Hologram Experiences for Energy Beings by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Programmed Lessons


Every 'Energy Being' or 'Soul' has what is known as a blueprint; which is simply a detailed plan of the life they wish to experience in their next incarnation into a human body.  This blueprint contains, but is not limited to, when and where you will be born on the earth, will you be male or female?  You will choose the type of parents you require and so on.

All major lessons and experiences are worked out and agreed upon with your spiritual advisors prior to you being born into this physical world.  Yet you do have free will and so your plan may be altered after you start living your earth life.  Your spirit guide/companion who oversees your life (some call this entity their Guardian Angel) will still try to place your chosen lessons into your path to be experienced no matter what course you choose to follow.

Many a Soul (Energy Being) journey to this physical dimension in order to experience all the many diverse facets of unconditional love through what is termed by some 'life lessons.'  Many of these lessons and experiences come in the guise of disease/illness, genocide/war, assault/rape, suicide/murder, and the list goes on.  These types of life lessons are programmed into a person's lifetime so they can experience what true love is and how to understand unconditional love through negative and positive events.

Unconditional love can be learned on a small scale or on a grand scale.  For example, on a small scale you as an individual may choose to experience love through cancer, heart disease, physical or mental abuse, and so on.  These not only teach the individual Soul about love of oneself through loss, but draws in family and friends who also can then grow spiritually through such experiences.

On a grand scale, many Soul's freely give their lives to teach love through such events as mass shootings, plane crashes, global disease (AIDS), genocide and hunger.  There are many other such examples.

Love has no limits when it comes to teaching Soul's its true meaning.  You have heard it many times before and it is still true today as in the past; fear is simply the absence of love.  Were you to truly comprehend the essence of unconditional love, you would never experience fear again no matter what the situation might be.

There are no accidents, so if your loved one died from what someone would call an accident, just know it was a planned event by all involved.  Not to cause pain or suffering, or to punish someone who is left behind, but simply an ending to a lifetime in which they had completed their chosen lessons and experiences.

Now then, using the San Bernardino attack as an example, there are many events that are planned prior to your arrival here on earth.  This particular event, as some events, will be carried out in some manner prior to your arrival in preparation for the real event.  However, know that some agreements are not absolute.

This is to say that perhaps you are to experience a deep fear which you choose to overcome in your lifetime.  Perhaps you live near water, in some way you may develop a fear of water.  Perhaps your life has taken you in a different direction; perhaps you are living in a wooded area free from any significant source of water.  A fear may still develop, but it would not be the same fear.  This, in a sense, is how all things work.  It is not necessarily the particular event, it is not the particular people, but it is the challenge itself that you are assigning yourself prior to your incarnation into this world.

In these events, there will be an agreement that many can teach a lesson, or experience such a lesson, or work together to experience and share in a learning moment.  It is a great deal more important that everyone understand that it is not necessarily random acts being carried out by violent terrorists.  That many things that are happening were preplanned.

However, it is important to say there is a need of balancing the energy.  There are two sides to many of these violent stories.  There is a misappropriation of energy.  The contributing factors of these events are many.  If energy cannot be expressed by a group of people in some certain way, it will find another way to be expressed.

There are many who say that this is your own government expressing control and fear over these groups of people.  To some degree this is always true.  No matter the motivation there is a great deal of time, focus and energy by your ruling populations that use these events.

But this event is not an event that was at random on any level.  Much of this was planned and predetermined.  The shocking aspect for you, while it may be known prior to your lifetime in the physical, when some become aware of these events, when they are forewarned, little action is taken to stop them.

The fear and unrest will not stop, primarily because it is perpetuated in the media; no matter how minor or major the event.  It is you alone, for yourself, who can discern these events.  There are many who are using this as a method for greater control because there is so much unrest.  There is not that much unrest, but because there are certain main control systems that are slowly ceasing in their ability to control, there must be new and more extreme methods exacted.

This is not some cosmic doing, this is the belief held by the ruling power.  We do not see that this is necessary, but they do.  We wish to state this clearly so that there is not some miscommunication by anyone who may read this.

You alone can discern the events, realize that many agree upon such acts prior to their arrival.  In this case, it is for the education of many.  There are deeper struggles which must be expressed.  While they seemed random it was agreed upon prior to their arrival.  Those involved will seek justice and vengeance; these are the worst forms of emotion for these acts and for these people involved.

It is important that love be poured, shared, and released into those acts.  This is not some attempt to dehumanize or to humanize, only to state properly that man-made actions cannot stop man-made hate.  The cycle that has been established is not one that has created a more peaceful cycle of events.

There are many who state in arguments between two people that someone must be the more mature party; that someone must be clearer in thinking, that someone not simply react emotionally.  All acts must be evaluated more deeply, not just on face value alone.

It is time to treat yourself as a lighthouse; not necessarily broadcasting a message from the top of your tower; you do not need to force others to see your message, but you can share love and peace from it.  Send into those events, those beings, love and peace, call for it to be so.  Send love and peace in all directions regarding your living space, and to those around you.  It is not necessary to force anyone, but when they are ready they will accept.

Energy must be expressed.  It is not simply about peace, it is about energy expression.  If peace is forced, the energy will only be ignored and expressed in some other way.  It must be expressed.  Peace will come once the energy has been balanced.  You can do this now.