In Search of Reality Book Two by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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No, we can continue with a discussion, discourse on what you refer to as Wetiko. All energies that are here, influencing you are not here to 'do you in', as you say. We need you to understand they serve a worthwhile purpose and bring you along to realizing another way.

But they are capable of influencing us?

Yes, in many ways they can have a bearing on your thoughts and ways.

And Wetiko can be considered a mind virus that feeds of our fears and accentuates them while depleting our energy for its own needs?

Yes, it is so.

How then are they serving a worthwhile purpose that brings us along to realizing another way?

They instigate within you a realization that all is not well, and you seek to find out why. Those of you who are intent on finding out what you feel or as you presently are, are on the right track to your own resources.

You start to look and seek a remedy to your ailments, dispositions and lack of recourse. This is bringing you further 'into the light' so to say where you can start to gain, bring into your energy field the requirements you need to get you along the right way.

In other words you start to magnetize more positive thoughts and energies which brings about a change to all you see and do in your part of your world. You are structuring, out of the atmosphere, your desires instead of being 'cast about' so to say without any rudder to your ship of life.

We ask you to always take stock of your thoughts and your life to see how you are going, what you are attracting, bringing into your reality. No one else does it for you because it is your learning lesson.

You are here to work with the energies at hand. To not dominate or subjugate them as we have previously explained. More to work in harmony because all you see and can understand within your energy sphere is what you have created. Your thought-forms are there at your instigation. Your 'Wetiko' energy that you may be influenced by is all a part of your fabrication.

Are they then not real? They do exist as many other energies that are around you exist yet you see them not because you have not attracted them to you so they do not exist in your mind and are not involved in your reality.

Before we finish for today, I would like to discuss something that happened to me recently.

Then we go that way.

I had gone to bed for the night but woke up feeling thirsty, so I got out of bed and went into the kitchen to get a drink of water. There is enough outside light shining into my apartment, so it is unnecessary for me to switch on a light as I move about. Coming from the kitchen and stepping into the lounge area I was confronted by a black foggy sort of cloud in front of me. It was formless, some sort of negative energy and interacting with it I felt very chilly as goose bumps popped out on my arms.

My question is, what energy was it? I was still half asleep and had not had any negative thoughts or dreams.

Had I left myself open and this was an opportunist who took advantage of it?

Yes, we can go that way with the information you seek. You did leave yourself available to others who took advantage of your energy. You were not harmed and, although startled, knew what to do. It served as a caution to always remember whatever is given the opportunity to plague your equilibrium are there at your instigation, an instigation that may not be 'recent' as you say.


Well, I have no idea what it could be because my mind was not dwelling on anything. I don't think it was before bed either.

It does not have to be recent. As we say, it can be anytime in your past that are there waiting for an opportunity to bring you undone by disharmonising your equilibrium in some way. Past thought can resurface that have no bearing on what is happening to you or in your (present?) life. It will bring you then back to the first experience of the thoughts and what brought them there in the first place. This can then set of what you refer to as a chain reaction of thinking and depending on the event at the time and what it instigates, brings forth now you will be affected if you follow, go that way.

Well, how do we change past energies that we have instigated or thought and that no longer suit us? We probably didn't know at the time they would hang around and come back to haunt us at a later date.

Hopefully now we know better we have progressed to being aware of what our thoughts can and do and take measures to control them.

It may be the way. We are answering your question. You were not harmed only 'startled' as you say. You knew what was required and acted upon those desires. We can consider this was a progression for you for once upon a time as you say you would have been ' scared witless' by the event.

We feel we have answered your questions for today so will finish now. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


A Bali Experience.

The big lesson in life, baby,

is never be scared of anyone

or anything.

Frank Sinatra.


I have had an experience like you mentioned in our last discussion. I would like to speak about it now because I believe it is something that happens to all of us on this dimension and is an example of us not thinking and some other energy filling the vacuum.

We can go that way.

About twenty years ago I was on vacation in Bali with my husband and one of our daughters. One day we hired a taxi, a small Bali wagon and its driver to go sightseeing up into the mountains for the day.

Everything was as it should be, the weather was very hot, the vegetation lush and tropical as we passed by and friendly locals at the street stalls, we stopped at the mountain villages along the way.

Coming home our driver took a different route which was down a winding, back road. At one area were a small group of Balinese males cutting down banana trees and other vegetation. It looked like it was hard work in the tropical heat and being friendly; we smiled encouragement and waved as we went past. We were surprised to see hostile looks from the males but thought no more about their reaction and continued on to our accommodation at the seashore. As I said, our holiday in Bali happened a long time ago and remained as a long-forgotten memory.

This morning that image came unbidden into my mind but the reality of our experience and what happened changed. All was as it occurred at the time, and we passed the workers and continued a little way on down the winding back road. Then this image changed and became unrelated to what did happen.

Placed over the road in front of us now was a blockage of vegetation forcing our wagon to stop. From out of the shrubbery hostile Balinese males came rushing out, dragged us out of the vehicle and started attacking us with machetes. I tried desperately to end the image before we were badly injured, but it kept going of its own violation.

Realizing that another unseen energy had control of my thoughts and desperate for the image to stop I kept saying Wetiko, Wetiko, Wetiko, focussing on the word and not the scene until I regained my thinking and whatever had been controlling my thoughts stopped.

The discerning part in the image and the reason for discussing it is this is probably what has happened throughout my life when thoughts have just popped into my head unrelated to what I am doing at the time.

They have then taken me on a different path and way of thinking, usually of a negative one or into a victim mode. I am of the opinion that this is what happens unbeknown to each of us at these times; unseen energies are manipulating our thinking to gain an energy meal from us.

Yes, that is the way it happens. You need to be aware and take control of your thoughts.

When we think this way are there now two realities?

Yes, it is the way.


Then, did I come into an existence as a participant in a reality created by my husband or daughter? If one of my family did create this reality, why am I aware and actively participating in it?

It is the way that all participated in the original event, and all have their 'slant' as you say on what transpired at the time. That you have now activated this previous reality is not related to your family members for it is your reality being experienced.

But why? What would have activated an event that occurred a long time ago, one that has not been thought about for ages, if at all once the vacation was over? I realize there has to be some chink in my energy field that brought about this reinvention of what happened.

It is as you say, a chink, awareness was provided, left open and you were susceptible to this type of 'attack'

as you say. It served you well for you are now aware that no timeline events as you see them to be are gone and away. They are always there, 'in time', as you say and can be reactivated as yours was at this juncture.

Thought-forms were created in this new reality and they would still continue on in a life of their own?

Yes, it is the way. All exist this way.

The most disturbing part in this activation was some other energy was overriding my thoughts in this 'new'

reality; a reality I have no knowledge of instigating. I was being controlled and manipulated by an unseen energy.

Yes, 'no argument here' as you say.

Without my knowledge I was being possessed by another entity.

Yes, it is so.

And this happens to each of us at times when we can't get something out of our mind, something that is not in our best interest to continue thinking about.

Yes, you are learning that not all that comes into your mind has been put there by yourself. You would be wise, at these times, to take stock of why your thoughts run rampant and without regard for your sensibilities. It is always that some other energy has your grasp of insights and is manipulating your life, your needs to suit their advantage. In doing so, and you being this way your vital life force energy is being depleted.

This has happened to each of us throughout or life.

Yes, it is the way. All times negative thinking comes to the fore it is wise to think why it is there. Is there something in my life that causes my thoughts to be, go that way or is it something that was premeditated by others who are using my energy as their food source.

Is there any age this happens, or does it also happen to small children?

It is that small children are protected until puberty we would say. Then they are 'on their own', as you say and must, by needs, take responsibility for their thoughts and deeds.

Thank you. Once again you have given me much to think about.

Then we go our way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.



Admiration for a quality or art can be so strong

it deters us from striving to possess it.

Friedrich Nietzsche.


There are many unseen thought-form energies that are even present, and we magnetize them to us by our thoughts and emotions?

Yes, it is the way.

We have mentioned those we attract when we are in crowd situations, and I understand they are known as Egregores. The Egregores come when groups are attending a common interest such as a rock concert, car races or a sports match. At such times strong emotions are activated and affect all in the group who are largely uncontrolled and perhaps uncontrollable once affected. It is said that at these times Egregores come in and feast on these heightened, uncontrolled emotions and can incite us even more.

Yes, it is the way it is.

I have been in crowd situations and become swept up in the fever of the event. It is very difficult not to be affected.

It may be the way. We are answering your question asked about the fever pitch attractions and the unseen, to you, energies attracted at these times. It is again a salient lesson to, when you acknowledge that you are being caught up in the crowd's emotions, to 'step back', so to say and watch what is happening at these times and events. You will find those who are swept up in the emotions of the event are, temporarily, 'out of their mind' so to say. Normal, intelligent beings are being manipulated to behave less than they be and at such times are creating a feast for others to gorge upon.

Yet, at these times it seems that a person's energy is heightened, and they feel elated and not tired or drained.

It may be the way. It is a temporary disposition they will find. Once the emotion, the drama has subsided, and all has gone they will now feel deflated and the misuse of energy can then be felt.

You have mentioned that once the event has finished the people participating are still on a 'high' and this enables the unseen energies to stay attached to them.

Yes, it is the way. If the attachment, the heightened feeling is still about the attachment still exists and the energy will not go away, unattach itself whilever there is 'food' to gorge upon. Discussions with friends or in any other way will keep the attachment.

Are the Egregores the only ones that are here at these times?

No, you open yourself up to attract any energy that is prone to being there and feasting, gorging, is the way.

We have given names to some of these unseen energies but are they named by you?

We do not have any such connotations to be aware of naming. You will attract whatever is in the atmosphere waiting for the right avenue, time to attach to a susceptible energy body. We do not go by names. All encompass different ways at times, but all are there as a wake-up call for you to get your mind, attention in order and not be or go this way.


Yet, knowing about these energies has been enormously helpful in understanding what is happening on the world stage and closer to home. I am now more aware when observing events that seem as if the whole world has gone mad and behaving, as you say, less than they are or be.

That raises another question; we are participating vicariously as we watch what is happening overseas or closer to home. Many times, these images and portrayals bring our emotion to the surface. We are observers watching from the comfort of our home but are we still being affected enough to have unseen energy attachments?

Yes, it is the way. You have opened yourself up by your thoughts is the way and you are now open to these attachments. At these times be aware. You are participating from 'a distance' so to say but still feeling emotions that oft times run deep. You expose yourself to being a 'meal ticket' so to say.

Having the name Wetiko is enormously helpful when I become aware of being motivated to act less than I am. When my thoughts go awry, and I am being negative or not thinking in a way that is better suited to my needs I mentally say Wetiko as a wakeup call to myself. It may not be the Wetiko energy but whatever is the persistent energy that stays and keeps influencing me I keep saying Wetiko like a mantra until it goes away.

Some of the negative thoughts at these times are very persistent and hard to banish but my persistence of mentally focussing on the word Wetiko does the trick of removing the attachment causing them. Saying the name also lets me understand I am being influenced by another energy.

Yes, you have unattached the energy from your energy body, and it has floated away to attach to a more receptive being. By this simple act of being you have taken control of your ship of life. It is a good way to keep control when you find that an attachment can be particularly persistent, and you have temporarily lost control of your thoughts and actions. Always be aware of your thoughts for they bring you undone many times.

We feel we have answered your questions for today and will take our leave.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for today.

Thank you.


Incubus and Succubus.

Everything you can imagine

is real.

Pablo Picasso.


We have discussed how we, as creators, are learning to control all the energies that are on this third dimension. All the energies are in the atmosphere and are around us all the time; whether we know, see or feel them, they are there.

Yes, it is the way.

As mentioned, these energies we have magnetized to us are ever ready to incite susceptible people to behave or think less than they are. They are neither what we term 'good' or 'bad' but serve a worthwhile lesson to us and serve as a wake-up call to be aware of what we are thinking because we are nourishing these energies as they incite and feed of our uncontrolled emotions.

That is the way it is.

A reader has asked a question and I would like that topic to be addressed today.

Then we go that way.

The reader states; 'my home in the UK was built in 1898 and my bedroom furniture, from that era (purchased with the house), included a four-poster bed. On many occasions I would feel someone in bed with me and breathing down the back of my neck. I was always too terrified to turn around so have no idea what or who it was. Since childhood, I have always hated anyone breathing on the back of my neck, and still do so whatever/whomever it was knew of my weakness.

Fast forward to a more recent occurrence that happened in another country years later. One night something woke me in time to see a dark shadow climb on top of me and try to have intercourse. He/it was very heavy, but I fought back physically and verbally and succeeded in pushing him away. The shadow retreated into a corner and after a time disappeared’.

The reader does not say if this recent occurrence has happened again, but it reminded me of similar experience told to me by a woman I had met some time ago at a meeting. I had been sitting in the audience next to an attractive young woman who was perhaps aged in her late twenties, and we were listening to a well-known speaker giving a talk on psychic phenomena. At the intermission we wandered together over to the refreshment area. As most people do as strangers, we chatted a bit about ourselves and long story short the woman mentioned a disturbing psychic incident she experienced that was still emotionally disturbing her.

From my recollection of what I was told at the time the young woman managed a business that sold crystals, angel cards and other things like that. One night she had gone to bed and had just turned off the light when she saw standing at the bottom of her bed a beautiful male angel, she took to be her guardian angel. She was euphoric at his appearance - until he raped her. When she told me of the incident, she was still feeling betrayed at this psychic attack on her body and sensibilities.

The first woman stated she lived in an old, furnished home and the past psychic energy and emotions of previous occupiers could still have been present and the woman was, for some reason, susceptible. The young woman from the crystal shop seemed naive and may well have wanted to see her guardian angel which, I believe would have made her vulnerable. It seems that the experiences undergone by the two 83

women were perpetrated by opportunists and the women had in some way unwittingly made themselves vulnerable to such an event.

It can be seen to be that way.

I know from personal experience these psychic attacks feel like they are being perpetrated on our physical body but are happening to or in our finer, energy body.

Yes, you have left yourself open to these 'attacks' as you say, and they can infiltrate your energy form.

Whilever what attracted them to you in the first place exists, is there, they can create mayhem to your energy grid and have you experiencing or being less than you normally are.

And passions and emotions are normal feelings and are a part of the human experience we are learning to control?

Yes, that is the way.

Then as part of our growth, any experiences or emotions will attract and attach like-minded energies who will feed on our thoughts and emotions engendered at the time. Any euphoric feelings of lust, any sexual desires, all powerful emotions, will bring these energies crowding in as will thoughts and strong desire for a loved one.

It is so. It is the attachment, attraction that goes of accord.

Wouldn't feelings of love be uplifting or bring in a better type of energy?

It may be the way. What you have attracted and attached will stay around you whilever the emotion is there.

Your emotion will dictate your attraction to them. It all goes of accord.

I have no idea what the two women mentioned were thinking at the time to attract these energies, but we can understand the attraction to the elementals is temporary as the person's thoughts wax and wane.

However, there is another energy form known as Incubus and Succubus that are different again but because they, like the other unseen energies, also have the potential to be attracted and attached to people susceptible to them. I would like to briefly discuss them today.

We can follow your lead.

They can take on any desired form and it is by constant, intense desire of focusing on the one image or thought that attracts these energies and they shape shift to the person's preferred image. They use the psychic energy of their initiator and can take on a more permanent form in their creator's life where they can appear even if the person no longer desires them. These thought-forms, Incubus and Succubus, have now become autonomous entities and the person has become possessed by them.

That may be the way. They do exist in 'the atmosphere' as you say and intense feelings will bring them, attach them to a soul. We do not go that way with our teachings and feel it is better to concentrate on a more productive avenue of thinking.

Thank you. It seemed to be a good time to mention there are many unseen energies in the atmosphere and we can unwittingly attract them to us but we have to have first rendered ourself vulnerable to attract them. It is again a case of ignorance is no excuse.

We feel you have been succinct in your aim and will finish now. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.


Moving Between Realities.

Keep calm and carry on.

Winston Churchill.


As these unseen energies that can attach to us are not third dimensional, are they in what we term is 'the astral'?

Yes, it is so. They are there to balance you out. Your energies here are third dimensional but you, as a soul, being, also have other experiences being undergone at the same time as this earth existence divine. You are always, in some form or ways, in 'the astral' as you say.

Part of your learning development is to create in both avenues whilst here. This is to bring about a balance of sorts to the energies that are around you and you go this way creating from 'two fronts' so to say. You do create on other fronts we want you to understand but these two levels, dimensions, are so intertwined that it is all taking place 'at the one time' as you say.

And because of the proximity of the two levels, we can be attacked?

Yes, it is so, the way.

Do these other energies know they are moving between realities?

It may be the way. We are enlightening you to the knowledge, fact, that as they come and go all the time depending on their needs and desires; it is also the way for you. Most of your thoughts and fancies are done on the astral level while you, the physical part of you resides here.

There is more 'plasticity' where energy is more malleable to be manipulated at other levels and you go that way with your dreams and desires. They are not created here, upon this plane divine but they are acted out upon this plane most times.

On this physical plane?

Yes, it is the way it is instigated. You learn all you can manipulate and reach out to by your imagination, and it comes from the astral level. If you can identify, see it as all being there for your understanding and learning you would see a vast array of interesting knowledge to be selected, chosen for you to enlarge and enhance.

I would appreciate more information please.

You choose each way you will learn from any avenue. You only need the input of imagination to magnetize it to you.

What about our dream states? You have mentioned they are real and are being lived. Usually though it is as a spectator to what is happening, but some can have lucid dreaming where they know they are in and can manipulate the action taking place. It seems it is a little like our experiences on this dimension where we are or think we are in control of what is happening to us but often are not.

It can flow that way. All the time you are creating from the energies you see as 'out of the atmosphere'. They affect you by your abilities on any level.

But you have explained that we are working two levels at a time whilst upon this earth plane.


Yes, there are many more you function in whilst upon this plane but the answer to your question today was about the astral plane and the unseen energies that plague or enhance your life here.

How would they enhance our life here? Well, you have mentioned what attracts them to us. I have had enough experiences to know about the plaguing.

There is more than one sort of what you term as 'negative' energy. There are also the balancing energies, what you perhaps refer to as the 'good' energies. They are also here and around you in 'the atmosphere' as you say. They can be attracted and attached to you as the others are. All serve their purpose divine. It is up to you which ones you attract to your energy field.

I would like to work with what we term 'positive' energies and would also like to know how we go about attracting them.

We can go that way, show you how.

The negative energies are attracted to us by our thoughts, and I assume it will be the same with the more positive ones.

Yes, it is so.

The negative ones feast off our life-force energy and deplete us while also increasing our thoughts to a more negative way.

It could be so but you are the instigator of your thoughts. You are in control at all times. What you see or feel is brought about by you, and you need to realize, understand this. Whatever attacks and depletes you is a reminder to you of this fact. They are only using what is available from what you have created around yourself.

Point taken. Then with the more positive, do they also feed off our energy?

They go another way. They are attracted to your life-force energy but do not 'gorge', as you say. They can deplete your energy if you become euphoric and out of balance with your life-force.

Please explain what other way they go when they are around us.

They are there to incite you to better thinking, ways that are more profitable to your needs. They come at times when you are perhaps ruminating, more in control of your actions and thoughts. They incite you at these times to enlarge, to continue along the way that brings you peace. They are also attracted to your energy field but work a different way to the others who deplete your form.

So, if we realize we are attracting the wrong sort to us, we can change our thinking to something more pleasant, perhaps happy memories and this changes our energy field. This then attracts the more positive energies that motivate us to keep along that vein of thinking.

That is the way. Change whatever you see that no longer suits your needs and desires and it will go away.

Bring in the optimism and it will encourage those who are also 'in the atmosphere' as you say. It is up to you which and whatever you attract. No-one else does it for you. It is all you, you, you. Always was, always will be.

Thank you. Perhaps it is because when things go awry in our life, we see it as never our fault. It is more convenient to blame others for our conditions and not take responsibility that we attract the wrong sort of energy.


That is the way. We feel we have answered your questions for today and leave you to your thoughts.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day Thank you.


Energy Field Doorways.

Every moment of your life is infinitely creative

and the universe is endlessly bountiful.

Just put forth a clear enough request,

and everything your heart desires

must come to you.

Mahatma Ghandhi.


Your salient advice has made me more aware and now when negative thoughts or 'suspicious' thoughts come into my mind I have stopped thinking about them and instead observed them, taken them back to 'their source' so to say. Some of them go back a long way and it surprises me that they are still there. I'd forgotten about them ages ago, or so I thought.

We seek to have you understand that not all thoughts you have instigated are that way but many are. They are doorways to your energy field for those who are able to mutate, influence you in this way. It is prudent to be aware and watch, as you state you have done recently.

Thoughts and controlling them seems to be a big challenge we have whilst on this dimension. We have our thought-force selfs we have created that are still attached, unseen and unknown but are living a life independent to ours. There can be a 'bleed' of energy from one to the other of us which can influence in different ways. Until you informed us about these there was no knowledge they existed and are also a part of our 'all'. Do you agree with what has just been said?

Yes, you are on the right way with what you have stated.

Then we have the earth energy that worked in a symbiotic relationship with us to formulate and create this earth body covering we need to anchor us and enable us to function here. He is the 'devil on our shoulder' as you say and is capable of encouraging us to things like gluttony, all the seven deadly sins. Part of our task we set is to learn to control this earth being. We are here to help the earth elementals to develop or advance to a finer vibration and they are teaching us to work with a coarser vibration so that we can, at some stage, have total mastery over whatever domain we choose to frequent and help.

At some stage we will consciously be like all the saints, teachers who have dominion over this reality, possibly others. These mentioned can also manipulate the elemental energies here to suit their needs. I am thinking of Jesus with the loaves and fishes, water into wine, stilling the turbulent water of the sea and other seemingly miraculous deeds he was able to achieve. They were not miracle activations like we have believed. They came from an understanding and mastery of the elements of this dimension.

Yes, it is the way.

Jesus spoke about belief saying that if we really believed in something it came to pass. Moving mountains, feeding the multitude and other wondrous perceived miracles performed were achieved because he understood and had mastery over the elements here.

Yes, it is so. He came to show you another way. What I do you can do also, and more was his way of teaching the masses.

There is not something religious, holy or special about the person, soul doing it and what was being shown and meant to be understood what this mastery of elements is achievable to all and part of what we are working on achieving.


Yes, you are all working toward mastery of various 'elements' as you say but again, we reiterate, you already have the knowledge and understanding. You have chosen to be and go this way with blinkers over your sight to achieve even more understanding of what is required that takes you into the 'newer energies' as you say.

We also state that those newer energies are not unfamiliar to you for you have known about them for 'all times' as you say. It is only now that you are able to work with these energies for the present, timing is right for you to be and go this way.

Thank you and I will be asking about those energies a little later in our discussion but for now I seek to gain a better understanding of our creations and thought-forms. We, by our thoughts have created another form, lots of them by our thoughts, wayward or not throughout our life and they also lead a life somewhere probably also creating other lives. These though-form creations, unseen by us still have an influence on us.

Yes, it is the way.

Then we have the earth elementals and learning to control our thoughts with our physical body and this present life we have here?

It can follow that way but there is more here you are not mentioning.

I don't know of anything else to mention.

Then we go that way. Whilever you are domiciled here you also influence other energies that are not of the ones you mentioned. They are the elements of 'Mother Earth' as you say. Whilever you, as energy is here you influence others of these kinds. They are also brought into the light by your energy accord.

I never thought about our influence on the nature world. And of course, we would also have an influence on the animal kingdom too.

Yes, it is the way. You influence all here by your presence. You attract and uplift them all by your energy ways (waves?).

And our planet, Earth, also gains from us being here?

Yes, it is so.

Is this what our scientists are meaning about us being observers and bringing things into existence by being here?

It may go that way but we are informing you of your grandness along another path; a path that does indeed involve all energies, all 'living beings' 'as you say. We also reiterate that all you can see, everything you can possibly acknowledge as being 'here' is a living entity in some form of grace.

The statement that whatever we see on this dimension, in whatever form, is a living entity requires more information but for the moment I will continue with the thought-forms conversations and the topic of where they go. However, I will finish now and read back our discussion.

As always, thank you for your enlightenment from those of us who still have the blinkers well and truly over our physical sight.


Then peace and blessings go to one and all. You cannot fail.

Thank you.


Unseen Energies Attracted to Places.

To believe only possibilities is not faith

but mere philosophy.

Author unknown.


I would like our discussion today to speak of the unseen energies in areas we refer to as 'holy places'; places such as Lourdes in France where healing miracles happen. It is said that some people are healed there and some are not. At these times is it the faith of the person and their belief that initiates the unseen energies to work with them and so they get better?

It may be the way. It will depend, as you say on the faith of the person, their true belief that their worship, what is to transpire will eventuate. They magnetize the needed energies that are able to assist their needs.

It is part of their progress to achieve their aim, to heal their body of the ailments, afflictions that has been a part of their life. They do it by their willpower and working with the unseen energies who are ever present and when called bring in the needed assistance. It is a combined effort that brings it about.

Yet people, many devout people go to these sacred places expecting a miracle and it doesn't happen. Why is that?

Because of their faith and belief. We have spoken in another discussion of your faith and belief, why what you desired to eventuate in your life never came to be. You lacked the credentials to bring about your desires at these times and so it is with those who seek remission from their ailments.

All who come to these places expect a miracle, but it can never be whilever the true belief is not there. The unseen workers, energies, who have made it their mission to assist humanity, cannot perform their task, way, because of the lack of faith, of true belief that it can be achieved.

So there are also helpful unseen energies in the atmosphere that are attracted and magnetized to us and when the timing is right they can bring in the right conditions for us?

No, not quite what you say. It is so that there are these 'helpful' energies that have chosen their way to be of assistance to humankind. They are there at your instigation and are there because of energies that have been generated over time and brought about by the faithful, those whose belief is ever there. You magnetize them to you as you do with the lesser evolved energies that are also brought about by your thinking. You create these from out of the atmosphere and they are then able to assist, help those in need. They, as the others, are attracted by the thoughts and deeds of the recipients.

What about others who do not seek out special places? What about the many people who are born with afflictions? It may be they choose to work with their limited mobility or in whichever way their affliction serves them. We do know from previous discussions that any illness or limiting problem is not there because of some punishment or karma. The soul, being, chooses their limitation to learn various things while upon this dimension. Is that so?

Yes, it is the way. No punishment, no decree brings it about. It is what the soul, being, chooses to attain from whatever the malaise is they have chosen.

And once they have learned whatever it was, they chose it can disappear and be like a spontaneous remission or something along that way?


Yes, it is so. The lesson once achieved and what held it to the soul no longer exists and so the impediment is no longer necessary, and the soul migrates to other needs and desires.

Then if a soul finishes its lifetime with the same impediments, is it to be considered a failure to learn whatever was desired?

No, how can it be the way. You instigate your desires and they come to be. Whilever you hold to you what you seek to learn it will come about and remain. You may see a person deformed or impeded in some way and you look to the physical little realizing that what is there, closed in the covering of flesh is beyond your understanding.

The choices made to stay within a malformed or diseased body for the length of the time the soul exists clothed in the physical frame bear little realization to what is existing, happening. The covering may cover a great soul, one who is here for the needs of humanity, and they work that way. They may be here with 'lesser aggrandizements' so to say. Where they are working on instigating, learning the machinations of the third dimension and controlling what is needed to gain mastership over the elements here. They then go on to other pursuits, impediments gone as they exist now in their glory, unsullied by any of the earthly constraints, complaints.

We are not discussing angels when we speak of these helpful energies.

No, it is not the way. They (angels) are more of a support group; those who, when able, give you emotional sustenance. They shore you up. They give their support that way.

You did mention that many of us will decide not to go to greener pastures when we have finished our life here. Instead we will stay behind, without a physical body, to help those incoming energies who have never experienced this third dimension before.

Yes, it is so.

Will we be like those unseen energies that are attracted and magnetized to us by our thoughts?

No, it cannot be that way. Those mentioned are without form as you will be but your vibrational sway will inhibit them from your way.

I will finish now and read back our notes.

Then peace be upon you, now and forevermore. We go now. 'Fly the coop' as you say.

Thank you.


Part Seven.

A Carbon Copy of Existence.

If the doors of perception were cleansed

everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.

William Blake


Before we move away from the topic, I would like more information on ways we create realities. You have mentioned when we adopt the persona of the protagonist in a story, we have read we have looked through their eyes and what or who we see we are now? Shall we continue on with the story?

Yes, it is the way. You are identifying with this sort of person you see yourself to be. Your thoughts go that way.

So, we continue their life stream on how we would react if we were that person?

It is the way. What influences you now, what involves your thinking of how you would react is the way it will play out in your mind. All then goes of accord because you have constructed it that way.

I thought about what you mentioned and would like us to consider it with a book I am presently reading. It is a detective novel of a woman who was wrongly accused of a crime, was found guilty, served her time in jail and now is getting her life back into shape in society. Is that a suitable follow on for today?

Yes, it is a salient way to start our discussion for today.

I visualised the action as I was reading but have not gone off on any tangents relating to the protagonist. I don’t have empathy with the woman or others involved and apart from a mind curiosity on which way the book will play out, don’t really care for anyone in the story.

As I type these words, I can conjure up in my mind the people but don't wonder what they are doing or anything that seems would be giving them an independent life so how does that follow with what you have said?

It is still the way with what we said. We cannot change our wording to suit your thoughts of what should or shouldn't be. We can only reiterate that you spending time, energy of thinking as you constructed, in your mind the scenarios being played out in the book you have mentioned. The topic will still go of accord as the way it was constructed by others who choose to read the book, following on from you and they will have their way with the construction, as was the way with the original initiator.

I was wondering where the writer would fit into this. Does that person's construction and those of others who also read the book connect with my constructs as we read the book?

No, it is not the way. All will create and go their separate ways if you look at it that way. They will not connect up as we see you are meaning. You are identifying another choice, way here and theirs is to flow apart from yours.

A lot of violent books are being written and it seems that the writers are attempting to outdo each other in the viciousness and different, horrible ways people can be murdered. The writers and their readers would also be creating these realities and taking it from there, giving them life.


Yes, it is the way but we feel it is better if you lean to a more productive avenue of resources and leave these others for others to go their way. We are stating that nothing productive for you can be achieved by reading books that 'scare you silly' as you say or put you in pits of despair.

We ask you to think along the lines of more productive, to you, avenues to investigate. There is so much available to you for your comprehension and achieving that will lead you to other avenues more conducive to a betterment of understanding of all. What you seek is there for you for your entertainment and your resources are sound to be, go the way.

Several years ago, I attended a week-end workshop on how to write a story and think it has relevance to what we have discussed.

Then we go that way.

All participants at the workshop were instructed to build a profile of all characters who were to be in our story. We were encouraged to get a picture from a magazine and do all we could think of to construct a three-dimensional character for our story. I did that and, once home started constructing my plot.

Most mornings I would sit in front of my computer and work away on my piece, bringing in whatever it was to enhance my storyline. It could have been weeks or more, I no longer remember now but one morning sat down with my plan of how the people in my story would interact. Then I received a surprise. I clearly heard as I hear you, my protagonist saying into my mind, 'no, I am not going that way' and the story took a different turn and went another way.

So, each morning I would sit at my computer and let my characters choose how they wanted things to flow. I can remember thinking along the lines of ‘that's interesting. I would not have thought of that'. At the time there was no idea that my characters would build a life independent of me, their creator and it would continue long after I lost interest. My questions now is, does this happen with all books written and where do the characters go?

Understand that what is created is there 'for all times' as you say. It cannot be erased, gone like you do with your work. It belongs now in the atmosphere where, like you, another creation takes form and makes its way in this world divine or, in other worlds that have been created by the endeavors, the magnificence of the writer, the creator of form.

And what about these other thought-forms we have created by reading a book, watching a play or something others have created, what happens that way?

It is still of accord. All take on their identities is the way and they go forth creating in their way. They still create life as they go along. It is not something static or without resource. It is the way all manage their energy pull resources. It is as you do, as all do, is the way.

In some of our discussions has been the mention that life is like a computer game. We construct whatever it is to be, the props are already there for whatever epoch and all else needed by us and we go from there. We incarnate for the exhilaration, the gainfulness, the experience I think was the way it was given and when it finishes we return to 'the fold'.

It is not always the way you have prophesized. Many do not choose to be, go that way. All have their choices at 'life's ending' as you say and they do indeed continue on but it is not always the way that they choose to formulate, go.

Back to the fold?


Yes, many may take time 'to rest' as you say. It has been arduous many times and there is the reflection of past deeds done or undone that need reconciling, thought about. It is a time for many of reflection and they go that way.

Please explain what you mean.

You are all souls, beings who have many times suffered traumas upon your way. You are many times not equipped emotionally to 'shrug it off ' as you say. It takes recourses, time, for you to get your equilibrium back and you go to places where you are able to cast off the emotions still attached to you.

Is this because some incarnating souls are inexperienced to the density of the earth energies; perhaps some of the souls who join in listening to our forums?

It can be the way. We are giving you an overview that all souls do not automatically gravitate back to their source. They have options is the way. They can then choose whichever way suits their needs, their patterns of accomplishment, if you see it that way.

I would like to finish now and read back my notes from our discussion today.

Then we leave you in peace and love. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Other Interweaving Realities.

The only source of knowledge

is experience.

Albert Einstein


I am familiar with some of the dimensions that souls in need of getting their equilibrium back go to but was under the impression that souls could not be tainted or affected by the earth sphere sojourn. On the other hand, at another level or dimension close to this one I have seen some souls there, asleep but still as they probably were in their healthy earth body. I took that to mean they were getting some part of their energy back by just being at these places. The healing atmosphere of the area seemed to signify that was the way it was.

Yes, we cannot disagree with your understanding of what transpires there. Not all souls choose to go, be this way. Some of them are eminently clear on other directions and feel the pull to be, go that way.

Not all suffer trauma that needs redress we seek to have you understand. Some are 'old hands' as you say and can very well, without any recourse needed, go their way. Others perhaps not so informed of the ways of redress will take some time for the equilibrium to return.

Well, as this is a book on other previously unknown energies I now ask, do these selves and souls created from probable realities come here too? They are residing someplace and living a fulfilling life?

Yes, you seem to have confusion here with understanding that you create other parts, sections of you all. It is not mainstream thinking, this we understand but it is in your interest to know, to understand and work with these creations of yours.

Why would that be?

You are learning all the time, each to the other. If you could make it part of your comprehension that you guard or understand your thoughts you may, in the long run, make them happy ones so that the lives they construct for themselves and for other selfs as they go along, will be fruitful in the proper way.

We do not feel that you understand, all of you, the enormity of this task, where now you have no idea what is transpiring with your creations you bring into form. If you could learn to 'be kinder' shall we say, all would benefit from this.

You are giving them many times, what you refer to as a rough deal where you create them oft times out of malice, anger and such. They then have to work on with what they have at 'their disposal' so to say. It need not be this way. Make them happy thoughts to flow their way of creation and you will all benefit from this endeavor.

I can't help wondering about other thoughts we also have. As a parent I wish only the best for my children and when they speak to me about conflicts with others behaving badly toward them, I can only offer my emotional support. Now, with what you have said wonder, the thoughts I have for my children's welfare, seeing better days for them, possibly will not eventuate how I envisage, and their life will continue on with the challenges they have set for themselves.


How does that tie in with us creating other realities? My children would be in the other reality I have thought about and mentally constructed, but it is not in this one we are cohabitating in now.

That is the way it is. You do not have the 'strength of purpose' shall we say, to affect their present domicile

'here'. They have chosen their way to learn their 'ropes' ways to gain how they choose.

You, on the other hand, are not really a part of this they have formed for their gainfulness therefore it is not part of your way. You still though, have created form as you thought about what could or not be. It will not influence the outcome of your children's reality way except as 'a support structure' so to say but you have created a form that goes another way.

Then who's thought-form self or selves is it?

Yours. You are the creator of the image divine. You, then, take the responsibility, the gainfulness with this. It has become one of your 'bloodlines' so to say and will instigate whatever needs to be their way divine.

This whole concept of selfs and creating other worlds, probable or not, is very difficult to comprehend. I have never heard of it before you started me thinking this way. The logic as you explain it is not improbable, but very hard to comprehend and to take responsibility for.

It is the way all are going. Their understanding is to be enhanced by others not of your ken. It will become more comprehensible to others as it flows into being 'more mainstream' as you say. Once people gain an understanding of what is, what can be and apply their knowledge in a more fruitful way for all concerned ....

we see you are mulling over our words of who all concerned relates to.

Yes, it is because what you are stating is all new to me.

We understand and redress (address?) our words to suit your needs. There is a vast understanding, comprehension for you all domiciled here upon this planet divine who will gain much from the 'downloads'

that are to flow to all. Your concepts you have before you now will change dramatically and what seems improbable, impossible 'pipe dreams' as you say, will have their way into your understanding and your knowledge will flow more into alignment with what is reality of sorts.

It is the way it is, all to flow as we have said. It cannot be any other way. You are all involved is the way.

You have all incarnated at this time to gain from whichever way it suits the energies to flow. It cannot be any other way but affecting you all.

I do understand my thinking is relating to this third dimension and the five senses we have here. I am slowly starting to comprehend what you have always stipulated, whatever we see or interact in this reality is our thought-form construct.

Yes, it is so.

Then when I mentioned as an example, my children's present life and what you have said that whatever or whomever is in this game of life with us we have created, formed, whichever way it is done those children I gave birth to are a though-form creation that I wanted as part of my experience on this reality. I brought them into my reality by physically constructing what I'd mentally constructed?

Yes, it is the way it is.

And all other people here are created thought-forms? You have previously mentioned they are, but it is very difficult for me to comprehend those I love are a part of me, one of my constructs as are those I don't get along with.


It is the way it is. We cannot change our wording to make it any plainer to your sight. They are you constructs as you are theirs.

Now that really needs clarification. How can that be?

It is all illusion; this you are aware. What perhaps you have yet to understand is all is all. You are gaining experiences all the while and have whatever you desire for your construction, choice to go, be that way. It is not so hard to realise it cannot be any other way.

So, all the tender moments with a lover, a parent, a child, all that relates to me on a more salient way I have created form to experience the gamut of feelings, love and animosity from another part of me?

It is the way it exists for you all. You bring forth to experience your magnificence, all you are. You construct these 'others', if you see it that way, while not acknowledging they are indeed 'you'. You gain on 'all fronts'

with this as you say.

It is not a misdemeanour or something onerous. No, it is not the way. You choose to experience what it is to be, to feel the emotions that emanate from you in all ways.

I need to think about it to absorb you answer before being able to accept what you say. I am not meaning to sound disbelieving. It is just too difficult for me to comprehend at present.

We understand and know the way. We see from your energy grid the confusion our wording has placed upon you. It is still the way, what we have said.

Well, I'll run with the thought and see where it takes us. So, these ones we have created for this life's experience, what happens to them when this life is ended?

They continue their way. It is your construction divine, what you have brought into form but once your existence 'here' is finished they still continue on.

Where? Here or someplace else; on this earth dimension?

We cannot say what their choices will be. Just that they are not bereft, left without choices for their own growth pattern divine.

And they are what you referred to my kith and kin, bloodline?

It is the way. For 'all times' as you say, it is the way.

Then let's go back to us prior to incarnating and creating the life we wanted to experience and the blueprint of our physical body we choose to assist us. How does that relate to with other thought-form selfs, all we have created?

It is the way. No redress here. All go this way.

So, they are in the process of creating a life they choose to experience? Just as we, creations, thought-forms have done?

It is so.

And all experiences gained by them are returned to 'the energy bloodline', so to say?


Yes, why would it be any other way? You are all forming your gainfulness, your understanding of what you can achieve 'on all fronts' as you say. There are no time constraints, nothing to hold you back unless it is your desire to be, go that way and even then you will be learning, forming other constructs of your desires.

What then about dreams? We sometimes have dreams about people we have known in our life but, over time, have lost contact with them. Maybe they have died but maybe not. Some of the dreams we have may include these people and whatever is transpiring seems normal at the time and after we wake, we may be left wondering what it was all about. My question is, could that be when we are manipulating our perception to make sense of what we dreamed? What was happening is it because we are still interacting with these people?

It can be any of the above. Because these people have moved away and are out of your present understanding and exist only as a memory does not change what we have stated. These souls exist someplace, and it cannot be any other way. What you may have experienced at the time mentioned is an interaction with them on another level, dimension existence. They have not gone away as such but cohabitate at other realities while you are domiciled here.

Our wording is simplistic at this juncture as we explain a point. It is that reality exists, and it is there to be accessed, 'tapped into' as you say and it often comes about when not, not consciously brought into your awareness.

Let's assume the person had died. Would what you are saying remain relevant?

It is the way. 'Alive or dead' as you say does not change what we are explaining to you. Life continues on. It does not cease when the soul has finished with their corporal body on any plane of existence. They transmute, go their own way to greener pastures.

Which could be anywhere?

It could be anywhere. They have capabilities they choose to extend upon it will attract them to those. There is no automatic place souls congregate after their time here or on any dimension has ended. It is the pull, magnetization brought about by their desires that gets them to their chosen field of endeavor.

What about if a physical body or any shape or form was required? How does the attraction occur? Perhaps my thoughts are still entrenched in this dimension's timelines where we have to create something first before it can be used.

No, that is not the way, and you are thinking linearly timeline constructions. It does not go that way. Before you chose to incarnate here, we have explained what transpired, what was utilized to create the form you chose for here.

We did not say it took time. What we did say was you had to follow a process required by this plane, but it was done as you thought about what your requirements were. You did not sit around waiting for your form to materialize. You were off doing whatever you chose to be and for you there were not timeline constraints to uphold. You earth energy understood your requirements and acted of accord. There was no need for you to interact in any way because all went of accord.

I will finish for today and read back today's information.

Then we leave you to go your way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Polarities, Black and White.

Don't say this is good and that is bad.

Drop all discrimination.

Accept everything as it is.



The Earth experience is also a place, dimension of black and white polarities and a way for us to learn to handle the different ways energy, consciousness, can manifest. I would like our discussion to be along that topic for today.

Then we follow, go that way.

There is no good or evil as we perceive. Instead, all are manifestations of the one energy we have created for our game of life, to challenge and assist our growth patterns. All we see and participate in is this way.

Yes, it is so. Your harmonies, what you attract, your perception of what you chose to be will dictate the way you see your reality at any time.

So, as an example, if I chose to be antisocial and despotic on the world stage and cause untold death and misery to the people of many nations, I would be working with polarities and learning how to handle them?

No, we did not say that all you do is to your advancement. We did say to follow what you see as advantageous to your kind; your kind being humanity at present.

But if we are dealing with understanding polarities which are all the one energy, we are using .... didn’t you say at one discussion that sometimes what we see as horrific, inhumane actions being perpetrated are necessary sometimes for moving nations caught up in the stagnation of older energies? They are stuck in the past and need something momentous to bring them forward as the newer energies dictate?

Yes, we did say and go that way with our tutorage. Not all you see that is despicable to your sight is the way.

There are souls who have made it part of their divinity to act as you say, perpetrators of what you see as wicked deeds to others.

We are asking you to encompass another logic, way here. They are performing a service to bring many forwards out of the mire they have been procrastinating in for aeons. It is time, necessary for these to move forward and encompass what is the newer energies. They cannot achieve this if they attach to themselves the old ways.

They are meant, for their development now, to go past what was many times serving them well in their life's mission growth path. Now they are needed to develop another way, but they cannot do so until they let go of the old. The old may be so entrenched that it takes mighty efforts to bring them on and this is, alas, what is required by changing their ways of life, of the old and helping them into the better way forward for all concerned. Those perpetrators are fulfilling for themselves as well as for those they are bringing in their wake into the newer ways now needed for their advancement.

Our media reports there is now more world slavery than ever before. We read of how our children are being robbed of their innocence. There is disrespect and neglect for our aged populations who are no longer able to defend themselves. And that is in all societies with apparent little redress from those who are paid to look 100

after their people. These aberrations may have been around for aeons so are you referring to these with your answers?

No, we do not go that way. Nor do we condone what is being given to all. We do however remind you that there are no accidents therefore those who are 'masters and slaves', so to say, have instigated this for reasons known only to themselves. It is done, brought about by whatever the soul has chosen as their path to their divinity.

We choose not to go the way of ramifications of what should or should not be for we are unaware of the motives behind what transpires at these times. We do however state, as before, there are no deeds that are not brought about by the perpetrators and their victims. Each has ways to absolve, learn from and they chose this way.

And for the children who have lost their innocence?

We cannot go the way; get involved in what you are stating for we see a different way, a larger picture here.

We address your concerns but ask you to look at another way. If you are a recipient or a perpetrator, you have instigated it in some way for your attainment, what you can achieve.

Are you stating that we, not involved but aware of antisocial behaviour should just accept and or ignore it?

Turn a blind eye?

If you are to be involved, you will be there participating in whichever way you desire for your growth. It cannot be any other way. You instigate, bring in any energy that suits your needs and then go, be that way.

And for us as spectators, are you suggesting we stay that way and accept what we see as anomalies or aberrations?

We understand your emotions are under sway as you look through third dimension eyes. We cannot change what we have stated today for to do so would be giving you false information and we do not go that way. We can only reiterate what we have stated. These perpetrations, acts that you see as horrendous, antisocial and abhorrent to your ways and sensitivities cannot be if it has not been pre-directed by those involved. Even your periphery involvement has been pre-planned by all. It cannot be any other way. Everything you see, all that comes within your perception range is there at your instigation. Were it not so you would not participate as seeing what involvement is about.

It seems that all concerned as those involved and those as periphery players are choosing a hard way to learn and advance themselves.

It may be the way. We can only furnish to you with what is so. The energies you manipulate and bring into your being are there because of something you have set out to achieve. It may not suit you now to be or go that way once the involvement is upon you.

We started our discussion with us here learning to work with polarities. Would this be part of the involvement of all who are here at this time?

We cannot see that what is playing out on your world stage is part of the changing of the guard and the involvement of polarities. We see it involves more of shifting of the Earth's energies that bring about changes. We are encompassing a larger picture here and need you to look within yourself to see what involves you and your reactions to same; what you sought to learn by each experience.

We leave you now with thoughts to ponder. Look within and seek what you set out to achieve at any time and at any dimension. Peace be upon you all. We salute your efforts and go now for the day.


Moving On.

The only source of knowledge

is experience.

Albert Einstein.


I had a strange experience last night and would like us to talk about it in today's discussion.

Then we go that way.

I had gone to bed and settled down for the night when I saw a sweeping light like a torch beam move across my bedroom doorway. I lay awake waiting to see if anything was going to happen while aware that it is impossible for a beam of any sort to be normally seen from where I was. There was no sound or any indication of anything else out of the normal so, reassured, I soon fell asleep.

Sometime later, I have no idea how long, I became aware of no longer being in bed, but I was standing in my semi-dark lounge room and there were three strangers, a man and two young girls of about ten years of age sitting on my large lounge chair. I wasn’t frightened and the spirit trio seemed to be expectantly waiting for something or someone.

My home, like so many residences these days is securely locked each night so to see strangers, even as spirit, in my unit surprised me. I mentally asked them how they gained access, and they said through the front door, a door I remember locking before going to bed. The disturbed feeling I had about leaving the door unlocked projected me back into my physical body still in bed.
















still dark lounge room. There was nobody there and when I checked the front door it was locked as it should be.

I realize what was experienced was an OOB and I would appreciate more information on what transpired.

The torchlight has been seen only occasionally prior to this experience and I am now wondering, is it some sort of guiding light that is there to attract spirits who don't know where the next step of their journey is to be? Is it to alert me to expect spirit visitors?

We can give you part of the information you require and feel the rest is for you to mull over, to sort through for there is an important issue here to be revealed.

Well, let's go back to other times something like this has happened to see if I can work it out now. The first experience I am aware of was with a smelly alien energy that came to my home. One of the spirit teachers explained he had become ensnared in the earth's energy magnetization and could not release himself. He had seen my energy light and had come to me for help. Well, I didn't know how to help him and needed assistance with sending him on his way. That was achieved with the help of my spiritual meditation group I attended at the time.

The next remembered experience was with a human spirit male energy. I do not know if he had somehow become trapped or had lost his way. He seemed to favor our small hallway and is presence could be felt whenever we walked through there.

He seemed reluctant to move from that spot in my home and I tried sending him to the universal white light as has been successful with pesky, negative energies but it didn't work with him. My meditation group had disbanded sometime prior, and it was only with the help of a friend with a quantum healing energy machine that this energy was freed to go on his way.


Now, regarding the three spirits who were in my lounge room, am I right in thinking that they, like the others mentioned are somehow attracted to my energy field, my quanta light energy and see me as a starting place for help?

Bingo! As you say. You emit a light that brings them in. You attract lost souls who have lost their way and you help them, guide them on to their next stage.

Your answer becomes confusing because didn't you or one of the teachers already explain during another of our discussions that it is the magnetization that moves spirit entities, people to their next place to be?

Yes, we remember our wording and we do not exonerate ourselves from what we stated. It is so that most do go to where they are meant to be, but it is also so that many who are traumatized do not have the directional way as desired. It has been 'lost' so to say and they are unable to attend to their desires, where next to be.

You, and others of your calling, are as guiding lights to send them on their proper way. You do this by relieving them of the stress of what to do next and then you call in others who are able to assist getting the traumatized souls on their way.

Relieving them of their stress? Is this because they can see a human being that calms them down if that is what happens? In recalling the experiences, the first two mentioned appeared stressed but the last mentioned, the male with the two young girls seemed very normal, as if waiting for a bus to take them someplace.

Yes, it is the way. You 'anchored' them here so to say and they were feeling relieved as they waited. They had faith in you, in your ability to help them forward so they waited for what was to be next for them.

Thank you. My final question is had the male and two young girls been involved in an accident together that terminated their earth existence?

That we cannot say for we are not privy to their journey prior to what was discussed today. We can only speak of what we know, and it is out of our ken, awareness.

Thank you. I was just wondering.

Peace and blessings be upon you, one and all. You cannot fail. We go now, until another day.

Thank you.


A Class Experience.

I cannot teach anybody anything.

I can only make them think.



For a change of pace, I would like to refer to a spiritual development class I taught some time ago. One of the lessons being taught was how to see and feel auras, our personal energy fields that surround our physical body. Each student took turns to stand in front of the class and we would look to see what we could see.

From previous classes I'd gained an understanding of me being temporarily able to use my energy to enhance my students and give them the confidence and ability to see the energy fields of our chosen subject.

All was going as it was meant to with the colors then there was a change and we saw what were like little round Christmas balls in various areas in the subject's personal energy field. As we focused on a ball it took us into another reality to what, at that time, we thought was a past life recall. My question is, if there is no reincarnation, what were we seeing?

Yes, we understand your confusion but also understand there is much here that is past your comprehension.

We are bringing you information that is not presently into your awareness but feel it is best if you 'go with the flow' as you say and the understanding of what is issued from us will become clearer.

Well, when we saw these little energy balls and could go into the life within them, we assumed it was a past life we were interacting with, but it was not that way at all. Is that what you were meaning?

Yes, it is so. You 'added two and two together with you present understanding and got five' as you say. It did not go that way. At the time of your comprehension, it was the only logical conclusion you could make but since then you have moved on in your ways of understanding. You have become better educated to what is there for your perusal and now see other ways, options for you to understand.

Then what we saw, was it another self?

What you saw was an 'energy shift' so to say.

Are you saying that ... what are you saying?

It is all there if you apply yourself. Think what else it might be. Extend your thoughts, your rationality to gain the knowledge.

Well, if reincarnation is off the cards my thinking only extends to other thought-form selfs or other energies in a nearby reality. I can't see that being the way because what we saw was, or appeared to be, experiences from this reality.

We are stating that you moved 'up a cog' as you say. You uplifted yourself and the other fledglings there in your group. For a time, while you were conducting this example, experiment, you moved into another way of seeing reality as it applied to you then. You mistook what you were seeing and gave it validity to your then present thoughts, but it went another way.


You were unfamiliar with that energy so like your own, but now is the time to 'come clean' so to say, to wipe the cobwebs from your sight and be able to explore another avenue, reality that is even closer now for your perusal.

Your little balls of energy could be better accessed because you had the belief that it was a past life and held the opportunities for gainfulness there for you all. With the example mentioned you have not gained through an ability to presently trust your thoughts and vision, to access this realm mentioned. Once this is achieved, the confidence in yourself and your ability all will flow.

I would like to stop now and read back our discussion for today. What was explained helped me with the confusion of past lives and reincarnation while at the same time giving me more to think about, thinking about some other sort of energy manifestation not familiar to me.

Then we leave you in peace and love. That is all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Unfamiliar Energy.

Experience gained Every situation,

no matter how challenging

is conspiring to bring you into greater vibrational energy.

Will you receive it?

Panache Desai.


I have been thinking about the little balls of energy we saw and still can't imagine what they are or were. As they are not past lives, I can only think of them as thought-form selfs, the subject's selfs that are connected, interwoven somehow and are being lived, existing now. I need to speak linear timeline for my comprehension but have no idea where they are living, what dimension, when or where. Am I on the right track with thinking of them as selfs?

We cannot go that way with our tutorage today. We feel that you are not familiar with the energy flow that exists here and needs a little more education to bring you 'up to speed' as you say. We are loathe to go this way today so would ask that you enlarge your scope a little more of what you already understand and expand on that philosophy divine.

Well, if it is part of myself and I refer it back to me, you have mentioned several times that we are all interacting without realizing it. I don't know of any other way to extend or expand if that is not what it is.

You are gaining on all fronts with this little interaction here. We are asking you to extend yourself again.

You know it all, have done it many times. Perhaps not as you do or see now but it is all familiar to your understanding and we ask you to extend your way, your thinking, to reactivate what you already know and understand.

I can see there will be lots of thinking to be done about this but would like to change the topic for now. We might come back to it in a little while.

Then we oblige and go the way with this.

Some of our scientists are starting to understand that what we see and understand as empty space is not empty at all. They have developed different theories, dark matter, energies and others. They are also thinking along the lines of what they refer to as multiverses and banes. Banes, as I understand the thinking, are said to be like a thin membrane only millimetres thick that separate the different dimensions.

My understanding of what you have previously mentioned is there are no barrier separations and any separation perceived is if energy does not vibrate or harmonize to the necessary harmony there, they do not gain access. They probably don't even see that there is anything, any other dimension there to access. If there is no barrier the levels, or dimensions they all interpenetrate each other. Is that the way, how it is?

It is more of the way you have mentioned. We cannot accept any division of sorts that unfold like layers. It is not the way, and all do interpenetrate, each to the other.

As you say, they are oblivious to this if they have not the right and proper harmonies to understand and interact. It is all to do with the harmonies interacting that allow interaction between 'species', shall we say.

Vibrational sways are always there ebbing and flowing all the time as the different thoughts, activities interweave all.

You identify the energies as species. Why is that?


Yes, it is so, how it is, species because it is the way. All are consciousness in their different ways, forms, interacting, weaving this way. All live, exist in harmony with each other little understanding, for the most part, that others exist, are there.

So, they don't see the other energies there?

No, it is the way unless they are enlightened to what is there. Experience would be the way here we feel with this. Experience gained by interacting through knowledge gained.

Then I now go back to my development classes. You have mentioned we thought they were past life experiences and that is so. You have also mentioned that the harmonies of energy need to be right for us, any species, to interact or see another reality interpenetrating our present one. All in the class must have been focused on the one energy interaction as we looked at our subject. That is correct?

Yes, it is the way. All were of accord.

Then how did we manage to see an energy we have little knowledge of?

It is the energy pull, sway of all there who helped with this. All 'dictated', shall we say, what would be seen and interacted with at the time, but we maintain it is still unfamiliar to you all 'alone'. All 'had a hand', even though your interaction, what you expected to see was not what transpired.

Are you referring to probable worlds?

Bingo! as you say.

Then that brings to mind other issues like why would a probable world be shown instead of a self's world where we are said to intermingle in and out of their reality as they do in ours? Surely the attachment, attraction would be stronger there.

It can flow that way with this. We are stating that what you saw were probable worlds, under construction, if you see it that way. Were it the other way, the realities nearby, intermingling of the selfs, they are also a fabric of your construction; they already exist in what you refer to as your timeline continuum in space.

You are all fabricating your world as you see fit. As you go along you are also constructing other existences, other worlds is the way. They, because of their 'proximity', shall we say, have much of your timeline existence as their way. We are referring to what you see as the changes, day and night, the seasons, all that separates your finite world's existence and makes cohesion to your way.

It is as if, in many ways, they are duplication, a carbon copy of your existence. They exist unbeknown to your present countenance but exist because of the probability you have brought into existence divine.

So, these ones are about us, our daydreams of what we would like to do or not do and because we have thought about it, it has been given strength, a life from the energy we have magnetized from the elements that are always there, where everything, every energy is?

Yes, it is the way it is with this.

We, humanity, really need to get a grip on our thoughts. A lifetime, this lifetime only, has so many thoughts activated by us. It is almost overwhelming to quickly reflect back and realize we have no idea what we have created over the years. Add that to what other parts of us are creating by their thoughts. It is truly overwhelming to grasp the concept, yet you state it is how we are created and how we are meant to function.


Yes, it is the way. It is not disastrous; doom and gloom scenario we see you are mentally portraying for yourself as you reflect back. Much has been achieved by you all in this way.

But to what purpose? Why? What is the purpose of all of this?

It opens many portals for you all to gain from. It is the infiniteness of life, of all. You cannot be static. Life and all it contains is not to be that way. It extends your magnificence as you reflect on the game of life. It encompasses you in your divinity, your purpose for existing.

I will need to reflect on that. From memory, part of the reason we assumed what we were seeing was a past life was the scene of what we were seeing was often of a different timeframe existence. How is that possible with what you are saying with probabilities?

Can't you see and understand that many times your thoughts take you to other avenues that are not relevant to this present timeline domicile you presently exist in. You have perhaps read a book, watched a play, other avenues that have taken your fancy and it has become an indwelling thought as you mused over them. You have identified in many ways with the protagonist and taken the form from there. You have created that form, that existence and it flows that way.

And when you preciously suggested we watch our thoughts because whatever we were thinking took on a reality of its own you were giving salient advice to us.

Yes, it is the way. You cannot not create. It is not the way. We feel we have answered your questions for today and given you much to think about, so we leave you now.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


What We Read or Watch.

Your time is limited,

so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Don’t be trapped by dogma –

which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.

Steve Jobs


As I am not clear on the relevance or connection with the probability energy balls as mentioned, or of reading a book and creating a life from that avenue I would like clarification on that today.

Then we go that way. It is so that you create all the while, and it cannot be any other way. However, what you are creating is not linear; it does not flow that way. Nor does it limit you to this dominion. Whatever you choose to instigate, imagine you create, and it cannot be any other way.

I am still not sure how this relates to the probability energy balls and reading a book. I understand our thinking about the contents of the book, the characters set up other avenues for us to pursue. I am not clear on how they, as probabilities, relate to our energy balls we saw in the classes.

You have not 'connected the dots' as you say. You broach, engage in many realities, not just this one you are seeing as 'yours' and 'you'. There are many, many others you portray yourself to be, and you are creating all the while in these existences you have brought to mind to be.

Then how is it that this 'me' and I will refer to me as a convenience, how are these probable energy balls relating to this life? Were they created in this life? If not, how did they hover on the periphery of this existence?

They do not hover on the periphery of any existence you exist in. They do not hover 'waiting their turn' so to say. They exist as you exist. You, their creator is living those existences you have brought into being. The others (probabilities?) are there but are not hovering, waiting for their turn.

Then is it that by reading a book we are opening up other possibilities and avenues we may not have thought about but ones that give us other possibilities and opportunities to investigate and enlarge upon? These possibilities are now in the atmosphere and when the opportunity or our thoughts wander, go that way they can be activated?

No, that is not the way. No energy just sits someplace or hovers waiting for activation. By the thinking they are brought into activation, and it cannot be any other way.

Then what are we to make of the energy balls apparently hovering in the energy fields of my participating students? They were there, so was it with enough focus and intent we were able to access them?

It may seem to be the way that they were hovering, but nothing is further from the truth. They are energy, form, and as such are not able to hover. By you focussing you 'opened the door' so to say and it enabled you to pass through into that existence that does exist as yours here exists.

And that reality has been created by the participant, the one who has the various balls in their energy field?

Well, they all did.


Yes, it is so. All are attached and will remain that way. Which one is activated will depend on your desires or force of will. Whether you decide to activate them to be in your awareness will depend on many things; your knowledge, intent and activation. You can access them at any time with the understanding or what is required and the will, intent to go there. The going there is a shift in consciousness we mean to say.

And once there, should we decide to investigate what that part of us is doing, can we do anything apart from being a spectator?

In many ways you can interact but again, like with the thought-form selfs you activate, become involved in, it is by grace. Grace that you are permitted to access and allowed to be a part for a short while. Whilever you hold the thought you, as consciousness will be, resides there. Once your mind wanders you relay, are back to this consciousness you contain here.

After reading back your previous information about how we extend and create other thought-form selfs and other worlds from watching television shows and reading scary or violent books I am now very conscious of what I am reflecting on. I attempt not to involve myself in anything that is creating for myself a world unpleasant of frightening to exist in. You have given me much to think about and be aware of. I have to admit though; I will need a lot of thinking to fully comprehend what you are saying.

Then we leave you there. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are gone for the day.

Thank you.


Thought-form Selfs or Probabilities?

Life repeats itself mindlessly -

unless you become mindful,

it will go on repeating

like a wheel.



When last we spoke of the difference of probabilities and other thought form selfs you stated our created selfs continue on creating and living their life as we are doing. You mentioned it is not quite the same with probabilities. Probabilities are created by us from something we have studied, watched or read. However, as I am unfamiliar with the difference between thought-form selfs and probabilities I would appreciate you clearing the matter up for me.

Then we go that way. Probabilities exist in your mind and as such are there waiting to be enlarged and extended upon. Thought-form selfs exist in another timeline frame existence which is not quite the same as the probabilities.

Probabilities are there waiting to be enlarged and extended upon? Doesn't a probability, as energy keep moving because no energy is inert or still?

It is so, what you say. They exist as form but are still in your imagination, waiting to be constructed is the way.

So, to understand fully what you are stating I would like to enlarge on the concept and will use a story in a book as an example. As the story unfolded, I became engrossed in the plot, and it held my attention as I identified with the protagonists and became emotionally involved in their journey. I may have mused over the plot when not reading the book and when it was finished mused further on how it ended and deliberated on whether I enjoyed it or not. If I understand what you are saying, the protagonist has not been created like a thought-form self but is still in my mind or imagination that can be activated at any time I choose to think about it.

Yes, it is so.

And this is one of the little balls we were looking at and by our focussing were activating.

It cannot be any other way.

Then when we stopped focussing on the image in the book it went away?

No, that cannot be. You have created form and it exists in your imagination ready to be activated should you choose to go that way.

I am having a bit of trouble grasping what you are saying so I would like to go back to the class situation.

Those probable energy balls 'belonged' to whoever was our model at the time. We may not have read, seen or heard whatever it was that brought these probabilities into that person's energy form.

By your intent focussing it enabled you all to access what was there. It enabled you to 'grasp' so to say what was available for all to see. It was there and you brought about the right conditions for all to see.

So, what happens to these probability existences? Are they ever activated and come into an existence, a life of their own?

It is possible for this to be. The existence is there to function but the impetus, input needs to be activated first.


And they are in the imagination of a person but are not hovering?

It cannot be that they hover. Have we not explained that nothing is inert? Activity is taking place even if your awareness does not go that way.

How is it then that they are in the person's imagination, presumably their mind, and activity is taking place?

You again resort back to linear thinking. Activity is activated and a process is taking place. We think you might accept what we say if we enlarge upon your scope, understanding of 'all there is' as you say.

Any clarification would be appreciated.

We understand the concept is new to your way of seeing and thinking but there are many, many worlds, activities you are undergoing at the 'one time' as you say. These other activities are brought about by minds activating energies and bringing them into being. They do not necessarily go from 'creation to the grave'

(linear?) as you say. They exist because of the creation activation that has been brought about by another.

Energies exist, form this way.

It is by the grace of others that all existences are brought about. You are in the process of learning what can be brought about by your thoughts. Some you can see are manifest upon this existence plane while others exist in the ether waiting to be 'born' so to say. All have been created by imagination; the creative process is the way. Whether they become 'bricks and mortar' as you say, solid in some reality is left to the creator's imagination and the way they choose to be, go.

Your words are new to me and need a lot of thinking to understand. I will finish for today and see what I can make of what we have discussed.

Then we go our way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are finished for today.

Thank you.


Bernie's Experience.

In three words I can sum up everything

I've learned about life:

It goes on.

Robert Frost


An experience I would like to discuss now fits into another conundrum of mine. I don't think it is a probability as the little balls are and it is not a thought-form self, but I don't know what else it could be.

Then we go that way.

My friend, Bernie, was going on a vacation to England to visit relatives and he asked me to see what I could see about his journey. As you are already aware I have been to England as a tourist and have been to some of the attractions tourists visit. One of the images I saw for Bernie I recognized as Glastonbury Abbey and with it was a feeling that it was important for Bernie to go there. I asked him if it was part of his itinerary and Bernie confirmed it was. My vision then changed from the street view of the Abbey to near the back of the left-hand side exterior.

Standing nearby were a group of people. Some I recognized from a story I had read years ago of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and the Knights of the Round Table. Also, there was the magician, Merlin, and all were dressed as they were portrayed in the story.

I remember from my tourist visit to Glastonbury Abbey that there is a burial site said to be that of King Arthur and Guinevere, but it is not certain if it is so. As many believe the story of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere to be one of fiction, especially regarding Merlin and the reality of the remains in the graves remains in dispute.

In my mind the story is a fable, but I was seeing the image for Bernie for a reason so went with the images being shown. I was not given a reason why Bernie was meant to go there, I wasn't told much, but when he returned, I was interested to hear from him as to what he saw or felt, if anything, when he visited the Abbey.

When we next met, I asked Bernie of his experience at the Abbey. He said he never saw King Arthur, Merlin or the rest of the group mentioned but when he stepped inside the ruins of the Abbey it changed and was crowded, full of people from another era. They were smiling and nodding happily at him as he walked down the aisle. Bernie said while he had no idea what it was about it, it was apparent they were waiting for him, and he felt quite overwhelmed.

My question relates to discussions we have had when you mentioned about books becoming realities because they are now thought-forms created by the thoughts of those who read, imagined or learned of the tale. I now ask, is that time of King Arthur and what it entailed now in some dimension, maybe this one somewhere and can be accessed by anyone who resonated to the right vibrational harmony? Is that the way?

Yes, it is the way. For 'all time' as you say, it is there. There is no mistake. What your friend Bernie experienced was necessary, a part of his evolution to be.

Please clarify that for me. I don't understand how Bernie, a male in the twenty-first century needed to access something that dealt with sixth century issues.


Then we go that way. Bernie, as all of you do, straddle many existences. You are not only 'here' as you mind leads you to believe. Nor are you 'there' so to say. You are 'straddling', as we said, many existences whilst cohabitating this one. This existence is what your mind leads you to believe while you are here but it is illusion and necessary for you to function upon this place divine.

I was thinking that you might have said Bernie went back in time in some way but if time does not exist now realize that is not possible. How then, and why did Bernie have the experience he did? He said he felt nothing outside in the Abbey grounds and it was only once inside he had his change of perception. From what he was saying it also seemed like the Abbey was intact and not a ruin as it is now.

It was the way of illusion what he saw. He did not go back in time for that bears no relationship to reality as it exists. What then did he experience if it was not a journey back in time? As we stated, consciousness is fluid and with the right connections, the right harmonies it becomes irrelevant to where you exist as you move, as a consciousness throughout existences.

If it is there, we can access it, any reality if we harmonize to it?

Not quite the way. What you do create for yourself is the way to other realities or existences irrelevant of timelines and distance. You connect by your diligence; your thought power and it gets you there. However, we need to state that not all ways are accessible for you if you have not learned to advance yourself that way. All you can access is by your efforts learned along the way.

Then let's go back to Bernie's experience. Did he exist in that century while still physically existing in this twenty-first one?

It may be the way. It is possible and existential.

Existential? That is the theory that individuals do not exist separately in the world and the world exists only because there are people to experience it.

All are one and it cannot be any other way.

And as there are no time restraints as we presently perceive, nor past or future, is it possible that a section or portion of Bernie was living in that era? He saw and felt the emotion of those waiting for him in the Abbey and felt overwhelmed by it all. It seemed to be important to these people, energies that he was there; maybe finishing off something started and needing completion?

We do not go that way with our tutorage today. It is irrelevant to your desires, your choices for today.

Am I moving away from what was chosen for today's lesson, the topic on existentialism? I need you to understand that the topic, apart from the basics, is not familiar to me and I don't know that there will be many questions because of the unfamiliarity of the topic.

We still go that way because it is imperative to your understanding that you gain the knowledge. It will open doors in your mind if you can understand and realize the importance you hold here, at any dominion, each of you, we say. You are not here without purpose. You are fulfilling your own task you set while at the same time bringing forth other avenues and energies that are yet to formulate upon this existence divine.

I need to finish our discussion for today but tomorrow will have more time for us to delve further into the topic.

Then you go your way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Part Eight

All Became More Enlightened.

There is only one good, knowledge,

and one evil, ignorance.



Today I am changing our topic of discussion to speak of something that happened two nights ago.

We can flow that way.

I was asleep until woken at about 3am by a loud noise. It sounded like a heavy rainstorm was approaching but the noise was not external. Instead, it was coming from inside my head. Not having experienced anything like it before I wondered if it was a health issue; perhaps me having a stroke or something but I felt okay.

The noise continued only inside my head and, despite its continuing, I eventually fell asleep. In the morning it was gone but unaccountably, I was tired all that day and yesterday was feeling depressed. As I don't think it was a health issue, wonder what it was.

We can answer your questions, but you are aware of what was transpiring. We ask you to go there, stretch you thinking to gain the inflow, knowledge that came your way.

Please explain what you mean.

It is the way it is. All became more enlightened is the way. The energy manifestation was downloaded to all.

What happened was an inflow to all upon the planet and you connected with it in that way.

Well, I am still feeling tired today. Does that relate to what you are saying?

It can flow that way. Energies not of your kind can have a debilitating energy release of sorts as the old gives way to the new.

What do you mean by not of our kind?

It has issued in strange, to you, experiences, energies that you are presently unfamiliar with. This will change as it becomes commonplace for you all. You are now undergoing more energy restructuring is the way it is, and many will start to notice changes to themselves, their outlook, as a freeing up occurs to their thinking. All goes that way. It cannot be any other way for your sort has chosen it to flow, be that way.

Why was it heard from inside my head?

It is the way. You are now reconciling our words to accept them to your present third dimension and it is the way it is at present. By your understanding with what is about, can be about, you were sensitive enough to react to the changes taking place. It is of accord. Nothing to worry about and as you say 'all good' for all concerned.


We enlighten you more of your magnificence, understanding for it is upon you all; none of your escape the changes. Those who do not resonate in the right and proper way with this shifting of energies will bear the brunt of their failings, misunderstandings. They, in turn, go another way but still gain benefits divine.

As that doesn't quite make sense to me, I would appreciate you rephrasing what you are stating to make it clearer.

Yes, we tell you now, it is upon you but not all receive the energy change, upliftment in the same way. All have the opportunities 'thrust upon them' so to say but oblige themselves as to which way they will respond.

Some choose not to be, go that way and that is of accord. Others will grasp all opportunities. They will understand, have been waiting for this and grasp it in the way that will co-ordinate and work well with their upliftment of knowledge, of divinity.

So that I am clear about it, the noise inside my head wasn't a health issue or a space craft?

No, it is not the way with this. We are of the opinion that those who understand will gain for they will have heard the same thing, noise, as was the way. Perhaps each to his own with this for the sound may have resonated a different way, calling, but it is the same throughout for all.

If it was an energy, why was there a noise?

It can flow, be any way. You gained by hearing and understanding it was not third dimensional illusion. You were able to organize your thoughts to go another way.

Well, I did manage to fall asleep after thinking through what third dimension things it might be. Once all thoughts of health problems were rejected my thoughts then gravitated to it might be a space craft.

Following on with that stream of thinking was that perhaps there had been a visitation by another species and my memory of any interaction had been blocked out as to the event.

No, it is not the way. We have just told you what transpired. Yours was not a lone experience. To others it may be the way that they are not au fait with what transpired but it will change them nonetheless. It cannot be, go any other way.

Thank you. The information we gain at our forum is interesting but getting stranger and stranger to comprehend. Do you think this incoming energy, the perceptions, will make it easier to understand?

It may be the way, but we cannot say for again, it depends on the believability factor, what you have already in your countenance as to what can be plausible to your understanding. It is the way we discuss your questions, if applicable, give you answers, and it goes that way. It is up to the recipient to choose to accept, believe or not. We can only inform. What is received and accepted goes one way.

I would like to finish now and reflect on our discussion for today.

Then we leave you in peace and love. In the times ahead much of what appears irrelevant, unbelievable perhaps even unacceptable will choose to be better understood and what you presently know and understand goes through the shift of more enlightenment.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Embracing Newer Energies.

The two most important days in your life are

the day you are born

and the day you find out why.

Mark Twain.


A friend sent me an email of channelled information from another spirit teacher, Lazarus. Lazarus speaks about the 23rd of July, two days ago, as being a very powerful day as will be the following 55 days until September 15th. The email stated this is because it is the time the Vortex of Sirius opens wide. Lazarus describes it as a 'beginning more powerful than spring' and an extract from the article in The Lazarus Material states, 'it is a powerful time to program and receive and in the power of the light (the Vortex of Sirius) we can truly remember who we are and call upon our heritage.'

What heritage is Lazarus talking about? Is it the knowledge we, as selfs, have amassed?

No, we don't see it like that at all. The heritage referred to is more in alignment with all. It is to herald in more understanding of who you are that resonates more with the incoming energies divine.

You mentioned those who are ready to embrace those energies will do so and those not ready will not go that way?

It is about for all to take advantage of but some, as stated, are not yet set on their true course. Their perception is not there, not honed enough and many times 'the intrusion', shall we say of the influence of this earth dominion has led them astray. Many do interact very well with the earth energies divine, and it is all of accord.

There is no 'right' or 'wrong' we say. All make their way, their journey as they see fit. Others, more astute perhaps remember their journey, why they are here and the experiences they choose to undergo follow another way. They will be the ones who benefit most from the incoming energies for they will work with them and gain by this.

Many avenues are to open up toward your heritage but there is a vastness beyond your present comprehension that is to unfold before your eyes. Life, as you know it, to now, will no longer exist for you for it will not hold your interest and so you will seek out other avenues to behold.

Life no longer existing for us? Have we moved on in some way? It would be helpful if you were more specific with your answers.

Yes, life (here, on Earth?) we feel will not hold the same attractions as it did before. You will be sharing this planet with strangers is a way of stating our facts for you will not resonate to them and by this way will no longer hold the same interests as before.

So, we will still see them? People will not become invisible to our sight because we don't resonate to them.

No, that won't be the way. There is a misconception amongst many of your kind as to what will eventuate.

We do not see it the way you prophesize. It will be more of an attachment. Where now you share interests in many things upon your earth plane, these will no longer hold sway with you. It is as if they are now child's toys and you have grown beyond them all.


So, what will we do that will interest us and if things are going to be banal to us why would we bother incarnating here at all when there is so many other realities to investigate?

No, we are not meaning to state it will become banal to you all. Earth is a beautiful place and has much to offer incoming souls. The attraction, we feel, will always take place but what you choose to investigate, to experience will change. You will undergo more of a rarefication of your needs as your intellect expands and you become more interested in things that perhaps you are (now) unaware of. It will herald in another way of looking at life and the beauty of all.

What do you suggest is the best way for us to be receptive to the Vortex of Sirius or any other incoming energy?

Be aware they are available to you all. Be aware and in being aware you open yourself up to what is available for you all. You can then gain the benefits of the shifting energies as each one heralds in another form, way of being. Start to accept that strangeness, anomalies to your sight are more than imagination and this will open up your radius, perceptions even more to oblige with it all.

We feel you have gained an understanding of what transpired and what eventualities will flow your way.

Many more are to be perceived and we suggest you open yourself to your greatness and absorb what is offered, available to you at any time.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day.

Thank you.


Assistance Past a Transition.

Everything that I've ever done

that ultimately was worthwhile...

initially scared me to death.

Author Unknown


I would like to mention another experience that might be relevant to what we have discussed. I also share it with readers so that if they are experiencing new or strange events, they may gain a better understanding of what is transpiring.

Then we follow your lead.

What happened today has been experienced before, on my birthday some time ago and another time when in a group meditation. I am aware that some psychic experiences can happen any time and come suddenly, without warning and lasts a mere matter of seconds, if that long.

What I experienced at these times is not a fainting spell but like with a fainting spell my body becomes very heavy and it feel as if I am falling forward very fast into a black hole of nothingness. As this unpleasant experience has happened before it would be helpful to know what happens at these times and why they happen at all.

You are, at these times, undergoing changes and are not to be concerned about them. It is a way of you progressing past other experiences that have been your emotional undoing. You are, at these times extending your equilibrium, consciousness to other avenues you have yet to understand and experience. We are there at these times assisting you past 'a transition', so to say. At these times we are ever present to guide you your way forward.

You understand what we are saying for it is (now) activating, bringing into your awareness faint memories of what transpired. You have not yet attained the understanding, knowledge to allow them to consciously be coming to the fore but this will change, and you will understand what you sought and experienced was achieved at these times.

Are you referring to going past other dimensions interweaving this third dimension; ones occasionally visited?

Yes, it is the way. Those dimensions you have learned to access are of a different vibratory way to those we assisted you with. You are now able to fixate, grow, go past these mentioned. You will be able to access elements there that are not of this vibratory way and will need newer avenues of aptitude, ways of learning and accessing them.

If I have not yet learned to control and master this dimension's energies what you are mentioning may be wasted until there is the knowledge of what is required here first.

No, it is not the way. Again, you are thinking linear, and it is not so. There is a vast array of opportunities for you all to access whilst upon this third dimensional plane. You (all?) see only what your five senses allow you to see and while you have chosen this way to be and while it suits you well here, you have disassociated, cut yourself off from much of what else you are attaining whilst here upon this level divine.

You are all masters as we have stated, learning different ways to access and be. You are limiting yourself when you see only what is here. You are all far, far greater than you see upon you now. It serves you well to remember your calling, what you be when you find yourself despondent and seemingly without recourse and friendships.


We leave you now with cheer. The incoming energies are opening up avenues you have blinkered from your sight. They also offer opportunities for you to gain from other avenues that will bring you comfort and joy.

Much learning, (to be achieved?) much to gain in the times ahead.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, finished for today and take our leave.

Thank you.


A Change to all Physical Shapes.

How wonderful it is

that nobody need wait a single moment

before starting to improve the world.

Anne Frank


When we first started communicating you suggested that whatever information was given and seemed at the time to be unbelievable it was not to be dismissed out of hand because further knowledge would enhance our understanding and made the topic acceptable and believable to us. As an example, how we are creators and cannot do anything else but create. You explained how our thoughts are creating thought-forms and those thought-forms go off to live independent lives to us, their creator.

You informed us about the unseen energies that are attracted to us by our uncontrolled thinking, and which feed off our energy where they can incite us to more uncontrolled thinking and be a more energy food source for them. That we also serve as energy batteries for other species is a salient lesson for us all. All questions asked were answered and that topic is now understandable to us.

I now refer to another conversation we had when you explained that part of our developmental choices upon this third dimension was to learn to master or control the elements here. Our physical body is part of the elements.

You mentioned that as part of this learning we would be going beyond astral travel, OOB to something quite different. I would like our discussion for today to follow that topic.

Then we follow your way.

The ascended masters who had mastered the elements here on this dominion were able to reconstruct a physical body as they required. From what you are saying we will be reconstructing a body but doing it differently to the masters. Why would that be?

Because you have not learned how to re-fragment yourself, body, in the same way. You come and go now; of this you are aware. However, what is required by the changing 'new you' will require another way of existence. One you have yet to set yourself, your feet upon. You are now learning the way.

And will that happen automatically to all as the incoming energies increase?

It is possible that not all will choose to be, go that way and they will stay with the old until their demise, termination is here.

So, we have choices?

Yes, it is so.

The subject matter and ability is not a new one and there is information on the Internet for anyone to research should they choose. My research information comes from two books: a 1962 edition, 'St Germain on Alchemy' as written by Mark and Claire Prophet and 'Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East'








masters/patge17/mode/2up (Free copies of books one to five can be obtained at this site). By the dates of the books the topic is not a new one and for clarification on the subject we could make that our discussion for today.

We accept your choices of what is your designated way of understanding.


Thank you. The ones recorded in the books were not as we; the majority of humanity is now. Those people discussed were fit and healthy where many of us now are overweight, unfit and if we can believe our media on the subject are being poisoned by the food we eat.

It may be all you state but as we state it is to change as more inflow of energy divine brings about a change to all physical shapes upon this planet divine. It cannot be any other way. We inform you of your magnificence and what is to come for you all.

It will be 'a time' as you say, and much will go by the board as you start (going) more into your metamorphosis, but the change is already underway. Many of you now are already becoming lighter in being. We do not mean to float away as you may perceive. We are speaking of atomic structure is the way.

You are going through your shifts of energy as you are harmonizing, changing. As the rest of the understanding goes the way you are taking on a resonance of kind, one that will change the way you see and understand what is about for you. As this becomes more with the (in?) flow, you will consciously see events taking place; events that now are not a part of your understanding but with it comes the dawning of a new day, a new concept and a 'new you' so to say will change all you see now as normal for you.

That sounds wonderful but our present bodies may still not be the healthiest and are not up to these changes.

Many now may be in poor health, perhaps old, feeble and their 'owners' are taking prescription drugs to keep them going while many others are living less than a healthy lifestyle. I understand it is all self-inflicted but that is the reality of life for many now domiciled here.

All are living as they see fits their lifestyle. All are gaining in their own way. If it were not so they would quit their body or change the way they treat it.

It is not some pie in the sky event that will take centuries to eventuate. As the needs arise all will feel the incoming events as they occur. You are not strangers to various events, participations where the whole of your lifestyle is changing. It is the way it needs to be for your metamorphosis to eventuate. You are as the chicken inside the egg. You cannot stop what is meant to be and you are here at this chosen time to take part in the events as they unfold.

The ascended masters are called ascended masters because they had learned to control all the elements here and can reconstruct a body out of the atmosphere to suit, to appear and converse with souls in a physical body.

Yes, it is the way.

You have mentioned we have not learned the ability as yet so we will take our constructed physical body with us wherever we choose to be.

It cannot be any other way. You will have passed the need for the creation of a body from 'birth to grave' so to say. You will have transcended that way of creation and will go forth with what you have already constructed and is at hand.

And this is all while we are still on this third dimension?

It may be the way. It is up to you to choose what best suits your needs. You may choose to say here if it appeals to you. Or you may find other endeavors, ways, that are better suited to the 'new you' so to say.

And will the Earth be as it is now?


No, it is also going through its metamorphosis as are all the planets in the firmament. Much will have changed but for your experiences (here on Earth?), should you choose to be, go that way; it will suit you well for you will make it be the way.

I don't mean to sound disrespectful and sceptical but believe others, like me, will also require more information on what you are saying so will continue with our discussion when next we communicate.

Then it shall be the way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, finished for today.

Thank you.


Regenerating Your Body.

The real question is not whether life exists after death.

The real question is if you are alive before death.



A friend maintained that when he finished life here, he was taking his physical body with him. At the time and perhaps in my ignorance I laughed and asked him why would you bother? He was already a senior with various health problems, so it did not seem a good idea to me. However, I think what you are stating is different to this. You are meaning now, while we still inhabit a physical body and not when we have transitioned from it in death.

Yes, it is so. Whilever you are transposed here in mortal flesh the ability has denied you. Now you are at the stage of looking at ways of transitioning to other levels while still inhabiting a physical body. The influx of new avenues beyond your present recall will make it evident to you that they can be accessed while upon you, this third dominion.

Don't the other realities vibrate to different harmonies?

Yes, it is the way, but we tell you now it will be coming available to you all. All who choose to go, investigate this way. It is in the ether now, the ability, the need and the accessing to be.

Toward the end of Book One you mentioned that we would no longer need physical bodies and many of us would choose to stay behind as unseen support helpers to the new energies coming onto planet Earth. Now you are stating that because of the metamorphosis we are undergoing and the newer incoming energies some of us will choose to keep our physical body whilst on this dimension. The two, to my mind, are incompatible and I would appreciate clarification on the subject.

We can indeed be informers of the new conditioning that is to be for all who chose to abide here in whatever form; whichever way they see suits their needs. There is no redress to what we have said. It is so that some will choose to stay here on this dimension and work with uninformed energies and encourage, bring them closer to their inheritance. It is also so that many will choose to go to other fields; avenues to suit better their needs.

We are stating that those who choose to enliven their way, their continuation upon this dimension; who are of the mind to go the way of the master teachers and reconstruct from the energies that are here; to create, reformat a physical body to suit their needs will undergo a 'relearning' so to say. They will be formatting from the atmosphere but first they need to learn the ability, how to achieve this feat.

To achieve this will be 'a protocol' so to say where they will be structuring, creating form that already exists their way. They have resolved for themselves how to achieve permanence in a physical body and can take it with them through the centuries if that is their way.

They first need to be able to control that ability and we are stated many are going that way. With the influx of energy is a portion where it will enhance the ability that was previously not the way of the 'average'

person as you say. Now the ability is coming to the fore for all who choose to be and go this way.

Are we also to learn how to regenerate the body we have?

It is to be the way. Participants will choose, change what is their physical vehicle to suit their needs. You spoke of those who are already infirm and in ill health. We show you another way. You will be reharmonizing, out of the atmosphere, as part of your mastership, the way your needs require.


Your desire will be to harmonize, work with what is at hand. You will progress to manipulating the physical earth energies to your desires. As you have the ability you will transcend the nature world of desires and be as the ones you call ascended masters for your accomplishments will make you so.

So, those of us who have less than healthy bodies will be able to change them to suit?

No, that is not the way. They will be able to change what suits when they learn the way. Before that can be accomplished is a reckoning, a need to be how they choose to be. They cannot just 'poof' and it comes to form. It will take effort on a person's part for them to achieve their aim. It is part of the learning process; to occupy themselves with manipulating their desires; to harmonize and be 'as one' so to say with the earth elements is the way.

And what about those that are now infirm? How much time do they have before their physical body breaks down and they transition to their next level of learning?

It is up to the individual soul what their needs, their abilities require. Not all will go this way. We are speaking, pointing the way to those who choose to be this way with this. It is not a fait accompli that it can be accomplished all the while.

You mentioned to be as one with the earth energies. Please explain what you mean by that statement.

We mean that you will understand from your efforts that all is one and it cannot be any other way. You will be seeing and treating them, the earth energies divine as your 'brothers' so to say. To give them the credence they deserve as they work away fulfilling theirs and your needs upon this domain. You are enriching their abilities while you enrich your own learning. It is the way to be.

Jesus said belief was important and many times spoke of if we believed, truly believed something we would make it come to pass.

Yes, that is so. Your belief is paramount to your achieving your abilities and aims.

You have mentioned that we will be seeing and treating the earth elements as 'brothers' and giving them the credence, they deserve. I gained the impression that we would no longer be working with the earth energies.

You did state that the earth elemental overseer would be moving on.

Yes, he has his way to his magnificence as you have yours. You will be magnetizing the earth elements that are always here, 'at hand', so to say. There will be no intermediary for you will have attained the knowledge of what is required to draw from 'the atmosphere', so to say, your desires and needs. You will have the ability and understand what is required to provide all your requirements whilst upon this plane divine.

I will finish now and read back our notes for today.

Then we leave you to be. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are finished for today.

Thank you.


On Fashioning a Body.

Knowing yourself

is the beginning of all wisdom.



Possibly because it has never been mentioned before there are still problems understanding how we reconstruct a body. You have explained how we do it now before inception with the help of the earth elemental, but he is to go on to his greener pastures of learning. There appears to be a gap in the time from when we need his help and when we have learned to reconstruct a body to suit our needs.

Yes, that is the way. You already have the tools, the construction at hand. You only need to fashion it again to suit your needs at present.

The ascended masters stuck to the one format of a body familiar to them and to us. Will we be following the same format?

It can be as you choose. You will seed the desires into reality, and it will come to be.

And this is because of the incoming energies assisting here?

It may be the way. You will have learned, developed whatever it is you require for the 'new you' so to say.

The reality though is it is still 'you'. No changes to what you be; just your covering 'dusted up, spruced up' as you say. You will then change your desires to suit whichever way you choose to be.

We are being educated to believe that there are too many of us, humanity here for the sustainability of the planet and it would be better if three quarters of the population were no longer here. If, at some stage, we have all learned how to reconstruct our body and do so there will still be this perceived glut of people.

No, we do not see it like that at all. We understand there is concern that the world as you see it to be is running out of food and supplies, but we are 'advanced enough along the way' so to say to be able to fill you in with the knowledge that it is not so. You are not running out of your supplies nor is there a glut of humanity at present. What you are seeing is manipulation of your kind who do not know any better and who follow the herd mentality.

We have a lot of people on this planet, and many are in dire circumstances in their life.

Have we not told you of no accidents? Have we not explained that what is seen to be is brought in by each soul seeking to attain some knowledge previously unavailable to them? It is the way it is and, if as you say, there is to be a demise of many of your population it will because they have chosen that way to be.

Well, let's say that something catastrophic happens and much of the world's population pass on to other avenues. Because what happened was catastrophic, we can assume it was deleterious to our body and we are now mangle messes. How does that go with what you have said with restructuring our body?

You will have gained the knowledge that will make it convenient for you to reorganize your thoughts that will then magnetize to you from out of 'the atmosphere' as you say, what is required to become 'you' again. You will personify yourself as you choose to be.

Recall we said that you will have the technique, the expertise because of the incoming energies that has not been previously available to your kind before; this incoming swell of energy divine. And make no mistake, as it comes in in the proper way it will be felt as a swell and your metamorphosis will be well and truly underway where you can feel and understand what is available your way.


It is not 'pie-in-the-sky' as you say. We are explaining to you what is to be. Will it be advantageous to you as you are now? No, we don't believe it will be the way.

Then what will bring about the change so that everyone affected, all, will be able to use whatever is available for your kind; to start to see and manipulate your desires for a fruitfulness of living that has not been your way before? You will firstly start to see things, events you wished for become your reality because you will be working with the incoming energies and manipulating them to your desires. You will have a better understanding of the manipulation of the plasticity of the reality of this existence you are presently in.

You will use this newfound ability to create how you choose to be.

We have explained that at its inception it will prove difficult for you for this in unknown territory you will be accessing. It can be thought along the way of a child, infant, learning to walk and talk.

Like the child you will persevere with this 'new toy' the power you gain by your efforts. Again, like the child, once you 'get the hang of it' as you say, like the child, you will reach out and encompass more knowledge for your advancement and gain. Once you gain the knowledge it will be your decision which way you choose to be.

We feel we have enlightened you to your question and will finish now. Peace and blessings go to one and all.

We are finished for today.

Thank you.


New Beginnings and Directions.

The only source of knowledge

is experience.

Albert Einstein


Just as a brief recap: you have mentioned that we, as a group of souls, decided to take advantage of the changing energies and all they offered as we transitioned from one epoch to the next. These incoming epoch energies had not been previously available to be experienced and learned from.

Yes, it is the way.

You also mentioned that we, as a group had choices; to move on to other levels to investigate or opt to stay here and help incoming energies, those unfamiliar with the energies that are on this dimension.

Yes, it is so. Not all will choose to move to 'greener pastures, fields' so to say. Many will decide to continue on here encouraging those others who have not trod this way before.

You have also stated that we will be without a body form.

Yes, no redress here.

How does this relate to what you are now stating that we can take our body with us presumably as a physical body or be without a body whilst here?

It is still one and the same. What you decide you will accommodate yourself with.

Please enlarge your teaching on this topic.

You have options, always there are options you set up for yourself. It is up to you to decide what best suits your needs. You can transpire here and be of assistance to those in need of advice and guidance on their way, journey. Or you can quit this area permanently if it no longer suits your needs. It all depends on your desires, what you choose.

Jesus, Buddha, Confucius and the other advanced teachers were guiding lights while in their physical bodies and then later, when they had finished their teachings on this dimension, they continued on in bodies they reconstructed as required for their needs. They were able to achieve this feat because of their complete knowledge of how the atoms and such are here and how to manipulate them.

Yes, it is the way. They have complete dominion, understanding of all that is here and the knowledge of how to take advantage of what can be to work their 'magic' so to say. To bring to light their knowledge requires a body of light. One that is able to transcend this physical realm by activating the atoms, the power that is here to be used as is desired.

Are these learned masters still here helping humanity?

Yes, it is so. They bridge many avenues, ways for their accomplishments. You are all going the same way.

You have not yet reached your pinnacle of success of controlling the natural flow of energies here and it is part of your challenge to be, go this way.

I do understand what you are stating about our challenge of learning to control the natural flow of energies that are here. I still am at a loss to know why we need to take a physical body with us. I do know though from reading about it that there are others who, over the centuries, have done this.


One that comes to mind is Count Saint Germain. There is evidence that he was around in the courts of France in the late sixteen and seventeen century and is said to have communicated in the twentieth century with Edgar Cayce and others. For all we know he could still be in his physical body.

We understand your frustration at not knowing how this was achieved but tell you now, it is available to many of you if you have your belief that it can be done, achieved.

Is it that Saint Germain needed his physical body because he hadn't attained the ability that the ascended masters had attained? However, he was able to transcend time and space because he had learned how to do so and so it didn't exist for him as it does for us.