Holographic Knowledge for Planet Earth by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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1.(Q) What should I (Alexander) know about my working nights and not seeing the sun?

(A) There are many aspects of the sun that your body needs. You are getting very little of them right now. It has an adverse impact on your body. We are working on a position for you where you can be in the sun and outdoors. You will enjoy it greatly. There are many benefits to being in the sun and outside, many healing qualities. Many aspects regulate the body’s normal functions and systems.


1.a(Q) What can I do to reverse the absence of the sun while I am working nights?

(A) Vitamins, vitamins, vitamins. You are right to take vitamin D and C. There are many things you must do to combat having little or no sunshine interacting upon your physical body. Keep a regular routine, sleep at a normal time everyday. Keep track of what you eat. Exercise. Embodiment. Fullness. Overarching/overreaching.


1.b(Q) Is there a light that I can use in my apartment or at work that will give me the same benefit as the sun?

(A) There aren’t many things that you can do to replace sunlight directly. Many advertised lights just make false claims. Having many lights on will help regulate basic cycles. Bright areas are better than dark ones when you must sleep opposite of the majority in humanity.


1.c(Q) What about the lights at the office, fluorescent lights are not good?

(A) They are not helpful and deteriorate your mood and energy. They often are dim and this can impact your mood or psyche.


1.d(Q) What can I do to prepare for the job on days and outside?

(A) Become fit, work on this, you are. Show yourself what you can do. We will help but only so much we can do. You will be happy. It is not unnecessary or too much to ask to want these things for yourself. Fitness for function is necessary, but not too much, don’t overdo it. Be active, make peace with this now. Your dreams are coming true.


1.e(Q) Is my ability to heal affected by missing the sunlight?

(A) Not directly. We are helping you and when you heal yourself you are rebuilding your energy. This will be repaired soon. Patience, in time.


 1.f(Q) Who brings forth this information at this time?

(A) Constantine and Barker.


1.g(Q) Do you have any other messages at this time for me?

(A) Meditate as you’ve read about, many good things to come. Peace at last. You’re doing a good job. Many things made better. All will last. Experience greatness. All will pass, by choice or force, all will come.


2.(Q) Does the Creator come to see each one of us on this plane at some point?

(A) Yes, there are many times that the Great Spirit, the creator, the god force, many names, will come to you directly to check on his creations. You are of him, you will be with him. There are many times that it is around you and you can sense it. We are all connected and the creator is the common thread. You need to be aware that we are all the same being, all striving to get back to where we were born from. When one grows, all grow. There are no limits, only time and trials to raise yourself and return. There aren’t things that can stop you, only things to learn from on your path. No brick walls that can’t be surmounted, your view may only be from your perspective and many things can seem mountainous from one person’s viewpoint. Be prepared for hard work. There are things that come to you that you will understand but will need to save for later. The god force is one of them. There will come a time when you will be tested.


2.a(Q) Tested by whom?

A) Yourself. No one else tests you. You are the only one that causes doubt in yourself. Your old memories will bring you through what you see as trying times.


 2.b(Q) Am I in danger?

(A) There is no danger, only experience. The human language has many words to describe types of experiences. When in reality they are all only experiences, not good or bad, just an experience. You went through it, then think about it. What should you do? What did you do? Are you okay with that? Constantine is here and wishes to tell you that he is not afraid for you. He went through similar lifetimes. There is nothing to fear on your plane. There is nothing that should cause want and desire except love and caring for other souls. Please go in peace.


2.c(Q) Who is peaking to me now?

(A) Elophyny.


2.d(Q) Where do you come from?

(A) We are on a star plane. Similar to yours but not like yours. We are near you, as most planes/dimensions are, even more so in the sense that no one is separated because of energy and thought. You will go far, you know this.


2.e(Q) Are you what we would call aliens?

(A) We are spirit guides that would be more familiar to you as a spirit or being of light. We are not alien any more than anyone else or any other thing is an alien. So much concern for words, you know this. It is what it is because it is, not because of the form or word attached to it. We are here to help you. We are not trying to scold you, only bring you to awareness, you know this. We want all to be with us.


2.f(Q) Have you been with me always?

(A) We are like the source. We are able to know many things about many people at many times. We are able to know about you though we may not be in your direct presence all the time, though we will be with you through times of need and when you call on us. We will not abandon you or anyone else.


2.g(Q) Do you watch over everyone on this plane?

(A) In some respects, yes, though there are certain ones that will rise up to meet challenges which can benefit from our guidance. Not all listen when information is given. This is why you and Michael experience us.


2.h(Q) What else can you tell me about your group?

(A) We are not from your plane or planet originally. We are here to help. Many are here to help. There are things that must be learned and you’re doing them now. Continue to learn and grow. Mankind must have patience for things to take action but must also be of action, do not waste precious time on things not related to your goals. Unwind, yes, reflect, yes, but be of action.


2.i(Q) I feel like the messages that I’ve received so far, you feel as though we’re all lazy, is that how you see us?

(A) We see you as dealing with many facets of a difficult plane. We are your guides, we are doing that, just guiding. There are no principles which you do not already understand, your thoughts come fast and you must type them fast or they will be lost. Do not lose them, this will come with practice. We are not the judges, we are here to help and assist you. There are many things that can be accomplished in a lifetime if mankind would put his mind to them. Once you are out of your shell a person must go forward and not use the past or their forbearers as a crutch or excuse for not making change or taking action.


3.(Q) What is schizophrenia?

(A) Schizophrenia is not just a disease of the mind but a problem of the overall person. This is what your medicine does not yet understand. There must be another approach, differently, to overall health that focuses on what is not yet directly or scientifically measured by your experts. There is much in the way of science that needs to mesh with your beliefs and this is happening in your lifetime. There is much that can be done to improve the state of a person suffering and undergoing this trauma. Lesser spirits and entities are torturing theses poor souls who have deformities so to speak of their creation. There are problems in their development as spirits that allows lesser communication of spirits to occur without their control.

They must learn to stop these, and take control. Ignoring a problem with medication does not lessen the impact the spirit world, or any spirit kind, is having on a person. They must associate body, mind, and spirit as one. Though there are some who experience this with the intention of learning and experiencing it in this lifetime, there are many who may come to this life and have an error in their creation or development that allows these lesser entities to communicate with them. It is not easy to stop this; drugs quiet receptors in the mind and body and simply dampen the messages, a drugged mind is less receptive and less open to messages and input. But this also includes input from any higher being or being wishing to help. At the onset, a person can be helped, there are times of need but there are times when a person is driven to a kind of madness because they are unable to control the messages received. Schizophrenia actually occurs after the voices and messages drive a person into a psychotic state, not simply hearing these messages, this is not schizophrenia. Once a person is unable to reason with what is occurring, that is when schizophrenia begins. There is no need for this to bother you because no matter when a person experiences it, by choices or by partial impairment of the body by some intention or neglect, this is for their learning. You will not experience this in your life as you feel your relatives have. This is not for you. Changes occur in the body that allow this to happen. Drugs are not the answer; no drug is the answer or cure all, the mind is the only thing to be changed, studied, learned, understood, and the only thing that needs change within it to heal the entire body and cure most earthly maladies. Your world is hell bent on pills, by commercialism and insecurity, this will stop and your healing will become evident when there is too much cost involved with the purchase and manufacture of pills that provide false hope and temporary relief. Your doctors do not mostly focus on prevention and overall health, they fix a singular problem. Your personal doctor is good at this, focusing on entire body and health, and mentality, and well-being to sustain life and health. Happiness does not come from a pill bottle. Happiness comes from within.


3.a(Q) What causes schizophrenia?

(A) This is a reason as we have discussed. As you have read there are breaks in the energy body of what a person has around them, this allows communication more easily as most would want if they understood this. But for those who only hear negative messages this is because their mind and body is of a lower vibration and attracts the abundant number of lower beings that exist around us all. Raise the vibration and hope can be seen.


3.b(Q) What is a schizophrenic person experiencing?

(A) A change in their reality but it can be for the better. Many do not understand that they have a psychic gift and communication connection between worlds. This is something you want and that most who are aware of this ability hope to achieve. Schizophrenics have no filter in place yet to sort through the information they receive and their doctors are not aware of the world beyond this one, therefore, in a clinical setting, there is not much hope beyond a pill or isolation for these people who have gone mad by definition of your world. There is hope for them if you come to understand the relation of all levels of spirit and body within one another. Everything is related, science separates and isolates each system; we are all one.


3.c(Q) What can I do for a person who has schizophrenia?

(A) Any level of healing will do wonders for them, but as with any health or spirit matter, energy does so much until a person returns to their old behavior and mentality. There must be a change in thinking, a new way of understanding. If a person has the mental capacity for learning, as all do, then thought should be created to understand health and to learn more about the self body. There is much that can be learned, healed, accomplished by inner work, not outside stimulation. Plants are helpful but again, often unnecessary, but can be aides, because all can be accomplished with your mind, with your energy and the purest form of it. We are not alone and the communication these souls receive is evidence of that. They are still stuck in the realm of yours where the doctors are feebly trying to comprehend these “problems” by years of medicine that does not confront the changes in humanity and their metaphysical abilities. You will come to be able to measure and understand these; this is when a shift will occur. A change will happen. You can direct thought, healing, and energy towards this resolution to bring peace and calm to those who are undergoing that type of experience. They are not lost, living their life gives them the greatest satisfaction when they come to our plane. There is not much that cannot be learned from this mental stated compared to yours or any other. Positive physical and mental health are related, there must be something more that doctors can do, this is what they say and wish for but little work is done to accept new ways of thinking. The label ‘new-age’ creates a wall and barrier between doctors and thinkers in this field but this is what will join them. Many mental health problems will evaporate when this change is seen. Many will receive help because our world will be acknowledged, people will have hope, not fear, because they can locate easily those who understand. These beings can have a higher spiritual level because of the communication if they could harness it for the use of mankind. They are not defective or broken by our standards. Man, places many labels on their own kind which serve no purpose other than placing that person in negative energy. Often times the doctor visit makes worse the ailment or condition because of the labels associated with each ‘problem.’ There are no problems; people instantly become negative about things because of outside stimulation by doctors, society, pills, drugs, and stigma. All unnecessary. If alone in the woods, this would not be experienced, and differences would not be seen or felt, a person can work through many things on this plane without intervention by ‘unnecessary medicine.’ You can do this, you can plant the seed and help those eventually make the turn away from this type of doctrine. There are those who are open to it. You will not increase their psychosis or mental delirium, you will help them and we can aid you in this. All man should help those in need, help those above and below your level because all need basic requirements to survive and each can help the next achieve.


4.(Q) Is there anything else that you can share about what earth people call mental illness?

(A) There is a change coming, there will be no hospitals that you know of now, there will be no illness that one seeks a doctor for. Many illnesses will vanish because of terrible diet, sedentary lifestyle, and other behaviors that will not exist before long. There is no reason to fear. Keep your beliefs strong, you have those that will carry man farther through the ages and working with souls now will bring them closer if they come to understand this sooner. Pills are not the answer. Temporary plants relieve and assistance in times of emergency and ailment until you all come to understand the power of the mind, and even in the ability of one man’s mind to heal the body of another. You are all connected.


5.(Q) What should mankind know about electric shock therapy?

(A) There is nothing being done by this. The effects reported by some recipients that state they are receiving healing or their ailments have been cured are completely false. There is no healing being done that isn’t already being done, even without the person aware of it, which goes on anyway but inside the mind. There may be a healing affect by the thought of the patient believing that healing will be done. It can be very damaging for any being to experience electricity outside of controlled methods that humans do not understand. There is much damage that has been done by this practice though not as seemingly terrible as there has been in the past, much has improved. But death is still death no matter the method or no matter how ‘humane’ your world calls it. By this token this treatment is still just as negated as any other that causes harm for health’s sake. No reason that this should occur. There is nothing that the body cannot heal on its own if given the opportunity. There is no need to damage the body in this way. Tiny electrical pulses can cause thoughts to travel and can cause replacement of amputated limbs and can control replacements for them. Simulated heart attacks or brain attacks are not helpful as damage is still being done. Psychologists will not admit that the evidence is proof. There is much damage but they may feel that benefit outweighs the positive that can truly be done outside of their terms or realm. There are some that can benefit from this but not in the way that the doctors perceive. There are times when electrical pulses are misfired in the brain, maintenance is necessary, though this can still have problems for other areas of the mind and brain. It takes a great effort from guides to present the body with enough energy to repair the unseen body with enough energy and healing to repair those things unseen. Much can be done even with a seemingly broken mind. Normal on your plane is a very widely used term that has no clear definition. Oddities and abnormalities are not always needed to be fixed and tamped down; existence is good simply by existing. There is no need for constant repair and upgrades. Upgrading the mind and coming into new knowledge is important. It is important to know that this knowledge is not new to all, only to some, it is universal and has been around for all that have ever occupied your life space. There is much work to be done in order for all to understand this. As you have been reading there will come a time, we are working on this, where all of man is healed by thought and amplified energy. Energy is in all things; inanimate objects have energy or at the very least absorb it and act as sponges. There is no need for medicine internally or for electricity to be applied externally for any reason. What is painful and harmful in large doses is also painful and harmful in small doses, no matter what they perceive to be the benefit. There is no side effect from anything the creator has ever intended for you to use to heal any level of your being except improved health. So much concern on these things worries us and leaves us to wonder how some have existed for so long. There is a lifespan intended for all beings and many have interfered with it, you can get this back. With knowledge, many can get this back. There is no reason to fear, worry, or be concerned over aspects of your life, you can change what you can change, others are for experience and learning, others are not as important. You will live, survive, and thrive, without the help of the massive uprising perceived by mankind. There will come a time where peace is seen as a lost cause, but it will be this time when a great change happens. There is no reason to worry or fear this. All these great and good things will come, but terrible things must be removed first. Pride and prejudice will be removed. Negativity and all aspects of things unimportant to the overall function of beings and the planet will pass and the great peace and cohesion you have been yearning for will come to pass. You will live in this time. It will come in your lifetime. Medicine, money, television, objects of physical possession will have no meaning. Entertainment will come from spiritual concerns and helping others in need. Bettering everyone will be the concern of everyone. There will be others who are not interested but they will have different concerns, but these concerns will still be for mankind. There is no need to worry about deep fractures beyond those that currently exist. The human race is one giant family and they will come to understand this. You should share this information with more people. There is no reason you can’t do this. You must express this information in as many ways as possible. You can do this, you know how. It will bring much to you. You will have a better understanding of self and others. You can do this. Lazy is not for you, in work or in spirit. Make actions to free yourself from unnecessary burdens. A free spirit is possible even right now in your oppressive world. Time will bring change but once change occurs there will need to be a catching up in order to make up for lost time. You will not lose your foothold but there is no need to cram such amount of work and drive into smaller amount of time when you have a great time now and a pace that is reasonable.


6.(Q) What should I know about writing a letter to every resident in this city on how to create peace for themselves and the world?

(A) There is much work to be done and you are on the right path. There is a lot of effort needed to finance this mission. A letter is simple. It will reach many. A seed will be planted. There must be peace in your letter in order for it to speak too many in all walks of life and from warring to peaceful backgrounds. You can do this with your creativity and that of our energy. You will have the time and effort to complete this task in its entirety very soon. Do not worry. In the next few days more information will come about what to put into the letter and how to let it speak to each who reads it. You are on your right path in order to do this. You are helping many people reach a goal. Do not worry about failure. The energy spread throughout the city and the world by your actions will be immense. There is much good in this sort of action.


6.a(Q) Do I need to be able to communicate with people once they receive the letter?

(A) Yes, you may not have all of the answers but you will be able to find the answers using your intellect and your connection to us. Your name is not important but the ability to connect with those who might not know in what direction to start is important. Help them take the first few steps into a new order for themselves and therefore the world. You are not a nameless person, you are a catalyst, this will rocket everyone to new heights.


6.b(Q) What information should I include in the letter?

(A) You know these already. There is no reason to ask us information you already know and you already know that too! There is a need to create peace for oneself, though creating peace for another person also brings peace to you, many who do not know this will need their own peace addressed first. It is not necessary to reward them with words on what may enter their lives through peace. If they are ready for the change they will take it, if not, a seed may later bloom and sprout into new growth because they read your information some years back. It is okay to make errors. We should respond with an ambulance and food, not guns and violence. Each can think the way they prefer but there is no need to force that onto others, no mass level of restriction is necessary; each can experience freedom by their own beliefs and by letting others share their own. Not forcing others to believe a certain idea or restricting another’s actions, beliefs, movements, and so forth. There is much to be done and this is the first step.




 I wish to share with you how to create peace and end suffering for yourself and others in this world. Once you’ve read this, if you feel compelled to share it with a friend, a neighbor, a relative, or a stranger, please do so. It does not matter their beliefs as we are all the same.

There is a need to create peace and end suffering for one’s self, the city, and the world. Peace to your own being may seem impossible and so might that of bringing peace to others, but know that bringing peace to others fosters peace in you.

Very simply consider the following:

 For yourself, focus on what matters to you but only the things that you can carry from this life to the next no matter where you believe you may or may not go.

There is no need to worry about gathering money and possessions for yourself when they are not taken from this world when you make your exit.

There are those in this world who have far less than you, their basic needs are not met. They need food and shelter. Share with them. Not only through money, but by direct action; help your neighbor!

Time for daily reflection, meditation or prayer (the term is not important for it is all the same action and creates the same outcome) for understanding yourself, for creating peace, and that peace may spread throughout the world can begin in as little as five minutes per day.

There is no need to force ours/yours/other’s beliefs onto another person or group, no mass level of restriction is necessary. Peace and love is experienced when each person understands that there may be differences visible to the eye, but that we are all the same – we are all souls/spirits/energy/minds/brains having a life on this earth. We all have fears, hopes, and wants; there is no reason for fighting and segregating when we are all truly the same, only born from a different position and time on this earth.

Letting others share their own beliefs and world views; not forcing others to believe a certain idea or restricting another’s actions, beliefs, movements, and so forth. Outlawing, banning, or belittling the mind or thoughts of another only further alienate us from that group or person, making it more difficult in the future to make amends and create peace.

In worldly affairs, we should respond with an ambulance and food, not guns and violence. Access to food, shelter, and education will eliminate many wars and the suffering experienced by many throughout the world. We can each see that we do this as well as our elected officials.

We should work for peace; we should be a peacekeeping force.

Start here, start by having patience, start by helping the less fortunate, start by helping those who need the basic necessities of life. Focus on your mind, your beliefs, your virtues, these things matter the most. Open your mind to your potential, the potential for peace, the possibility for love. Look at the world around you and see how much of those already exist.

Ride a bike, walk, hike, camp; not simply to save money or to cut down on pollution, but to experience the complex beauty that nature has provided.

Thank You, I only wish for your happiness and that peace and healing be created in your environment. Be kind to those you encounter.


7.(Q) Do I need to call my guides to bring forth energy before each healing session?

(A) There is no reason for that to be spoken before each session. We are with you always. You have a direct connection to us. When there is a need for healing, you may simply conduct it and we will bring what you are unable to pull from your environment. There is much that can be done on your own and many humans rely on something outside them or believe that something outside them needs to take place before a change can happen. All is done in the mind and with energy that is present in all living and natural things. This is where healing also comes from, not just the spirit side where many things like these are normal occurrences.


7.a(Q) Should I let you know what I am about to do when I am beginning a healing session?

(A) This is helpful for us. Communication is simple for us, not difficult as you first perceived. Your thoughts about your actions will draw helpful entities nearer to you and will proceed with any advisement or help during the healing process.


7.b(Q) Do I need to call my guides before each automatic writing session?

(A) This is something you should do until the process becomes more natural and concrete for you. There is much that can be done by using a system or a routine until you become more confident and comfortable. There is a need for you to take the place of another at this table and you are doing it rightly. There will be a time when this is not the preferred method of communication for you; though it is building your ability and strength and confidence at this time. These are all important. For there will be a time when your technology may not be as accessible as it is now.


7.c(Q) Do I need to call my guides to place a protective shield around me before each healing or automatic writing session?

(A) This is helpful but not necessary as each person is protected; on their own from within. Because you are doing work for a higher good and greater good than selfish reasons, there will always be protection for you from within your own body and mind. This does not always come from an outside force. We do not always intervene since the majority of energy and action takes part from within you, weather you realize it or not. Calling it something that happens outside of you by another force is possibly easier to understand, that the realization that all protection comes from your actions, commands, thoughts, and beliefs. Nothing good will come to you if you don’t believe it first. Negativity will not join you unless you call it or sow this with your actions.


7.d(Q) Am I conducting my automatic writing sessions correctly?

(A) There are things you can do to improve them but this is not a concern at this time. This is the process by which we communicate at this time. There is not a need to rush things as all information will come as you are ready. You are looking for a confidence or confirmation of your ability to communicate with us. You may seek this if you wish but it is not necessary when you know by your own account, and that of others, that this information is coming from a place much higher than your current position on your human existence.


8.(Q) What can you tell me about police and law enforcement on this plane?

(A) There is a reason that this was started but there will be no need for them in the same capacity once major changes start taking place. They fight to keep their ground when their ground should be held by the people. There are too many souls and spirits who wish for control when they simply should let go. Some of these enter policing and there is no good for all that comes from it. There are times when this group is used as a strong arm for the majority, though the majority is only perceived, since often the government leaders are not the majority. This is much that can be done to ease the tensions but there are still personality conflicts that will only disappear when everyone focuses on