In Search of Reality Book Two by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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I will finish now and read back our discussion notes. There is much here that I need to think about, so I understand.

Then we leave you to your way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for today.

Thank you.


Manipulating the 'Good' With the 'Bad'.

Every situation,

no matter how challenging,

is conspiring to bring you into a greater vibrational energy.

Will you accept it?

Panache Desai.


When we, as a group or band of soul beings incarnated to this domain, we did so for the purpose of experiencing what this dimension had to offer and also to bring other energies on that were here. Part of our learning was to manipulate the various energies available and that included what we term the 'good' with the


What we see as 'bad' or 'good' you don't pass judgement on, and I assume it is because all energy experiences are what we have attracted to ourselves to gain from in whichever way suits our needs. In thinking about wars, it is still not clear what a soul would gain from participating in the horrors of war.

There are many activities that take place where you gain tremendous advantages that brings about change for all concerned. All concerned we hasten to say are not necessarily those who participate in the horrors as you see them to be but all the events shed light into what has many times become stagnant. Other ways are devised, found to shift these energies along to a more industrious way of seeing and being.

I do understand that not all suffer, and many people make lots of money and become wealthy because of these times of war and upheaval but the other side of the coin is that many do suffer.

We understand you are seeing from a limited viewpoint and while we do not rejoice at war we do not denigrate it either for we see much to be gained on all fronts, ways, with this. Those participating are all gaining in one way or the other. It may not appear to be so but we state, all are here on their mission to grow and understand values that are not understood at the time. Much to be learned is the way of the upheavals as they occur.

Can you be more specific with your answer of gains? It can be understood that those who make money and credibility stand to gain but what way do the others benefit? You have mentioned they learn values that were not understood previous to their participation; what else is gained?

You understand so little of what participants seek to understand. To your eyes it is all disaster, doom and gloom scenario yet there is more being unleashed and understood at these times.

'Man's inhumanity to man' is a term used at these times but is it so? All are participating as they see fit otherwise, they would not be in the position placing them there. It is at times such as these brought about by warring factions that opportunities present that are not there in 'peacetime' as you say.

Are you speaking of comradeship and perhaps of one soul being giving up their life to save another?

It is so that lives are lost, and comradeship abounds. We do not disagree with what you are saying but there is much more that you are not familiar with and so not discussing.

Again, you look to your surface, eyes explanation but there is more. Every time there is a mission to start war other factors come into play. We have mentioned that all are one and when we spoke of this we included 'all' as was said.


You have mentioned that prior to any major events that have upheaval and consequences for the world's populations, souls know ahead of time and incarnate, maybe for the express purpose of what they can gain from the experience but also to help shift the stagnant energy along.

It is not so obvious when a soul incarnates with an 'express purpose' as you say that their intention was to learn and gain from what you see as atrocities. They have 'pulled the wool over their eyes' so to say and are oblivious to what events they will participate in. It is needed to be, go this way for to know beforehand what aims they seek to achieve and to find themselves in a situation that is offensive to their kind; sensibilities would be disastrous to their understanding.

I do not understand what you are meaning by your answer and would appreciate further clarification.

Then we go that way. It is so that souls incarnating have a mission to uphold for their developmental learning and also to unlock stagnant energies. They can only do so when the situation has come about for the participation to take place.

So this has all been pre-planned before their inception and they know about it beforehand?

Yes, it is the way.

There are no timelines as we perceive so any war is what we refer to as 'a done deal'. It is already in the atmosphere waiting for the right time as we see it to be for it to eventuate.

We cannot agree with what you are stating. We are saying that all is there to be aroused but it will depend on the circumstances that need activating for it to take place at the 'time' you see it to be.

Is this something to do with probabilities? If so, those who have incarnated for the express purpose of learning what they want to achieve during a war will be disappointed.

It is not as you say. Events shape as they, souls, see fits their needs. They bring in the assets, what they seek to learn. They will be here at the right time for those needs to come to prominence. There will be no accidents, no missed opportunities for advancement.

What I am understanding from your comments is that each soul commits to be a part of much needed change, but doesn't t necessarily know or remember that at some point in their future they will be part of the war machine that will ultimately bring about the needed change.

Do you mind if we stop now? I need to read back our notes for clarification. Perhaps tomorrow we can continue on this topic.

Then it shall be the way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. You cannot fail.

Thank you.


Part Two

Joining the Dots. The Body Elemental.

Trust yourself.

You know more than you think you do.

Benjamin Spock.


In Book One we first learned about the body elemental. We discussed it to the point that you mentioned I was spending too much time on the topic and suggested we move onto something else to learn about. At the time I felt there was something needed to be expanded on but as our lessons or discussions are on the question/answer mode did not ask the right questions at the time and we went onto another topic. I now have my question to be asked and would like to reopen the topic for discussion.

We can go that way.

All throughout previous discussions on the earth elemental I thought that it was perhaps like a super cell or something that size and was the magnetizer of the other little earth elementals to form the body we inhabit while having an Earth experience. Even during a meditation and when, in my mind, I saw the dark shape, about three feet high, of the body elemental standing to my right and presumably in my energy field I still didn't fully grasp the reality of what I was seeing.

It only recently became clear to me when reading a book, St Germain on Alchemy, by Mark L Prophet and Elizabeth Prophet, who, in part mention the earth elemental as.... 'About three feet high and resembling the individual whom he serves....' The two writers and I are on agreement about the size but differ on the resembling of the individual because mine didn't look like a mini me. However, it is a different energy form or energy than 'I' am.

It can be seen to be that way.

From what we have discussed every person incarnated here and has a physical body has their own earth elemental?

Yes, that is the way.

Each earth body was created by the earth elemental following our instructions we issued before incarnating here. It faithfully adhered to our plan on what we needed to have as a physical body, no mistakes, and whatever infirmities were born with the body were not mistakes either but what we, as spirit, chose as part of our learning curve whilst here upon this dominion.

Yes, that is the way. No mistakes: only learning abilities wanting to be achieved.

Many of us at various times of our life bemoan our body shape, size, gender and maybe color little realizing or acknowledging that the image, shape we see reflecting back from our mirrors is perfect and can't be any other way. It is perfect because the earth elemental works faithfully and diligently creating the body we directed him to make before our incarnation and now here we, through our choices in life, wise or unwise, have given the earth element the material to work with. Our body and health reflect how well we are doing.

Yes, no mistakes there.


Our challenge is in learning to work with and control our excesses and part of the test while here is overcoming temptations. As you mentioned the earth elemental is the devil on our shoulder that tempts us while we are learning restraint and to control of our excesses or slothfulness. We are also uplifting the earth elementals by the finer energy we bring here to this denser dominion. Both sides need the other in our developmental challenge here so it is a win/win situation.

Yes, it is the way. No recourse here.

Any malicious or negative thinking that comes into our mind to depress, upset and drain our life force energy is from other unseen energies we have attracted by our lack of mind control. These other unseen energies from the astral, in an area where creatures of nightmares are, feed of our uncontrolled emotions and destabilize our equilibrium, inciting us more.

Yes, that is so, the way.

But the earth elemental is not of this sort. He works only with the physical body and not the emotions.

Yes, that is the way. His function is purely third dimension. These mentioned go another way.

Thank you. Before I knew these other unseen energies were capable of affecting us, I held the earth elemental responsible for everything that happened in my life and by doing so never took responsibility for my own thoughts or actions.

I would like to delve further into the topic of how we attract magnetize these other unseen energies and learn more about them but will need to finish for today. Thank you for all you offer us in knowledge to stop us, metaphorically speaking, blindly thrashing about in the dark.

Then we leave you to your way. Peach and blessings go to one and all. We are done, finished for today.

Thank you.


The Earth Elemental and Others.

Every situation, no matter how challenging,

is conspiring to bring you into a greater vibrational energy.

Will you receive it?

Panache Desal.


Today I would like to continue our discussion on the earth elemental. I feel that my questions have not been comprehensive enough so it may be work in progress as I gain more knowledge and ask more questions.

The earth elemental is one of another 'species' so to say (here?) primarily to help the incoming souls create what they desire on their sojourn here. He is earthbound whilst the soul is 'of the stars', so to say and both work in perfect synchronicity each serving their purpose of gainfulness'.

Please explain what was meant by the earth clement being of another species. What species would that be?

He is of the earth elemental kind who is here to assist all who need his 'expertise' so to say. He is instrumental in assisting all who choose to have an earth experience. His 'expertise' as we say is compounding, processing, bringing together all the instrumentals that are required to 'fashion', so to say whatever energy requirements are at his disposal.

He is of the earth is the way and is instrumental in each energy species who decide to make their challenge to go this way. It is not of the one sort of energy (yet?) he is able to fashion their requirements. For some, as we have stated, come from other dimensions and are treading a new pathway of learning.

They may not be like us, of the stars.

No their way is more of the heavier endeavors; those that have been mired more in a substance that you have not experienced. It was not necessary for you to go that path for your learning took another way.

We would appreciate more information please.

They are not of your kind yet; they are of your kind by nature of being one. Not all experience the same trajectory and because of this require different ways and means. Whilever they are domiciled upon this avenue they will resound to another energy divine; one that resonates to what is required upon this plane of existence. For them it is different, and their way will be different to what you chose to be and experience.

So, they may not go through the procreation and all we chose while here?

No, they will progress their own way divine which is different to what you chose for your incarnation here.

Are they of the nature world kind?

We do not see it that way for these energies come from a different way, a course that is not 'designed' so to say of the earth elementals you mention. We do not see it that way for their progression.

So, we have no knowledge of this kind we are now referring to?

No, their demeanour is unfamiliar to your kind and, ' never the twain shall meet' as you say.

Thank you. Another answer you gave I feel requires further information. You stated ' Whilever you are domiciled here you also influence other energies that are not of the ones you mentioned. They are the 30

elements of 'Mother Earth' as you say. Whilever you, as an energy is here you influence others of these kinds. They are also brought into the light by your energy accord'.

I would like to know about the earth energies of the nature kingdom because in understanding more of what is available to us to work with, we could learn to make contact, see and even communicate in some way with these helpers of nature.

Some do so now but mine have been ad hoc and unexpected. It would be wonderful to be able to be out in our garden, parks, nature and have the ability to consciously connect in some way with the nature spirits. I accept that they might not know of our existence, see us or even wish to communicate but any interaction would enhance our life if we knew how to consciously go about it.

Yes, it would enhance your experiences while upon this dominion. You cannot just sit and contemplate, wish it to be. The connection must be from both sides for communication to take place and it may not be the wishes of the recipients to be, go that way.

That I understand but how about some hints, input on how to achieve what we seek?

We feel your best way would be to elevate yourself to the needs of those you seek to make communication with. They can then decide if they will be willing to be, go that way. Many are not obliged to see communication take place for they are aware of what is transpiring upon your domain from some of your kind.

Yes, it is so that many through ignorance or putting money before all else are abusing our world. Those people are not going to seek out earth energies and attempt to make contact. They would not accept that such species exist. On the other hand, we do have many others who do have major concerns about the planet and seek to address their concerns in a proactive way.

We do not deny what you are stating however it still requires a modicum of knowledge to gain access to all you desire. You need to raise yourself, your vibrational input in whichever way you choose to harmonize and bring to existence your desires. It can be ad hoc as you experienced but you had, at the time, gone into the desired requirements to attract your aims. That it came about 'out of the blue' as you say it did eventuate and you were enhanced by the experience.

So we come back to my question of how to bring about communication, or seeing or feeling the various earth elementals, of fairies, elves and others who work diligently in making and maintaining our nature world such a beautiful place.

It is easy for you to connect if you have the right harmonies. We are suggesting that you work upon yourself to gain these needs. Firstly, calmness and a fluidity of expectation that does not go beyond what you can imagine. Do not go out 'beating the bushes' so to say to attract these you seek to inspire.

'A fluidity of expectation that does not go beyond what you can imagine ' is unclear and it would be helpful if you clarified your statement.

Yes, a fluidity of expectation is when you imagine you can see and hear while there is nothing to be seen or heard. In your enthusiasm you will heighten your expectations and with it will enlarge your energy field and bring in other lessons to be learned. You will, by your thoughts expect to see something and you will bring into being what you expect to see which may not necessarily be of the energies you seek to see.

Are we then opening our self up to other unseen energies that are attracted to our enthusiastic exuberance?

Ones that are always in the atmosphere and can attach to us because we have opened ourselves to the elements.

Yes, it is the way.

And these are a different lot to those we have previously spoken about.

Yes, it is the way.


Are these like trolls or ogres?

It may be the way. We are informing you that at all times, despite what you desire, you attract unseen others from dimensions near and far. Your lessons at these times are to cover yourself with balance. Not to go off on tangents that can thwart your desires.

Thank you. I will finish now are read back our notes.

Then we leave you to go your way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are gone, done for the day.

Thank you.


Part Three

Is The Tail Wagging the Dog?

Everything is energy and that is all there is to it.

Match the frequency of the reality you want

and you can not help but get that reality.

It can be no other way.

This is not philosophy. this is physics.

Albert Einstein.


Today I would like our discussion to move away from the earth elementals and speak of mind control and beliefs.

You cannot achieve anything if your belief that it is possible is not there. Until you recognise the fact that you create your reality, here, all levels, it will never come to pass that you can construct, change whatever takes your desire before you enter this, or any, structure.

Is this one of the reasons you keep insisting that we learn to control our thoughts and to monitor them to our needs?

It is only part, a fraction of what we are teaching here. You are also creating other realities, other beings, as you dwell on this plane. We are also trying to make your aware on that front also. You will, at some stage, need to deconstruct ... no, it is not what we are aiming for will need to reclaim, reabsorb this back into yourself, your energy divine. We seek to have you see, understand that all we have mentioned and other topics we will at some stage present you with need mental absorption by you so you can relate and act upon your desires.

With the information we are imparting to you, we understand it may not be clear but once it is we feel it is in your best interest to heed what we have had to say and then your choice is to act upon our words or not.

It is all up to you. We as the educators bring it to your attention then you can choose wisely or not.

Remember though, all we have given you in the way of learning will still continue unabated even if you decide not to take heed to our missives.

It is all up to you. You are in charge of your life and your thoughts. Be whichever way you see is better suited to your needs.

I don't know what other tasks we, as third dimension entities have set ourselves but this taking control of our thinking, or even being aware of what we are thinking when we are 'not thinking' is a salient lesson in conscious observation. I am speaking from personal experience here but assume others who try to follow your instructions will be of the same opinion. Some of my thoughts that I catch myself thinking are scary sometimes and I wonder why I go that way.

Conditioning would be one reason we see. You are conditioned to think along a particular path and sometimes it is the easy option to allow your thoughts to plunder, go that way. It is not easy; we do understand but imperative to your growth and learning that you do start to assume responsibility and be in control. If it does not happen sooner rather than later, it will have greater ramifications for you when you do start to assume control of your thoughts.

We are not saying this as a threat or to disturb you in any way. We are merely trying to assist you to understand and go forward in your right and correct way of growth. You will find when your do take control 33

and be as you are meant to be that events that seemed impossible to you now are child's play at a later date as you master these and other accomplishments you choose to undergo as part of your growth pattern chosen by you at any given time.

You previously mentioned that because we don't believe something is possible it will be that way. When I mentioned growing a limb as being an impossibility, you challenged my thoughts and said it would always remain impossible while ever we thought along that line.

There have been many examples in all sorts of events in technology, medicine and other fields where the seemingly impossible was made possible by the first person breaking through that concept and showing that it can be achieved. The first person to run the four-minute mile is one example that comes to mind. Others then followed when they saw it could be done.

I have also read about people not being able to see form that their mind could not grasp as part of their reality. An example that stands out was from a book I read. It said when some sailing ships were on the horizon the local native population could not see them because they had never seen ships like these before and so their minds could not grasp the images.

According to the story, their medicine man or a person with a more open mind was able to see something was different to normal on the horizon. It was only by his open observation that the unfamiliar outlines came into his vision and mind. He was then able to tell the rest of the native population and because they believed him, they then could also see the ships. Is this the sort of thing you are referring to? When somebody respected tells the rest of us, we can then understand, believe and see.

It could follow that way, that line, but would you not find it easier, more expedient, if you learned to see beyond the solid for yourself. There is much that is around you that is formed, yet you see it not.

We are not referring to any mishmash of thoughts, of fabrications here. We are speaking of what already exists upon your plane, your structure that is there if you learn to see and observe for yourself. It can be the way that you observe, truly observe and not let your line of sight go beyond, to overlook what is presented for your awareness.

Are you referring to the other dimensions that are very close in vibrations to our third dimension? That we need to see and feel them; to become aware of their existence?

No, we do not go that way with our instructions. If you feel you care (to see them) then we can show you how to access these dimensions that are so close to your own. They, in actuality, interpenetrate your own physical existence but we are not referring to them here (by what we are saying). We are leading you along another path we feel is more interesting, more to your advantage to follow along. Firstly thought, we need you to follow along with your mind control; learn to master it and not have it master you.

A little bit like the tail wagging the dog?

If you see it that way but we are intent on showing you how you need to master your thoughts. These also have a bearing on your vibration swings, the energy flow that pulsates and courses in and around your frame.

We want you to understand the necessity of all of this; it is not easy, and we do not imply it is to be the way.

We do however, want you to comprehend the advantages of being able to control your mind. In this way, with this, you will control much, if not all of your resources, mental and energy, but also so much more.

We leave you now for today. Peace and blessings be upon you, now and forevermore.

Thank you.


The Key in the Lock.

Every moment of your life is infinitely creative

and the universe is endlessly bountiful.

Just put forth a clear enough request,

and everything your heart desires

must come to you.

Mahatma Gandhi.


I understand how our thoughts affect our moods but am very intrigued by the other path we could follow if we learned to control our thoughts. Is it possible to start on this line of learning now while we are working on mind, mental control?

It cannot flow the way you seek to investigate unless you have at least a modicum of mental control. We are introducing you to newer concepts that you have not been privy to before this 'newer' energy control or sway was about. We are stating that for you to access this energy in the proper flow will take a change of belief, firstly, and then resonance, understanding of what is about and what can be achieved by your common-sense and ability.

You have mentioned several times that we need to control our mind and be aware where our thoughts take us. You have also mentioned that we need to expand our thinking and overcome preconceived thoughts or opinions of what we can achieve. If we believe it can happen, with these new energies, we can make it happen irrespective of whether others have achieved our aim or not. Is that correct?

Our wordings are part of what you recall but there is much more than just lip service needed. You understand, yet you don't understand, and we don't mean to be glib with our answer here. We are dealing with factuality, what is required, and your mindset is paramount to your ability being achieved. That is part of the reason we are so firm on our instruction.

We understand that it is not easy, we know, but it is important that you get this fact straight in your concept so that you can at least work toward achieving the harmony and the balance required. Then you are able to work on further introducing yourself to other avenues of direction, of learning.

You just mentioned harmony and balance is required by us. Why is that necessary for bridging, or seeing, or interacting with the newer learning?

Because you might recall that when your mind starts to wander with any project it often does not do you any good. You sometimes find with this wandering that your recall, your mind goes on the tangent yet the value of the lesson, of the act of whatever the task before you is, is lost to you. It will be along the same line of aptitude with this newer endeavor.

I am not sure that I understand what you are saying here. We start a project and for whatever reason our mind drifts away from the task at hand. Still, we finish the project, and it is all okay. What value have we lost?

You are ignorant of many of the events that marshal your energies. You need to become aware.

I have read or heard that each task we set ourselves, no matter how mundane, is to be treated as a meditation; that we give full attention to what we are doing at any given time. Is that what you mean and, if so, why is this so important?


It covers a lot of ground here for you. You are doing a circular, round session here. We have previously mentioned the importance of mind control and being aware of where your thoughts flit to at any time sequence. Are you happy to stay only with these thoughts?

No, certainly not. It just seems that you have pointed the way to another avenue of learning but have not given us the key to get in and learn about it.

But we have given you the key. Your mind control is the key that unlocks the knowledge. It is useless to continue without it for, in reality, in truth, you will not be able to hold the vibrational sway that is required.

You will keep, and we are being facetious here, opening and shutting the gate without being able to go in.

We are whetting your inquisitiveness, your thoughts, to make you interested and try to achieve your aim which is mind control. Then you will see that what you set out to achieve is attainable and we can instruct you more along the lines of the newer seeing of all that is about at this newer level, dimension. You will see and understand much of what is beyond your grasp at present. You will see how it is achievable to change your reality to a more progressive, suitable way of resonating with all.

You will see and understand how it is possible and achievable if you desire to rise beyond your preconceived conditioning and change your whole demeanor, your very sight to what is about and we do not, at this juncture, encompass the other dimensions that have been formed for other entertainment and learning.

You mean the other dimensions that we may now interact with and are there for us when we depart this lifetime?

We are passing on to you the comprehension, the understanding that there is so much more that you are presently unaware of. We seek to enlighten you along this way.

Thank you for your instructions but it may be that we are going circular and will continue to go that way until I, at least, learn mind control. However, I don't want to spend the rest of my days learning only how I have not achieved this. I will keep working toward it but hearing that my success or failure is dependent on this is not really going to get me far with my learning. I do understand what you are saying but is there something else we can go on with while I work on mind control?

Our information can flow along an altered path; we can choose another way, but it is to your best interest to keep working along with our instructions of mind control. Until that has been achieved the other avenues, the newer energy avenues, shall we say, will remain lost to your countenance.

So, like being in a schoolroom situation, I cannot progress to the next level, or class, until I have mastered mind control? Is that basically it?

Unfortunately, you have not achieved the key to the lock that fits the doorway. However, like repetition in classroom situations you can approach learning along another pathway divine and we can help your here.

I would appreciate that. So, where do we start?

It is in understanding your place in divinity that we would like to approach you with.

Do you mean religion or spirituality?

We refer only to your growth pattern here. We do not encompass religion at all. It is, as we have previously stated, superstitious control. We seek to take you far beyond this calling. We want you to understand your divinity, your part in 'all there is, all there can be' as you eloquently state it. We are aiming to have you, not give lip service to this concept, but the understanding of all that you are and can form; to make you understand and take you further along that way of learning, of greatness supreme.


I don't understand what you mean by 'greatness supreme' and I don't really like the wording.

Then we change our format, our wording, and choose a different way. You are greatness divine. There is no other way of stating it. Every energy ever formed is part of the greatness divine.

Understand, you cannot be any other way. You are part of the divine, 'all that is,' as you say, and as such, are part of a greatness that is beyond your comprehension. We don't want you to be mealy-mouthed with your understanding of what you create; the form you are and all that is around you. You have created it all and we ask you to acknowledge that fact.

We do not elevate you 'beyond your station', as you say. We are stating fact here. It is how it is meant to flow; you create and it comes into being, into your awareness at some stage. It cannot be any other way.

That is partly why we are so set on having you understand your mind control because, at present, you have no understanding, no idea, of where you go or what you create.

All of your creations have to, at some stage, 'come home to roost' as you say. It is better for you all if you do not have too many preconceived ideas that do not allow you to understand and follow this simple way; control your thoughts.

Excuse me for interrupting but you have already mentioned all this to us.

And the lesson needs to be repeated until it is learned and is repetitious until you get it right. We are enlightening you on other activities, other endeavors, at the same time as 'hitting home' to you, your awareness of the validity of what we say.

There are many interruptions around me today and I think it is best if we finish now and continue another day.

Then we comply with your wishes. Peace and blessings be upon you, now and forevermore.

Thank you.


Uncontrolled Thoughts and Emotions.

Nothing in the world can trouble you

as much as your own thoughts.

Author Unknown


I require further information on several topics mentioned so will start our day's discussion on those.

We see your way of understanding is compromised by our wording and it would be best to clarify your understanding.

We speak of incarnation and as it is stated it implies reincarnation which you state does not exist. I feel that is one of the misconceptions that need clarification.

Then we go that way. We do not discuss reincarnation because it does not exist. It is a misconception brought about by a misunderstanding that has been perpetuated until it has become common usage for all. It is not the way. We refer to timelines and they do not exist, but our wording is needed in your way of speaking and understanding. When we speak of such, we are referring to whichever and whenever you, as a being, chose to manifest in any avenue and at any juncture.

Then we need to clarify our wording again. It is not linear or back in time or going anywhere. It is a change of consciousness that brings the desires about. The reality is you go nowhere because you are already 'there'

wherever you, as consciousness, choose to be. Should you choose another time, as you see it to be, it is changing concepts that bring it about into whatever epoch or avenue you choose.

We reiterate, we are speaking in your understanding, but the reality is you go nowhere. It is as you have a thought, a daydream and it becomes, for a time, your reality. Your daydream takes form and goes whichever way you select it to be. Or, it could have wings, flights of its own it goes upon if not brought into control, way by your thoughts.

So our life is like a daydream brought about by our self?

Can you not see that you are yourself; a thought form existence of one? You are you in your own right but as a thought form existence. Does this make you less real? No, it is not the way. Just as your thought-forms have taken on an existence of their own but always maintain the connection with self because they are self.

Do you understand what we are saying here?

When you explain it that way it is understandable. Then what about the silver cord connection, any connection?

Always you are connected. it cannot be any other way with this. Just as your thought-forms are connected it flows that way.

You are learning and understanding the power of your thoughts and creations all the while you are self.

This projection has ways to understand while all the while you know it all. It exists, all exists, it is the way.

So all our angst and frustrations are a waste of time?

No, not quite that way. While you are creating thought-forms 'of your own' and we separate the division, bring it into being for your comprehension; what you are doing is enabling the energies of the emotions to take hold. They also need growth patterns, and you bring them about by your antics and thoughts.

So, even though emotions are not what we think of as solid, bricks and mortar type things they are just as real as the rest of this dimension?


Yes, it is the way. They also have their progression to divinity. It is fact that we speak of progression but it is more learning to understand and control their form of consciousness. Again, their form of consciousness is still 'all.'

We see emotions, lack of self-control to be a negative thing. Are you stating this is not the way? That we should give full rein to our emotions.

No, that is not the way either. You need, as part of your learning progression, to control these emotions brought about by your fears or desires. They are there as one of the learning processes you have undertaken to your 'mastership' so to say.

So, we have these emotions and the earth elemental energies to learn to control. Aren't they all the same?

No, it is not the same. You are dealing with other ways here. Each is as relevant as the other, but they are different ways of manifestation. All have their needs and desires.

Emotions have needs and desires.

Yes, they are energy and whilst not along the same way as you are progressing, they go their own inimitable way.

Do they go in a group, or a band of energy?

All progress as their needs dictate. We are not familiar with the energies of the different emotions for they are not our way. We can see and understand your emotions and see your lack of control at various situations. We can only speak the way we understand.

Our uncontrolled emotions bring about energies that are also progressing their own way. Are these like our thought-forms?

No, they never take form while your daydream thought-forms do take form and go on to a life of their own.

Sometimes our thoughts can be dark and depressing when we are having an 'off day'. We can now understand these ones, like happier ones, create a life of their own. What about the times we are terrified about something. What happens then?

They go their own way.

What way is that? We have mentally created form so, to follow what you have instructed, the poor things must take a life of their own. There is also a lot of negative and uncontrolled emotional energy involved at these times. Those emotions might not have form, but the emotions are created so do they go on in whichever way chosen to be?

Not quite as you say. The energies do go on. However, by working in other ways they attract other similar forces and they can cause mayhem to the unenlightened or responsive.

This is an unfamiliar topic that needs further discussion and I think it will take more than the time I have for it today. Instead, I will finish now to read back our discussion for today.

Then we leave you to go our way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done for today.

Thank you.


What the Mind Chooses, the Body Follows.

If someone wishes for good health,

one must first ask oneself

if he is ready to do away

with the reasons for his illness.

Only then is it possible to help him.



To gain further insight I would like to go back to a topic we have previously discussed. You explained there are no accidents and that included all health issues we may be born with. Any impediments chosen prior to incarnating are to learn and gain something from. Some of these health issues we may choose to have as a lifelong malaise while others may be for a shorter period of time.

Yes, that is the way it is constructed for your developmental learning. To conquer, control and learn from the impediment.

We also discussed how one person with a split personality could seemingly have all the health problems under the sun needing all sorts of medication yet when their other personality took over and decided not to go that way, they were able to reject the first personality's ailments and their body became healthy. My question is, was that because of the second personality's belief that they could reject the first personality's health issues?

It may be the way. We cannot speak for the souls you mention but can state that once the mind has chosen a way the body follows.

Is that because of a belief; their belief in themself and they can change any circumstances relating to their physical body?

We cannot say. It is up to the individual soul to dictate their belief in their choices and have it flow as of accord.

Many of us do not treat our physical body very well and blame how we are on the earth energy who works faithfully with the means we give it. As part of the challenge, we have set for our self while on this dimension is we are meant to work in harmony with the earth elemental, all earth elementals.

Yes, that is the way it is meant to be.

If we could learn to be like the second personality mentioned where we dismiss all ailments, we have included an unsatisfactory body image we could do it, perhaps even overnight?

We cannot agree with what you are stating for again, what is required is not so much the discipline of action but the belief, the understanding that you are in command of your physical body, and it pleases you to go a better way.

All teachers are encouraging us to understand that our physical body is made up of the elements of this dimension and the earth elemental overseer is the controller of the other elements working in harmony constructing our physical body.

Yes, that is the way it is. No objection to what you say.


Then how do we learn to control these elements? Apart from mastering our slothfulness, avarice and perhaps all the other of the seven deadly sins affecting our physical body, how do we control the elements outside or independent of us?

As one example and as part of our learning, are we to learn not to feel the effects of the weather? To be able to withstand say, all the extremes of weather tempests.

No, we do not see it as part of your learning requirements that you abuse your body in any way. We do not encourage you to be or go that way. Extremes in any form can have a deleterious effect upon your frame and may, if unwise, lead to your demise.

You are being encouraged to learn to work with the elements in a more proactive way. To understand that as part of your assignment you set for your self is a combining, an understanding that you can attract and work with all the elements upon this dimension.

Again, referring to the ascended masters; they were able to attract their desires. Warmth, shelter, food, all they desired for themselves and others they pulled from the atmosphere. Just by thinking of what they wanted they manifested it as required. We are a long way from that and are, at best, mostly learning to work in a symbiotic relationship with our physical body while also having chosen to work with the other energies that are here all around including the incoming energies.

Yes, it is so. You are not obliged to do all you can see but it enhances your understanding of the elementals and what can be achieved by your attaining mastery over them.

You have mentioned that each soul is never alone even when they feel it to be the case.

Yes, it is so. No soul travels alone.

You also make clear that while helpers serve well as our support group and encourage us, they do not help in any other way. Everything we attain we draw to our self and I am thinking of something as mundane as getting a parking spot. Before you made me aware of the true situation, that I attracted what I needed by my thoughts, it was assumed that my guardian angel, my guide or someone else looking after me who did it on my behalf.

No, that will never be the way. To your eyes it may seem it was from 'outside help' so to say but it cannot be done as you say. To do so emasculates you for you are here, in part, to work with the elements and part of your desire, what you require is attained this way. Your support group are there as a support group to encourage you on. They do not do the task you have set for you.

So, when we do manage to get a parking space in an area full of other vehicles it is by our own effort that it came to be?

Understand that many times you are bringing in whatever it is from the elements that help or hinder you. It is not that you are consciously aware of it most times, but it is the way. You construct 'beforehand', so to say, what your needs and desires are to be and they come of accord. Depending on your willpower you engender them with.

Yet many times we go someplace and need a parking space but never find one. Why is that?

Because you did not give full credit to your efforts. You mentally wished for and gave lip service to your desires but did not attach, attract what you required. It then eluded your efforts is the way.


I will finish for today but am interested in continuing tomorrow for any practical understanding on how we can go about mastery of the elements here. You have given us an overview of what is required but any other advice would also be well received.

Then we go our way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We finish now and go our way.

Thank you.


A Chain Reaction.

New opinions are always suspected,

and usually opposed

without any other reason

but because they are not already common.

John Locke


You are encouraging us to have more faith in our abilities because our belief structure at any time works either for or against us. How exactly does this work?

By your belief you set up a 'chain reaction' so to say. You manipulate your energy field that magnetizes your desire, and you achieve it this way. You change your consciousness, ways of seeing and thinking that activates your desires.

You have mentioned that part of our mission here is to learn to master the elements on this dimension and others who incarnated before us. Those who we see as ascended masters from different belief structures have shown us the way by their examples.

Yes, it is the way. They encouraged by example, to see it is possible to be this way. It is a part, function of what you chose while incarnated upon this domain, to learn mastery of all that is here. It is by this, in this way that you are able to rise above the elements here and upon other realities; to learn more of what is required to bring about mastership of all domains. Each has their own needs, ways of leaning and you work with those whilever you are upon those domains.

You have stated that all is consciousness and whatever we can see and experience on any domain is consciousness.

Always is, always will be for there is nothing else in existence but consciousness.

It seems strange to think of the wind, dust, all weather conditions, all we take for granted, all we can experience, all emotions are consciousness manifesting in a different way.

Yes, it is so.

Is it only on this third dimension that we are able to feel the elements; the rains, the wind, heat, cold; those sorts of things?

It can be understood that all elements as you see them to be are a consciousness and they exist in their varying ways at all dimensions.

You have mentioned we have already created a body for our existence in other dimensions we are participating in but is it the same or similar to what we experience here? Do other dimensions have similar elements to feel and understand?

All have their 'elements' as you say and all are participating, one to the other. While you are here, at this dimension, you are encouraging, bringing on those elements that also abide here upon this dimension.

Is that because we are of a finer vibration to the earth elements existing here?


Yes, you also attach to yourself what is required here upon this dominion. Those attachments are needed by you to function here while at the while they are gaining on' your front' so to say. Your largesse of what you offer to them is great for without you they would not exist in the way they perceive meets their needs.

And it was because this particular bandwidth of consciousness that incarnated together that was what was needed at the time; to keep the wheels on all levels humming?

Yes, without you they would have gone another way. All life here would have taken another turn, way of evolution. It would not have been a problem per se for 'the wheels' would have still kept humming but the way would be different to what is or was required at your transition here upon this domain. You also would have chosen to go another way.

You have made it eminently clear throughout this book how we need to be mindful of our thoughts and what we can attract to ourselves if we don't. Unfortunately, in my case, old habits die hard and I am often finding myself dwelling on the negative which attracts other negative energies into my energy field where they can manipulate me in some way that suits their needs and not mine.

Yes, it is the way. Always be vigilant when your thoughts do not serve your purpose.

We are bombarded all the time with negativity. Media reports, what is on our televisions and movies are all dealing in the negative side of life. You have cautioned us about watching these shows but even if we don't watch them the elements, energies are still in the atmosphere where they can affect us.

Yes, it is the way. It is part of your developmental learning to be aware and rise above such shows.

And what about the negative thinking brought about by others who watch these shows and emulate what they see?

We cannot see why you are fussing about what is in the atmosphere. If you have protected yourself, your energy field, they cannot magnetize to you and cause you harm. You are the judge, the one who sees if it is to your advantage to see what you see as negativity.

It seems I am repeating myself with the information you have previously given to us. It now seems a prudent idea to go back and read what has already been provided so I don't keep going around in circles. I will finish now and read our discussion notes.

Then we go, leave for another day. Peace and blessings go to one and all. You cannot fail.

Thank you.


Part Four

The Reality of Existence.

The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.

― Robertson Davies.


Whilever we, as spirit beings, exist in this physical body we have an electromagnetic covering of flesh. Is that the way?

It is more than that but to get you moving we can follow your lead.

You have stated that everything is energy consciousness. From what we see, the largest to the most miniscule and all in-between and no matter where or how it is presented, seemingly inert, lifeless, in whatever shape or form it chooses to manifest it always remains energy consciousness.

Yes, it is the way.

We, everything, exists in what can be thought of as a matrix field of pulsating energy consciousness and this energy field of consciousness contains what we are, 'all' and it cannot be any other way.

You are now starting to grasp more of the reality of 'existence,' so to say. To understand more of what is and what is available to you should you choose to be or go any way.

You manipulate, attract and repel this energy flow to suit your desires. It is the way it is. You are all dealing with this energy flow, manipulating to suit your needs at any given time. You call upon, use this energy to change, charge, whatever suits your choices for you to understand and gain from this energy flow way.

And, as you have previously mentioned, we use this field to create other worlds?

It is the way. All come from this energy field.

It seems that this energy field permeates everything, and we are attracting, repelling different parts of it by our thoughts. Is this what is happening?

To a degree you are correct, but you miss a vital point here. You are always in this energy field because it is part of you, part of all.

Even if we are at other levels, we are still in this field?

Yes, it is the way. You recall we have many times told you it is by degrees. We are here all the time but you see us not. We are not anywhere else but in this field as all are. You need to change your perceptions to have you understand and consciously manipulate this energy field to suit your needs while you are in a physical, any body. It is by manipulating this field that you gain, learn. You are refining, developing your aptitude, your way of changing, seeing things. This then brings to the fore other opportunities should you feel to be, go that way.

It may be, as an example, that you no longer feel the desire to take form and you will then be manipulating a different kind of rarefication. Form will no longer suit your needs and you will be attracting other elements of energy to suit your more 'refined' ways of change.


It is all there if you choose to see and follow that line of development. Changes then would bring in other

'forms' but not the physical way. To your sight (understanding?) they would not be comprehensible for you at this stage of your development, but they exist just the same.

In Book One you first mentioned that we are all god but at the time it seemed to be so blasphemous or delusional. Now we have a better understanding emerging of how that can be.

We do not cast false words your way. You are as stated, god. We all are god and it cannot be any other way.

Rest assured your magnificence is great. You hold so much power little realizing the way it comes to be.

We are different for we understand and relish our power. It is not personal aggrandizement. It is stated to have you understand this fact. We are set to teach you of your magnificence and ways to be.

It is not clear of the 'ways to be' you have just mentioned. Please explain.

Your magnificence is assured and cannot be any other way. You choose your ways to exemplify your magnificence by understanding the laws that govern certain 'restrictions' so to say. You come about to learn of ways to enhance your knowledge, a knowledge you already contain because, as god, you have it all. It cannot be any other way.

If we have it all, why do we need to understand the laws that govern certain restrictions?

You do contain it all but you also want to expand and learn other ways you can manipulate energy and bring it to the fore. You do this in many ways; by progressing in creating other realities, other beings that are also a part of you, of all. You 'pretend' so to say you need the advancement, the knowledge and go whichever way you desire to bring it about.

Then would I be correct in stating that part of the reason we are here on this third dimension is to learn to create and manipulate; create our reality with the denser energy that is here?

You are only partly right in what you say. You do create your reality here on this dominion, but it was preconceived by you prior to coming here to this denser realm. You chose your time, situation and aggrandizement to proceed in the way you thought would best suit your desires while here. You set it all in place and it proceeded your way with the help of the earth elemental being you are bringing along in your wake.

We are encouraged to create our reality whilst here and many do try to change circumstances in their life and it seems most fail. Why is that? Why it is that people can meditate, visualize and see it all happening as they desire yet fail to deliver to themselves their desires and wishes? Why once here do we have so much trouble bringing our desires into form?

Because there is an element missing; faith is what is required here. Lip service is given, and you strive with all your might to facilitate, bring about your desires but it eludes most of you because of your lack of faith; in yourself and your ability to 'pull it off' as you say. If you reached into yourself, truly believed what you sought was for you, achievable, you could, as the prophet Jesus once said 'move mountains' with your desires.

I acknowledge and accept what you are saying because we do mentally struggle to overcome our limitations.

We physically work hard, tick all the boxes with our desires and it doesn't come to pass. However, what must come to pass are the thought-forms we have created. We have spent time focussing on our desires and as you have previously mentioned they, as thought-forms, may be out of sight but have not gone away.


Yes, you are correct when you state they may be out of sight but have not gone away. They reside in another part of this dimension because part of your desires when incarnating here was to learn to work with the elements here, at hand. Your thought-forms are part of the elements here. Not the nature world as you may perceive but of the elemental matter that makes up the known reality here.

So our thought-forms are somewhere on this dimension and their physical body is created out of the earth elemental matter as ours is. They would then also have to have an elemental being overseer or controller to have their physical body function as is required on this dominion.

Yes, it is the way.

We speak of this dimension implying there is only one. It includes the entire nature world but from what you are suggesting, or I understand, there is more than the one mentioned.

Yes it is the way. The vibration is similar but not the same. This is where much of what goes on 'behind the scenes' as you say take part.

I am starting to get a better understanding now of how we can be affected by other energies that may be without a physical body but are still able to influence and affect us. I assume ghosts and other apparitions are of the same kind.

No, they go another way. We feel we have given you enough to think about for today and any questions that come into your mind you would like given thought to. We can continue in this same vein tomorrow or when next we meet.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, finished for today.

Thank you.


Creators All.

We are not given a good life or a bad life.

We are given a life.

And it is up to you to make it good or bad.

Author unknown


From previous discussions it is understood that we are creators and as such cannot do anything but create.

Our information today could enlarge on that concept.

Then we comply with your desires.

You mentioned, as a caution, to always watch our thoughts because whatever we are thinking we are creating those thought-forms and they do not just float away.

Yes, it is the way it is for you all. You cannot not create; magnetize to you whatever your thoughts are constructing.

If we create our present lifetimes, bring in those who can assist us and our physical bodies are what we have created and keep creating by our thoughts and actions; what about those other creations our undisciplined thinking has formed. Where are they?

All around you yet you see them not. This is because you have not programmed your thinking to correspond with what is here now, your present condition or lifetime.

I would appreciate more information, please.

Your created thought-forms have not disappeared; they exist and are forming another 'offshoot' so to say of your existence. The ramifications here are great for you have created life and now, as the creator, need to take responsibility for this ingenuity of your conscious thinking.

This is a bit overwhelming to think about. I have no idea what I've thought about or created yet am responsible for them?

Yes, it is the way it is. You do create and as creators take on a part of this existence divine. It is not so difficult to understand when you realize what is there is part of you; you formed it by your consciousness thinking and it is given form.

Existences, worlds are being created in this way all the time. It is not so strange when you understand the concept and go that way. We have been instructing you since we first comprehended your existence and took form to give you understanding for you are part of a creation of all.

Then, what about our charges, what we have created into form? If others are like me, my thoughts don't deliberately think of someone as a baby and go from there. The thoughts I have are about adults. How do they get a life they are living? They can't just pop up somewhere without a history.

No, it is not that way. They do have a history and we choose not to confuse you any more than you appear to be but sufficient to say they do come with a history even if, to your mind, that part has not been created by this part of you.

Then what or who creates that history?


We can claim that there is an existence, and that existence does formulate for itself what is required for the span of time they want to exist. Why is it strange that you, a consciousness, can formulate your desires, your lifespan needs and comply with your requirements? You have created form and that form, as you have done, is capable of creating what it desires to be.

Our thoughts have created another consciousness that is a part of us and is somewhere, creating the life it chose to exist in just as we did. Your answer is becoming more complex and will take further time than is left for our discussion today. If you don't mind it might be better to leave it for another time.

Then we leave you to go your way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done for today.

Thank you.


What Other Realities Do We Create?

Waking up to who you are

requires letting go

of who you imagine yourself to be.

Alan Watts


What about the momentary thoughts we have throughout our day? We have created them fleetingly so if they are created they must exist in some way or form. Do they demagnetize from us and float in the energy field until they are attracted to something else?

It can follow that way. They are always in the 'atmosphere', as you say. They are there for a purpose as well.

They magnetize and bring into shape, form, other desires not strong enough to be formed alone. In this way, by this they are creating other challenges, ways to be undertaken.

By whom? They weren't strong enough to stay magnetized to form so to what purpose are they now?

In many ways you see only yourself and what is required for your existence here. We understand this and do not condone or condemn. Your energy field undergoes many changes throughout your lifespan, many daily and hourly. It is the changing perceptions that links to others and bring them into form. This form has taken on, magnetized its self into a growth pattern, just as you are in form as a growth pattern. It cannot be any other way.

These forms are changing themselves because they have attached other levels of expertise, other ways perhaps not of your earthly existence but close enough in vibratory ways to make it possible for existence, earthly existence. They then go that way.

I would like to learn about these other dimensions and the fragments of self I have unwittingly created by my thoughts. Do they work their way up to master the different dimensions like this part of me typing here chooses to do?

They do not have to change anything because they are taking a slightly different path that requires a different way. You are exonerating them by your uplifting of your charges and, in doing so, you attach them back to you, back to 'the fold', so to say.

If these other thought form parts of me have been created ever since I could think there must be lots of them and some, many of them have not been dwelling in happy places as my negativity came to the fore.

That may well be the way but malice was not your intention and they have suffered no harm. Instead, they will bring back to you much valuable information, much learning of a different way. You will absorb it and go on as you choose. All will come back to 'the fold', so to say. All will be good for you will have achieved much and learned more.

Your information leaves many questions needing answers but unfortunately it will have to wait until next we communicate. Is that agreeable to you?

Any way is agreeable to set you thinking more along a different way. You have spent too many hours with the familiar. We seek to move you past your comfort zone into what is, for you, present you, new territory.

We go that way.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done for today.


A Product of Your Thoughts.

The greater our knowledge increases

the more our ignorance unfolds.

John F Kennedy


There are two questions I feel need further clarification. The first one is 'Your thought-forms are part of the elements here. Not the nature world as you may perceive but of the elemental matter that makes up the known reality here'. We can address that question first.

It is so that they are part of this dominion and abide here many times is the way. They are of you but are not you even though you brought them into being by your thoughts, wayward sometimes.

They are not earth elementals but need the earth beings to construct their body while here? We do too but we are spirit beings who need the coarser covering for us to function on this coarser vibration reality. What happens to our thought-forms? Do they have a soul, a part of ours?

It is so that they have 'a soul', as you say. All do but not perhaps as you perceive. Meanwhile they are structuring their way and knowledge along this avenue divine. They are a product of your thoughts but have not the knowledge you have accumulated, and they are seeking their way. As your creations they need to be domiciled here to 'learn the ropes'.

They can function here or in any domain that is vibratory to here. They are gaining and understanding what is required by the energy pull from this reality. When they have gained enough, they will have the knowledge to transport themselves to other avenues of requirement.

Is this why, when we are on this dominion, we are subject to other thought-forms? Those who float around in the atmosphere and can attach themselves to susceptible people? Are our thought-forms of those energies?

No, it is not the way. Yours, so to say, have formed a life here. They have created out of the atmosphere, provided for their needs. They go another way and utilize what is available and so make a life form contribution to all. Because of what they have gained from you, their creator, they have an inner knowledge or inner guidance to set themselves up in the right and proper way for their needs.

You have mentioned that these other energies that float around serve a purpose. Apart from taking our energy and inciting us to depression, anger and other emotions not in our best interest, what else do they do?

They serve as a wake-up call for those who are influenced by their call. They require that you instigate your thoughts to a better way, a better reception of use of your utilities, your thoughts and actions.

But only if we know of them can we take action.

Yes, but you are all learning the way. There are many now on your domain who are helping, encouraging your sort to learn self-control in its many and varied ways. It is part of their service to their fellow beings.

What they have chosen as part of their mission in life?

Yes, it is the way it is. Many respond to the call of the incoming energies and give encouragement and guidance to those less enlightened of the ways these energy beings can wrought havoc to their being.

Thank you. You have also mentioned there is more than one dimension here where they, our thought-forms are. As this sounds interesting, I would appreciate you explanation on this topic.


Then we go that way. Yes, there are many levels that intertwine. All have their opportunities for those who inhabit, vibrate their way. It is not so different to what is here upon you all but you see only what your five senses acknowledge. We are stating that there are many more avenues that your earth being can cohabitate at and all are in harmony, one to the other.

I am sorry but I need to finish our interesting discussion for today. Perhaps tomorrow we can continue with this intriguing topic. Do you to continue on this topic? If so, move to follow on from this Then it can flow that way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Interacting With Personal Thought-form Selfs.

Everything has changed and yet,

I am more me than I have ever been.

Author unknown


I would like our discussion for today to continue with understanding more on our energy creations and the other levels they inhabit.

It may seem strange that we speak about other levels while you are cohabitating this earth dominion, but it is the way it is. You are impacting on all your energies as they are influencing you. This abode is not only the one you are gaining from. Your creations are also helping here. They can encourage you as it were. Just as you influence them, take a part in what you see as (their?) reality. Allow the energies that are you in all their glory to shine forward and let you understand what you contain and are.

We would appreciate more information please.

Many of you are under the illusion that when you are affected by another energy part that is cohabiting someplace else it is part of a past life recall (reincarnation?). It is not the way. You do not have past life recalls in any way. It is again a misunderstanding of what can be and what is.

You understand so little of the reality of what is your existence divine. It is only natural to be influenced in some way by other elements of yourself. You do it all the time. There is no separation per se. It is a cut off line engineered, seen to be missing.

So, experiences that other parts of self are undergoing can and do have an influence on this part?

That is the way. It is a two-way flow of energy alternating, going between, switching one to the other.

How does this come about? What activates this interaction?

It takes very little to activate the flow because it is always there upon you all. You are experiencing the flow all the time. Sometimes it is greater than other times depending on needs for survival and such.

So, for clarity, the energy flow between all sections is there all the time. It ebbs and flows depending on needs and presumably conditions. Is that right?

It is how it is.

So stressful situations can activate it more and whoever needs added energy get a boost from one or more of the other interconnecting selfs?

It can flow that way. You are always interconnected and as such are always alleviating, changing each other's energies.

What about if I was a healthy person and took care of my physical body to the best of my ability while other segments were the complete opposite. How would that be in the scheme of things you speak about today? It has to have an influence on my physical body.

No, why would that be the way? You are master of your controls. Your body is under your 'command', so to say. You control what energies flow and if it is the way that you choose not to be influenced by another part, section of yourself it will not have one iota of influence. You will not feel any ramification along that way.


Then what we, as energies are doing is attracting and repelling actions, thoughts and all that sort of thing but we are still in control of our physical body and thoughts?

Yes, it is the way.

Then how can we be influenced? Well, you have explained how but why?

Because of the interaction, the connection of the energy divine. You are not floating off someplace oblivious to all. We explained before to be careful of what you achieve, set out to be because it will come to pass of having an influence, ramifications upon all.

But if it is all illusion, what does it matter?

That is the way to see it all but unfortunately it does have a bearing sometimes on what you can and don't do. You are influenced in so many ways by what is achieved on other levels that you also cohabit. You are influenced many times by the energy flow yet little understanding of this is before your eyes.

I will finish our discussion now and read your information. Perhaps we can continue along the same line later when I may be better able to understand more of what you have explained.

Then we leave you now to your thoughts. Peace be upon you now and forevermore.

Thank you.


Experiences With Another Thought-form Self.

Dare to know!

Have the courage to use your own intelligence.

Immanuel Kant.


I would like your comments on an experience I had in coming to the emotional assistance of another of my thought-form selfs in their reality or dimension. Further information on the experience would be appreciated.

Then we go that way today.

The scene appeared to be someplace in South America, in a tropical part. I was in the jungle with a stranger, an Asian male, perhaps in his twenties. There were others there, captives, but, unlike us, they were trussed up. They also seemed to be periphery to what was happening to us. The Asian male accepted we were captive but expected to be released at some stage. I, on the other hand, knew we were going to be murdered.

It is not clear how we ended up in this situation, but I think we were being held as hostage by drug dealers or gun runners. The male in charge, dressed in a sweaty looking, dirty white suit, knew I was aware we were going to be killed and it seemed to amuse him. However, as stated, the Asian male believed we were going to be set free and I didn't tell him any different. That was all there was to my part of that experience. I would appreciate your comments on this.

Your other thought-form self knew what was going to be and 'withdrew', so to say, after calling on help, assistance from one of the lead connections. You answered the call and it went that way.

So my other thought-form self came back and was murdered?

It can be the way. It can also be the way that the thought-form self withdrew and let the earth (elemental?) energy (being) supply the requirements of keeping the physical body activated for it to take place. The need would have been required and was furnished so the earth being could fulfil what was necessary.

Then why was it necessary for me to participate in the first place if my other thought-form self could withdraw and let the earth being take over?

It was needed for the energy flow to be activated as was decreed. You had a previous knowledge and knew what would be required. As part of your understanding and learning you chose beforehand to participate and relieve your other self of part of the trauma of the event.

What do you mean by the energy flow needing to be activated?

It is a requirement that for each part there be of a certain acknowledgement of what is to be. No accidents.

Participants, as part of their learning agree to participate in sharing some knowledge experience. While one being does not go through all 'the motions', so to say, they do gain on the front with the experiences by participating in some of the events, experiences.

If, as has previously been stated, we all bring back the knowledge to all, why is it needed to be this way mentioned? We would gain the knowledge that way.

No, it is not the way. Many times, you share in events such as this and all needs are taken care of without the end result being as you say. It is being able to draw one to the other that enhances and uplifts what the experience undertaken is. You cannot do it fully in the other way. Yes, you do have the knowledge, but this brings in other avenues more to the advancement of all.


And where does the earth being fit into this? What gains are made by this being?

It gains in many ways. It is able to share part of what the experience activated and brought about is. It is of this dominion, but it allows it to extend itself through your activities what is required when the self being has stepped aside.

It feels what is being wrought and the emotions enable it to extend itself more in alignment with your needs.

It, for a short while, can extend itself by your emotions bringing about 'extra energy' so to say. It uplifts it to higher than it can be alone, and it gains another impetus for its growth that it cannot achieve alone or without this extreme emotion.

Does it feel the experience of death as is our way?

No, it feels the emotion but is not involved in the same way. The upliftment brings forth a surge of energy that would not be experienced by the earth being in the normal way. It needs the help, assistance to go 'the extra yards' so to say and it gets it by your engendering emotions.

You, on the other hand, can stand aside and watch what is taking place without the (emotional?) effect you would feel should you still be in a physical body. You have elevated yourself, your understanding and can watch impassively knowing your race is run. The experiences that were body related are no more and you have no feeling for what has now become an encumbrance to your dreams. You move on.

On thinking about your answers now wonder, does this sort of thing happen to people who are at the end of their life? Those who are not in a traumatic situation. For example, some who are in hospital and can appear to be all but lifeless, with life barely ticking over, are they, at these times, still in their physical body or have they gone off someplace more productive to their needs and the earth being keeps their physical body ticking over until the person decides it is time to move on?

It can be either way. It depends on what the soul chooses to experience. If they feel they gain more understanding, more compassion perhaps for the physical being who manifested their body and has served them well throughout their lifespan they might stay that way and gain more of what can be attained by being in a physical body but not able to function in it as before. It is not all the one way and choices can be activated at any time without redress.

I do remember you saying that before incarnation, we had already created the blueprint of what our physical body was to be and while the earth elementals were busy on the project creating our form, we were off following more productive, interesting pursuits only returning at a later date to take residency. That might or might not be at birth, perhaps some time later and presumably until we decided when it would be suitable to our cause the earth being would be taking care of the physical body.

Yes, that is so. You do not need to be in a physical frame for the experiences to occur. What you choose to be and do will continue your way whilst the earth elemental being 'runs the show' as you say. It all goes of accord as is meant to be. The earth being follows your desires and gets on with the task at hand.

Then how does it relate to the earth being experiencing and getting an extra boost of knowledge and energy from what can only be considered normal for life?

It is the way that the energy is in flux and whatever is required will be provided by the elemental energies merging so to say and creating form. In this way, by this, the earth being grows and learns how to manipulate other elemental beings who are here also growing and learning. A leader of the pack might be a way to answer your query. He gains on all fronts with this interaction.


However, when something such as your self was privy to gaining he gets an extra impute that would not be so easy to attain if this were not the way. The impetus, feeling is not the same as when he acts alone with what he has available at hand. This newer, to him, way has added benefits that take him from what was a mediocre way of progression to one that has been accelerated by your kind.

What do you mean by 'your kind’?

Your kind is a different way of interacting and being available to this earth elemental being. Without the input experience he would not be able to reach the level of attainment this has brought about.

Was this a possibility for the earth being or does he need us, a finer energy to assist?

All assist in their inimitable way. One does not travel the way alone. He 'deserves,' so to say, whatever and whichever way the energy forms and becomes.

I will finish now and read back your information from today.

Then we go now. Peace and blessings be upon you all. We are done for today.

Thank you.


Gaining Insights.

Sometimes the heart sees

what is invisible to the eye.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


Your information about our thought-forms and there being more than one dimension where they, our thought-forms are, is interesting and was unknown to me. You also raised other issues that need more insight into and I would appreciate further information on those topics today.

There is much you are unfamiliar with as you domicile yourself here upon this domain. You take for granted all you see with your sensory receptors are all there is available and around for you. You fail to understand and reach out to other levels of this dimension. Myriad levels interweave, interconnect with you here while you inhabit a physical body.

I want to hear more of them but would like to stay with the information on the thought-forms we have, in ignorance, created. You have previously mentioned they take on form, an earth body, and then create their life on this reality.

Yes, it is the way.

When you first mentioned I was creating thought-forms you instructed me to make them happy thoughts. At the time there was no idea just what your instruction meant or why you said it. As I gained more understanding realized that when I was upset by someone for some perceived slight my thinking had often gone into the negative ‘they said and then ‘I could have said' scenario’ and changed my perception of what was then the reality of the situation to one that better suited me. You are saying that at each time that happened I created two realities? The actual one I was participating in and the one I created by my thinking.

Yes, it is so. We are set to have you understand that these thoughts you harbor, in whichever way, are not gone from existence.

So, there are now two realities: the one being experienced and the fanciful one I created now exist?

Yes, as a creator, you have created that reality.

But what maintains, keeps that fanciful reality and any thought-forms going? Where is that reality; where do the thought-forms go?

You are all in this 'dot point matrix' as you say. All are but you are conscious only of what you choose to see. You have designed it to be that way for the gainfulness, the lessons you choose this way. If you changed your perception and believed, had faith that what you sought was achievable for you it would be. It is all there.

We seek to have you understand you go nowhere because you are already there. You have created from whatever the desire, way was for you to progress and advance yourself as you sought to be. You attracted to you whichever and whatever you sought, magnetized it to your being and it came to pass.


I think another of the tutors said we change perception, concepts and ways of seeing things and with this change is a change of comprehension which brings about a change in energy. ' In other words you go another way. Your magnetization changes and you move into another 'slot of existence'.

Yes, that is so. You change your way of understanding and controlling whatever it is you choose to apply to your understanding concepts, and it comes to pass.

Then why is it not possible to see our thought-forms if we tick all the boxes with our belief and magnetization?

Because they go another way and the way they have chosen is not your way even if you do go and 'tick all the boxes' as you say.

Previously we discussed how thought-forms, our creations and others in the atmosphere can emotionally affect us. You also mentioned because we are connected, we are able to emotionally assist our thought-forms and they us especially when the going gets tough even though, on a physical conscious level we are unaware that is what is transpiring.

Yes, it is the way but it is a different 'category' shall we say. You do not face-to-face meet them on the street or in other circumstances. This is a soul-to-soul emotional connection, and it is because of this pull, emotional connection you are able to go and be the way.

The emotion seems to be one of the things we are working on whist on this dominion. It is also how we leave ourselves open to attachments and attacks from other elementals that are here.

That is the way to see it, what it is about.

Thinking back to creating our reality and the thought-forms we create when 'faking it till we make it' and all the other day-by-day thoughts and things we do. If we have created these thought-forms as successful, how we wanted to be, they are that way?

Yes, they are that way. They have achieved success as you perhaps would have achieved success had you believed you could.

Believed in ourselves, truly believed we could achieve our desires?

Yes, it is the way.

But what if they messed up like we sometimes do, and they fritter their talents away and their success eludes them?

Then they go another way with their learning curve.

On the other hand, we have examples where people appear to be born with what we term a 'silver spoon' in their mouth and all of life's bountifulness comes their way without any or very little effort on their part.

They could be a thought form.

All are what is termed a thought-form and it follows that way.


Yet somehow and at some place they, our thought-forms, create a life of their own just as we did. From connecting with an earth being who creates their physical form, parents, whatever they have desired they brought to fruition just as we, a thought-form of another created our life?

It is the way it works for all.

I need to put this in context for myself and so will start again with my thinking. There is no timeline as we understand it to be and they, our thought-forms, have a form created from the elements of the earth. This is achieved in collusion with their earth elemental being and the symbiotic relationship attachment is formed or fixed before incarnation, just as ours is.

It is so.

And each thought-form starts off their inception as a baby like we did and goes from there creating whatever it is they choose for their time here.

It cannot be any other way.

How it all meshes together and comes about presently eludes me. Is it because my thinking is so entrenched in this reality's perception?

It may be the way. We understand your dilemma, but rest assured it is there for you to comprehend if you apply yourself more to the task.

You said we are a thought-form of another; possibly they are a thought-form of another?

Yes, it is so.

Yet what we see as plurality is only a series of the one energy?

Yes, it flows, follows that line of reasoning.

And this is why you can state we are all god?

Yes, and it cannot be any other way. Your confusion lies in your thinking being of this dimension. You need to rise above the thoughts you harbor here.

That might be easier said than done. I will finish now and read back our notes.

Then we leave you to your ruminations. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are finished for today.

Thank you.


Our Construction Divine.

Give yourself permission to live a big life.

Step into who you are meant to be.

You were meant for greatness.

Stop playing small.

You're meant for greater things.



From reading back previous notes it seems you are implying we are like cells in our body that divide and grow but do not separate.

Yes, it can follow that logic divine.

And all these cells and selfs are a consciousness?

Consciousness. No division here.

Yet it does appear to me that there is a big divide between all, as I see all is and me as a self. There may not be but there seems to be a big division in rarefication, knowledge, everything between all and me.

No, it is not like that. Have we not informed you of your way, your magnificence? If all are part, a composition of all it cannot be the way that there is a separation, any separation. It cannot flow, follow that way.

Can we then think of these other thought-form selfs, some in worlds we have constructed for them by our thinking but originally coming from a writer's mind connected to us?

Yes, it is the way. They are your construction divine.

Then if we can think of them like cells in our body wherever they are, at whatever level of existence they are part of our composition?

Yes, we understand your logic with this and see it go that way.

And we are a composition of another thought-form self; thought into existence in this way?

Yes, it flows of accord.

And that thought-form self that brought us into existence was possible brought into existence by another thought-form self as their creation? If that is the way most, maybe all are formed, created out of the all permeating consciousness energy, it then becomes like the chicken and the egg scenario. Who came first?

It is the way it is. Your magnificence is assured for all times is the way. We are endeavoring to have you understand, to move away from the timeline concept of a beginning and an ending. To your present sight, reality, it may be like that, but the reality of life is vastly different to what you presently perceive.

There is no starting line, no finishing cord to be. All exists is the way. All exists. You are a composite, part of all therefore you exist 'for eternity' if you choose to see it that way but we are afoot to set you straight with this anomaly of thinking (of time?).

From memory of previous conversations, you have already explained that nothing dies, just changes form.


Yes, consciousness exists 'for all times' as you say. You are consciousness, as everything else you can see, comprehend is the same way therefore, all continue on. Perhaps as you say in different form or out of your present eyesight, but it is still the way. Existence does not become obliterated. Only your perception of what is goes that way.

I seem to have misheard you when I thought you just say we exist for eternity, but you are setting us straight with this anomaly of thinking. It seems to be in conflict to what you are now saying, and I would like clarification please.

Then we follow on with what we say. Eternity is your concept of what you see is. Eternity is an illusion. All just is. There are no timeline constraints, no separation to behold, no past, present or forward. It just is.

Eternity is a construct of your mind, a way of seeing illusion of time and distance.

Well, who constructed the human blueprint prototype? Who decided this form would be the best suited for this reality? I understand we create our personal body, but we have the basic design 'already up and running'

so to say. We just do modifications to suit our needs.

Yes, it is so but you are not advancing yourself as a lone energy. Nor are you looking at a picture concept of all. We are stating that others who create form at different avenues, dimensions, took it upon themselves as part of their learning divine to construct the earth form of the elements that are here. They brought in the requirements they designed, and it went from there.

In my book, Star Beings, there was a chapter on spirit energies from other multitudinous realities who created us. They also created other species, extra-terrestrials, on other planets in this dimension.

Yes, it is the way and souls eager to experience other divinities, bodies, came to the fore and were 'the prototype', if you choose to see it that way. They constructed more of what was desired to attain other experiences through instigating life upon this division divine. All went of accord.

I really don't know what to else ask so need to stop now and read back the notes of our discussion. Perhaps we can continue along the same lesson when next we communicate.

Yes, it can be, flow that way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Free Spirits.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand

while imagination embraces the entire world,

and all there ever will be to know and understand.

Albert Einstein


For clarification, I have to go back to those already in our third dimensional life with us. You have spoken on the subject several times, but I just can't comprehend what you are saying. Is there any way you can make it simpler for me to understand because the concept is very hard to grasp?

We understand your confusion, but it is the way, what it is. We cannot change what is available for your understanding because you fail to grasp the concept. It will still be the way irrespective of whether you can comprehend it or not. It is the way it is.

Well, perhaps if we try a revision course might help me gain the understanding lacking now.

Then we go that way. Choose your wording and what you fail to see now may perhaps be enlightening to you soon.

Thank you. We are a free spirit choosing to have a third-dimension experience. As such we can see all: what is our timeline, era, whatever reality is there and has been created by other spirit energy teachers for their growth pattern. We decide on whatever we see will suit our needs. This will be the type of gender and body, infirmities or a healthy body.

Yes, it is the way.

We have guidance so presumably we are discussing what we want to experience and learn once incarnated upon this dimension.

Yes, it is the way. You are gaining this understanding from those of your kind; 'your bloodline kind' is the way; those who have already been 'here', so to say and gained knowledge of what is required for your sojourn here.

You will live your life here in whatever suited your needs. Your physical body, your life choices and all that entailed and, at 'life's end', as you say you will withdraw and bring the knowledge gained to the common good, 'pot' as you say.

That part I understand but there are two things I don't comprehend. One is the other thought-form selfs and probable thought-form selfs. I understand we create them by our mind power thoughts, and they go on to live presumably fulfilling lives in whichever way they choose. They are also creating other thought-form selfs who will all at some stage, third dimension speak, come back to the energy that is our part of all which is not separated at any stage from us to a place we have never left because there is no place to go.

Yes, it is the way. We cannot change your wording for it is the way it flows.

So, we can think of our life, in a basic way as a dream construct?

It might be you recall other ways of seeing. We are not familiar with your dream states for we are not part of your existence there. We can only inform you of what transpires with the knowledge, evidence we have of other endeavors we instigate at your request.


Clarify that for me please.

Yes, we are also constructed from your images you see. We exist as a part of you divine. We are here at your instigating at this time, to bring you up to speed with your learning.

I can comprehend you coming here at my request to help me when I reached this stage of my developmental learning. I can understand how the incoming energies make it necessary for us to all change our outmoded thinking that no longer suits the 'newer model of us'. I understand our energy body is going through its metamorphosis as the newer energies permeate it but still cannot relate to those in my life having been created there by me for my learning. How does that follow? They are also souls having an experience, their gainfulness learning.

Yes, no recriminations here. Your thinking acumen is sound to what you presently understand. They are indeed created by you. Other souls are the way, but they are still 'you'.

I do not understand you last sentence. Could you please make it clearer for me?

Yes, we go that way. They are a part of you, we cannot change what is. They are a part of you who has chosen to be, flow this way for what they can gain in understanding and love.

Those you interact with, see in your lifetime experiences are all here because of love, even those you seem to be antagonist toward. They have 'manifested', shall we say, not to do you in, cause you harm but to enhance your experiences on this domain. All gain in this way and at times end, when your life finishes here and you go onto other endeavors, they go their way but always the connection is 'solid', as you say. It cannot flow, be any other way.

I would like to finish our discussion today. I really need to read back our notes for comprehension. Perhaps then I can ask some cogent questions when next we get together.

Then we go that way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Part Five.

What Attracts Floating ‘Others’?

Life is for participating,

not speculating.

Kathrine Switzer.


As previously discussed, all incarnated here have a guide, an angel and our soul family.

Yes, there are many who offer support as you find your way.

Yet many of us go through periods where we feel lost, abandoned and alone.

No, it is not and cannot be the way. You also have others attracted to you from ‘time to time’ so to say who also delight in watching and understanding your ways.

Who are they?

There are others from the nearby interacting dominions whose harmonies bring them into your sphere. They impersonate you sometimes and influence you to go another way if your mind leans that way.

How do they impersonate us?

They follow all you do, your beliefs, your fears and acquisitions of thoughts and understandings. They then take it upon themselves to understand your ways by flowing with your energy attraction ways. For a time they are ‘you’ in manner and attraction opportunities they bring their way.

They are not our thought-forms or doppelgangers.

No, it is not the way. These we mention float around and attach themselves to like-minded or those who have the sway, the pull that attracts them. They then take on the persona of the attraction but do not follow through with this dimensional body because they are not of this way although they can, for a short time, be of this way. They do not need a body, a shell, for they are of the mind to come and go and gain what they can, what attracts them by the energy flow attraction.

And they are capable of influencing us?

Yes, in many ways they can have a bearing on your thoughts and ways.

Then what about our helpers? Don’t they repel or guide us through an attachment like this?

No, it is not their way. You have instigated or brought forward into your energy field in some way these other energy beings. They, your support group do not interfere. It is your way, what you instigated, magnetized to your energy frame.

I have sometimes had emotional psychic attacks from what can be termed ‘less evolved spirits’. Other humans hear voices telling them what to do or not do. Are these the ones you are referring to now?

It may be the way for it is the attraction that enables any other spirit entity into your energy force field. We do not deny what you are saying but it is not ‘one size fits all’. Many times what happens is done in 65

ignorance but again we say there are no accidents. What has transpired served as a learning curve for all concerned.

It seems to be an oxymoron for you to say something happened in ignorance but there are no accidents.

Please explain what you mean.

All of you we feel understands mind control and what can happen when you are not in control of your thoughts.

Is this one of the reasons you suggest we watch our thoughts? What we are thinking?

Not only this way but what activates your thinking. There are times when you are led astray by what you have heard or watched or seen. It sets into action thoughts that are not constrained by your thinking process. You activate by this a different energy field that takes you another way.

Are you saying that we absorb the emotions without thinking cogently about what we have seen or heard?

Yes, we see you understand our words. When you are being influenced, emotionally influenced by others in whichever way to have you see or think along a different way to what you would normally be influenced by we suggest you pause, stop a moment and wonder why you go this way. What influence has me holding different concepts? Are they taking me away from my desires chosen by me and letting me be influenced by another way; a way that perhaps works on and with my emotions in an unproductive way. We watch and see much of this happening to those who inhabit this timeframe existence.

Not wishing to sound argumentative but isn't that our choice? Didn't we come here to this existence at this time to learn and absorb whatever the incoming energies have to offer us?

It is the way. We also want you to see and understand that not all that comes your way is to your benefit; your 'greater good' as you say.

Then are you suggesting we use discernment and not be one of the sheep that follows trends or crowds? Not to be lead astray by emotions and lack of control because it enables other energies to attach to our energy field and maybe influence us more and create havoc with our emotions?

Yes, it is so. We started our conversation today with information of the other energies that are here with you and what emotion can do to attract them to you. We suggest that when you find yourself thinking or doing something that is not to your advantage to stop and think why it is this way. It may be that you are being influenced by others outside of your skin, your energy way.

We leave you now to your thoughts. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Shape Shifting Energies.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand

while imagination embraces the entire world,

and all there will be to know and understand.

Albert Einstein.


You mention that we, as electromagnetic beings, attract other unseen energies to us by the power of our thoughts. These unseen energies can be helpful or of a hindrance, but all offer a salient lesson for us of mind control.

Yes, it is the way.

You have also explained that we not only attract others by our thoughts but that our thoughts have an energy life and don't just disappear.

Yes, it cannot be any other way. You are creators and, as creators, have created unseen form from out of the atmosphere and these creations do have a life of their own. They float, can move about in and out of situations and 'feed' from the energy that is present. We feel that this is something you may not be aware of; that your emotional energies do not float away and dissipate. Instead, they feed energetically and emotionally from what is available in the atmosphere.

To what purpose? Do they take on form in any way?

They do indeed take on form but not your way. They never form into a body as such but can shape shift and take form this way. They can attract and frighten others who are receptive of seeing these forms. Your alcoholics or drug users are ones that see and understand these existences.

And those who can see these shape shifters, they get influenced and maybe frightened which feeds the emotional energy charges of these shape shifters?

Yes, there are many such beings that inhabit yours and other existences which delight in frightening souls for the sustenance provided. They create havoc wherever opportunities arise and are given the needed sustenance they crave for their power and existence by this and in this way.

I am assuming that, as energy, they exist for what we see is for all times. I am also assuming that there are a lot of these shape shifters in the atmosphere.

It is the way. Do not be dismayed by what you see is an intractable problem for it is not the way. All have their way to their divinity as you do, but in a different way. They are there as a purpose, to help you reason, understand that your energy thoughts have not gone away but are instead still there, unseen perhaps but still in the atmosphere. They do not require getting rid of as you might think but instead serve to honor your soul, all souls. They bring about changes to your understanding of what you create.

Only if we know about them, what our thoughts create.

Yes, it may be the way but you are changing and becoming more erudite, more in alignment with your divinity. As you move this way you open up knowledge that was previously denied you; not for any other reason but that the timing was not right upon you. Now with the inflow of the newer energies much is to be revealed that was beyond your comprehension, your ken.

And in the meantime, we are to watch our thoughts?


It has always been the way that we offer salient advice for you to watch your thinking. It is to your advantage and advancement to be this way.

Well, not letting our emotions overwhelm us is a good idea. Many, like me, would be feeling despondent and many would be anxious with the doom and gloom scenarios, what we are led to believe by our various media and others. Are you saying that all of those negative emotions are floating around in the atmosphere looking for more of the same for their nourishment?

Yes, it is the way.

We have so much ignorance of the reality of existence that extends beyond our five senses. You say this is all to change as we move into and acknowledge more of our divinity and what we are capable of by our mind power?

Yes, it is the way. The little fledglings are gaining their wings and will soar far beyond the constraints that bind you fast to here, this dimension. You will gain more of an understanding of your magnificence and soar as the beings you are. Unfettered and, as always, free.

We feel we have given you the information you sought and will leave you to be. Peace and blessings go to one and all. You cannot fail.

Thank you.


Formless Energies.

We are addicted to our thoughts.

We cannot change anything

if we cannot change our thinking.

Santosh Kalwar.


In reading your information I now understand that what I've previously termed 'lesser evolved energies' who have mentally and emotionally attacked me with what I thought were psychic attacks are probably these shape shifting or formless energies. Is that so?

Yes, it is the way. You have rendered yourself vulnerable in some way and these energies have delighted in causing you mayhem. Your equilibrium was disharmonized by the event but it went away as you gained your balance once more and understood you were not physically harmed but emotionally were.

And they had to be attracted to me by something I'd done or said or for some other reason?

Always it is the way. You rendered yourself vulnerable and these beings were able to attach themselves to your energy flow and cause a disturbance, mayhem.

In thinking back to some experiences, there is no knowledge of doing anything that might have caused any problems. I am careful not to attract any unwanted influences to me especially at bedtime when it may make me vulnerable.

It is not the way that you are vulnerable when you go to sleep. You are protected by your earth energy being. It is when you think of something (negative?) and then forget about it that a chink has been formed in your auric armor. It may stay for awhile and these beings are able to 'wait', as you say, and render you ill, disharmonizes your equilibrium. You may then think about your experience with them, and it encourages them more.

It is this way we offer our advice. Be vigilant of your thoughts is the way to be. We suggest you do accept that sometimes, with the 'best of your intentions' as you say, all will not go to plan and there will be times and others who will bring you undone. At these times we ask you, suggest, that you wait a short while and see where your thoughts are heading. If they do not suit your intentions, then do not go that way. Bring them back to what is more desirable to your equilibrium. You attract and attach others not of your kind unknowingly when you do not halt your wayward thoughts.

That is salient advice to heed. I am interested in knowing more of these other beings you are mentioning.

Are they beings and if so in what way?

They are indeed beings and their way is as was chosen, ordained to be their way. They serve in many ways as a wake-up call to those they plunder of energy exchange.

Excuse me for interrupting but I don't follow what you are saying. Plunder is okay. They deplete our energy but the energy exchange as you term it is unfamiliar. In what way is it an energy exchange?

They go the way of extending your thoughts that have you feeling less than your being. They have the power to extend how you feel; 'in the pits' is a way to say what we require. They also can 'frighten you silly' as you say and bring about fear and anxiety. This increases your lack of equilibrium and makes you out of balance with your desires. They, in turn, are energized by your pandemonium.


You have said these energies have been around for a long time. Maybe even what we term is forever. It seems that most people tend to think negatively more so than positively, so there must be an immense number of these energies influencing many of the world's populations.

Yes, it is so but it also serves as a wake-up call when you have certain overriders to your ways of thinking and being.

Agreed, but only if we know about these energies, what creates them and that they don't harmlessly disappear into the atmosphere but are there waiting for likely energy mealtimes.

Yes, it is understandable, what you say but it is time for you to recognize that all you act upon, think and be is not gone from your way.

You have said all is one and we are all. How does this relate to what you are saying?

It still goes of accord. That you have not understood at the time that it is not what you require and does not go the way. You still need to take responsibility for your thoughts and your ways. These energies that you formulate and create are still there and they are quite able to attach themselves to others who also resonate their way. They then are quite capable to create mayhem to others of your kind who have not used self control.

And these are what I've experienced and thought of as psychic attacks? These shape shifting energies that I have somehow instigated, brought about in some way?

Yes, it does not need to be just prior to an event. It can be, happen sometime before but you are still mulling it over or it is in the back of your mind. Whichever way it is done it has a holdover you and is an 'open door'

to you energy field. It comes 'with friends', so to say. Those who are also attached to the recipient by way of the magnetization the thoughts have brought about.

Am I being fanciful by thinking that these 'friends' who also take advantage of our energy field could be originally from thoughts and deeds of others that go back, in our perception of time as thousands of years?

It is the way. It is the attraction, not the deed. What you have magnetized does not 'die' as you say. It takes on a way of its own and can render its service to whoever is in the way of its desires.

You speak of it as a service and have mentioned it is there to help us control our thoughts. It seems to be a hard way to learn. Isn't there something more in alignment with what we need to learn?

It is the way you have chosen to learn upon this planet divine. You hold the key to your resources, what is required to go another way. We are instilling in you that nothing vanishes as you desire and choose to think.

Whatever you created by your thoughts has taken on a life of its own and will exist, as an energy, for all time.

We leave you now to your thoughts. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done for today.

Thank you.


Non-Physical Phenomena.

Any religion or philosophy

which is not based on a respect for life

is not a true religion or philosophy.

Albert Schweitzer .


Once more I failed to realize that what we have been discussing about energy is referred to here as the law of conservation that states energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. This means that a system always has the same amount of energy.

However, whilever we are on this domain we do have attachments and our discussion today could start with a refresher on the earth energy elemental who, with us, creates the image we see reflecting back at us from mirrors, the one we refer to as 'me'. Then I would like us to continue on to other energies not normally seen but who can also have an influence on us.

That can be the way our discussions flow today.

It may seem as if we are going over old discussions and possibly we are but it is included here now as I try to sort out other unseen energies that are all around and some of who are a part of us in some way. There seems to be the butterfly effect with the negative as well as the more harmonious. It might then be prudent to understand who and what they are; apart from all are beings of some way.

As we have discussed previously, for us to be anchored here on this dimension we need the help of the earth elementals who are in a symbiotic relationship with us. This symbiotic relationship was created prior to our inception here and working with our blueprint, organized what was required to create our physical form and keep it working to our specifications. Our specifications may have changed over time as the influence of this dominion took hold.

Part of our challenge whilst here is to learn to work with and manage these earth energies and there is an exchange of energies between us; ours being of a finer vibration uplifts the elementals and their denser vibrations teaches us how to manipulate and work with energies of another, heavier vibration.

It is so.

Despite what we may think we always have a perfect body and it cannot be any other way because whatever we see or feel about our physical body is what our thoughts and actions have brought forward and the earth energy complies and creates the body we have instigated.

The overseer earth energy being looks after our physical body whilever we are on this dimension and is what you have referred to as 'the devil on our shoulder'. It is a hard taskmaster as we learn to control our thoughts and body excesses. We may or may not be aware of the existence of the earth elementals or that this earth elemental being is a part of us, of all, and it is prudent of us to realize our physical body serves as a vehicle while we are here but is not us. In fact, it is a separate entity in its own right. How is that so far?

Well said, we say. Please continue.

While here there are other energies we also need to learn to control and these are unseen ones that have at least an equal effect, perhaps more so than the earth elemental on our equilibrium. All of these energies are capable of shape shifting and taking on images to trick us.


Yes, that is so.

These shape shifting energies, if they choose to temporarily take form, are often seen when we are in that twilight time between sleep and wakefulness. At least, that has been my experience. I am not sure if it is the same for others.

It is the way. You are 'at rest', as you say, and it can render you emotionally vulnerable to these entities if you have left yourself susceptible to their advances in some way. You have attracted them in by your lack of recourse.

And they can play havoc with our thoughts?

It is the way it is. You have not learned to advance yourself; your needs to bring in whatever it is you desire by your thoughts, so these other entities are not able to 'fill the gap' as you say.

Yet, you have mentioned that we are not vulnerable when we are asleep.

No, you are not vulnerable at these times. Your earth elemental energy 'stands guard' is a way of staying mayhem to the physical you.

Well, the physical body we are wearing is the earth being's domain and it can be affected by us being frightened. Heart palpitations, that sort of thing would not be good for a person with high blood pressure or heart problems.

It is as you describe but the earth elemental has his way, and it will not cause you undue stress that 'will do you in' as you say.

Does the earth elemental know of these other energies? Can 'he' see what is causing the problems in and around us?

He is not of the same vibratory way as these we are discussing but he is not unaware. Nor is he able to render assistance to you should you ask, desire it from him. He is of the earth dominion and is involved in whatever has the effect on that dominion, in this case, your physical body. Your mind thoughts and ways do not have the same effect on him, 'his charges' so to say as it does, has to you.

But this earth energy has the same potential to get us depressed, fearful, emotional and angry, so what is the difference between these different energies?

You are not being attacked is the way. Your earth elemental is there as a wake-up call to help you gain control over your emotions and mind, body, by watching your thoughts. He does not take your energy away.

He is focussed on helping get his charges moving in the right and proper way he sees fits your desires.

These others we are discussing do not go that way.

We could refer to them as emotional predators.

It could be seen to be that way but again, we reiterate, they serve a purpose divine. While they are attacking you and robbing you of your energy and equilibrium they are serving as a wake-up call for you to not allow another entity to plunder your life-force energy.

We suggest that when you feel 'out of sorts' as you say, look to the reason why. It is a simple matter to stop, ponder for a moment as you watch what is transpiring. Where did your way of thinking come from? Source it back to its inception. You may be quite surprised to see and understand that it did not originate from you but was instilled in some way into your mind and became your way of seeing and thinking.


It seems that this domain is one of watching our thoughts. It is part of the lesson from the earth elementals and also from these unseen entities. Are there any more we need to be aware of?

It will depend on which way you choose to reach your divinity. There is much on this level to attract you and much that needs to be understood. We are encouraging you to learn not accept at face value any emotional deeds and needs for they may not be your instigation.

We seek to have you understand that any thought, at any time from your sojourn here have not gone away.

They, like those who have been on this planet before you, are there, in the atmosphere ready to attach to any one susceptible to their desires.

We leave you now to ponder our words. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Life Games. Who is Programming Yours?

Everything is energy and that is all there is to it.

Match the frequency of the reality you want

and you can not help but get that reality.

It can be no other way.

This is not philosophy. This is physics.

Albert Einstein


There is an old saying, when the student is ready the teacher appears and perhaps as synchronicity, I gained further information on something you have mentioned in another discussion, and of which has been puzzling me. At the time I never thought to ask for more rationale and we moved onto other topics. Now I have thought more on the subject and have the questions to ask. I would like to go that way today.

Always you choose the task at hand. We can 'fill you in', as you say, supply you with your requirements.

Thank you. One of the species of unseen energies that you mentioned I have since learned are known as Wetiko. The Indigenous American Indians are said to have named them and they refer to the Wetiko as a mind virus that not only influences a person but can affect whole populations with mass hysteria, negativity and all sorts of mind persuasions.

Yes, that is the way.

It seems these unseen energies have existed as long as humanity has been in existence on this plane. We all have our version of this counterfeiting energy and each of us has created them. Is that what happens?

No, it is not the way it 'happens' as you say. You do have your 'version', so to say, but you have not created their form. They are a separate existence to your form but can sway, manipulate you to being less that you are. They control your thoughts because you have ceased to control your thoughts and, like filling a vacuum, they manipulate and take over whilever you have subjugated yourself and your needs to their desires. They feed of your energies and deplete you and have you behaving in a way, manner that does not suit your desires. They are counterfeit in the way they mimic you and you do not recognize that it is they, another energy form that has you acting or thinking a certain way.

If we took control of our thinking and our thoughts, would we be influenced at all by Wetiko energies?

No, they would have nothing to attach to to bring you undone. You would at these times be master of your ship and no 'invaders' so to say could gain a foothold to your life form energy.

We have many times discussed our difficulty in being aware of where our recalcitrant thoughts go. It seems that most times when we are on our flights of fancy it is very seldom on pleasant things being thought about unless we focus on them. At these times the focussing, by being aware, keeps our thoughts on the right way.

Is that what we are required to do all the time, if possible? I don't know that it is possible for us. We have so many attractions that pull at our thoughts.

No, that is not the way. We want you to be able to take control. Not all of the time but be aware when your thoughts go awry. When you see yourself doing or thinking in ways that are not you, not normally what you would choose then to step back, metaphorically speaking, and evaluate why you are thinking and behaving in such a way.


By doing this monitoring of your thoughts you are gaining on many fronts. You will find that you are taking control of your energy and the wastefulness of your life-force will diminish because no other energy is about to gain a foothold in your aura and start leaching your power away.

So, by our lack of thinking of what we are thinking or doing we are opening our self up and opportunistic other energies are able to magnetize and attach to us and drain us.

Yes, that is the way it transpires. You need to be aware. So many opportunities are lost to you when you let others emotionally suck you dry of your powers. They do not only take your energy and deplete your life force. They also manipulate you to acting and doing what would not be considered by you if you had a clear inkling of what is transpiring and what is being done to you and to others of your kind.

I would like more information please.

You are instrumental is so many other avenues whilst upon this dimension. You are instrumental in bringing other life forms to see (seek?) their way. You are instrumental in bringing forth other ways, more productive ways for much of the reality that exists upon your plane. You are instrumental in so many different ways to uplifting others of your kind as well as influencing, enhancing those already existing upon this plane.

There is much that goes on behind 'the veil' so to say that you are presently in ignorance of but of which you have a huge part to play. Each and every one of you have a role to play and each and every one of you, insignificant you may seem to be, are a necessary part in the wheel of progress of your kind. Whenever, whilever you act out of accord you bring disharmony to the rest.

Is this again like the butterfly effect?

Yes, one cannot act alone. All are one therefore what affects one affects all in some way.

Then what about the Wetiko energies that influence us? You mentioned it is our wayward thinking that allows them to magnetize and affect us. It sounds like part of what they do is as energy vampires.

Yes, it is the way. Understand that not all the ways you see them to be are instrumental in your undoing.

They serve a purpose divine. They are here as a wake-up call for you all. They serve the purpose of having you understand and learn restraint and how to work with other energies not of your kind but, in a way, are of your kind. They mobilize you to the right way of seeing and of being.

You are here, on this dimension, as on other dimensions to learn to control and work with, not subjugate, other energies already domiciled here. This is part of the way that you function whilst here. You are being uplifted by your ways, your thoughts and by this, in this way you are also bringing on, enhancing those already upon this dimension.

They serve as your wake-up call as we said. It serves you well to be aware of what is transpiring for the shoe always remains upon your feet and you take responsibility for your thoughts and deeds.

I would like to continue this discussion when next we meet. Unfortunately, I am constrained by time while upon this dimension and need to go for today.

Always you set the course and we comply. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are finished for today.

Thank you.


Wetiko, Energy Vampires.

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena,

it will make more progress in one decade

than in all the previous centuries of its existence.

Nikola Tesla


From the knowledge gained yesterday I understand that what we see as negative, dark energies that are there to do us in are not seen that way by you. Am I right is saying that a better way of understanding energy is it is like money and has no power as such and it is a tool to be used by us? This tool, energy or money can be destructive or helpful depending on the way we choose to use it.

Yes, it is so. It is without substance and is used, enhanced by what you use it for. There is no right or wrong, negative or positive or any of the other connotations you place upon your world stage. All serve a purpose divine. They act as a wake-up call for you all to attract or repel your desires. How you are going, doing, will show, manifest in the desired way you have chosen by your activities and thoughts.

How does this relate to what is happening on the world stage? We are going through tumultuous times as we transition from the old energies into the new. There is so much upheaval on our planet and we have conflicting viewpoints on what is happening at this time. In many ways it seems as if those whose loud protestations are being adhered to are taking us back in time to becoming tribal and along the lines of reinventing the wheel. Why is this happening? Why are normal, intelligent beings being influenced and going this way?

It is all a part of the changing times that are about you all. After awhile it will settle down and peace will reign once more.

Has peace ever reigned? Not in my lifetime.

It will be the way that intelligence will prevail and what is seen to be a backward step in societies' forward march will unfold and change to a better equilibrium for all. Much of what is here now must, by needs be abolished, go to the past as you see it to be. You will change your viewpoint and 'come to your senses' as you say when you understand that what you seek; refurbishment of all you see will not come to be by past experiences.

Are you saying we look back with nostalgia and yearn for those times; times that seem uncomplicated and as a better way?

We do not say that is the way with all thinking for many are progressive in their way and their forward thrust is not to be or go the way you have prophesized. Not all is 'bad, doom and gloom' as you say for those who have the mindsets you speak of are of a mind to change, alter what they see as unsustainable to the needs of all. They are, mostly, working with a kindness of heart that cannot see what is being achieved by their actions.

Thank you. I don't see it as you do but your words give me hope. I would like now to continue our discussion about the energies known as Wetiko. I feel they are especially active at this time of our development and are having negative effects on the world stage. If I am wrong, we can choose another topic for today.