How to Have Your Better Life by Bob Brown - HTML preview

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2. How Would You Like Your Life To Change?

I really do understand how you may currently be feeling unhappy, discontented and disappointed and believe me you are not alone. The negative influences of modern Western  culture is leading vast numbers of people into the unhappiness trap.

So what are you seeking?

What are you looking to change?

How would you like things to be different?

Here are some of the ways that people express what they would wish for. People say to me:

  • They would simply like to feel that their life was OK.
  • They would like to live a life where they feel they are good enough.
  • They would like to live a life where they do not feel burdened by guilt and / or worry.
  • They would like to live a life that was fun and joyful.
  • They would like to feel their life was good.
  • They would like to feel content with their life.
  • They would just like their life to be better.
  • They would like better relationships with some of the important people in their life.
  • They would just like to be happier.

Many people enjoy their lives moment by moment and are happy. You can be one of them. You can join them. There is absolutely no reason why you too cannot feel this way. It is up to you. There is a better life that is yours to have. It has your name on it. You just need to unlock it. The title of this book is deliberately not 'How To Have A Better Life'  It is 'How To Have Your Better life' for a reason. This is because there already is a better life waiting for you that only you can inhabit. You just need to start living it. It is like wanting extra space in your house and discovering a  hidden door to an annexe of rooms you did not know you had. They were there all along-you just did not know it. As I say your better life awaits you and has your name on it.

To give you another analogy you already have your life but you are living it in monochrome. Black and white to us oldies. But your life can be lived in full Technicolor and Dolby sound. It will still be you living it but it will feel very different . And going forward it will get better and better as your new behaviour starts to attract the changes you wish for.

Now I am not saying that it will be easy for you to change; I am not offering a quick fix and it will not be a quick job. You will have to truly and honestly want these changes for yourself, and you will have to  accept and believe what this book tells you, and be prepared to work at it and expect some setbacks.  Overnight change is not possible. You are going to need to change some of your ways of thinking and attitudes that you have held for a very long time, but if you really commit to it you can do it. And let me assure you the prize is huge; you really can have that better life you desire.

And what I can guarantee is right from the outset you will start to experience at least small improvements in your fortunes and feelings about your life.   Your life will start to feel a little better right from the outset, and will continue to improve day- by- day. It is a great feeling when you know you have finally taken a step in the right direction. A step towards your better life.