Hologram Experiences for Energy Beings by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Energy Companions & Groups


Many have heard and used the terms ‘soul mates’ and ‘soul groups.’  To simply be more accurate simply substitute ‘soul’ for ‘energy being.’

Let us discuss energy beings and energy groups and how they translate into a better understanding of how energy beings experience an incident.  There are beings in your sense of what persons or people return for the purpose of interacting specifically within one another in a specific lifetime.  This does not have to be a long-term interaction or a significant interaction, only that the interaction occurs, both agreeing, and by positive consideration by those higher evolved energy beings above you.

There are some energy beings who are engaged in long term relationships and others who have short involvements in your life.  The purposes of these relationships cover the full spectrum of needs, emotions and purposes for development or receiving an experience.  It is important to know that simply because you are energy (soul) mates does not make you lovers.  You can have friends and colleagues who are energy (soul) mates.

Energy mates can refer more to your similarity in progress that has been made through your development as a being of energy, your true self.  Though, it is possible that there is a link between beings that do not reside in these areas of existence within your true home world.  There are energy mates who work together on progress, often these can be groups, not limited to just a singular pair.

These groups work to promote and motivate, or help to understand the experiences had by the group for the sake of evolving and as you might understand it, educating each other for the purpose of ascending to a higher frame of knowledge.

It is possible that significant or insignificant relationships also be of your own free will, or those that were destined to happen, or created to happen for your experience, or even by chance, and that those individuals share nothing in common with you on any dimension.  Though, in many cases, in order for a successful long term relationship of any kind to take place and be maintained, there is often a meaningful accord between the two beyond the physical realm in which you currently reside.

It is important to see that there is much change coming at this time and that there are those who are destined to have greater roles than others.  This does not mean that there are no energy mates, or that we are all connected any less than what you have once thought.  It is important to see the light that is coming to you and is always available to you.

Free will, or choice, or that which is determined, however loosely, before you arrive; these are the things that make this existence real to you.  It is important to engage in all things as though they were true and for your highest good, simply because you do not immediately know, it is important to take on all things important to your evolution as though they were bringing you up to the next level of progress.

Now let us provide you with an example or two; say you were raped or molested by a family member or a total stranger; just remember all major incidents in your life were programmed by you before you were born into this physical world.  You wanted to experience certain lessons and events for your spiritual development and advancement.

Rape is just one of many things to experience from the point of the attacker and from the point of the victim for energy beings seeking to understand all the many aspects of unconditional love.  If you, as the one who was raped, can truly understand the spiritual lesson behind the act, then you are advancing your spiritual growth, which is why you chose that lesson to experience.  If you, as the one who committed the act, can truly understand the spiritual lesson rape can teach, then you are advancing your spiritual awareness, which is why you chose that lesson to experience.

Two energy beings come together and decide on who will be the victim and who will be the assailant before they incarnate to earth.  After those lifetimes are completed, the two beings will switch roles and the one who was raped becomes the rapist, and the one who was the attacker becomes the one to be raped.  This is so both beings can experience the lesson from both sides of the coin, so to speak, thus allowing both to learn what can only be conveyed in this physical world.  Each then has the opportunity to express unconditional love on many different levels.

On a larger scale, such as a Mass Shooting, many beings come together not only to experience this type of event first hand, but to also teach others through this type of incident.  The shooter and victims may all be from the same energy group here to teach others about how to express energy in one form or another.

Once you understand we come together here on earth to experience, what are perceived to be negative events, then you will see it is simply done in order for us to grow spiritually.

Forgiving yourself and forgiving others becomes much easier once you understand the true nature of what has transpired between you and someone you know, or one who is a seemingly total stranger.  That stranger may in fact be a very close friend from your true home world that has agreed to assist you in learning or experiencing a much-needed lesson for your personal spiritual development; whether you or they played the part of assailant or victim.

Think deeper, and then forgive yourself and forgive the others that have caused you harm for whatever they did to you, or what you did to them.  Nothing happens by chance, there are no accidents; you chose the incident to experience before you were incarnated into this world.

Experience the physical event fully, and then look deeper into what really transpired on a higher level and then come to terms with what this lesson has meant to you.