How to Have Your Better Life by Bob Brown - HTML preview

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5. Let's Open The Door To Your Personal Path

So we have now reached a watershed moment. A point beyond which nothing needs to  be the same as before.  Are you going to accept the Key and unlock the door to your better life, or are you going to just muddle along as you have before? This book which has landed in your hands or on your e-reader at this precise moment for whatever reason contains the answers to how you can have  that better life so I implore you not to  turn down this opportunity.

What will be on the other side of this door? There will be a path for you to follow which will be exciting and rewarding and satisfying and from the very beginning you will start to feel some benefits. It will be a long journey but your life will feel better and better as you progress and you will reach levels of happiness that you never believed could happen to you. I am going to take you somewhere very special that is in all of us. What have you got to lose really? What is there not to like? You can proceed as fast or slow as you like. Why not give it a try? You owe it to yourself.

The rest of this book will be your map and contains all the guidance you need about everything you need to do to be happy and have your better life. You will not need to read any other books unless you wish to. This guidance consists of a list of behaviours and practices which you will need to adopt to transform your life.  There will be also be further help and support available to you through the contacts provided in the final chapter.

There is a little repetition in this book and this is deliberate so that each chapter can be read in isolation if you choose to skip ahead as some readers like to do to focus on a particular topic. Occasionally the same point may apply to two different chapters and where this is the case you may find some repetition. In fact you will find that this book contains a number of consistent themes running throughout and after a while you will hopefully start to be able to predict for yourself the way to behave in different situations , and how to see and deal with different issues and problems.

I recommend that you do not read more than one chapter in a day, but instead spend some time pondering and thinking about each chapter and what it means for you to implement the guidance.

I am not a great fan of jargon but we need a term going forward that collectively describes in one word all of these practices and behaviours, and the term that is often applied to them is being spiritual or spiritual behaviour.  I hasten to add that this has nothing to do with spirits and spiritualism which is something quite different.  Neither does being spiritual have anything to do with any religionI implore you to approach this with an open mind and not allow this term to put you off.

The term spiritual behaviour and being spiritual is usually understood to cover a group of practices and behaviours which include loving yourself, feeling love and compassion for others, practising loving kindness, living in the moment, practising meditation and cultivating inner peace and serenity.  I would therefore like us also to adopt this term spiritual as meaning all of the practices and behaviours that will be covered in the remainder of this book.

On your side you are going to need to really commit to and believe in this spiritual journey. Trust me the practices described in this book WORK. But you now are going to have to take my word on that. You are going to have to have faith in what this book is telling you. But I can assure you that everyone who has embarked on this spiritual journey, without exception, has seen results. The next chapter contains a few testimonials from readers of earlier versions of this book. I do not want you to take just my word for how powerful this approach to changing your life will be , but to also read see some  reviews and experiences  of others who have gone before you.

I now sincerely invite you to make the commitment to read the remainder of this book and put the guidance into practice in your life. I really hope you will do this as I am confident it will change your life for the better.