Hologram Experiences for Energy Beings by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Holographic Experiences


(An alphabetical listing of these ‘five’ examples of what an Energy Being would come into this holographic system to experience firsthand should be sufficient, since ‘rape and murder’ have already been used as previous examples).

1. Abortion:

Abortion is not for you to understand completely.  Know that it comes about as a lesson for many to learn to understand this great choice.  There should be greater understanding and letting go, because a being may need to undergo that lifetime, in those circumstances, with what may appear to those involved and already here, as unfavorable circumstances.  There are no unfavorable circumstances. 

There is much that a human cannot currently see, though many are waking to it.  It is about control, though many think that there is less control in allowing this being to be brought in on their own terms?  There is no control, for this energy being will come when it is comfortable with the energy around it. 

There should be acceptance of this practice though the goal should be to overcome the fear associated with it by those who are wishing to carry it out.  Overcome the worry and fear and selfishness.  Your purpose may be to raise this child into the earth and forgo some practice in which you are currently engaged.  There is no growing up fast, because this may be your purpose.  There are many reasons though and greater responsibility should be understood if one feels that they are not currently ready for such an engagement in the life of another.

 Understand that no matter how neglected a child may be it could be for the purpose of that child, there is much that people deem as negative or horrible on your plane when they see another being or a child experiencing them, though this may be the very reason that they have come into this life.

For themselves, and for others, this can be a great experience.  Learning compassion is never easy.  Learning to be responsible with your thoughts and actions on those which bring about greater impact on future lifetimes is never easy but is important.  Action has results and outcomes, learn to think beyond your next five minutes, do not worry on it, only know that your actions have ripples into the future.

2. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:

If there were no diseases and disasters on Earth, mankind would not have the opportunity to reach out, to be more loving, more understanding toward each other in times of crisis.  Diseases provide mankind with many experiences and lessons.

When those Higher Beings in the spirit dimension observed that mankind in the beginning only perceived ‘A.I.D.S.’ to be a ‘gay’ disease, then it was decided for the benefit of all mankind to allow this disease to spread.  Women, children and so-called ‘straight men’ became infected in order to gain the attention ‘AIDS’ was to have fostered in mankind to begin with.  In order to force individuals to react and evolve in order to advance in the way of building spiritual character, which leads to a better understanding of unconditional love.

3. Cancer:

Cancer is a commonly used disease by many energy beings to force them to take note of their life.  Cancer can be something an energy being programmed into their human life to force them to confront the lessons of unconditional love as a means to further their spiritual growth, and/or the growth of those close to them.

Cancer is just one of the many diseases beings use to pull them out of the complacency they have followed in their life.  Sitting in front of the TV, computer or electronic device all day in mindless pursuit does nothing to help us with the true lessons we came to experience in this dimension.  Cancer and other diseases force you to refocus yourself on the true path you wanted to experience; that of advancing yourself through the lessons of unconditional love.

Cancer for some is how they chose to exit this physical world.  That type of death will also have a profound impact on that individual’s family and friends.  Giving them the lesson, whether they learn it or not, that they too should not waste their life on mindless pursuits.  Using your free will and allowing your life to be consumed by only sports, computer games or other mindless endeavors, for example, will not help you accomplish the lessons and experiences you chose to assist in your spiritual advancement. 

If cancer or some other major disease comes into your life; take stock of what it is trying to teach you and what is truly important that you need to take with you from this life you are not living, but simply existing in.  Live your life to its fullest.

4. Handicapped Persons:

From the spiritual standpoint, handicapped individuals can advance at a faster spiritual rate, but do not necessarily advance at a faster rate simply because they are handicapped.  Just as every situation is experienced and the reverse is experienced, this may be another regular learning session for those who choose such a life.

There is not necessarily more or less for them to know, only different manners and more understanding because of the difficulties which are encountered because of the physical or mental impairment.  More than they progress quickly, mankind will progress as they learn the lesson of kindness, love and patience as it relates to these individuals.

There is much understanding that should be taken from these beings when they are present.  No scoffing or dismissal as less capable, but the patience and love expressed to all mankind should be shared on to these individuals as they too are energy beings in a physical existence.

There is a higher frequency with them to ensure they understand these lessons since the physical sensations they experience may not be the same as able bodied individuals.  There is extra guidance to help interpret and after this life to go over and clearly understand what has taken place.

This may be the form taken in a life because of previous actions.  There may be an understanding or a patience of them which can only be learned through the focused attention they now have through the absence of some ability that the majority of humans are given.  They may not necessarily progress faster, they too can ignore or miss their lessons or step off the path and must return to accomplish what was given to them as their assignments for that specific life.

It is the absence or impairment that often gives them the focus and drive which can be missing from an able-bodied person.  They may have less opportunity to be adrift from their mission because their focus is on less frivolous things since they are much more depending on others or must be more self-sufficient.

Blindness, as an example, has the ability to allow those experiencing it to become greater at experiencing other senses capable in the human body, and to understand the subtle nuances in human interaction as well as abilities connected directly to the spirit dimension and communicating with it.

There is less interference from mindless action and are therefore less distracted on their way to their goals.  This can allow them to progress quicker or accomplish these tasks quicker or easier.  They are given a focus.  These beings can return for this specific purpose of being disabled, when in previous incarnations they had missed the opportunity to complete some specific task.  Not true for all beings, the handicapped are great teachers in their own right.

5. Suicide:

This is no different an exit from your plane than any other manner of death.  This, as others, is a physical action manifested from the thoughts and stress that persist on one’s mind.  These can be overcome, and if not, there are many counseling sessions and advisements when that energy being returns home so that they can understand what torment they felt they were experiencing.

Often times this is a young being, not many human life experiences, and this is something they must overcome in order to continue learning in the lifetimes of humans.  This is no more or less negative or positive than any other action taken on the earth plane.  Trial and error, education does not always come quickly, learning by doing.  Living the life is how we come to understand and know it.

Self-inflicted death only returns you home, but know that you will leave again to live in a human form once information has been passed to you so that you can again experience those same conditions and allow yourself to grow.  You choose these things in your path.  You can overcome them. 

There is no cheating and giving of more information in an attempt to stave off suicide in the next lifetime for not much about the energy existence is at first readily available to you when you return. 

There are some ideas and knowledge that is in harmony with all beings who are not completely engulfed in nonsensical ideas on the physical plane, those who have greater information of spirit or those who involved themselves in it may also see it as a tool for overcoming what they fear are overwhelming circumstances, which are only situations to provide a specific circumstance for that energy beings development and to experience that certain set of situations.


As you can envision, there are thousands upon thousands of lessons and experiences, an Energy Being could come to Planet Earth to immerse themselves in, for their spiritual advancement.


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