How to Have Your Better Life by Bob Brown - HTML preview

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1. How Do You Feel Right Now?

  • Does your life feel like a battle or an uphill struggle most of the time? 
  • Do you feel that a lot of the time your life is frustrating and just hard work with little reward? 
  • Do things always seem to go wrong?
  • Things have not turned out how you would have wanted them to?
  • You don’t have the life you would have wished for by now? 
  • You don’t feel particularly happy?
  • This is not the life you planned for yourself when you were growing up?
  • You don't seem to have much luck?
  • You often feel angry and resentful or jealous?
  • You always seem to be worrying.
  • You often feel guilty .
  • You frequently seem to be having disagreements and arguments?
  • You don’t get on with a number of people in your life?
  • You feel that life is just not fair?
  • You sometimes feel that there must be more to this life than this?
  • In fact overall your life is pretty much a disappointment?

How many of those statements describe how you feel now?

Well you've got to trust me when I say it really does not have to be this way. There really is a better life waiting for you. It is already there and you can start living it. You just need the key to know how to unlock it. This book can give you that key.

You just need to approach your life differently. You need to change how you think, and what you think, and everything else will follow. You may have heard and read stuff before about how we ‘attract’ our lives and maybe dismissed it as mumbo jumbo. You maybe think you would have to be from another planet to believe such notions. But, you know, we really do attract our lives and  make our own lives and it is not for any supernatural or mystical reasons that are hard to believe. The reasons why this is so are much closer to home and in this book I will give you rational and perfectly simple explanations as to why and how -  all the time -  that we are attracting the life that unfolds for us.

And don’t think you can just opt out.  “No thanks. None of that ‘attracting your life’ stuff for me.” You don’t have any choice. Everyone is attracting their lives all the time and always have been; they just do not necessarily know how and why they are doing it. You are already attracting your life so don’t think this is something you’re not interested in starting to do. Maybe now is the time to learn how to control what you attract in your life?

Many people naively believe that their life is being dealt to them like playing cards and they have no control over it. But I tell you now this is absolutely not the case. I will show you how, with your particular thoughts and attitudes you are attracting your current life. Most importantly I will also show you how by changing your thoughts, you can attract the life you wish for.  "BOLD CLAIMS",  I hear you say. But as you read this book you will start to understand how life works and see how and why there are so many reasons why we attract the lives we have.

Think about this: You can work towards a time when you will feel able to skip and dance through life feeling happy and content and that your life is wonderful, and that it is fun to be you, and that you are a lucky person. How does that sound?  These are not just wild promises. This book can show you how.