Holographic Knowledge for Planet Earth by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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119.c(A) You are not taught these things in a learning environment. You are taught about events but not the true nature of events. We do not mean to say that reality is being shielded from you but only that there is not a deeper understanding of the events that took place. So much is removed from the situation to be stuffed into books to be later passed on to those who could care less, this is not a proper method of education. Study what you love, and what you desire, not simply what you wish to have added to your stack of papers so that you can be fulfilled in some other way. When the knowledge is gained that you truly desire and that which will benefit you and others, the method will not be important. This is true as you learn about the world or learn medical practice, or some other technology. Anything you want to learn is at your fingertips but all learning takes place in the mind.

There is no universal method for teaching and learning, and as with most areas, this is where the conflict comes into being. There are widespread practices being carried out that only a few benefit from. The progress that they can see is arbitrary, the grading method is not concrete, all is left to interpretation. What you need is for your mind to be open and to study as you will. This does not mean that you cannot benefit from such higher education and learning, but often those who have problems are simply not meant for this system, and because there is only one widespread system, there will always be problems and complications. You can go beyond school, you can learn because you desire to, not simply because you are being made to so that you can be successful by some long-term means. It is important to understand for yourself what it means to be successful.

Success in study does not mean that you have to sit for hours at a time memorizing facts. For some, this is necessary, for others it will not be. Do not be ashamed if you do not fit the criteria that is currently set forth. You will find your path and you will find your way. This is not simply an excuse for you to abandon all hope of education or that you should not learn. Simply, you should be willing to learn and understand a great deal but less emphasis should be placed on learning in the manner in which it is currently conducted or forced. True education comes when the mind is willing, and many now feel that once their higher education is complete, that they simply never need to open their mind again. This is also untrue. It is important, that until you leave our physical existence permanently, and even beyond, your true purpose, your universal purpose at all times, is to learn, grow, acquire knowledge, have new experiences, not cling to a repetitious patter for all of your days.


120.(Q) What are “walk-ins?”

(A) A walk-in is a being who is here temporarily. As the term implies, there have been many who are here temporarily, who do not experience birth and death, who are here simply to experience a duration of time for some specific reason. It is necessary for many to accomplish these things in the manner that they do for their own growth and development but often when something is owed or undone from a previous life on which something greater depends, it is necessary for a being to bring into physical being this action. There have been many instances when a walk-in intervened in an incident and later was never found or seen again. This is often an example of a walk-in. It is not some great mystery. Life by physical means is simply a matter of bringing together the correct particles and atoms, and ions. It is not a matter of the stork bringing into existence the necessary arrival.

For many it is also possible that some are living as a shell of an existence. What we mean is that many are living without complete function over their body. Many are living passively, and so much so, so careless, so passive to their life, that a being is able to use their body in a manner beneficial to someone around them, to intervene, to, for a moment, inhabit the body and then leave again without the full taking over of the body in a long-term human physical sense. It is important to know that this is not a punishment, this is not a demon, but it is possible for this to take place. For many who reside simply in their own minds and not fully embracing their physical attributes, a walk-in is capable, with all authorities giving permission, to reside within the body and use it for brief periods.

120.a(A) A walk-in is not a demon or negative entity. It is no different than a tree that exists or any other energy being inhabiting any other physical form. It is a method to teach and understanding that which is necessary, often in brief instances and short moments when something must be done in a specific way on the behalf of many.

There may come a time when you believe that you have finished your work, this does not allow you a time to exit unless it has been determined to be a time for your exit. You will not give up the right to your body for another being to enter it unless it is decided that you must exit the physical plain completely. It is not an underestimation by anyone that this can or cannot exist, you will reside in your body, but there may be others who come and experience it first hand while you are to the side of existence within your physical body. Do not be ashamed or worried that this has happened. It is simply a practice that has happened. You are not lackadaisical if this has happened, it can happen by predetermination. You will not give up your body so that another can occupy it for the remainder of your time here. You will not go before a court to have your place assessed or judged and your willingness to give up your place judged. It is not possible for you to leave your physical body and the being of another enter it.

The sensation that you have disappeared or that of when you leave your physical body and return can cause this sensation and cause some to explain it in this manner, but you will not leave your body entirely for it to be controlled by another.

It is necessary to say that you are not alone in your thinking nor is anyone else alone in theirs, the reason for this sensation, and the reason that many have decided that this practice takes place, the swapping of souls within a body, is because there are other tournaments that have taken place within the body that cause dissociation.


121.(Q) What is the purpose of so much HIV in Africa?

(A) There is a need for the entities who reside there to experience much of the energy that is taking place. There is a need for others to learn how to help others. There is tribal warfare and other interactions taking place which need to be placed secondary to human existence on a much larger scale. The need for peace is not a mission simply to have for the sake of selling books and newspapers and making others feel good about their work or missions there. The added benefits, the overarching goal of peace and the way in which it carries over and spills out into other actions, this is the purpose. There are many who have never known hunger, these beings now reside in very opposite circumstances than to what they were accustomed to in past lives, but this is by their choosing and for their benefit.

It is not for the judgment of anyone that this epidemic has taken place in this region. There are many from the same soul being group who have been brought into this area and it is necessary for the progress and growth and understanding of the group that it exists here. Know that this is not universal truth regarding HIV/AIDS, there is not the same reasoning in every instance but the turmoil found here is the regions method for expanding and developing. Expressing energy that needs to be released is the method by which the violence is brought about. There will be greater motivations for alternative means as the current infants develop into adulthood.

Civilization as we now know it will not survive in its current state in this region, by far, the most tragic events have yet to pass. They will move and grow beyond them, but the worst is yet to come for those in the area.

This region is not a battle for all world fronts to interfere, as with all areas of development, any method of peace by force will not allow peace to prevail for any considerable amount of time. Eliminating what is seen as a negative energy or entity will not prevent its existence in the future if it is not experienced now as it should be. There are many who wish to help in this area, and there should be none who should be prevented from assisting, but consider the means by which you aid. Are your methods personally driven? Are your means and methods supportive of all who reside their no matter their views? Are you attempting to change those who reside there? While there are no correct or incorrect answers it is very important that you realize, in all aspects of life, not every battle will directly impact you, and if you involve yourself you should not expect change to occur by what you feel is correct. What is correct for you in your life is not necessarily correct for all. This does not make anything false simply because it is different, but know that your universe and perception of it is not the same as others you encounter.

121.a(A) Where shall the children go? This is the question; often the concern is how the children will be raised in this area. The concern is not to be discounted because of the area but consider for a moment your concerns and ponder internally if your concerns for your own children, or the children in your country, if these concerns are legitimate or if they are simply concerns because you have nothing more tragic or seemingly detrimental to fear because you live in a less violent area. Wondering to yourself is not a sign that you are crazy, introspection is important. It is important to carry out this personal investigation before carrying forward, charging forward, into a new realm with an outside idea. This does not mean that we are telling you to keep your ideas to yourself because they involve another region. We are not saying this in the least bit, but consider carefully what it is that you are concerned for, careful evaluation, do not have a quick reaction simply because 'something must be done.'

Wondering to yourself about any event or action is important. There are no right or wrong decisions, only cause and effect, often the regret you have about a decision can be lessened when you follow your true path, not one that has been decided for you by others, and it can be lessened when you have carefully considered to not intervene. It is not important to share always your idea, it is not important to always conceal your idea. Be patient with the world, be patient with yourself.

Offer help but do so unconditionally. Do not offer help with restriction. Do not offer help on the condition that anyone must change their behavior. This can be seen in battles where medical aid is offered to the opposing forces troops. While this is a very basic metaphor and some instances this did not happen, or it happened to a greater degree, it is important to decide to act in this manner. But, simply because you are changing your mind, or carrying out this act, it does not prove long-term success if you do not internally agree with the action. Just as peace by forceful means will not truly create peace. Often the greatest change comes in death or by the absence of a being in a region due to death. This is a very real and true possibility and should not be discounted because, for many, it is the only way true change will come.


121.b(A) "Peace for all time is not a flowery garden in which a select group of humans wish to reside in their minds simply because the world is too harsh. They are idealists who are able to create peace within themselves, others can follow this. As the greater number of people can impact the individual, so can the individual impact a greater number of people. I do not feel that there is any loss simply because there is less hate in the world within an individual." - Constantine

 What is meant by this, is that there are many groups who wish for peace but want conditional peace or peace only for their kind. They wish for peace but also aim to do harm to others who oppose their views. Peace for all time is a realization that all methods and means are of importance and all life is valuable, not simply those who share your world views. There are as many opinions on the living of life as there are grains of sand, blades of grass, and drops of water in the ocean. It is not a decision by the few or many to control a party of the opposing side or of the opposing size. It is important to understand that there is no need for control. Many will grow beyond this and at a point in your civilization there will be an inverse within the community. If you shall describe this now as few carrying about amicability, and many being self-centered, soon there will be few who are worried about the self and property and many worried about the manner in which a greater good for the self and the group can be accomplished. Soon the realization within more beings will come to pass that there are not many long-term possessions or ideals that are held here. Nothing which can be held in the physical world is something that passes with you throughout time. Often it is these things, the money, property, control, these things are only temporary, but they are what drive beings to carry out specific actions in an attempt to gain more of it or them.

121.c(A) Mashing all beings together in a world is the greatest method of teaching team work. There is so much isolation. Isolation by country, language, color, race, hair color, religion, economy. You do not need to stand in lines hugging one another all day but it is important to know that lines drawn on a map and other arbitrary factors do not impart wisdom to those around you. It is not more in the creator's good grace to help only those within your fair city or your block, or within your group of friends because you were all the same and segregated within your tiny little world. This is not to say that you must branch out, but isolation because there are differing factors of existence, this simply must go. You must, as a people, learn to contribute to many areas of life for your own benefit and contributing to the life of another's world for peace in your own life.

The mechanized nature of society will change. This is not to say that industry will go back in time and there will be horses instead of your current method of travel, but there will be changes in which the focus of industry is less on making profit for the sake of profit, and more about creating useful items and practices for the benefit of many who can use them. Profiting from villages who do not have clean water is not a plan that anyone should be formulating in the present. The manner in which the clean water is delivered and the waste carried away is a concern for us all. Survival is important, but it is not always required and not always necessary that all survive in the same way.


122.(Q) Will the US dollar stop being the reserve currency for the world in the very near future and will that trigger riots/chaos in the US? Would Marshal Law be declared?

(A) There are many schemes devised for the disruption and the continuity of daily life in the United States. It is important to say that the dollar is not the strongest currency in terms of reliability and economic production. There is a great deception to perpetuate the myth to the American people, and even those that report on it, that it is the strongest and most reliable currency. There is a method for calculating the structure of industry and its reliability within each economic area. These means and methods do not rely on currency and are more substantial and more accurate in determining the stronger government, stronger economy, stronger production, and the long-term sustainability of a value. Know that in your currency there are many who are going to devalue the dollar by other means and actions. It will not be their intent, but the profit margin within their companies is more important to them. There will be more devaluing and therefore the dollar will eventually become worthless. What is also taking place on this same time line is that others are realizing that this is not a true method for determining value and it distracts us all form the true meaning and effort associated with each product. The economy is often an arbitrary and abstract thought for many. It is simply the relation of your dollar and what it is able to purchase for you at the market once you have produced some amount of work in order to obtain the dollar. There will be a time when Marshall Law is declared but this is not a widespread problem, this will be very isolated and conducted with the segregation of the media. This is more difficult to do today since there are so many outlets for media and methods for communication between people in various regions. Yes, it was done previously that there would intentionally be no reporting on a subject simply because no information was given or because instructions were given to not broadcast on a topic. Ever more is the media relying on the government for information, they do not wish to gather problems in their future by not complying. There are deeper interests than what is being reported and not reported.

You will not experience this in your lifetime but there will be a degradation of society just as many have seen in science-fiction movies of Hollywood. This is not a negative impact on culture and society, but so much of what you do is a facade and has you so removed from the very nature of the world, that it will happen simply because there is not enough in terms of tent poles to keep the tent up which was built on a solid foundation but is now controlled for ludicrous means.

The method of buying and selling and using the dollar will become less important for many. Just as the rule of law has become unnecessary and in many cases the government even being supportive of the people, it will be less about global monetary value in the very near future.


123.(Q) What is the cause and purpose of bipolar disorder, manic and hypo manic mood?

(A) Many discomforts of the mind are methods for calling attention to the thought patterns of your mind, the routines of your mind, and the manner in which they bring patterns and routines into your life. This process can produce results that are counterproductive to your behavior in this lifetime and it can be detrimental to you. Even if you are living as you should, as you intended before your arrival here, this can be something that you need to overcome as a method of growing, learning, and experiencing all there is to experience. It is often a matter of self-confidence in your own decisions and a conflict because you are currently dependent on the views of the outside world, but these views are in direct conflict of your higher self.

The true way forward is to worry less about how others expect you to feel and focus on what you feel and what you enjoy to feel. It is not less satisfactory to live in a certain mindset because a professional tells you that you should not be living in that mindset. It is important to you how you feel, what you feel, and what you enjoy. Routines that cause depression and what can be perceived as extreme personality changes are those that you should not submit to, but change and release from you completely. Changes in mood are simply the way of living life. There is not a detriment as many would have you believe. There are many who can toil at tasks for years and lifetimes, while others need to move from task to task very quickly. These two unique individuals are no more evolved than the other and one is not learning more or less than the other. These are simply two different types of people and methods by which they experience the life. Things that objectify you and even reduce you down to a set of qualities on a specific type of test are simply what cause depression. You are not living within their means, what causes seemingly radical changes in personality can be the attempt to live within the rules described or expected and then later realizing that you are not comfortable doing so. This is much like trying to fight the waves and tides of the ocean rather than live with them and work with them, or go completely out to say where you are not constantly tossed between the incoming waves and the beach. Indecisiveness is not an experience that anyone should feel bad about but the indecision can cause you problems when viewed by others. It can also cause problems if you are indecisive to the detriment of other aspects of your life. It is all a method of balance. Your routine should not be a routine. You should engage in new things. Continue old thought patterns and expectations and attachments will produce the same results, even if you feel you are living differently within those confines; be sure you are genuinely viewing them as they are, not as you are expected to and not by simply squashing and ignoring true feelings of your true being. When ignored, they will return to you in a greater magnitude because they have been ignored for such a period of time.

Things are not lost; there is no quick return to equilibrium, your patience to return your body to independence is necessary. You can do these things.


124.(Q) Is there any trait or attribute that is legitimately genetic and that we receive from our parents? What aspects of our physical selves are determined by the traits and attributes of our parents and what is determined by spirit before our lifetime?

(A) There are many things that can come from the blending of genetic material of two beings that come together for the purpose of creating the human form. It is highly dependent on what the being within the human body hopes to accomplish within the lifetime. There are many aspects that were predetermined. It is not always, but often necessary that races are born to the same races. There are some slight differences but this will usually be the case. Often it was necessary to make distinctions because in an earlier version of the physical existence it was necessary for the family to be bonded to the new being. Bearing some alternate resemblance, no matter what benefit may have come from it, would have not had the correct impact no matter what outcome was necessary. It is important to understand that general appearance will be manifested this way for the purpose of creating similarities, but there is no requirement that all offspring resemble the parents and it can be changed and altered. There are family structures that are aligned or misaligned and the genetic traits and perceptions of the family and within the family can play important roles in these areas. Even subtle changes or nuances can cause problems for those who are not readily open to some outside influence. It is important to know that not everything you do is impacted by your physical existence and there is much that comes from outside your body that changes your impression of it. It is not your unhappiness that changes your outlook of yourself. If you were only to be left alone on this plane you would find yourself to be the most beautiful being in existence. This is not because you are the only being, but because you would have no outside words or comparisons being made by others or you comparing yourself to others or to some arbitrary expectation of what beauty can be or should be.

There are many aspects, nearly triple the amount of potential genetic options that are determined by a team working without before your arrival here. It is important to also say now that the items that are said to be genetic, personality, and even some disorders, these are not genetic but it is simply the being acting out and manifesting what it is constantly subjected to in terms of expected behavior and what is tolerated. Often a being will be said to have some type of personality disorder, this is not truly a disorder. The offspring will also associate with it and will appear to have genetically inherited this trait, but it is simply the offspring mimicking and continuing behavior that has been perpetuated. Often these are not conscious decisions but it is the only known path so it is followed.

There is much more that is decided by you or on your behalf before your arrival. Items such as eye color may not be important or they can be highly important. There are many aspects that can be trivial to a being's existence or they can be the very item that every other moment depends. It is important to say that there are many things that are decided for the being that also impact the family and these are not the fault of the family, they were not deficient, they are simply now experiencing something that they chose to engage in with the new offspring. Handicaps and physical deformities are not simply for the being experiencing them within that seemingly broken body. It is not the fault of the sperm or the egg, nor even is it necessarily what the mother or father engaged in during gestation, though the acts towards the fetus carry weight and energy and these too follow the same cause and effect pattern of the rest of the universe.

There are no universal answers in this area. Some beings rely heavily upon the physical engineering that takes place within the womb while others are manipulated for the benefit of the being that will inhabit the body. There is not a universal answer nor are there advantages or disadvantages in either case. One situation is not superior or inferior to another.


125.(Q) Many spread the thought or hold the thought that you should not indulge your fantasies. Is this true? What is the purpose of a fantasy or desire that is held only in the mind and not expressed in the physical?

(A) There are many energies that simply need to be expressed. It will depend very much on the being and to what they are attempting to gravitate towards and accomplish. For many the mind is powerful enough that the fantasy can be carried out in the mind and all outcomes theorized and understood without ever engaging in one single step towards their potential goal. This is true for all goals, this does not need to be a sexual lust that we are considering, and this can be something as physical as murder or the desire to climb a mountain or any other act, great or small. The mind is a powerful learning center and it is much of what the non-physical being uses out of a physical existence to understand and test processes and experiences, though this is often a limiting experience when you are not fully engaged. It is very suitable for the non-physical being in daily living, but to fully understand that which occurs and all that is possible, it is important to have the physical experience and to immerse yourself in it fully. To observe with your mind your possible outcomes and the impact it may have is one aspect, but to be surrounded by and immersed within the situation is vastly different. It is not a manner of being prepared, you do not need to be mentally prepared in the sense we are discussing, you need to be able to understand all that is possible. In the non-physical mind, it is often difficult to understand processes and emotions and how they impact the being. This is not because they are foreign emotions; it is because they are not necessary at all times. It is not necessary for you to know all languages in many living cycles, and because it is not necessary you do not have the desire to know. Because you do not often need the emotion of hate or greed it is not easily discernible to you as a non-physical being. It is a matter of calling to you that which is necessary.

You should or should not indulge fantasies and day dreams as a matter of your own desires, ambitions, and goals. There is no universal truth in this area for all beings. To simply say yes to all desires is not accurate for all but is accurate for some. Many use common phrases and tag lines from the human existence to justify their action or inaction, placing the responsibility on others or the nature of society, or some other arbitrary institution of life. It is necessary for advancement to understand balance. You do not need to have control at all times, in the sense that you constantly restrict yourself from all things, nor should you willingly engage in all things that you are presented with, and at the same time it is possible that you should, and it is possible that you should not.

Do not hinder yourself by worldly institutions or thought processes. Do not use only the wisdom of another as your guiding light. You need to actively use your own mind to understand what is or is not for you and what should be followed. You are a unique individual that emanates and radiates the universal possibilities present in all areas and all things. You do not need to limit yourself because you feel that others expect you to do this. Have faith in yourself, do not rely on the faith others expect you to have on mere words and phrases that do nothing but often place oppressive shackles on your existence. It is a matter of balance; do not depend on the life of another as your sole map in your life. Only you are responsible for your mission.


126.(Q) Where do new beings come from?

(A) New beings on your plane are already in existence. They are simply being brought into a physical existence for the purpose of experiencing the life they have been interested in living and the goals and experiences they have chosen. It is not a matter of simply two beings in the physical world having sex and bringing into life a new being. There is a great deal of work and effort and discussion that takes place before the being, or any being, is assigned to the particular body. This can happen an eternity prior to the couple ever meeting, this can happen during the time the mother is carrying the child. There is a great deal of energy and involvement when it is being determined what being, or which being shall provide the life force for the physical body being created. There are new experiences always being created and new expectations for living beings in all forms. This is the reason for constant creation. There is no creation simply to have creation, no creation simply for creation’s sake. There is a method to what you might call madness or a method to the actions though it may not be readily available at all times. The necessary actions will take place, at times there are non-physical actions that follow physical actions, and there are physical actions and outcomes that follow non-physical actions. What we are saying is that so there are times that, for example, in the bringing of a physical being into the earth plane, the physical act of sex will bring about an available body to be inhabited and therefore the process of obtaining life force to inhabit it is undergone, and in other circumstances there is a life force that needs to inhabit a body so that physical production of a new physical human being is conducted.


126.a(Q) How is the non-physical energy being formed? From what source?

(A) There is a universal presence, a commonality in all of you; this is because you are all from the same source. You may decide to return to it at some point in your existence as your true self, or you may not. It is not for anyone to decide but your own mind, your true mind. There is not a great being that determines when a new spir

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