How to be Happy by Bob Brown - HTML preview

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I will   show you how  to begin to develop SI by practising critical behaviours such as listening to your intuition, meditation,  living in the moment, and feeling love and compassion for yourself and others.  For me, SI is the awakening of the missing piece of most people, which addresses the ache that we feel that there must be ‘more to life  than this’. It has nothing to do with any religion, guru or deity. Some describe SI as  ‘Insight’,  or ‘Awareness’,  and Buddhists describe the SI goal as “Enlightenment”.   What’s for sure is that ,whatever you call it,  Enlightenment is very rarely a sudden and total transformation-a finishing line that we cross and suddenly we are perfectly spiritual people. It’s not a place that you arrive at but a new way of looking at things, and a new way of seeing things .


My thinking has been influenced by reading a large number of  ‘ Self Help’  books and I’ve found that  actually there is a surprising amount   of common ground and although the language and terms may differ they are essentially saying similar things.

You will also find that I have been influenced a lot by Buddhist thinking.   I would however emphasise that Buddhism is not considered to be a  traditional ‘religion’ ,  but rather as a philosophy and it is absolutely NOT necessary to be a Buddhist to adopt the principles I set out -  or to be religious or believe in any deity .