Holographic Knowledge for Planet Earth by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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 Healing was done so by internalizing the force of nature and by the use of minerals. There was not so much outside synthetic medicines. The body was treated with high regard in terms of what was placed into it and what was done to honor and protect it. There were still daredevils, there were still accidents but the methods used to treat them were less barbaric than even the most civilized standard practices of today. There are many on Earth who feel this way now, there is a knowing that something else could be done in medicine, some practice it, but major revolutions in terms of treatment and prevention will be coming to your world as these individuals increase in numbers and varied research begins.

 The ability to transfer energy was important, from being to being, from place to place, there was a greater understanding that the force behind all things, thoughts, actions, solid objects, all was energy. The ability to transport extrapolated energy from an individual to be combined with the energy of others to be used to create solid objects or to impart the energy into another for the benefit of health was afforded to them by many who researched this area. There was a greater emphasis and understanding of the body that is not directly physical. Many on Earth now in this existence wish to work in medicine but ignore this part of the body, if they cannot touch it, it does not exist. This will change for many. Small at first, then many.

 The ability to communicate over vast distance without the use of an intermediary. There are some who knowingly and unknowingly accomplish this now, in full conversation and in small snippets of feelings and thoughts. There was not a telephone type device per se, there were devices which could amplify intention and messages but that was all initiated and received by others through the self. There was higher regard for the self, there was more unity within the group.

 Destruction came because there was less balance. The group shifted. The group became centered on power while smaller factions attempted to retain their old ways. Earth based power, science, and medicine will slowly start to mimic what was achieved then, there was less negative impact when you live as they did, promoting cohesion through all life systems in the body and those that occur on the planet and in the solar system. There is much done to control externally all things that occur, much more can be achieved when life is conducted in conjunction with these elements, rather than seeing them as resources alone.

 Spiritually speaking, there were many who worshiped beings which they believed controlled many of the natural elements. There were many who were aware of the true nature of things and looked only at nature, its methods and its actions, and were thankful. There was not extreme focus on a supreme being. They were aware of outside guidance, of the ability to take what they have and to make it into something more, they were able to regard others with the same morality and highness as they did themselves.

 There was a decline and many were doubtful of themselves and of the necessity to also see themselves within a group, as part of a connection. There is truth in independence at all levels but it is true also, that even if you never speak to another human being, your actions directly impact the rest of the energy on the planet. There was a decline and more worshiped things and directed energy onto other things that really offered no control onto life or onto the lives of others.

 The ability to worship is the sense of putting one's self lower than another, there is no need for a King or a Prince to be superior to those that he is supposed to aid, many problems arose when there was the necessity from the group to have a ruler who then spoke with or seemed to confer with a higher power that was not necessarily communicating with anyone. It is important to say that not all religion is spiritual in nature, though much of it was fractured from and split from and rewritten from the true ideals first imposed, by the self, and through true knowledge, in Atlantis.

 These were not imposed in the sense of law, but they were expressed by all and were so able to accomplish much more. If a road need be built, there was not the hiring of laborers to accomplish it, there was not the need of many government actions to achieve it. Many things were done simply with the mind. Many knew this, it was welcomed, it was accepted. It was not written into law. You did not have to believe. You could choose freely to express yourself how you wanted. It was ideal for the time.

 As concerning the human form, there were many who had forms similar to that of your natural representation now, of a spirit or soul, your true self, which was also attached to a physical body. There was greater ability to leave the physical body to accomplish energy work, healing ability, the formation of energy into solid matter. There was not such focus on accomplishing it, the leaving of the body and learning how to do it, it was not ignored from birth.

 Now there is a discovery process to achieve this, the leaving the physical body. You are essentially in the same form at all times no matter where you are on the path of education and learning. You are your true self, you are simply operating your body and the trappings it entails, you are free to leave it to conduct business. There was not a sense of a higher being in terms of one who could cross dimensions from learning life to true life, but the ability to recognize the physical self and the true self, the spirit being, this is what was known to Atlanteans.

 There are many who could travel between dimensions. In this time-period, there was more access for beings to briefly return to spiritual and learning centers from the source of creation. Less of this is accomplished now. Often it was unnecessary for them to return at all, it simply provided a sense of comfort. Often the doubt and worry, such as you experience, would cause them to seek refuge rather than find the resources and experience the action as they wished to do in the physical form. It is not a higher power to be able to leave the body, you can do this now. Many can do this now if they choose it. There is a sense of evolution in the self, progress does not make you better than another individual who is unaware or new, you may be wiser, you only have more experience. Helping them is ideal, we will all succeed when we all succeed.


72.(Q) What group or groups had President John F. Kennedy assassinated?

(A) President Kennedy was not assassinated in the sense that he was terminated from life without some sort of prior knowledge or input. He was warned in the physical plane that this attempt would be made. In that time he was not overly concerned. Up to that time such a bold action had been removed from the American psych in terms of successful attempts and bold acts being carried out in such a public manner against such a person. There would be assassination attempts prior to and after this but it was the nature of this attempt and success that made such a notorious mark in history. John F. Kennedy was assassinated due to the figure that he held for many. He was an idea and a belief that without him many things would not succeed. While many who fought him would have found other means, there are many others who were silenced out of fear because of this action. It is not to worry for him, in a sense; an act such as this was readily planned, though it would have liked to prevent the acts that precipitated his demise. It was not for him to control at the time. The groups who fought so hard to keep him and elect him and promote him were not nearly, nowhere near, not even singularly holding a thought of violence in terms of using it to perpetuate their ideas. Those against him were many in politics but as they say to “follow the money” today, such was the case previously. There are many interests controlling your government and therefore the people. It is not a matter of which part a member associates with; the true parties are divided by the purse strings. Donations can be monitored and tracked, they are very transparent about this, but Bank 'A' is not necessarily donating by that same name. This is true today as it was previously. There was a rise in need for control, there were families who were seeking power, and with an attempt such as this, their threat of deceit and terror ran deep within the government, they would not be able to be stopped. It was not an extraterrestrial or Russian influence. It was not to be an outside company or agency not from this government. The ability of others near him was very limited in order to cease his actions or his martyrdom. It is important that many take up his claim, it has taken much time but there are many slowly returning to the ideas that he once carried with him so vigorously. Within your government there are many who use power, deceit, control, and money, only to gain more power and money by deception. There is no real power another human can hold over another human, it is only done so when the human allows this to occur. It is important to know that his ideas were not ceased, stopped, or any manner conducted and released from their importance simply because he vanished from your plane. It was not for you or anyone else to be concerned with the assassination in the manner in which it was conducted. The assassination had many villains, many who were carrying out the plot, if not by method A than by method B. It was to be completed by any means necessary. Russians are not someone who would have, at that time, been a group who would have had any part of assassinating the American president. It is very much those from within who sought to do him harm. This was a stage in government when there was less falsehood in actions and votes, fewer backdoor dealings. The government was public and conducted themselves accordingly, but there was a slow rise in a darker presence. Money, simply for money's sake is what drives many lines that are still present within the government today. They are not earning rights and possessions that will carry with them into new realms but they do not focus on this. They are very short-sighted in their thought and ambition. It is needed to say at this time that John F. Kennedy would have been assassinated in this manner. There are many who sought control by any means and they were doing so by eliminating those who were, in a very simple way, giving hope to those who were less fortunate. It may sound very much like the story of Robin Hood, that there was a victor rising from the people to help them, and this was very much true with other figure heads of the time. People were very much connected to them. This was a very much time for change. It was the method of several forces releasing pressure from the earth. Many who have repeated these similar actions among the earth plane; it is not important the; who or how, but the why. It was important for those who were present then and those who are present now to actively seek out new forms of government and new methods, knowing that control simply for foolish gains with no lasting effect, are serving no part of your true self. Giving unto others is the most valuable form of currency. Knowledge and material goods; not simply to amass more wealth and power. Moderation, this should be sought by all. It is important to say that not all who have wealth, or more wealth than a particular person, they are not evil or living incorrectly. There is a very certain group who seeks power and control and continues to do so in order to perpetuate their position on top of the ladder in society. Only their family's benefit from these actions, and to an end, they are not helping any succeeding member of the physical family in the process. It is very important that many release the anger they share over this incident and realize that the actions that were carried out are still present in the machinations of today's government. Do not turn a blind eye to the government, but also realize that many of the party line arguments are meant to hold your attention, meant to draw lines, meant to give meaning to other arguments they are presenting. It is important to say that at this time there are many seeking a new way, a peaceful way; not in terms of sharing flowers, but in terms of recognizing the self by honoring the group. Recognizing the group and honoring the self. It is important to know the role of politics and the part it plays in your life in the sense that it is a control mechanism if you allow it to become that, as it is currently intended. This is not worse at any point in the world through the various names and types of governments. There are special groups that seek more power, they are attracted to power, and will fill the purses and bank account of those who are most likely to obtain the position and keep them close to it. There is no other way to describe it. There is more done to your countrymen by the hand of their brother, the same brother who is swearing to protect them and their land.


72.a(Q) What was the reason these groups needed to remove him from office?

(A) To perpetuate their sovereignty as an independent controlling group above the remainder of society. No more are nations speaking to nations in terms of aid, and in many cases there are no cold war spy games being played. Force is often used for gain, but this is not the gain of the nation as a whole, there is control and benefit to only a few to enact new laws and control more citizens. Poverty will continue to be a problem; it will not be solved, because there is only blame placed between classes. Rich blame poor, poor blame rich and the same for all in between. Many are not happy but rather than look within they are being manipulated and blaming others. Much idle identification of alleged problems but the blame they place on others is often incorrect and done so only because some controlling authority has specified the other group as the problem. There is not much independent thinking. Those that do are slowly leaving the system. The system will slowly collapse as more become aware and the current state of government disintegrates slowly only because the fear they wield becomes effective on fewer and fewer and smaller numbers of citizens. The time to make a book is correct, to share history as the people have seen it, not as the pirates of the world wish to have it restated in their favor.



73.(Q) Will there be a future time when mankind will become extinct, like the dinosaurs, on this planet?

(A) There will be a time when this planet may no longer be the seat of human interest and existence. What is more probably to occur through natural evolution on this plane is a return to the knowing of two bodies within your possession. Your physical body which is a temporary body, and your true self, which many would say is non-physical, a light being, nonphysical. It is important to know that this is a training ground in which you interact, potentially, with many other beings, so far, not many have done so. The point at which human life ceases to exist would mean that this training ground, in these forms, is no longer necessary. It would be important to say that if this were the case, there is much training to be done in other areas. There are others who need this place, there are others that you will not communicate readily with on this plane in this lifetime but many who do not cross communicate once you return to your true home. This place is only temporary. It is essentially a hologram. There are other beings here that are capable of transporting themselves in their one body between the two places, but these do not entirely act with you when you return home. There will be a time when a new kind of evolution takes place. There will be a time when even the least experienced soul is the most experienced and it will be a new time for new experiences. Each time man progresses in this physical place there become new changes and challenges as those wishing to learn here require new tools and methods to accomplish it. If there were a time of extinction completely there would be a new form. There will be times when the Earth is not the most hospitable place to reside; there will be other planets, moons, and other locations that will be inhabited by the human form. A change of form is quite some time away and nearly immeasurable accurately by numbers and ideology. There are not many on your plane who can conceive this but it is more important for them, as they read this, to know that all things require change, change is the permanent thing. Conflict arises in the self and with others, in actions, in thinking, in focus when we do not realize that change is the only permanence. Permanent is not permanent, all things are temporary. When you cease to change and adapt you are essentially stopping your own education, your own development as a being. There was a time when there was not much experience on this plane and fewer experiences were had because beings were equipped in that way. It is less so now for beings to remain in one or two experiences in their entire life. Time by your clock is not picking up, your clock is not moving faster, but the rate at which knowledge is acquired is moving faster. It is not necessarily a short attention span that moves focus so quickly between subjects and study matter and interests. The ability to overcome or quickly become well-versed in a subject is what many are here to do, to gain valuable insight in a quick time. That is no way to indicate that you must rush, but if you feel that you have moved through many different fads, phases, interests, or periods, it is most entirely true, simply because you have gained from those things what you needed. There may be an interest for you later in your years and possibly later in lifetimes but there is no need for many things to be dwelled upon or within for an entire lifetime. As with all things these are not concrete rules, you may have an interest or a hobby, or a way of thinking that continues through an entire life, many lifetimes, or is part of your true being. As with learning the sense and presence of constant change, so should the ability to critically discern be taken upon yourself. It is important to know that learning is taking place at all times, and learning about the self is taking place; failures are failures, not life ending abruptions, they are opportunities for change. For many, the thought of life ceasing on this planet is unbearable, but when you consider the purpose of this place, the purpose of your presence, the purpose of learning change and learning all of its experiences, there is nothing to fear. There will be greater experiences elsewhere. It is not important for you at this moment. The future now, and in the long-term, is a bright one. New challenges. New experiences. New forms to posses with your being and new forms to interact with in conversation, mentalism, and communication. Touch. It is all for you. You can experience new forms and other communication with other beings or forms with your true being while still connected to your physical body. Understand change and you will understand the universe. It is not to be controlled, it is to be symbiotically understood and cohabited with in a mutually beneficial and educational experience.


74.(Q) Alzheimer's: What is the basic cause of this disease?

(A) There is a need for knowing on your plane, the cause of many things, but there are many who seek answers outside the root cause realm. All things that manifest as physical are not physical in nature. Only treating the physical does not cure the problem, does not improve it, and does not prevent it from recurring. It is necessary to examine the whole self, the full being as it exists on many layers, levels, and even planes of existence. There is a call for many to focus on these things, examine that which currently exist to major medicinal outlets. There is more in sunshine, water, and air, than in all of the medicine bottles combined as produced by your pharmaceutical industries. Alzheimer’s is a call to self, it is necessary to focus much attention on the self, many diseases are this way, while all do not call attention to the same area in each person they occur within, it is important to state that all disease is not universal, some basic elements are universal, some attributes do manifest universally. It is important to know also, specifically in diseases of the mind, that many are present on this plane with this presentation in order to call the attention of the groups or individuals they are coming in contact with as they live their life day to day. While all are learning lessons, this soul often has subjected themselves to this particular set of protocols for the specific operation that is at hand for those they will come into contact with. This is not true for all diseases, but know, we are all connected, there are no lost moments, but many diseases of the mind are through the testing and trials of those they come into contact with, such as medical personnel, family, many others. The mind does not disappear; it is possible for these individuals to express themselves in this true nature, their true identity, out off their physical plane. You may reside in this plane without the physical, though you may not yet easily interact with it, they appear trapped when the mind becomes lost and unable to identify; it would appear as a system overload. These beings should be taught the ability to express, communicate, and exist as their true self without the attachment to their physical self. Many do this without knowing, through their dreams; they are naturally leaving their physical being and visiting various places, learning lessons, living in classrooms as you may call it. There is often nothing that can be done because this is something that is chosen prior to entering into the particular lifetime. The individual is not at a loss. Even years into the process they can communicate without, it is the process of learning beyond the physical self that it important. Even in this physical existence it is necessary to learning of your true being and true self and learn to express and use it. Simply being in a physical existence does not require you to use only physical means and methods. Learning your true identity, learning your ability, please know that simply forgetting things, a lack of memory, is not cause for concern in these areas. It is not a punishment. No disease is punishment. This particular set of circumstances presents itself as a learning tool and aid; it is often not presented as a set of preventable circumstances. When used in this way it is a stepping stone to learning the true identity of all involved. There are many who view the extrasensory abilities of communication as science fiction or only of divine intervention, these situations are not the case. When you receive communication, even after years of ignoring it has taken place, you can return the sender’s call, as you might say. If you can remember back to childhood when you may have done this regularly, and a being in their 40s may now receive the same information or communicate with seemingly unseen beings, you can return their call, return their message. There is no punishment in this phase of learning. Diseases of the mind often associate with self identity; this is the area to focus. Often what is heard or discussed by the receiver as hallucinations are not hallucinations or incorrect by any means, but physical terms it may seem incorrect, but they are true experiences. Often times these experiences, even under the medication that may induce them, are used as learning and classroom sessions where education on previous, present, and future is taking place. Often times when a person is exiting such a medically induced state, it is not easy to return to physical thought and being and perception, this is why many types of odd comments and experiences are reported from your dentist’s office. They are finally completely able to exist for moments without sense of physical self and returning to it is as if the infant has returned and requires self educating time in order to learn how to operate again in the physical body. It is not necessary to understand all things but know that those things which you do not understand are all often related and not as different as your medicine would have you believe. Each disease is not as different as the definition. Often diseases that impact a specific area, but by seemingly different means, these are all related, they are all the same, and are all caused or occurring for the same reason. It is necessary to have a belief of yourself and focus less on the physical, this is true for those who have never before accepted the thought of life beyond the self in physical existence and how it exists simultaneously with the nonphysical, for many it would be as if the current life and their manifestation of heaven are concurrently existing. Probably the simplest of existence terms in relation to the self is the tremor or deficiency of the mind. It is important to use certain areas, or like muscle they will atrophy. Complications of the mind or what appear as disorders are by this manner, they are underused, they are not used correctly, or they are a call to these deficiencies. It is not a matter of use it or lose it as you might say, it is a matter of you using it for the great destiny which you can achieve, no matter what life returns to this physical plane for lessons, all can achieve monumental accomplishments in line with their ultimate goals, and achieve more than planned, they can change their life course, if they wished to do so. If they wished to grow beyond.


74.a(Q) What can be done to treat this disease?

(A) Learning the true identity of the self. Learning and using your ability and harnessing the ability that your physical and non-physical self provides you. Many use this plane simply to exist, to experience physical sensations, but they are limiting themselves by routine. Expect more of similar nature problems to exist for mankind. Many are on a learning path themselves, they are aware on various levels, and even without conscious knowledge, achieve lessons and goals, and learning that is carried forward. Many are stuck, literally, in a rut or whirlpool that will not let them escape. Even when considered advanced by your physical measurements a person can learn new things. There is a group thing acceptance of many ideas and the acceptance that they are true. Age does not limit, indicate, prevent, achieve, allow, or deny any type of action. There are many who are less than five years of age who have greater understanding than those in their 40s, even 80s, 90s, and so on. There are many who are in rest and nursing homes that are left by the side of society's road simply because that's what they have believed will occur at such an age or at such a juncture in their life. They are simply fulfilling what the mind has dwelt upon for so long. Even now, even after much damage may have occurred to the physical container, even after much manifestation has occurred by the limits placed on the mind through various acceptance of ideas, there is still much they can do. Speaking to them about these things, speaking and communicating in non-physical terms and methods can achieve these things. They are not lost simply because their physical is in what appears to be a downward spiral. Lost is nothing. Time will be the investment and the return is the true lifetime lesson and achievement by all parties involved.


75.(Q) Are all forms of seizures caused in the same way?

(A) The form of seizure is often dependent on the nature of the being and what physical and energetic deficiency is at hand. Many times a seizure disorder cannot be corrected in a lifetime because it is due to an agreement prior to entering a lifetime; many things are created in a life for the lifetime of the being, other situations and circumstances are temporary and by your terms can be corrected or altered. Even long-term situations can be corrected or maintained if a person chooses to alter their plan or that is, the circumstances which were set in place that must be experienced; they have progressed beyond them to a new state of understanding. There are many different types of seizures, but as with all things considered out of balance or incorrect in the physical, there is an attachment to or a clinging to some unhealthy idea or physical manifestation. That is not to say that all things are done so in this manner but it is the seizure which is calling attention specifically to the person experiencing it, they are the cause of their problem, as with many who experience disease, they are responsible, but a seizure is a fault in the self by the self's own judgment and estimation. They are aware of the fault and are choosing to ignore it. It may be a chemical imbalance that shows in the physical which causes the problem, and it may be temporarily or even long-term corrected by physical means, but the fault still exists. This is not to say that anyone should view a seizure as the fault of the receiver nor that they are in any better situation since they are not experiencing them. Many choose to enter this life with a marker, or a signal, something that should happen, something that should occur if they are not achieving their correct purpose or specific set of goals in this particular lifetime. This is not true for all, nothing occurs universally in every sense. All things ever known to existence may experience a situation in exactly the same manner in exactly the same situation and there may be a being at the bottom of the ocean, unknown to the rest, who experiences it for an entirely new reason. It should also be said that there have been many times in the course of the human for existence that many problems have presented for certain reasons in a specific generation only to appear for a new reason many generations later. There is creative ingenuity used to provide an educational format and the ability for the self to grow but often time's history is genuinely repeating itself, often for the same reason, but quite possibly for different reasons that the new generation must overcome. Generation A may have problem X, if problem X is overcome there will be a new problem for the same generation or for the generation that appears later. This is not a time to look at this as if it were a never ending test and there is no time to relax, know that this is simply a training ground, if you were looking for a vacation you would have never decided to enter into this place. That is not to say that you should not take vacation in this plane, as in all things there is a need to balance outside demand with personal care, by what means you deem necessary.


75.a(Q) What is the purpose of a seizure?

(A) A call to action. As with most disease, it is necessary to make changes. Often it is demonstrated by the person experiencing a seizure that what appears as a disability is able to be coped with and dealt with in a manner that does not interrupt life. This is not the case for all illnesses or all seizures. A person does not leave the physical body during a seizure; there is an overload, this time quite literally, as all senses are firing beyond the normal coping potential of the body systems. They are unable to control the seizure, though they may audibly hear you, it will pass, after some time, but it is dependent on the individual and the reasons for which it manifests.


76.(Q) What is the cause of heartburn or acid reflux?

(A) There is a direct need of the self, the true self, to be inline, or in tune with the physical self. When this alignment needs attention, or when th