How to Have Your Better Life by Bob Brown - HTML preview

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6.  About The Author

So who is Bob Brown?

Before I can persuade you to do something as drastic as changing your life you are probably wondering who am I? What qualifies me to write such a book? How do I know so much about it!  I do not blame you and it is absolutely legitimate for you to question this.

So let me tell you a little about myself. I live in England and am now retired but originally was an engineering graduate and worked my professional life in IT  computer systems  design and operations. I graduated with a Masters degree in Electronics from the University of Southampton.  I have during my life evolved from someone who was perhaps very logical and scientific to someone who is also aware of the  spiritual dimensions to life.

For the past 20 years I have been  avidly searching and seeking and read a great many so called 'self help'  or ' self development' books. I have studied Buddhism,  emotional and spiritual intelligence, and the so called  'Law Of Attraction'   and given a lot of thought to comparing different views,  philosophies and approaches. I have researched these topics in depth and discussed them widely with a network of kindred spirits and followers to whom I am grateful.

But more importantly I have personally been very lucky  to live a very full and happy life. For many years I have been putting into practice the advice contained in this book and have proven what works.  I have tried to 'practice what I preach'   and written this book from personal experience. I am also very lucky to be happily married and my wife Liz is a kindred spirit who also has the same beliefs as myself and  puts them into practice and has been very helpful and inspirational  to me in developing my own beliefs.

I have been lucky enough to find a moment by moment joyous love of live and my motivation is to try to help others  find this same happiness. I have  many hobbies  (too many!)  and have an overwhelming enthusiasm for life and would love to spread some of my enthusiasm around. Life can and should be fun and every moment can be a joy.

I practise meditation and mindfulness and similar methods, and believe in the importance  of regular exercise, to expand consciousness and generate feelings of well being.

 I wrote my first book  'How To Be Happy'  in 2012 which has been very successful around the world  , and my second 'The Key-Unlock Your Better life' in 2014 which is on worldwide sale through most major e-book sellers. So I guess I would describe myself as a self-development book author.  I have a Facebook page called 'How To Be Happy'  which is aimed at supporting my books and also delivers daily inspirational messages of wisdom which encourage like minded kindred spirits who are  trying to follow  these spiritual practices and beliefs in their daily lives. I am delighted that this Facebook page now has over 22,000 followers from all around the world. I run a popular website  from where you can download my books.

But rather than me telling you about myself  I would rather share with you what other readers and followers have said about previous editions of this book.