Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Four

New Earth

Shortly after meeting Nucleus 8, I was looking at the night sky as I always do, and saw eight unusually bright, motionless lights high above me that mimicked stars, but were not arranged in known patterns. Clustered fairly close together they gave casual on lookers the impression of a constellation. I immediately thought they were UFOs, and invited Marjie to come look at them. She agreed. We went back inside and held a trance session, in which  Marjie’s consciousness was transported to the Station. She was going down a corridor when she said, “The entire floor just dropped out from under me! I’m floating. Nucleus is here.”

His familiar head movements began and he smiled, while Marjie’s eyes remained shut. He said, “I am aware you were pleased with the lights you recently saw above your home.”

“I never expected to see so many ships at once.”

“The eight you saw were not there only for your benefit. Many others were also aware.”

“Other humans?”

“Yes. Many humans have been contacted. Some of them work ceaselessly with those who were present.”

“What does the work involve?’

“It is a construction project.”

“Is a physical object being constructed on Earth?”

“It is physical, but too large to contain on Earth.”

“Can you tell me what you’re building that requires human assistance?”

“A New Earth.” I was delighted.

“How can humans possibly help with such a project?”

“They are consulted for their suggestions.”

“That implies it’s intended for use by humans.”

“Not exclusively.”

“Do any Earth scientists or government officials know it exists?”

“Scientists and government officials from several countries are assisting. They help us to know what is needed so that humans will be comfortable there. I am involved in making transportation arrangements and sorting out the deluge of desires which are being collected by my System. Everyone who has been selected for the elite group which is going to the New Earth has been given the opportunity to express their desires. Each desire is described by a symbol. If there is a counteracting desire, they cancel each other out. Only the desires which remain are processed further.”

“You must have priorities for the ones that remain.”

“Yes, but an awful lot of trash must be eliminated.”

“It’s good to know we won’t bring trash with us to the New Earth. Do the people who will be taken there have to practice working with your System in order to register their desires?”

“It is an automatic process. It is easier to deal with the less complicated forms of life. All they want is a few others of their own kind for company and an adequate environment.”

“Humans are always changing their minds about what they want. Doesn't that complicate matters?”

“On the New Earth people will still be able to make choices and change their minds.”

I gradually learned more about the New Earth from others. Perithnea said that all life forms on the New Earth would be capable of telepathic communication and all would live in harmony. For example, if one wanted grass to grow short in a particular location, it would cooperate. If one wanted to be close to a particular animal, it would approach.

Alta Sha said, “You have been told that Native Americans would be allowed to reclaim the Earth, and do you remember being told about a construction which is too large to be contained on Earth?” I answered yes.

“Many people have been touched. Why do you think this is so?”

“Probably so that the ETs will know how to help us survive on the New Earth, and to create new beings.”

He nodded. “Yes, beings who will not succumb. Why do you think designs have appeared in your crops and not in other places such as deserts, or forests, or even in the oceans?”

“Because crops are our food.”

“Now you understand the mystery of crop circles. They have appeared in your food. It shows their interest in what you eat. Their interest in your livestock also shows this.

“They leave evidence of their interest as a sign for those who will notice and be awakened. All the activity of the UFOs has been primarily for the creation of a New Earth, which will contain all the elements this Earth contains, plus many others which are extinct but have been preserved elsewhere. That is why they have been seen emerging from the oceans, in the arctic areas, in the mountains, and in the deserts. Everything that is pure on Earth has been preserved and is protected on this New Earth.”

“Mother Earth must  be happy to know she is giving birth to herself elsewhere, but what of her? It is very sad that she must die. What will happen to her spirit?”

“Native Americans talk about the spirit of the Earth being in everything that is of the Earth, in the animals, the plants, the rocks, everything. Her spirit lives on through them. Mother Earth's spirit will also travel to this New Earth. In part, it is already there. There is much to rejoice. You should share this knowledge with Nucleus 8 the next time you speak to him. He may be shaken by how much you already know.”

When I spoke to 8 again I asked, “Is the structure you have been building on schedule?”

“There is nothing that your race can do to stop it and I believe it will be completed on schedule.”

“Many believe that massive changes will happen to our planet in the relatively near future, and there is much evidence that Earth has gone through cataclysmic changes in the past. Will it happen again?”

“Not during your lifetime. Planets are intelligent beings, and they are capable of correcting errors and problems that exist within themselves, but on the whole, your species has no regard for the effect of your actions on your planet. You take whatever you want to take and think it will have no effect. Every time you move a single spade of dirt, you are affecting the entire planet. Candace asked me what effect it has on Earth when you remove tons and tons of minerals from a particular location. When that happens, Earth compensates by adding new soil to the area to restore her balance. Earth can also redistribute water or add land through volcanic action. You have to realize that a planet also has a life span. It has youth, a middle age, and an old age. Earth is entering its old age.”

“Does the vitality of a planet depend on the amount of energy at its core?”

“Indeed. The energy at the core is the life force of the planet. All other life streams from it.”

Eight and I were looking at many pictures I had taken over the years and I said, “I love mountains and have taken lots of pictures of them.  If I look at them for very long, I can’t help feeling sad.”

“I know of a mountain that is seventeen thousand feet high.  It always has snow on top of it.”

“It sounds pretty.  I would like to see that mountain.”

“It is on the new planet, and its name is Mount Haire.” Overwhelmed with sudden tears, I was unable to say anything. “Share that with me,” he said.

I struggled to say, “I had no idea my feelings were this strong,”

“You have such exquisitely deep feelings.  We need more in the universe like you.”

“Chief Joseph also loved his mountains.  It must be the Indian in me that makes me feel this way. I can’t imagine a more wonderful gift.”  I was utterly amazed.

Marjie and I were talking about this gift when Nuke added, “The mountain that bears your name also bears your likeness. I know you would not seek such notoriety, but it was the will of all those involved. It has been carved there as a lasting reminder of a history which will not be forgotten.”

I was stunned. “Adam said he was excavating a home for me there.”

Nuke added, “I know of a dwelling that overlooks twenty five thousand acres of meadows and trees with no other house in sight, and you couldn’t find it unless you knew exactly where to look. To enter, you have to go around a large bush and then all you see is a big slab of rock, which slides open. It has beautiful crystals inside to provide light and geothermal heating is provided from within the mountain. You will have a view of the valley below and of all the wildlife that lives there.”

 “It sounds like my dream home! I don’t know how to thank you guys enough.”

“There is no need for thanks. You earned it long ago.”

Nuke shared another compelling reason why the creation of a New Earth was necessary if human beings were to be rescued from extinction. “Wait until you see your second sun. It is approaching.” I was astonished. Why didn’t our astronomers know about this?

“Does it have a solar system of its own, with planets?”


“Am I correct in thinking that our solar systems overlap at its closest approach?”

“Yes, at the outermost edges.”

“That would explain the ancient Sumerian stories which claim that every several thousand years, a planet named Nibiru comes close enough to Earth for the gods to travel from there to here in order to interact with humans. They called them the Annunaki.”

“Yes, indeed.”

“When we get close to the other star, won’t that have major effects on planetary orbits, gravitational tides, magnetic fields, and all kinds of things?”

“There will be major changes on Earth. It is unlikely that you will experience any of them, but you will certainly hear about them. The planet Saturn once orbited Danas, the sister to your own Sol, which captured it in the distant past. The mysterious light which has been seen by your astronomers and is emitting pulses of energy unlike anything they have seen before is Danas. They are beginning to compare its emissions with those of your sun, which will lead to the discovery that it is a star. As Danas nears your solar system, the atmosphere of your planet will be bombarded with increased radiation that your ozone layer will be unable to absorb. It carries with it a planet that will pass through your solar system and cause major shifts in the orbits of the planets, just as it has done in the past. This generation will not pass away before the sister star is quite close. By 2020, it will be at its closest point.”

This information is quite consistent with the research done by David Talbot on the orbit changes of Mars and Saturn in the distant past, which is documented in the outstanding video, Symbols of an Ancient Sky. It can be viewed via You Tube.

I had many questions about the New Earth and asked, “Is there only one sun? How long is the year? How big is it? Anything you can tell me would be appreciated.”

Nuke answered, “It’s approximately the size of Earth. There are two suns. One planetary orbit around both suns takes forty Earth years, so after we reverse your aging process, you will live a very long time. There are six seasons, but they don’t cause the extremes of temperature found on Earth. There is night as well as day and ample rainfall, although desert areas also exist. Everything is growing nicely. Its most outstanding feature is the complete lack of pollution.”

An unexpected event occurred early one morning in August, 1996, which heralded a change of plans for planet Earth, but  I did not recognize its significance until 2014. Marjie, Candace and I were returning to Prince Edward Island from Newfoundland and hurried to catch the last ferry of the day, which departed at 11:.00 p.m. We arrived on schedule, but the ferry was already full. Like many others, we had to spend the night inside the two story terminal building in order to reserve a place on the morning ferry. We had been there a couple of sleepless hours when Nuke anxiously said, “My link to the Station has been severed, and I have no idea why. It makes me  feel defenseless and naked.”

I sat next to him and mentally summoned Metatron, seeking an explanation. I felt his touch and received the exquisite image of a giant brown starfish covered with tiny white cowry shells. Its arms slowly transformed into columns that supported a huge building. Lovely images of other organic forms followed. The last of them was the doorway to a small house built into the side of a hill, which I sensed was a Viking’s home. The borders of the entry were decorated with small shells that continued in a band around the sides of the earth-covered dwelling. I recognized it as the home I shared in another lifetime with my beautiful, blonde-haired wife, where I felt safe and deeply loved. It was impossible to be concerned while viewing these images.

I told Nuke what I had perceived and he said, “You have made contact and the message is clear. There is nothing to fear. You would not be given these images if anything was amiss.” I was finally able to get a little sleep.

I woke up around 3:30 a.m. and Marjie asked, “Did you feel a shift in the whole building around two o’clock? It felt like an earthquake, but there was only one jolt.”

“No, I was asleep.”

Nuke said, “My link was restored immediately after the shock. There has been a shift throughout the cosmos. Breath made an adjustment to establish a proper balance between the forces of darkness and the forces of Light. This does not happen often. It has never happened in my lifetime, and is unlikely to happen again while I still live. Nevertheless, it did happen, and it happened everywhere. The Board knew the shift was about to occur and severed my link to protect me. It’s also the reason why we did not get on the ferry. I would not have enjoyed being on that ship when it happened, because it would have been rough. There were disruptions all around Earth, and to some extent it will be mentioned in the news.”

A passenger who arrived on the morning ferry from Nova Scotia said, “Be glad that you didn’t cross over last night. There was a sudden turbulence in the water, although there wasn’t a storm or any strong winds to cause it. It was very rough and many people got seasick.”

A similar but more widespread event occurred on the night of March 2, 2007. Marjie had an unexplained, brief dizzy spell and felt mild pain in her left armpit on March 1. The following afternoon she had another brief dizzy spell, but had no other symptoms. I was working in the barn when 8 asked, “Do you want to know why Star One got dizzy?”

“Yes. I meant to ask you about that earlier, but I forgot to. I thought it was connected with something going on in your dimension.”

“It was felt in all dimensions. I AM decided it was time for a major shift to occur throughout all of Creation.”

“Like the one we felt in Newfoundland?”

“Yes, but on a much larger scale.”

“What sort of shift?”

“From negative to positive thought patterns. From now on, positive thoughts and energies will overcome negative thoughts and energies. Our security forces will be heavily involved in making this change.”

Also in 2007, Nuke was thrilled by a channeled post on the internet from Lord Ashtar of the Ashtar Command, which is a unit within the Universal Alliance Federation. Lord Ashtar said his Command was preparing to come to Earth in order to correct many of the wrongs perpetrated by an extremely wealthy conglomerate of people who have promoted fear of extraterrestrials in order to undermine the efforts of those who came here in human form to help save our planet. He fiercely criticized a secretive cabal of doubters and manipulators who want to keep the mass of humanity in a state of subjugation, deprivation and fear, and he praised the efforts of those who have attempted to restore a needed balance on Earth. The arrival of the Ashtar’s forces was scheduled to occur within the next few years.

Nuke said, “Lord Ashtar didn’t pull any punches. He said things I have wanted to say for a long time about the cabal that has been running Earth and its people into the ground. I was so pleased and grateful that I got down on my knees to him.”

In January, 2008, Nuke gave a progress report about the deployment of security forces in implementing the Creator’s will. “At the Source’s command, approximately 90,000 motherships are being moved to new positions. Most of them are gathering closer to the dividing line between our dimension and yours, partly in order to project positive energies to Earth, which will counteract the negative energies here. The negative forces on Earth are crumbling under the impact of the positive energies enlightened humans and others are projecting toward them. The Dark cabal which currently dominates Earth is like an octopus hanging onto a rock for dear life in pounding surf, and eventually it will be dislodged. Its leaders sense they are about to lose control and are sending out lines in an attempt to join with other forces of negativity, but they do not reach their targets.

“The massive amount of work required to move so many motherships is very tiring. Each one is twice the size of New York City (currently 469 square miles) and because personal preferences are taken into account, every person on every ship has to be situated in a satisfactory way. I had to have help and contacted Agenti and Tesar. Tesar showed up, clinking and clanking from the scrap metal on his person. I had my back to him, and when he put his hand on my shoulder, I slumped and gave a sigh. He said, I’m really glad to see you, too, 8. I was just kidding about not wanting to see him.

“In order to go by the most direct route, we tried to place 20 motherships into one quadrant simultaneously, but it couldn’t work because their protective shields would overlap, and that’s a no-no. Some will have to go a roundabout way to get to their new positions.”

“How can humans fight the negative energy?”

“Don’t try to fight it. If you do, it will just suck the energy out of you. You have to project its opposite.”

“Are you saying that we can neutralize negative energy with positive energy?”


Nucleus dropped by for a few minutes each day, taking a break from the “endless job” of positioning the motherships. “Twenty two is giving everyone who’s working on the project injections in the butt to keep them going. The stuff he’s giving us takes the place of sleeping and dreaming and gives us the energy we need to stay alert and keep working, except for short breaks. The Mothers said to finish the work as quickly as possible.”

“What’s the big hurry?”

“That wasn’t explained.”

“Why are so many motherships involved?”

“All I am allowed to say is that it’s due to having new

members join the Alliance. We are now stationed very near. I have also posted the information I have given you on the chat group page, and I have encouraged everyone to project positive energies toward Earth and all living things on her.”

On January 9, 2008, Nuke posted this message, addressed to the moderator of his favorite chat group:


On the eve of this same Earth date, while sitting for a Board of Twelve meeting, one of the Board Members requested a disciplinary action against me.

It was stated that I had breached security regulations by sharing bits of information. My response was that I had not breached my oath, nor had I jeopardized the security of the Alliance. I will admit that I was quite taken aback at the audacity of this member to condemn me on such a technicality. I asked if this meeting was being held solely for this purpose and was told this was accurate. I asked if this was going to conclude with a request for my resignation... I was told it was not necessary… I excused myself from the meeting gracefully. After talking with intelligent colleagues, I ordered Adam, my Second in Command, to begin investigating the recent activities of said Board Member.

As data began to surface, it appeared that this particular Board Member had indeed been in contact with various factions of what you consider “dark ETs”, who reside on the outer perimeters of your galaxy. Let me once again clarify that the Alliance has no association with these forces. But they do indeed exist. We are discovering that as the Alliance motherships were known to be approaching your galaxy, the Board Member thought it was an opportune point in time to undermine my credibility by making this petty charge. At this writing, I still do not have all the pertinent information, but under the circumstances, I ordered troops to detain him. Sufficient troops were deployed and the Board Member was taken to a secure area. Data continued to surface that this Member was indeed involved in an attempt to utilize the Alliance Security forces for dark activities. After said member had been secured, I returned to the station to interrogate him. I entered the security room and advised him that his memory would be scanned. He refused and I told him refusal was not an option. I knew it was likely that this large and strong individual would become violent. I welcomed this possibility. We had quite a fight. His blows only fueled my resolve. I will admit his blows to me were exactly what I needed to stimulate me to victory. At this writing he is currently undergoing a memory retrieval scanning and is under sedation.

Troops have been deployed to detain individuals involved as they are identified.

There have always been “dark ETs” in your galaxy who do not adhere to the tenets of the Alliance which is “to do no harm.” Without permission they abduct, experiment, and breed with other sentient beings for their selfish purposes. This is only one reason for the convergence of the motherships at the edge of your galaxy. The time is approaching for these individuals to be gathered together and placed several dimensions away from your own. Males and females will be separated to different viable, unpopulated planets and their technologies will be confiscated. Needless to say, there will be no future offspring. However, it is paramount that you should continue to cloak yourself in the safety of the Creator’s Light and Love. This is not a warning for you. This is vital information you need to maintain your awareness. Continue to spread your positive energies out into the universe, as your energies are quite powerful and necessary as the Alliance follows the road to peace for all beings beloved of the Creator.


In mid-May, 2014, I was informed by Nucleus 8 and

 others who channeled through Cyndie LePori, a gifted psychic in her own right, that because of the universal shifts decreed by  the ALL, the cataclysmic changes that were predicted to occur on Earth due to the conjunction of the Danas solar system and our own will not occur. Furthermore, Earth and everything on it is currently bathed in new spiritual energies (i.e., codes of Light) which are transforming our hearts, minds and bodies,  so that we will live in harmony with each other and all of nature. I was assured that changes are gradually being made which will provide non-polluting energy sources, a spirit of love and sharing, which will eliminate poverty and war, and that freedom and sovereignty will be restored to every individual. Massive evacuations of humans to New Earth are no longer necessary. To read the pertinent messages in full, see the final chapter, Egypt and Beyond.