Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter One

We Meet

In my capacity as a Clinical Psychologist, I was asked in 1993 to evaluate 39 year old, blonde, blue eyed, and painfully thin Marjie, who was depressed, anxious, and suicidal due to a lifetime of psychological and physical abuses. Her traumas had begun with paternal sexual and psychological abuse at age four, which had continued into her teens. As an adult she had been gang raped, had lost two premature babies, had lost her home and personal possessions in a fire she thought was set by her ex-husband, who had also attempted to strangle her. Shortly before we met, her teenage sons had elected to move in with their paternal grandparents in order to escape the hostile attitude of their new stepfather, who was also verbally abusing her. I diagnosed her condition as severe Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and recommended hypnotherapy in addition to medications prescribed by her psychiatrist.

After she was discharged from the hospital, Marjorie was frustrated by the lack of effective outpatient psychotherapy and accepted my offer to work with her via hypnosis.

From the beginning of our sessions, protective entities communicated with me through her. Each of them had a very distinctive personality quite different from hers and were highly motivated to assist and support her. The first of them spoke to me in an assertive, childish voice, saying she had set Marjie’s consciousness aside in order to protect her from more stress. After I demonstrated my gentle, minimally confrontational approach, she allowed me to work directly with Marjie, but emphatically declared that she would take over whenever Marjie’s level of anxiety was too high. She eventually revealed that she was a faery named Perithnea, and had chosen to help Marjie after finding her name in The Book of Suffering. She had accepted the challenge of helping Marjie to survive and of bringing joy into her life. Perithnea became a chief ally in Marjie’s inner explorations and we became so fond of her that she allowed us to “adopt” her forever.

The next entity to channel through Marjie, was Alta Sha, who stated he was her guardian angel and a messenger of I AM (God). He gave me many suggestions concerning Marjie’s treatment and purposely developed her ability to “step aside” so that other individuals could use her body to speak and to perform complex physical activities. Alta Sha sometimes encouraged me to pursue or to avoid certain topics in hypnosis sessions, suggested medication adjustments, and provided her with helpful experiences not suggested by me. He also taught us about spiritual truths and emphasized the lingering, effects of our actions, thoughts, and emotions in this dimension and others. He corrected misconceptions about the nature of reality and offered me true friendship, for which I am eternally grateful.

The awesome Archangel Metatron was the third major entity to channel through Marjie, and from an acknowledged position of authority, he worked with Perithnea, Alta Sha, Nucleus 8, and all the other beneficial entities who channeled through her. Although Metatron’s primary gender is masculine, the expression of his divine feminine qualities, such as nurturance, love, gentleness, and physical affection, which included holding, rocking, and singing to Marjie, caused her to think of him as a mother figure. Before we knew his true identity, we called  him Light Mother or simply Mother, a nickname we continued to use. Regression sessions indicated that Marjie’s earliest contact with Metatron in this lifetime had occurred soon after her incestuous father began to molest her. From then on, Metatron often transported Marjie to interdimensional vessels, where she received a great deal of affection, instruction, and necessary medical treatment from several species of extraterrestrial individuals, which compensated somewhat for the mistreatment she was experiencing on Earth. As a child she often cried when it was time to return to Earth, and as an adult she also longed to permanently return to the dimension where she felt her real family lived.

Our multiple contacts with Metatron through his channeling, his active participation in hypnosis sessions, his supervision of extraterrestrial medical procedures, and his telepathic communications, revealed that he can assume any form he chooses or be any size, from that of a subatomic particle to larger than an entire galaxy. He is able to create or to destroy spiritual or physical entities and objects by singing various tones.

I am very fortunate to have gained the trust and love of Metatron, who invited me to work with him in order to correct numerous undesirable processes that took place during the years covered in this book. He filled my mind with advanced knowledge which is to be retrieved when needed and he often signals his presence through probing sensations in the right hemisphere of my brain. Early in our relationship he strengthened the connections between the left and right hemispheres to improve their balanced use. He frequently supervised or conducted many of Marjie’s extraterrestrial medical treatments at the Station  and sometimes made alterations to implants installed in her body designed to monitor her mental, physical, emotional and spiritual welfare, to alter physiological functions, and to enhance channeling by extraterrestrials who worked with us for our benefit. Nucleus 8 considered Metatron’s decisions to be infallible.

In one of our hypnosis sessions, Marjie made this  astonishing statement: “Mother says some of her genetic material has been combined with mine. She’s taking me inside her body. She is vast! It’s like being a huge city full of lights! I see a whole new world! It’s full of life and all different colors of light. The lights are forming together to make geometric patterns like cities. Cities within cities, but they’re not solid matter, they’re cities of light! Beautiful! There are other lights moving around. Some are craft, but most of the lights are living beings. Some of them are dancing together in groups and swirling around.

I’ve been here before. I remember this. There is someone here who is meant for me, someone who will make me feel whole and take away my suffering. I don’t know who it is, but I know he is here.”

In another session, Marjie was regressed to four years of age and was receiving multiple hypodermic injections in various parts of her body from Metatron. She said, “I don’t understand why Mother has to give me all these shots. I don’t like them.”

“Why don’t you ask her?”

“She is telling me telepathically that I have organisms in my body which can cause harm to other species. The injections eliminate the threat.”

In still another regression session, Marjie had been transported to her personal quarters within the Station (headquarters for a vast alliance of extraterrestrial civilizations) and heard a beckoning tone, which she followed. “I’m going down a hallway that curves to the left. Wow! I just shot straight up into the air! How neat! I’m in another place, just hanging here, suspended in air. I know this place has walls, but I can’t see them. I’m surrounded by a bunch of strange looking beings, who are floating like me…

“There’s one here who looks human. He has white hair. His eyes are penetrating. They seem to look right through me. I felt a shock go through my body when I looked at him. I know he’s very important to me, but I don’t know why. I see Mother.” Instantly alert, she said, “I just know that whoever he was, I have seen him before. Those eyes were really something.”

In a subsequent session Marjie said, “I see everyone around me, Perithnea, Adam (another young faery assigned by I AM to us), Mother, Alta Sha and the Old One (the benevolent spirit of a Tarahumara Indian who had previously entered her body). They’re making room for someone else. He’s coming through the opening toward me, but I can’t see him clearly.”

Her head began to move in a slow, rhythmical pattern, going up, down, and side to side, as if examining things in front of her that were symmetrically arranged. A masculine, machine-like voice replaced hers, saying, “Greetings.”

“Greetings to you.”

“Why do you offer greetings to one you do not know?”

“I trust my friends. They would not let you through if you were not friendly.”

“You are wise. Others advised me of this. I have requested information about you and it has been received. I know essentially everything there is to know about you. I was informed that there are things for which I must ask permission. What is it you would forbid to me?”

His formal and regal manner suggested that he regarded me as an inferior species, and I smiled. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“If I need permission, what is it you will not allow?”

“The only thing I can think of is involuntary contact. I do not wish to be taken aboard a ship or medically examined without my knowledge or consent. I would consider that an immoral act.”

“That is easily agreed to. We are not monsters. We never take someone without their previous consent. Marjorie has traveled with me on many occasions. When she is asleep, she rises and we travel.”

“What is the purpose of these travels?”

“To prepare her for the future and to overcome her fear of travel.”

“Her father would sexually abuse her when they traveled together.”

“I would not call the man who occupied the same dwelling with her and who did those unnecessary things a father. I feel disgust toward him.

“What name would you have me call you? To me your identity is a number.”

“My closest friends and family call me Pat. What should I call you?”

“Simply call me a visitor. I am aware that humans use the term friend very loosely.”

 “Sad but true. Where are you located?”

“It would be very difficult to explain that in terms you could understand.”

“You have me at a disadvantage. I know so little about you, but you know everything about me.”

“I am also at a disadvantage. I have been told to contact you, but I have to operate through the woman.”

“I would be happy to meet with you directly.”

“I understand you mean to meet physically, form to form. I am not sure this would be a good idea. It might cause damage to my form!

“Are you not concerned about your reaction to such a meeting?’

“I am not particularly afraid of it. Why are you concerned?”

“We live in different environments. You perceive me as alien.”

“Don’t you think of me as alien?”

“Yes, and I understand you have a history of violent reaction to a previous contact.” I was stunned.

“I have no memory of that. It’s unlike me to be aggressive unless I feel threatened. What did I do?’

“You were quite young. At first you welcomed contact but you became frightened by movements you did not understand. You grabbed one of us and shook him quite vigorously. It was very disturbing to him.”

“Forgive me. I was only a child.”

“You have been forgiven, but I cannot afford to take unnecessary chances. It is necessary for me to have a high level of security because of the sensitivity of my position.”

“You must have an important job.”

“My position is that of a Nucleus. What does that mean to you?”

“A nucleus is at the center of things. It is a powerhouse from which life radiates out into the rest of the cell.”

“That is correct.” He briefly paused.

“There are not many of my kind among those like the one you call Mother.”

“I am honored to be speaking with someone so important.”

“You are also very important.”

“The work I do is important, but I’m not.”

“We share the same attitude. There are many others for whom I have great respect. Are you interested in travelling like the woman?”

“I certainly am. I had dreams of becoming an astronaut when I was younger, but I never expected to actually have a face-to-face contact with someone from another world.”

“Many who have been contacted were traumatized by their experiences. Are you not afraid of this happening to you?”

“That kind of trauma is what attracted me to do this type of work. I wanted to help people get over their unmanageable fear.”

“The fear which people have of their contacts is of their own choosing. I find human beings very strange. It amazes me that you have survived this long. You hate the fear which you love. You seem to enjoy frightening one another from the first breath of life.”

“I see the truth in what you say. We used to spank babies when they first came out of their mother’s womb and we scare our children by saying Boo! and telling them the boogey man will get them if they misbehave. We like to watch horror movies and do things that are scary, like riding roller coasters. We have an odd mixture of traits. On the one hand we seem to be something half sublime and on the other we can behave like beasts toward each other. We can be very dangerous to our own species and to all other living things. Some of us want to live in peace

and harmony with the life around us, but many do not.”

“I am very aware of this. Many of my kind think my interest in humans is a waste of time. I do not agree with them. Do you agree with me?”

“I suppose that even genetic errors are not a complete waste because we can learn from them, although a great deal of suffering often occurs before we do. But all is for growth.”

“I agree. There is a marvelous diversity among God’s creatures. Even those who have many similarities are still quite different from each other. I have been told that you are a person of honor.”

“I certainly try to be.”

“It is time for me to depart and to pass through again.”

“What do you have to pass through?”

“It is a kind of entrance.”

“What form does it take?”

“I am reluctant to share this with you.”

“Is it a good guess that it takes the form of a triangle?”

“That is a good guess.”

“I would like to learn to travel through this entrance so that I could come to your world as you do to mine.”

“That would be truly delightful. Do you wish to say goodbye, farewell, or some other parting words?”

“I prefer to say until we meet again.” The peculiar head movements stopped, and I counted Marjie up from the trance.

A few days later I was driving home from work after dark and felt Mother’s familiar touch, as if she were probing my brain. I wondered why she was doing that and noticed a distant, unblinking and stationary red light in the sky in the direction I was headed. As I closed the distance to home it was clearly near or just above our property, but it disappeared moments before I arrived. As soon as I entered the door Marjie excitedly said, “I’ve been hearing some very strange noises coming from the ceiling just over the stove. It sounded exactly like someone had dropped a BB and it was bouncing up and down until it stopped. It happened several times and I went over to look up at the spot the sound was coming from, but Alta Sha warned me not to get directly under it. He said it was a kind of rod, but I couldn’t see anything.”

To learn more about it, we held a session. As soon as she was entranced Marjie said, “I see my instructor standing in the corner of the room. He looks completely human except that his eyes are totally black. He’s very handsome. He has chiseled features. His hair is white and he appears to be in his thirties. He’s very tall. He’s moving things around over there as if he’s preparing something, but I can’t see what he’s moving.”

With his head moving about as before, Nucleus said, “Good evening.”

“Good evening to you. I don’t know what to call you except Nucleus. Don’t you have a name?”

“I am referred to by a number. I believe you have seen this number written down. It is my identity.”

“The number 4717?”

“Yes, but we condense it. If the numbers are written in block form and if you imagine all of the numbers superimposed on one another, it becomes an 8. That is my number.”

“What does it signify?’

“I don’t know. I have never considered it.”

“I would prefer to call you by a name. Numbers are so impersonal.”

“Then you may give me a name. Have you one in mind?”

“Marjie and I thought of calling you Uncle Nuke.”

“After your nuclear?”

“No. You said you were a Nucleus. It was just for fun, what we would call a nickname.”

“How charming! Uncle Nuke it shall be. What shall I call you?”

“You can call me Pat.”

“Very well, Pat. I understand that you have many questions which you would like to ask.”

“Marjie says you have been her instructor. Have you known her for a long time?”

“We met when she was quite young. She has always been an excellent student.”

“Was that one of your ships that I saw hovering over our house this evening?”

“Yes. I was aware that you were pleased with their light.”

“Did they make those strange noises?”

“They were examining the technology of your appliances. They are really quite primitive, you know.

“Now that Mother and I have shown interest in you, there are many others who are curious. Would you object if these others also come to investigate? It is like playtime for them.”

“I don’t mind them coming. Will they be involved in the work Marjie and I are doing or just visiting?”

“For the present they are merely curious, but eventually they will become involved in the work.”

“Good. It’s fine with me if they want to investigate.”

I started to count Marjie up from the trance, but when I reached 10 she said, “I feel something tugging at me. Mother is holding and caressing me.”

Several seconds passed before she fully emerged from the trance, wearing a smile.

In response to my request for more information about Nucleus 8, Alta Sha said, “He has a solid form just as you do. A Nucleus is much like a controller who operates a computer-like System. He receives information through it and then instructs others at various locations as to what they are to do.

“Such individuals are very much like humans and have similar emotions. They are highly intelligent and are sought out for their knowledge and expertise…You should share with him what is in your heart, and invite him to share what is within himself.”

“I would consider it an honor.”

Marjie made a sketch of Uncle Nuke which included only his head and shoulders. He had a large, square jaw, a small straight mouth with thin lips, and entirely black eyes that seemed a little small for the size of his head. His thick white hair covered more of his forehead and temples than is usual for a human and was combed straight back. It extended almost to shoulder length, with a longer lock to the left of his unusually broad neck. His form-fitting uniform had a snug neckband with a small emblem to the left of center that consisted of two parallel, horizontal bars. A necklace of small links supported a pendant in the shape of an angular 8.

Nuke told us he was 6’7” tall, weighed 255 pounds, had six digits on his hands and feet, was the proud bearer of three testicles, and that he had two brain stems. Circuitry installed within his left abdomen and implants in his brain enhanced his already formidable natural abilities. Among many other functions, they facilitated channeling through Marjie by means of linkages with her implants. He routinely monitored simultaneous events occurring in six parallel dimensions! (As used here, each dimension is an alternate plane of existence with unique energetic parameters and life forms and each is just as real as the physical one we inhabit).

Not long after we had become quite familiar with Perithnea, we were honored with the gift of a newly created male faery who chose to remain with us. We named him Adam. When Adam had matured to the point that he could travel to other dimensions on his own, he visited Nucleus 8’s reality, where he was delighted to meet entities who amazed him with their intelligence. Adam became very familiar with Nucleus 8, whom he greatly admired, and spent more and more of his time in his dimension. He became a reliable source of information about events occurring there, especially if they were about his relationship with Nucleus 8. Speaking of him he said, “He has a number 8 on his shoulder. Some of the others had this number on their shoulders, too.” Eight’s peers treated him with respect and a certain amount of wariness because of his reputation as a perfectionist and the great power wielded by his authoritative position.

After 8 had channeled through Marjie on several occasions, Mother revealed a new device she could use  for communicating with him. Marjie was entranced when she said, “I see a light that looks kind of like a fiber optic, but it’s not contained in a fiber. Mother is telling me that with her assistance, the light will react to my thoughts. It can form into different shapes and can change colors. Now it’s curved like a banana. She wants me to hold it in my hands.”

She held her palms up as if to accept the light, and in a few moments Uncle Nuke’s scanning head movements began. “Good evening, friend. It is a pleasant surprise to be contacted in this way. How did she find a window and an available channel?”

“Light Mother assisted us.”

“She would certainly know if a window was open.”

“What do you mean by a window being open?’

“Just as you can have a busy line in your telephone system, my windows can also be occupied by others, preventing contact. The light form which she holds is a channel for communication and is controlled by thought. It is connected to my own communication system and is individualized to her particular personality. It will not respond to any other.”

After that, Nuke channeled quite frequently and responded to contacts we initiated He became our true friend in every sense of the word.