Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

The Alliance

Nuke indicated that he was in charge of security for the entire Alliance, which consists of thousands of civilizations in multiple dimensions, and is so vast that human imagination is incapable of conceiving it. He said that one quadrant of the Alliance’s territory contained an average of 20,000 galaxies! A single galaxy can contain more than a billion stars, most of which are many light years apart.

It is his job to protect all members of the Alliance from attack and to insure that they have everything necessary for their security and survival. This requires training, maintaining, and deploying security forces to wherever they are needed. Keeping track of everything is the job of his central information System, which is a truly sentient instrument dedicated to his welfare and to the tasks at hand. His main work station is dominated by several large screens where his System displays information. It also converses with him in the dulcet voice of a seductive woman, according to his preference. When we met, his system was the closest thing to having a romantic relationship with a woman.

The Alliance constantly searched for civilizations interested in joining them, but planets supporting intelligent life forms are relatively rare. The thousands of years they had devoted to the search yielded only a few thousand members.

As large as it was, the Alliance was not the only such organization, and at least one other was several times larger than it! Membership was entirely voluntary, but certain principles had to be agreed upon when joining. It is illegal to use military force unless attacked, and Alliance security forces constitute the only standing army. All member civilizations are allowed to send volunteers to military academies. Another major principle is that all living species shall be preserved and treated with respect, even if used for food. A third is that greed is not tolerated. So long as the member civilizations adhered to these principles, they were largely left to govern themselves while receiving all the benefits of Alliance technology in keeping with to their ability to assimilate it.

Nuke expressed the purposes of the Alliance in a letter he wrote to a human friend named Isabel:

Our position has always and will always be that of expanding our knowledge with regard to other life forms, by understanding, insight, and guidance from the highest levels within the realms of these life forms. Highest level, by far and with good solid reasoning, should not include greed-based bureaucracies in any form. You might not be surprised to hear me express that there are very few controlling governing bodies (on Earth) which are not founded on greed.

Perhaps this knowledge will be a beginning step for you in understanding our motivations. Every individual, regardless of how many appendages they may have, or the communication capabilities they may have and how it is expressed, the specific environment they exist in, or their specific approach to reproduction, to mention only a few aspects of us all, were ultimately created by All, and therefore each of us must have all freedoms and rights due to us. All ignorance must eventually be erased with knowledge, all pain must be replaced with pleasure, all intolerance must be replaced with kindness and patience. These truths, and more, are the propulsion of my actions, and the actions of many.

Occasionally the Alliance will seed uninhabited, viable planets with life compatible forms in combinations that insure ecological survival and will thereafter closely monitor their evolutionary progress with a minimum of intervention. In some cases, the civilizations of dying planets are be transferred to other planets where they can survive. Any necessary modifications would be made to the alternate planet, including alterations of its orbit and in some cases, creating, moving, or eliminating stars if required!

Orsis was a declining planet that was famous for its crystalline structure. Eight’s decision to rehabilitate it was one example of such a massive undertaking. Nucleus described the operation as follows. “The crystals of Orsis have been used by its population for energy and matter transformation for thousands of years. The crystals are drawn to each other and merge when they meet to form clusters. Their whole technology depends upon crystals, but the central core of crystal has not been able to produce new crystals as fast as they are used, and the planet is dying. Their technology is very outdated and their infrastructure is falling apart. I’m trying to repair the damage and it’s quite technical, highly laborious, and very tedious.”

The inhabitants of Orsis were relocated to another planet while the huge project was under way. Eight said, “Ginea’s (the Queen of Orsis) palace sat on top of a crystal which extended all the way to the planet’s core. It was a very difficult job, but we finally uprooted the face of the crystal that was attached to the core. It was so decayed that it crumbled in our hands and therefore could not generate any energy. We have recharged the regenerating area of the core which is responsible for the creation of crystals, and now it’s producing new ones.

“We also repaired aquifers, which created a stable, pure water supply and decontaminated agricultural areas that had been polluted by the use of toxic water. Our sterilization process will create healthy soil, which will allow things to grow and will provide a safe environment for food producers. We made housing repairs according to the wishes of the people.

“The inhabitants made many suggestions regarding waste disposal, so we turned that project over to them. New technologies have been placed in their engineering areas and competent operators have provided. Those who want to learn how to operate them are being intensively trained. We expect the rehabilitation of Orsis to be complete in another few months.”

As an illustration of the Alliance’s philosophy of preserving life forms wherever they were found, Nucleus wrote, in a letter to one of his human friends, that he was once directed to go to a planet that was under attack by alien forces, who fled when the Alliance fleet arrived. Nuke orbited the planet several times, but found no traces of life. He landed, disembarked, and sat on a boulder in the devastated landscape. His tears fell to the ground as he hugged his knees in despair and there he saw a tiny spark of light. He took the risk of opening his mind to it and communicated his friendly intentions. The spark absorbed the moisture of his fallen tears and with the  addition of a few more drops, it became a fully formed embryo. It cooperated when Nuke put it into a substance capable of briefly supporting any life form. Meanwhile, another embryo of the opposite sex had been rescued by members of his crew. He wrote, “Other life forms were found in subterranean caverns and were also nurtured during the rehabilitation of their planet. Several Systems in addition to mine cooperated in the selection of life forms to create a viable ecosystem. The survivors were educated for many years while members of the Alliance installed and cultivated the compatible life forms. When they reached maturity, the survivors asked to be instructed in the ways of peace and love and afterwards were returned to their rehabilitated planet, where they have survived with very little assistance. They now have great, great, great, great grandchildren and are quite content. Foreigners can only visit for brief periods in order to allow them to evolve naturally and to preserve the purity of their environment.”

I asked, “How do you know when to intervene on behalf of a specific species? Would having a war be sufficient?”

“It would depend on how many individuals were involved, how long it had been going on, how intense it was, the kind of weapons being used, and so forth. For example, when a species starts shooting infrared lasers into space and starts sending thermonuclear devices into deep space, it is going to be stopped.”

“When I think of all the babies that have needlessly died on Earth and all the damage we have done to our planet and other species living on it, I wonder why you haven’t already put a stop to it.”

“What would you have us do, wipe you out?”

“Can’t you start an educational program teaching us how to live, how to cooperate with other life forms, and how to get along with one another without violence?”

“That’s what the pyramids were intended to do.

“They were for teaching the value of cooperation instead of competition, but you got bored, you lost interest, you walked away, and then, when we rose up in our ships and left, you called us gods! Preposterous! That’s one reason why so few humans are allowed at the Station, or in the entire galaxy, for that matter. You can’t keep your mind on one thing. You’re always looking for something else, and you are not good for the long run. Of course there are some exceptional individuals such as yourself, … who can be trusted to be part of the system.”

“When you left Earth I suppose they tried very hard to regain the power and technology which they had lost. Is that why human sacrifices began?”

“Some idiot had the idea that sacrificing people would somehow bring us back. They missed the whole point. We never asked for such sacrifices and did not want them.”

“Why haven’t you got another educational program right now?”

“Because no one will listen. It has to be introduced in very subtle ways that will make people think, What is going on here and why? Our crop circles, for example.”

“They certainly do cause an intelligent person to question their origin.”

“And what is the response of your governments to our efforts to communicate? Hostility! They try to destroy us, even though we have done them no harm, but we will not allow your species to carry nuclear weapons and laser beams into outer space.”

The value placed on freedom by 8’s society also extends to animals. He once wrote, “In my society, we do not domesticate any sentient being. Each has the capacity to think, feel, and react. We respect one another. We also bond emotionally and at times become close companions. Our society has developed telepathy, so communication is not a problem. I have a small, furry companion I call Iktupchik. He and I are very close and I enjoy greeting him when I enter my private quarters. I must also state that he is free to come or go, yet he chooses to abide with me.”

On another occasion I asked, “How many intelligent life forms exist in the four quadrants or beyond?”

“Give me a moment.” He silently consulted his System and wrote on a scrap of paper, 55,753,026,453. “Now mind you, this goes across dimensions and extends beyond our borders. The System indicates that this is actually a low estimate of all that may exist, perhaps as little as ten percent.”

I knew the Alliance had totally mastered the science of genetic manipulation and often created new life forms by combining DNA from existing species, but I wondered why they thought this was an important task, and decided to ask Nuke about it. He said, “We have found in our studies of various species around the universes that when a species constantly interbreeds with itself over thousands of years, there tends to be a weakening of genetic traits, and eventually the species will begin to decline. This is shown through health problems that end life prematurely, problems with emotional responses and impulse control, a lowering of intelligence, and an increase of violence. If genetic material of a compatible species is introduced, a revitalization of both species occurs.”

“Aren’t you interfering with God’s plan, which allows species to decline?”

“We believe we also are a part of God’s plan. If we did it in order to control or dominate, then we would be violating His will, and we would eventually be stopped.”

In the same vein I asked, “Are there species in outer space who are genetically similar to humans?”

“You earthlings are not the only human beings who exist, but in His wisdom the Creator has made sure that you are kept far apart. It is likely that your governments would immediately launch missiles if you learned there were others within 50 million light years from here, even though they would not be around to witness the results. Preposterous! Absurd!”

In another one of our interesting conversations, Nuke said, “Humans are simple and straightforward, easy to understand.”

“Are you implying that your own kind are hard to understand?”

“Yes, because we are taught to contain our emotions.”

“Why is that necessary?”

“Through our long history of contact with unfamiliar species we have learned to be very cautious, to use our intellect instead of our emotions, and to avoid making the wrong moves. It becomes habitual. However, there are marked exceptions. Some of the grays are so emotional that you can’t walk past them without feeling it pouring from their bodies. They are extremely empathic. They are often employed when humans or others are terrified by contact in order to calm them. What would you do if you came into contact with a new species? You have never seen it before and you know nothing about it. How would you react?”

“I would be very still. I would try to project love through my expression and hope it would be perceived.”

“That is what the grays attempt to do.”

“It is often misinterpreted as cold, uncaring, or even robotic.”

“That is human distortion.”

In another discussion I said, “You guys seem to take a great deal of interest in those who have suffered. I have noticed that almost every severely traumatized woman I have ever worked with remembers a UFO sighting if I ask about it.”

“Women and men. What is our reasoning?”

“Those who have suffered appreciate being loved and cared for. They… can tell others about your true nature.”

“Those who have suffered know how to appreciate goodness. A society in which all are grateful for each other is bliss.” My tears suddenly erupted. Marjie and I were very homesick for that.

I was interested in the history of the Alliance’s contacts with humans and said to him, “I read in The God Hypothesis by Dr. Joe Lewels, that the ancient Sumerians wrote about a war in space between the forces of Light, who wanted man to have full knowledge of the universe, and the forces of darkness, who did not. Was there truly such a battle?”

“Indeed there was, and it is still going on. We will always come to the aid of any race that wishes to retain its free will, and will resist those who would eliminate free will. However, there must also be a rising of man’s consciousness. When enough people speak out against the negativity found on this planet, the negativity will lose its control. It is essential that the human races stand up for themselves. We cannot do it for them.”

I asked Nuke if an Arcturus group of extraterrestrials I had read about belonged to the Alliance. He answered, “Yes. They are generally a good sort.”

“What about those from Sirius?”

“Some of them are not so kind and nice, but there are others who are, just as on Earth.”

“What about the Pleiades?”

“That whole area has a kind of negative energy about it. There are some good people there, but there are also some warrior types who cannot necessarily be trusted, even though they are members of the Alliance. There are people in your own solar system as well that I would stay away from if I were you. They have a lot of negativity, especially some who live here on Earth.”

The incredible technological abilities of the Alliance are even more advanced than I had ever imagined, as was revealed in this hypnosis session with Marjie. She said, “I see Mother. She’s showing me a lot of very large Qs. You know, the letter Q. They’re forming up in a line. Now they’re snaking toward me, moving up and down. They’re coming very near my face. One of the Qs is hanging around Mother’s neck, a big black Q! I don’t know what any of this means. How am I supposed to react to this?”

“Why don’t you ask Mother?”

“She says it stands for quad quasars. Nucleus and his team have discovered them. They’re celebrating. I don’t even know what a quasar is.”

“They’re inconceivably powerful energy sources that emit much more light than an entire galaxy. Astronomers think black holes cause them.”

“Mother says you’re right about them having a great deal of energy.”

“I think quasars might be a point of contact between dimensions.”

“Mother says you’re right about that, too.”

“Nucleus can explain it to us. Why don’t you ask him?”

“I’m not getting an answer.”

“He may be too busy since the discovery. We can try later.”

In the morning Marjie said, “Something strange happened last night. Do you remember what it was?”

“I saw a UFO in the west before I went to sleep, and I woke up around four with irritated sinuses, as if I had inhaled a chemical.”

She said, “I know this wasn’t a dream. I was wide awake. You sat up in the bed and stood up very straight beside it, and your body went right through the roof, at an angle. You completely disappeared! I knew you had been taken by the ETs, but I didn’t worry about it because I knew you would be back before long, so I just turned over and went back to sleep.”

“Maybe I breathed something when I was there. I wish I could remember what I did.”

In spite of the night’s activities I felt quite energetic all day and got home around six thirty. We finally contacted 8, who was quite cheerful. “Hello, Pat. I apologize for the delay. It has been quite noisy due to the celebration, which is still going on. We have successfully captured the energy of all four quasars! We hardly know what to do with it all.”

“Congratulations. Mother told us about it. I can’t begin to imagine how much energy that is. I understand that a single quasar has the energy of a thousand or more galaxies.”

“That is correct. I was pleased that you participated in the celebration.”

Several days had passed before I asked him, “What did you do with the energy of all those quasars?”

“Among other things, we have constructed a crystal city. The walls are transparent, but if someone wants privacy, the portion which they occupy becomes shaded. Our walls do not prevent exit or entry of anyone unless it is desired.”

The Alliance is quite capable of time travel, but it is a rare event that requires prior clearance at high levels of authority. Since it potentially involves changing an entire time line, it is regarded as a sacred responsibility. Marjie and I, like many other contactees, have experienced brief episodes of lost time, in which we found ourselves in locations we couldn’t remember going to or didn’t intend to go to. An outstanding episode of lost time occurred when Marjie was driving westward toward home from town and suddenly was driving eastward, about a mile beyond the intersection where she normally would turn southward. Soon after that event I checked the level of the oil I had recently changed in her car, finding it was a quart lower than it should have been, because her car did not use oil. During a subsequent trance session, Mother explained it had been removed from the car for analysis when it and Marjie were transported to the Station during the interval of lost time. Furthermore, she and the car had been intentionally returned to a location which would require a paranormal explanation.

I also experienced a few episodes of compressed time, in which it took considerably less time to reach a familiar destination than was possible at the speed I was driving.

Nuke and I discussed the transportation of objects and people from place to place without the use of vessels, reminiscent of Star Trek’s “Beam me up, Scottie.” One of his close human acquaintances had expressed concern about the safety of such procedures and I asked, “What do you think of her fear of traveling to the Station during a thunderstorm?”

“If she knew what really happens to her body when she makes the transition it would probably scare her to death. She would imagine her molecules being scattered everywhere, but I haven’t lost anyone for centuries.”

“You actually did lose someone?”

“Yes. I was an apprentice and made a mistake. I was supposed to press a certain button to reunite the person at a particular place and time, but I pressed the opposite button. I don’t know where his molecules wound up. They could have kept on travelling indefinitely. I hope that they eventually united with the Creator.”

“You must have felt awful.”

“I felt very bad at the time and come to think of it, I still feel bad about it.”

“Does a hologram of the person pass through the portal? Is that the basis around which you reassemble their body?”

“Holograms are more real than this bedspread here. It can be destroyed and is gone forever, but a hologram cannot be destroyed. It is a pure environment.”

“On Earth you can destroy the plate on which the hologram is recorded and the hologram is eliminated.”

“It is not the same.”

On a different occasion,  but along those lines, I said, “I saw something in meditation that looked like a big spider’s web made of pink, meshed lines in the shape of a long tunnel or tube. Between the pink lines it was almost white. Do you know what it could be?”

“Your description matches the entrance of a time-travel tunnel. Very good, Pat. Very good indeed.”