1. Features of Sunlight
2. Creator observes his life forms
3. Schizophrenia
4. Mental Illness
5. Electric Shock Therapy
6. The Letter: Creating Peace
7. Calling Guides before Healing Session
8. Law Enforcement
9. Julian Assange: Wiki Leaks
10. Changes: next 30 years
11. Grounding through Running/Walking
12. Depression
13. Healing Nature: Courtyard
14. Creator: Each Dimension
15. Land Changes: Next 30 years
16. Can Souls be multi-dimensional?
17. Jalapenos: Healing properties
18. Winter Solstice: 12/21/2012
19. Human Race/Specie’s
20. Root Race’s
21. Phil Hartman
22. Nuclear Power
23. Etheric Double
24. Global Warming
25. Changes for Mother Earth
26. Root Race: More Information
27. Punishment: Man vs. Man
28. Thoughts: from Spirits or from your Mind?
29. Ectoplasm
30. Spirit Communication: Does light affect it?
31. Suicide
32. Karma
33. Akashic Records
34. Déjà Vu
35. Angels/Archangels
36. Dreams
37. Rare: Levitation, Materialization
38. Purpose of Ethereal Double
39. Ramifications of Homosexuality
40. Obsidian Stone
41. Music: What makes it appealing?
42. Handicapped: Faster spirit progression?
43. Tarot Cards: Are they accurate?
44. Bible: Its main purpose
45. Raising your vibrations
46. Floaters in the Eyes
47. Masturbation
48. Evil Entities
49. Reason for sexual urges
50. Reiki
51. Barry Martin: Channels J.F.K.
52. Spirit transfer of information to a Medium
53. Earth Populated
54. Universe: Reason for its creation
55. 9/11: Twin Towers Terrorist Attack
56. 9/11: Pentagon Attack
57. China: Ever stop being Communist?
58. China: Will it surpass USA?
59. Extraterrestrials
60. Sinus Cavities: Psychic Development
61. NDE: Near Death Experience
62. True Prayer
63. Astral Projection
64. Definition: Supreme Being/Creator
65. GOD: Scientifically Proven?
66. Accidents: Planned Events
67. Adolf Hitler
68. Spirits: Forced to Incarnate?
69. Emotions: Those of an Energy Being
70. Soul Mates
71. Atlantis
72. Pres. John F. Kennedy
73. Will Mankind become Extinct in the Future?
74. Alzheimer's
75. Seizures
76. Heartburn & Acid Reflux
77. Chakras
78. Lawn Care/Maintenance
79. Developing Mediumship
80. Healing types: Any Difference?
81. Ghosts who 'Haunt'
82. Homosexuality & Bisexuality
83. Sadism for Sex Gratification
84. Masochism for Sex Gratification
85. Possession
86. 'Shadow' People
87. Development Class: Daydreaming
88. Weather Control: Government
89. Mass Shootings/Bombings
90. Police: Consequences of Abolishing Them
91. Raising Children without Rules
92. World Militaries: Transformed into Peaceful Units?
93. Easter and Jesus
94. Anti-Christ: Mabus/Obama?
95. Addiction/Dependency: Causes
96. Sylvia Brown
97. Maintain Individuality as Energy Being
98. Star/Indigo Children
99. Abortion
100. Space Shuttle's last Mission
101. Role of EMT/Paramedic during a Heart Attack
102. Population Control
103. Euthanasia
104. National Rifle Assoc. (Agenda/Powerful Politics)
105. Law of Attraction
106. Marriage
107. Leaving/Returning to one's Body
108. Is Sex just for Procreation?
109. Focusing the Mind for non-physical Work
110. What causes Allergies to Domestic Pets?
111. Possible to Overdo Psychic Development?
112. Perception of the Afterlife
113. Harm from Cell Phones/Electronic Devices?
114. Big Tobacco: Any Danger to Society?
115. Mad Cow Disease: Does it Exist?
116. Pharmaceutical Companies: Holding out on Cures?
117. Religion: Can it Work?
118. Lessons: Why come to Earth to Experience Them?
119. Higher Education
120. Walk-ins
121. HIV in Africa
122. U.S. Dollar: Will it remain as world Reserve Currency?
123. Bipolar & Manic Disorders
124. Traits & Attributes: Before & After Birth
125. Fantasies
126. Where do new Energy Beings come from?
127. Ocean Water
128. Water: World Pollution
129. Healing Methods: Which is Better?
130. Seasonal Allergies
131. NDE: Seeing Image of Jesus
132. Heel Pain/Tendonitis
133. Poison Ivy
134. ESP: Mood/Emotions Experienced
135. Paul McCartney
136. Polio in today's world
137. What is Ectoplasm?
138. Energy and its Physical Structure
139. Benefit of Mediums/Psychics
140. Time Travel
141. Memories/Past Lives
142. Cold Sore/Fever Blister
143. Bowe Bergdahl: Disappearance
144. Gallbladder Removal: Harmful Effect?