and sucking them out.”

“That’s reassuring. They’re mounting a serious assault on all kinds of environmental protections in congress.”

“They’re preparing to throw all their false weapons out at whatever targets they can find. Let them. It makes them that much weaker. They are foolish.”

“Anyone who acts out of greed is foolish, no?”

“Correct, but they are already blinded by their greed, and will never see. It's their disease, the disease of greed. Some find a cure through truth, most do not. They are not meant to change. It is their destiny. They teach the rest of us to not walk the same path. Talking with you has been a great joy for me.”

“Your communication was an answer to prayer. Thank you for being responsive and for loving us so much.”

“Salaam Alykum, son.”

“Salaam Alykum.”


The following is the only written message I ever received from Metatron. It was channeled by Maryam via email on November 20, 2010:


To the reader:

You may never know who has been placed among you. Ever be mindful that your opinion of another as a kind person, a gifted person, an unselfish person, perhaps someone who is quite different from all the rest, may very well have come to you from another world, another dimension, seeking to teach you something. Perhaps one day you will be awarded a very rare and precious connection with them and with it the special knowledge that we are never alone in the universe.

“Anything can happen, if only you believe.


"Go in peace, sharing peace no matter where you are."



On November 22, 2010, 8 sent me another email:

Dear Son,

Again, Happy Birthday and thank you for the same wish.

I continue to be overwhelmed with all the issues I am presented with. As it is said, I plug along…

I am maintaining watch on circumstances in Egypt. I am beginning to feel concern for Star One, as gov't's are quite unpredictable, as well as fast changes moving across your planet. The energy of change is on the tip of my tongue. We will see what the forces create as well as alter, but I suspect it will “get worse before it gets better”… Change is definitely in the air as those around her are waking up to their due rights. I have no doubt Sherif will do all he is capable of to maintain her safety, as well as those of us in the Alliance who love her so.

Either she or I will keep you informed of any significant events. I do not share this to cause you worry, only to inform.

Blessed be to you, and know you are loved beyond measure by me, your interdimensional family, and Allah.

Much love, 8.


The most recent communications I have received from Nucleus 8 occurred this year, first in a reading with Cyndie LePori at the 2014 UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Cyndie said there were several individuals standing around me, and that a tall white one, Nucleus 8, stepped forward to speak for them all, asking me to write this book. I was very pleased to hear from him and readily agreed.

Several days after the conference, I called Cyndie, who indicated that she needed help in writing a book about a method for spiritual growth that she had developed, and I offered to assist. She also said she had experience in channeling extraterrestrial entities of various types. I was eager to hear anything they might have to say, and in mid-May I went to her home in Mississippi, prepared to record any channeled messages that came through. Cyndie admitted to having performance anxiety and we discussed that until she felt comfortable. She prepared herself with some deep breaths, created a protective bubble of Light around us, and asked that all be done in Divine Right Order.


(C=Cyndie, R=Rex, N8=Nucleus 8, C3=Cosyn3)

C: This is a creative endeavor, all surrounded by bubbles of love and white Light. … OK, so I guess our primary question is, what would they like for us to do, right?

R: Do they have a plan they want us to follow?

C: They’re doing some harmonic adjustments (Giggle). Ok, They’re not going to channel directly. They say the first thing that they would like for us to do is to get to know each other and get comfortable with each other and not try to rush the process. They know we only have a little while but the information that needs to get out, we have plenty of time to get it out.

N8: You’re trying to rush the process and it’s in eagerness, not anything not in service of love and Light. Uh, everyone who is supposed to show up is going to show up, it’s all in Divine Right Timing. We understand and comprehend the angst and the frequencies going on at the personality levels right now and there is a process that needs to happen. It’s coming to harmonics to be back in service to both of you. This is not just about us, this is also about your processes and getting the messages out to the world, how can it do this easily. We first of all would like to thank you, Rex, for the time, effort and energy you have put into coming down to start this project. We are grateful. We have called many. Only a few have answered, and we would like to express our deepest gratitude to you for your work that you are doing not only in this setting, but the work you are doing on many levels.

C: We are going to be working with the Melchizedek group, the Kryon Group, the Ashtar Command group, Michael, and other angels. What they’re showing me, Rex, is that we’re all on a ship in this moment, a first dimensional ship. Uh, there’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 beings at a table. It’s rectangular. One’s you, one’s me, Malcouth (her guide) is there. There’s a lady in pink there. I don’t know her. And there’s several others gathered up at a table; they’re going into conference on that side, deciding exactly what would best serve the planet at this time.  It hasn’t been preconceived, it is being created as we go along. Okay. They’re taking me away from the table now and just standing in the Light. (Big sigh. Another sigh.)  There’s this big, bright, golden Light coming down. They’re doing some frequency adjustments on multiple levels right now. (Big sigh. Pause.) Okay. They’re saying on the plan, what we would really like for ya’ll to do for the next few hours tonight besides getting a good night’s rest, we will be working with both of you tonight.

N8: We would like for you both to allow your frequencies to get in harmony with each other. We understand there’s a reading coming; that is good (Cyndie was expecting a phone call). It is all in divine order and we would really like for ya’ll to rest, relax, and get to know each other. The stage fright that this one experiences is a part of the newness of the whole system, Rex, and we appreciate your love and understanding and creating a space for this to happen. You will be given further instructions in the morning. Be prepared for a very full day.


May 16:

C:  I fully claim my abundance for doing this work. Okay, They’re showing me, I’m sitting in a beam of golden Light that’s connected directly up to Source. They say I never really left it and I won’t be leaving it for the next week.

R: They’re maintaining the corridor.

C: They‘re bringing me back down to the table (Chuckle). There’s a room. Everybody’s filing in. It’s like everybody is sitting at this table, yet there are thousands of witnesses.  No pressure (humorously). Hmm…. I’m actually sitting next to her but we’re the same, the lady in pink. There’s the guy in white, and another guy in white next to him, but they are going back and forth. Their energies are meshing and non-meshing. I’m not sure what that means. The Cosynes are there, the Creators there. Melchizideks are there. The Kryon group’s there, There’s a couple of other people coming in but they’re not clear. Our end of the table is very clear. They say it really doesn’t matter who else is here, what’s important is the information.

Okay, what it looks like is that they’re all, they’re all connecting our energies. It’s almost like, well, a direct line all the way up to Source. It’s connecting into each person’s heart at the table. It’s really pretty. Oh wow, we’ve got an electric light show going! Beautiful violet beam coming down. Hmm… They’re trying to explain to me that because we’re doing this work, everybody’s receiving an upgrade. I gladly receive it. Prior agreement. (Long pause).

R: Still receiving upgrade?

C: I’m asking who wants to speak, ‘cause I’m not attached to whomever wants to speak.  They’re deciding who wants to speak first. Okay. The guy in white steps forward.  Apparently Nucleus 8 wants to speak with you. Okay? ……

N8:  Hello. I would like to greet you first of all and let you know that we are formulating a plan… to step forward with these upgrades for the planet.  It seems to us that… the way that it has been done, in creation of the New Earth before, is in fact working, and as long as it is working, we would like to continue with that endeavor.  You do realize that you are on the backside of this, don’t you?

R:  The backside?

N8: Yes. You have passed the crisis point, and you are actually…  If you have a dial, and you were in the red zone all the way to the right, you’re actually to the zero point now, even though it doesn’t look like that on the surface. You are moving towards the New Earth. There was a time when we were not sure that the planet was not going to be totally annihilated. That is not a probability anymore.

R: Does that mean that our sister star, Danas, is not going to follow the predicted orbit?

N8: There are a multitude of realities, and with the shifts that are occurring in this present time, it will not have the effects that were predicted, no. So we would like for you to sit down in your own time and think of the things you would like to envision in the creation of a healthy Earth. A healthy planet, a planet that can grow, blossom, and flourish and have all the beings on it grow, blossom and flourish. This is a co-creative endeavor, you know. We have our vision of what we would enjoy for the people on the planet, but our vision may be quite different than what those with their boots on the ground have envisioned for your planet. Do you understand?

R: Yes. I envision a planet with pollution-free technology.

N8: How would you like to put that proposal on the table?

R: Will you share your pollution-free technology with us, so we don’t have to worry about fossil fuels and death of the plankton, chemical trails and all that other stuff?

N8: This technology has already been shared with Earth.

R: You know what I mean.

N8: Specifics please?

R: Common use of this technology instead of suppression. It’s being suppressed, as you well know.

N8: Yes

R: My vision is an Earth in which it isn’t being suppressed. It’s available to people.

N8: Okay.

R: I want there to be freedom of information, freedom of innovation.

N8: So what we see on the timeline is blockages that are not allowing this technology to be brought forward to the general people who could utilize it. Is that correct?

R: Yes.

N8: And what we understand is you would like these blockages removed?

R: I assume that’s part of the raising of the vibrations of this planet.

N8: Understand we can do nothing until we are asked.

R: I am asking for that. I’m asking that corporations no longer control what happens on this planet.

N8: Which is a different subject.

R: Well, they are behind the suppression of the technology. They don’t want it to succeed because it interferes with their profits.

N8: We understand. What we are looking for is the question that will allow us to do this. The request, the sponsorship, the directive of how we might serve the planet the best in the removal of these blocks. Remember that this is a co-creative endeavor.

R: I’ll have to think about the best way to phrase that.

N8: Indeed. So we are putting that on the table…..

R: I don’t guess I have to know how, but I know that I would request that greed not be the dominating force in the economies of Earth. I would ask that the spirit of sharing and common collaboration and the provision of the basic needs be granted for everyone on Earth: health, security, freedom from fear, to be productive, to have a place, a meaning, a purpose other than profit, common love for one another, common sharing with a realization that there is enough for everyone.

N8: We hear you. ..That is our vision of the planet also, but there are certain steps that need to be taken in order to heal what is actually the base cause of the greed, the lack, the fear and these systems that have been put into play on this planet at this time…..So we are looking at this proposal… That is our ultimate goal, Rex, as is yours.

“What we are trying to formulate is the… step and the

 healing needed to reach this new reality.  Understand this will not happen overnight. It is step by step by step by brick by brick by brick, and you are going in the right direction now.

C: So can I step in?

R: Sure.

C: Okay, this is me. … So the first thing I’d like to put on the table, guys, is we need a ship over the Bay in L.A. to start transmuting the oil. We need another ship over the nuclear power plants to start transmuting the radiation. Putting a ship over the garbage piles in the middle of the Pacific to suck up all the plastics would be another really good endeavor, allowing the technology that the 12 year old has come up with in the past that would clean the oceans of all the garbage. We would like a few of those on the planet, please. Finish cleaning up the Gulf would be nice. Whatever ships are needed to do that, let’s do it, all in Divine Right Order.

R: I would ask that every nuclear power plant on Earth be decommissioned because the public refuses to accept nuclear power.  I would like to see that the effort to put smart meters for measuring the amount of electricity used in homes is eliminated because of the harmful waves that they generate. We need the technology to replace the microwave technology that’s being used for cell phones, which is harmful to the environment and to people. If you ask me how to accomplish it, I have no idea.

N8: Would you be willing instead of eliminating, to shift frequencies on the microwaves into beneficial energy?

R: Of course.

N8: We see that as a better plan.

R: The communication aspect is good. If we could

 hang on to that and eliminate harmful waves, that

 would be wonderful.

N8: We can shift.  We would like to bring the Cosyn in.

C3: I am Cosyn 3, three delineating my authority with your particular planet. I would like to introduce myself to you.

R: Thank you. I’m honored.

C3: We can see with the technology on your planet, with the microwaves, with the HAARP, with the frequencies that are going through your planet, that with your request, we can shift them up into Divine Order. 

R: Fantastic.

C3: And we can make these frequencies beneficial instead of non-beneficial and chaotic and inharmonic with the human DNA. Is that acceptable?

R: Absolutely. It would be a wonderful blessing.

C3: With the nuclear