Soul’s (energy beings) journey to this physical dimension in order to experience all the many diverse facets of unconditional love through ‘life lessons.’ Many of these lessons and experiences come in the guise of disease/illness, war/genocide, rape/assault, murder/suicide, and the list goes on.
There will be times during your lifetime when you will be tested. These tests were programmed into your lifetime by you before you entered this physical world. No one else tests you; you are the only one that causes doubt in yourself. Your old memories will bring you through what you see as trying times.
There is no danger, only experience which comes to you in the form of programmed tests. The human language has many words to describe types of experiences. When in reality they are all only experiences; no good or bad, just an experience. You went through it, and then you think about it. What should you do? What did you do? Are you okay with that?
Tests come in many shapes and forms. To give you an example of a true test of love think about this for a moment before you respond: God loves all his children no matter from what country, culture or race they hail from. All of them are loved and cherished as his creations and he holds no one above another. All of them are seen as equal entities in his eyes. Praying to God to strike down one you consider an enemy is asking God to kill one of his own creations. Would you pray to God to kill one of your own cherished children? No prayer is ever answered if it involves destroying one creation at the behest of another creation. God loves all his children, not just his American children.
Murderers, child molesters, rapists, and the like; do they deserve to be punished for the rest of eternity? Damned to Hell? If you answered ‘yes’ you have failed the test of understanding what true unconditional love conveys.
If you truly believe in your heart that God loves you more then he loves those spirits of Saddam Hussein or Adolf Hitler, you need to read your holy book again. If your beliefs are contrary to those expressed in this example, you have truly misunderstood a very important message from your Creator, or your holy book was designed as a control measure through organized religion.
God loves those soul’s just as much as he loves you! Open your heart to love and forgiveness or you will have to experience many, many lifetimes to learn the simple truth that we are all connected through the Creator of All to one another. Try to think on a deeper level, examine more closely, and see things through the eyes of our loving God. There is no right and there is no wrong; replace fear with love. You will see all that happens is for the advancement of all creation.
Most individuals who hate or despise others do so because they don’t love themselves or they are experiencing karma. You cannot harm or punish another without harming or punishing yourself. That goes for all of God’s creations (animals, trees, etc.) upon the earth.
The time will come when mankind will comprehend what the Creator has given to them; the means to experience the spiritual lessons of unconditional love through a physical form.These lessons come by way of disease manifested through individual and community, by personal and public lessons of war, murder, and rape; by global lessons of hunger, genocide, and the like.
The lessons are meant to teach you to rise above such negative energy and see the truth and love behind the actions. Let go of the fear and let unconditional love show you the true path. The path that leads us back into the arms of our dear Creator!