In Search of Reality Book Two by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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Yes, that is the way. It was achievable because of his belief and knowledge that all space and time as you see it to be does not exist in the reality of life. He could then move in whichever way suited his needs.

He was also said not to age. Is that something to do with belief?

It may be the way. We are enlightening you, giving you an overview of what transpires once you become more enlightened to what is available to your needs. You need faith and the understanding that all can be, come your way if you give yourself the credibility that is can be and is part of you lesson and your birthright to be and go this way. You will then have removed the blinkers from your sight and will stand tall in your glory; mastership of all upon this domain.

We feel we have given you something to think about and to work towards in a more enlightened way.

We leave now. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, finished for today.

Thank you.


Part Nine.

Charting New Territory.

'You are at a particular precipice

where you're about to step into a life

you have never experienced before.

You are about to step into the years of your life

of uncharted territory'



You have mentioned that in future we, as soul beings, prior to incarnating here will no longer have the need to create an anchoring physical body as we do now. Is that correct?

Yes, it is the way it will be for you all. None of you will go through the (present?) process of magnetizing whatever is required here to keep you functioning as you see fit. All will choose another way which will be to construct out of the elements what you require. You will then use this apparatus, this functioning machine to give you the impetus, the needs you require to serve you as you see fit.

And will we still be working with the earth elemental energy?

No, not as you do now. It has served you well in your present incarnation and will go another way.

You have mentioned it is only possible because of the incoming energies making it possible and, as Lazarus has said in the above chosen quote, 'you are at a particular precipice where you're about to step into a life you have never experienced before. You are about to step into the years of your life of uncharted territory'.

You have mentioned we will no longer go from birth to grave as we do now.

It is the way it will be for all.

Then when and how does this come about? Is it gradual? What happens during the transition from the old to the new?

It will be gradual because there are many who are not ready for the change. It will come about to those who are ready to encompass the newer influx of energy divine.

If we won't be incarnating in the way we do now, we will have to have the knowledge and ability to construct a physical body as required. I can only imagine that we will all choose to be handsome, attractive or have outstanding abilities in some way.

It cannot be as you state for you will be leaning from 'the ground up' so to say of what is required to contain the energies you desire. It is not a fait accompli that you will bring to yourself the structure, body that you desire. It will be 'work in progress' as you say, and you understand more of what is available to you to function with on this dominion.

In the newer way?

Yes, much to be learned with the restructuring, creating the new form for your advancement.


You have mentioned that 'consciousness is fluid and with the right connections, the right harmonies it becomes irrelevant to where you exist as you move, as a consciousness throughout existences'.

Yes, that is the way.

Let us go back to square one of learning what is required with this new energy. We are as we are now, a soul being in a physical body.

Yes, no complaints with what you say.

Now what happens? Do we still finish our life here by terminating it and discarding the physical body that has outlived its usefulness?

It may be the way. Your faith will decide which way you will go next. You will have entered into a new way of seeing and of being....

Please excuse me for interrupting but it is not clear how this will be.

As you know and we have explained, you are about the come into your being, leadership is the way. The leadership we refer to is not controlling or guiding others although some will be and go that way. We are speaking of changing your concepts and bringing the knowledge 'firsthand' so to say out to the atmosphere.

What you need will be constructed for you by you because of this plasticity being manipulated to suit your needs as required by you at any way or stage of your game of life.

Will we be in spirit form? If that is the way, we will not be incarnated on this earth plane.

No, you are wrong with what you say. You will be here because it is where you are going to learn more of your grandness and how to manipulate the energies that are here on this dimension. You are gaining on the knowledge that will assist 'your kind' so to say but (also?) others we have mentioned that have not previously 'set foot' so to say upon this divinity.

We will have choices of having a body or not, but we will still be able to, if desired, reconstruct a body to suit our requirements.

It can be seen to be that way. You are already 'here', and you are already 'there but have not gone anywhere. Does what we say confuse you? We ask you to think on our answer. The information is there if you apply yourself.

Am I right in saying it is to do with spatiality and timelines? We will have transcended the notion of their existences and they will not exist for us.

That is the way we want you to understand. There is more here but we feel you are gaining the knowledge you need to take you further into yourself and what is required by you to fashion whatever sort of life suits your needs.

Earlier in our discussion you mentioned none of us will go through the magnetization process to function here as required. Your words were ' All will choose another way which will be to construct out of the elements what you require'. What is the difference you now speak about?

You will enter a new stage of the way the energies work on this dimension. Your learning way is now more fluid, malleable and you construct what you require from the energies at hand. What they are will depend on your learning aptitude for it will be learning mastership of your domain and it will not come easy.


It is again what you learn. To manipulate, have faith and gain upon this plane requires a different way of seeing reality, one that has not been presented before and your task is to set yourself in the right and proper way for your gainfulness.

The ascended masters are someplace 'here' and can see and hear all that is on this domain. Is that the way?

No, that is not the way. They are not here at your beck and call. They have their own needs, ways of gaining their mastership. Their reality is vastly different to what you will be working to achieve but it does flow, one to the other.

You mentioned that none of us will go the way that we do now. What about the laggards who may choose the other way?

They will recall their grandness and will make the change as required. It will not be that one or two are left behind. All have come in upon a particular 'energy wave' so to say and all will finish the same way.

I would like to finish now and read back our discussion notes. I am sure there will be many questions needing answers when next we communicate.

Then we leave you to your thoughts. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are finished for today.

Thank you.


Not an Impossible Task.

You may not need to try to change.

Just wait and it will happen.



When will we gain the expertise of moving beyond our present understanding and experience of timelines and spatiality?

We cannot say for each is an individual soul and finds their own way and needs. It will come to pass for (that?) the majority sees a different way with time first. It will be more of a bending of time that you see where you are able to adjust what has occurred in your reality.

Each will have their own way of seeing and manipulating but all will find that time as it seems to be is existential, a changing format that can be manipulated, changed to suit. As you work with the energies at hand you will notice it all goes how you feel suits your needs now with the' newer you' gaining the understanding.

This may seem trite but what about events such as appointments? How will they work? Some people are notoriously unreliable with keeping appointments, what happens at these times?

All will be accommodated at call.

As you answered my question, I was remembering how different unseen energies know of these gatherings between us all. I think you said a memorandum of understanding goes out into the atmosphere and those interested attend.

Yes, you recall what was said. It is indeed so that a memorandum of understanding goes into the atmosphere and attracts souls interested in the topic at hand, even to your mind, the topic has not been formulated to be discussed.

And this is what will happen with us, humanity? It will be like a thought, a wavelength in the atmosphere that is picked up by the relevant person.

It may be the way. We cannot speak for which way each will receive their calling, 'notice' so to say. Each may choose various ways of understanding what is called to their attention. It is not like it is now where your understanding, receiving knowledge is by your five senses. You will have passed beyond the needs of this way.

Other expertise unknown to you, present you, will have replaced your five senses recall and you will function upon a different energy wave of knowledge and understanding. The' new you' will decree it to be so.

St Germain, as well as others, were said to be able to move through what we now see and understand as space and time. Would we be able to go back in time as we see it now and change events to suit our present understanding?

No, that will not be so, the way. Your concept of going back is flawed and not the way. You have it now as a reality of space and time, but it is not existential, as is. All events are happening at 'the one time' as you say so there is no possibility of going back anywhere.


My mind is still thinking with spatiality and timelines because that has always been our perception of reality.

In one of our discussions, I spoke of reality being able to be understood as a frame in a film. Only what was able to be seen, the one frame, was existence.

Yes, it can be understood to be that way.

Then how was St Germain and possibly others able to appear in different places and timelines?

It cannot be as you state. They did not appear; go back in time for it does not exist. What was achieved was transposing themselves into different realities that also exist all the while.

Are you referring to probabilities?

No, we do not go that way. Again, you are getting yourself confused. It is not as you say. We have explained how reality is fluid and can be or seen to be as different to other souls.

So I don't get myself even further confused I will finish now and read back our discussion notes for today.

Then we go. Peace be upon you all, now and forevermore.

Thank you.


A Natural Progression.

There are two possibilities:

accept the reality

or change yourself

to get ready

to accept the reality.

Author Unknown.


I am interested to learn how St Germain and possibly others are able to appear in different places and timelines. Your answer when asked was, in part, ' What was achieved was transposing themselves into different realities that also exist all the while'. As this is unclear but sounds interesting it would be helpful to understand more of what you mean.

Then we follow that way. It is a merging of energy that moves them to different existences as is their way.

They are able to 'come and go' as you say with no untoward action on their part because it is a natural progression they adopt of moving from one reality to the other. It is a change of concept. Where they merge what was with what is.

That sounds like past and present, but do we have a past as we see and understand? We have memories of something that happened so it may be but what about my one frame of a film analogy where only the present exists? You accepted that analogy so how does what you are saying fit with that concept?

'Very well' as you say. It is still one and the same. What you are seeing and understanding is little to do with reality per se. It is a change of concept, an illusion. A shadow and a frame are the same because they come from the one existence but magnify in different ways. They are one and the same side of the coin but are seen to be different. It is not the way.

How does this relate to transposing themselves into different realities that exist all the time?

They change their concept of reality, and it becomes so, the 'newer' so to say reality. It is a change of concept that brings it about. As you all have brought to bear what you chose as your reality it is the way. The advantage, if you chose to see it that way, follows for them that they don't aspire to flowing with the thought stream you have acquired. They know of another way, a way that makes it possible for them to bring in the

'correct' atomic structures they require.

They do it by releasing whatever the attraction that works with the energies that are present at any 'place and time' so to say. This activates the elementals in a particular frame of life, and they merge in in that way.

That sounds like suspended animation, something waiting to be activated by the right conditions or ways.

No, we do not go that way. Nothing is inert is the way.

Then they must be able to come and go like the ascended masters.

It is believable in this way. We come back to your perception of linear timelines. They do not exist in the true frame of reality. What you are seeing and understanding is there for your reality, what you see exists. It may be difficult for you to comprehend that all are activated, happening at the onetime yet without what you see as space and time.

It sounds like lives are all happening one on top of the other and St Germain and others are able to attract and attach to themselves whatever is their desire. One of top of the other can't be right though because again, that denotes spatiality.


You are going the right way but need to extend your thinking to other realms, ways of seeing.

Albert Einstein is remarked, 'Time and space are not conditions in which we live' . He, like you, states that everything is energy, and he goes on to say that if we match the frequency of the reality wanted then we cannot help but get that reality. In his opinion it cannot be any other way. Is that what you are meaning with your answer? St Germain, the ascended masters and others are able to change, go to another reality by changing their frequency?

We do not denigrate what your Albert Einstein has to say but it is a little more than what is stated that is required. It is a change of consciousness, but it needs to flow to the activity required for whatever is desired to transpire.

Please explain what you mean.

We are able to come and go, to change our perceptions as others do while at the while we have not gone anywhere and we 'strut' so to say all realities we are active in.

We do not go from one to the other. We are in all at the 'onetime' as you say. We function on all as of accord with our desires because we have the understanding, the knowledge of what is required.

That was what you were explaining when you said you were here and there but had not gone anywhere?

It starts to have you thinking of what is required. We seek to have you understand that you are quite able and capable of achieving the same objectives. You are not limited in any way except by your perceptions. You, like us, have it all. We have chosen not to go the way you have decided for your growth pattern divine. We go another way. You are introducing to yourself what it is like to be in a physical body. We choose not to be or go that way.

We can understand, comprehend your reasons for your change of format; to go into a physical frame. You will gain much knowledge on different ways we will not be experiencing, not privy to them in the full way.

We understand and congratulate you on your challenges for they are numerous and many fall by the way in the challenges. They (the challenges?) are unknown before inception as is the drag, the magnetization that the earth plane has to offer. Many do not achieve their purpose as they set out for it to be. Many will be achieving in other ways, but their soul purpose will be lost for 'this time' as you say.

And does that matter?

Not as you understand it to be. They will format; go on to other endeavors in their quests for attainment, mastery of all the dominions they see to be. They will be accorded much knowledge and gain much experience as is their way.

I will finish now and read back our discussion for today.

Then we go our way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are gone, done for today.

Thank you.


Bending Time.

For there is never anything but the present,

and if one cannot live there,

one cannot live anywhere.

Alan Watts.


I would like to continue our discussion on when we would gain the expertise of moving beyond our present understanding and experience of timelines and spatiality. Your answer was that each is an individual soul and will find their own way and needs. You added that the majority will see a different way with time first.

' It will be more of a bending of time that you see where you are able to adjust what has occurred in your reality'.

You went on to further explain ' Each will have their own way of seeing and manipulating but all will find that time as it seems to be is existential, a changing format that can be manipulated, changed to suit. As you work with the energies at hand you will notice it all goes how you feel suits your needs now with the 'newer you' gaining the understanding'. I would appreciate more information on that topic. How, for example, are we able to bend time to adjust what has occurred in our reality?

It is the way that what you see as your reality is flawed and is able to be constructed again from the essence, the reality that exists here upon this domain. Your changing viewpoint will make it necessary for you to change what your previous concepts were and make available what is now achievable with what you have found is more malleable to your needs.

How will what you state be achieved? How, for example, will our changing viewpoints make it necessary to change our previous viewpoints and how will it be possible to change those viewpoints to make them more malleable to our needs?

It is so that what you see is your present reality is a construct of your mind and is not necessarily what was achieved as you see and understand it to be.

Please explain what you mean.

You are enmeshed in a reality, world of emotions and they are your present undoing for (uncontrolled?) they manipulate and have you see and understand a reality that does not exist in what you would term, 'in the true sense of the word'.

And is this why you are educating us to the enormity of our undertaking while incarnated here and why you have been explaining the importance of why we need to control our thoughts?

It is partly the way we explain. You are developing in many other ways whilst upon this dimension but what you say relating to your thoughts, thinking pattern, is important for you to understand for it influences your existence here. It determines your perception of your reality, what you see. It does not hinge upon the reality of existence per se but brings in whatever way you decide your emotions dictate and the functions of what will be.

We have previously mentioned how several people can witness a car accident and each person has a different viewpoint on what transpired and how the emotions of each person will influence what was seen. For example, a mother may think of how it could have been her son or daughter involved in the accident and her emotions would have her see reality from that slant.

Yes, what you say is so. It is how the person feels how it relates to themself that influences what they see and how it affects their present reality. If it disturbs or distresses them, it will influence what else occurs during their day.


They have the ability to dwell upon the event and attract others from out of the elements to enhance the emotions for what you term 'good' or 'bad'. Each person will have their own view on what transpired relating to them yet what occurred may not have existed as was noted.

Please explain what you mean by that statement.

All have had 'a hand' so to say in bringing into formation what transpired. Each one had a way of understanding, of going forward with the knowledge gained. The participants may have appeared to be unknown to each other yet each one benefited in some way because each one did have a hand, an influence from conjuring out of the atmosphere what transpired. They sought to gain in some way and each one was instrumental in bringing it into being.

You also mentioned ' It will be more of a bending of time that you see where you are able to adjust what has occurred in your reality'. We can't go back in time because you have stated the past as we understand it to be does not exist. As your comment is not clear it would be appreciated if you enlarged upon it. Are we changing our perception of events?

We cannot say how you will change your perception of reality but understand that as other events unfold and come to the fore what you thought of as reality, what happened, may take a change; for the better for some; not the same way for others. It will depend on how you choose to evaluate, remember events as they unfold(ed?).

Then let's go back to something the whole world was involved in. I refer to our two world wars and I'll be more specific and speak of the most recent that had such an impact on our world's reality; World War Two.

That happened. Can we agree on that taking place?

Indeed, we can see it as transpiring but now there has been a new slant, way of understanding and with it, for those who choose to be, go this way, is a change of perception of events. That what was relayed as occurring for some was that way. For others was another way of perception of seeing.

How is this bending time and adjusting what occurred in our reality?

You have changed your perception, and this has now brought about a bending, a way of seeing what transpired from a different level.

Please explain what you mean.

As you have emotionally matured your understanding has expanded and what took place is vastly different to what you perceived led to the events. You gained 'a better viewpoint' so to say and understood more of what was in alignment of all.

You understood that events such as these, unpalatable to your sight, are sometimes necessary to bring to the fore other needs that overplay, surpass what was. Those involved in the activities that took place knew on a better level what was to transpire, and many were here on this dimension for such an event to extend their understanding and learning. It was horrendous for some and beneficial for others.

What you have just mentioned is not quite clear so I would appreciate a further explanation.

Then we choose another way of instructing you. We have educated you to understand there are no accidents and all that transpires in any event is brought about, into the reality, of the participants.

Because we create our reality?


Yes, it is the way. Many of you instigate your reality in 'comradeship' so to say, with the needs of all participating. We cannot see it any other way for you to understand our wording. Momentous, to you, events are brought about for all to learn in some way.

No event 'just happens' even though in some ways it may appear to be that way. All are instigated as the needs and desires of the participants want for the way to be. Each involved had a hand it what transpired, and it cannot be any other way. They would not have participated, be eventful (involved?) in their way if they had not had some desire, something they chose to learn to be their way.

From our point of view, it may be a hard way to learn. Some involved were left homeless, stateless and with health issues that affected them for the rest of their life. But, as you have stated on several occasions, there are no accidents and all who were involved in whatever way were creating their reality, what they chose to learn for the events as they unfolded.

Yes, it is the way. We feel we have assisted you in understanding more of your reality, your part in events as they unfold. Even now there are events that are out of sight but 'just around the corner' as you say. All is instigated, brought in for your learning creativity. That is the way.

We leave you now with thoughts of cheer. You are not under the thumb of any instigator of realities. You are the master creator of your own reality, and it behoves you to understand and change what you see no longer suits your needs. Be confident in the role you play in your own stewardship of events as they unfold.

We wish you peace and joy. We go now.

Thank you.


Changing Brainwaves.

Its' a philosophy of life. A practice.

If you do this, something will change.

What will change is that you will change,

your life will change,

and if you can change you,

you can perhaps change the world.

Vivienne Westwood.


All events are happening at 'the one time' as you say so there is no possibility of going back anywhere.

That is so.

You have said that there is never a glut, never a shortage of energy consciousness.

Yes, that is the way.

Because time does not exist in the reality of existence can our predecessors, should they choose, avail themselves of the incoming energies? Would they be able to restructure the body they existed in at their era?

Might we see a Caesar or someone else known to us from history appear?

We cannot say how a soul would choose to materialize should it be their way. We cannot speak for individual souls only to say that should they choose it is possible they will format their body in the familiar way.

You are failing to grasp the concept that what is required for a soul will be made available for that soul by them. It is irrelevant when they previously existed for now what is to be will be, there for all to take advantage of should they choose to be or go that way.

I am sure that everyone will have experienced the loss of a member of their family or of friends who no longer exist here. If they choose to and have the aptitude to do so, would any of those family members or friends be able to reconstruct their physical body to how it once was at whatever stage they choose it to be?

Yes, it is so, the way.

Would we be able to physically meet them at some stage while on this dimension?

You will have developed your abilities and understanding so that should you reconnect with those you love who are now once more in the physical, you will understand and oblige them well.

We already have a body in other realities we also exist in. We can, do have the ability to take it off and pick it up again whenever we need it. Is that what we are learning to do with our physical body here?

You are changing your perceptions of what can and can't be. When you gain the understanding, it will make it easier for you to come and go as you do now but until now have hidden it from your sight.

You have mentioned that we are already becoming lighter in being. You have also stated that our body is changing, as it goes through its metamorphosis. We have been cautioned about our electrical devices such as cell phones, Wi-Fi and other technology and how they are affecting and changing our brain patterns. Is this what you are referring to?

No, we do not go that way. Those are self-inflicted activities that will be changing your way. We speak of a different effect that is brought about by the changing energies that are always in the atmosphere. They will 140

bring about more of an understanding, a compliance of what is about and available for you to manipulate should your desire be that way. They herald in advances you have yet to unfold and learn. It will be a time of reckoning for many as they go through their understanding of what can be sought, understood and learned from.

It is a sifting time, we say. Many will not avail themselves of the opportunities that will unfold, be their way.

Others will understand and grasp their advancement opportunities.

You have mentioned we will all be like the chicken inside the egg, and we cannot stop what is meant to be.

Yes, it is so but not all will take advantage of what can be for their understanding and gainfulness. As you have now many who have the herd mentality, 'follow (like) the sheep' as you say, they will continue on the same way little understanding what opportunities await them should they take up their mantle and be, go that way.

They come to this existence with a purpose but alas, once here other attractions take sway, and they lose what was their aim in being here. Their time here is not lost to them for they gain in other ways.

I will finish now and read back our notes for today.

Then we leave you with peace and blessings (to) be the way. We finish now and go our way.

Thank you.


Reclaiming Our Birthright.

The privilege of a lifetime

is to become who you truly are.

Carl Jung


Are we replicating what we, as an energy or consciousness of souls did when we incarnated here at the beginning of this epoch we are leaving? We wanted to learn and understand those unfamiliar energies as we transitioned from one epoch, Pisces, to the next, in this case, said to be Aquarius.

Yes, it is the way. You are again extending your understanding of what can be achieved by you as you migrate from one 'epoch' as you say, to the next. All at that time was unfamiliar and you made inroads, strides of gaining what you sought. In doing so you brought your understanding and your world ahead in leaps and bounds.

You reached out into the unknown then as you are doing now and sought all you could gain to enhance your understanding of what was about and what you could achieve with your mind power. This brought in other avenues, and they opened up and showed you more you could achieve as you sought to understand and conquer what was unfamiliar territory to you then. It will be no different now.

You have told us we will be or are entering times unbelievable to our present understanding. Stupendous was one word you used. Perhaps something like those we first encountered when we, as a band of consciousness energy came here around the time of the last epoch?

It cannot be any other way. The information and gains you intend to be, what you are 'aiming for' so to say will not be here for some time. Meanwhile you are advancing yourself in other ways where you gain along another path divine.

Please explain what you mean by that comment.

It is time for you to shine, yes, to reclaim your birthright, but first there is some work to be done, that needs to be absolved for this to happen as you see fits the 'new' you. In some ways you are ahead of what you see is to be achieve; in some ways you are able to construct from the atmosphere, your desires.

Your desires 'this time round' as you say, will be working primarily with thoughts; completely understanding and manipulating your world as you see fits your needs. You will be more in alignment with what is available from the atmosphere and will be transcending what you do and see now.

Manual work is necessary for many of you for you have not learned as yet how to make it come to be without the sweat of your brow. You are moving away from this as well as the need for manufacturing goods. Your equipment you usher in will be all done by your mind. You will have gained the knowledge that all you can manipulate can transcend the workings you need now to bring about what you find suits your needs.

The way that we live, trade, monetary values all we are familiar with, how much of that is not going to change?

You will still have your modes of address; you will still live comfortably in your own domiciles if that is your way. You will, at the change of a thought bring about different ways of understanding what is required to advance yourself and your mode of living, of existence.

We now live by trade, monetary values that purchase our needs and desires. To stop commerce will stop most of what we presently have as a society.


Yes, it is the way, but your new way will dispense with the commerce as you see fits your needs at present. It is not the way and there is vast poverty that has not been addressed where many are falling by the way. You will be transposing to a more equitable way of living where none goes without.

It will do you well to recall the way justice is needed and served. It will be that way; justice for all as a human being in an existence of plenty. We say the way it will be for all (who?) will have learned how to manipulate, 'pull from the air' so to say all desires that fits their needs.

Are we moving into another dimension? One of the astral plains has what you are stating?

It may be the way. We can only tell you what is about, ahead for you all once you learn how to manipulate from the atmosphere what is already there.

And these incoming energies are making this possible?

Yes, that is the way.

Then what will we do all day? If we don't have to put any effort into working for a living because all comes to us by our thoughts, what achievements are there for us?

Your achievements will go another way. We have been conditioning you to understand that this dimension is one of many you exist in and there are much ahead for you to understand. You will still be here, ‘as a base', so to say because you have programmed your thinking to be this way. While here you are working with other energies; the earth elements that are here with you; you are gaining an understanding that all is complete.

There is nothing that does not exist here that does not gain from your input.

You will be more active in co-creating other existences here, on this domain. Those existences will need care; care from you as their creator. You will be learning the way of creators and your charges will be taught, instructed in the way of this dimension. The needs be will be provided in the instant by you, their creator.

How are we to be their creator? They are primitive energies as we once were. They should be able to think and do for themselves.

No, that will not be their way. They will be primitive in the way they be, are for they are creating for themselves all that is required to make a life for themself. You are guiding their way. As co-creator you have taken form to guide them for they see your ways and it uplifts them in several ways. They will revere you for that is the way that beings be and act accordingly. Your task is to get them on to their own 'two feet' as you say; to have them acknowledge their grandness and take them forward as they develop.

Your gain is to manipulate all the requirements they desire; to have them going in the right direction in the short term. Once all is going as of accord, they will have learned enough to take over the reins of their own development and can go from there.

You will be guiding lights for them to aspire to; to have seen the miraculous, to their needs, all that can be achieved in 'the wink of an eye' as you say. You will have learned to manipulate the solar winds, the needs of these elements and can follow in the wake of those you call 'ascended masters'. It will be the way.

Did I mishear you when you mentioned solar winds?

It is so that the solar winds have a vast influence upon this domain. They engender an 'added energy' so to say that is imperative for all here to feel its benefit. More so than the product that comes from your solar sun.

While we know and understand the benefits of the sun, we know nothing about the benefits of solar winds.


All will come to fruition, understanding as you go along. It is to be the way. Your scientists, men of learning, will make it be the way.

We finish now for the day. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for now.

Thank you.


Extending Perceptions.

Life is not a problem to be solved,

but a reality to be experienced.

Sonen Kienkegaand.


Earlier in one of our discussions when I was asking how do we go to other realities or dimensions and you stated 'You change concepts; ways of seeing things and with this change is a change of comprehension which brings about a change in energy. In other words, you go another way as your magnetization changes, and you move into another 'slot of existence' shall we say'. We would appreciate more information please.

You manipulate your energy field that magnetizes your desire, and you achieve it this way. You change your consciousness, ways of seeing and thinking (and?) that activates your desires. Your belief, understanding, takes another turn, way, and you have extended your perceptions past this reality and into another whilst you are still abiding here.

To say you grow another sense sounds fanciful and illusory, but it is the reality of what transpires at these times. It is opening your inner sight more in alignment of what is available to you on this nearby, very close in your terms reality.

We have different names for these very close realities that overlap and are existing concurrently to this third-dimension reality. Some of the names are astral, dimensions, domains, locals, subspace. Is there a singular, better name for these areas? What do you call them?

It is whatever suits you best for referral. We have no name for such areas. For us they are sorted by energy forces and we relate that way. We think of where we want to go, to be and we are there. You are working on the same 'project' as you say. You are achieving it concurrently as you work on other projects yet to be completed while you are here on this domain.

Where we presently are we have named the third dimension and presumably when we move to the next level it is the fourth dimension. Is that the way?

We cannot say for we do not identify any areas by numbers. You go where you are meant to be and you go there by your aptitude, what or where you chose to be. It is illogical to have you fixating on a number like it is a letter box directional way; an address you need to have fixed in your mind for you to be or go there. It is not the way. There are no such addresses to adhere to. What you do is use thought and your ability to achieve your destination aim at any place or time.

We think of where we want to be and go there, yet most of us have not yet achieved that success. In dreams we appear to go someplace but as we do not seem to have a clear direction, we just end up anywhere.

It may appear to be the way; that you lack conscious direction but something you chose to achieve has gotten you there. That you (now?) have no concept of what it is or why you are there is irrelevant to your intentions.

It may seem a silly dream but as there are no accidents some relevance has you there.

I don't remember consciously setting a destination. I was more like a will-o-the wisp that ended up someplace.

That can never be the way.

Then let's discuss this issue of the different dimensions and how we get there.

Then that shall be the way.


You have stated we don't go anywhere because we are already there and it is a change of perception or vibratory rate that has us see differently. And it is the same when we think we are experiencing an out-of-body, astral travelling, dreaming, and going to other realities; whatever else we do that has us think we go distances?

No complaints with what you say. The reality is you go nowhere for there is nowhere to go. You abide all the while at 'the one place' so to say. Your thoughts, imagination do the rest where you elevate yourself past your reality of existence.

I have never experienced the ability to be able to go to a certain locality in my dream state and I can't say if anyone else can either. Lucid dreamers can change events as they happen in their dreams, but I have never heard of them being able to go to a certain place before or as they dream. They may well do so. I am not familiar with it if they do.

I have read or heard where other out-of-body travellers have been to an unknown area, dimension, and met up with someone, perhaps a deceased relative, spiritual teacher, a friend or someone unfamiliar to them and not of this dominion. When, at a later date they would like to reconnect again they are never successful.

Why is that? If they could do it once, even if to them at the time it was accidental, why can't they do it again at will?

It may be the way that they try too hard, and it eludes their efforts in this way. It is 'a balancing act' so to say where the stream of consciousness emitted needs to be in harmony with whatever it is desired. If the balancing, harmonies are not right then they will not succeed as they desire.

What about being able to magnetize something as we do when we have the unseen, unwanted energies around us? Is the way different to what we do then?

It cannot be as you speak of now. There are no desires for the unwanted energies and for the other experience (it) is an 'act of will' so to say. You cannot just sit around and expect it to happen. It is a subtle blending, an enmeshing of energies divine that brings it about and you achieve your desire.

At the beginning of this discussion and in answer to one of my questions you stated 'To say you grow another sense sounds fanciful and illusory, but it is the reality of what transpires at these times. It is opening your inner sight more in alignment of what is available to you on this nearby, very close in your terms reality'. I would appreciate more information on this subject. It sounds as if we may be partly removing the blinkers from our sight to enable us to see more of what is available.

Yes, you are now able to understand more of what is available to your sight and way at these times. These times we hasten to add are now becoming more accessible to you all. It will soon be the way that what is now lost to your ability and sight will be 'reproduced’ and you will all start to understand and see more of what is around you and at your 'beck and call' so to say.

Is this us opening our third eye which will enable us to see clearer but also make it possible to connect with others and communicate?

No, we do not go that way with what we are referring to. It is an opening up of another of your 'talents' so to say. Where you will give evidence to yourself of all that is around but also will enable you to envisage, to see

' past, present and future' as you say. They do not exist as you see them to be but there are existences here that are a part of you and you will gain accesses in ways that were never possible before. You will understand timelines do not exist as you perceive and your understanding of this way will be illuminating your way.

I would like to continue or discussion but will need to finish for today. We can perhaps continue again tomorrow.


You set the course and it will be the way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are gone for the day.

Thank you.


Part Ten

A Second Chance.

It's a philosophy of life.

A practice.

If you do this, something will change,

what will change is you will change,

your life will change,

and if you can change you,

you can perhaps change the world.

Vivienne Westwood.


I am presently reading a book, one from his trilogy written by Robert Monroe called Journeys Out of the Body, As well as other accomplishments, Monroe is credited with renaming the older wording, astral travel to a more modern phrasing of out-of-body experiences, OOBs. I will be referring to some of his related experiences because they are interesting and require discussion as they deal with issues we have been mentioning. Is that the way to go with our discussions?

The course is already set but to your way of seeing and understanding we are covering unfamiliar ground. It is not the way.

This is relating to the past, present and future we briefly mentioned during our last discussion?

That is the way it is designed to be. It is to bring you all 'up to speed' as you say. To have you all understand that the angst you undergo many times in your experiences you have the potential now to be able to relate to events and go back and change them to suit your growth pattern divine. Your way is to change with your thinking as you strive to overcome your limitations you have set upon yourself while here.

Please explain what you mean?

You understand that you are many times your own 'worst enemy' as you say. You do and say things that perhaps on reflection there might have been a better way. Lives have been upset and disharmonized many times by words said, actions done in what is referred to as the heat of the moment when the mind is in a furrow of instability.

Were you able to be, to choose, withdraw what was said or done would, at these times, be as a blessing. We are showing you the way. We are explaining that now is becoming more of the time where you can withdraw what it was you said or did in anger and the remorse you felt be withdrawn.

And this is to do with what you mentioned with being able to somehow change the past or present to make a better outcome for the future?

It may be the way that you have thought, designs to do certain things that have eventuated to your ill. We are stating that it is becoming possible for you to retract what was achieved that was not to your advantage, good. We are stating that you will be able to recall or revisit the scene or dilemma you produced and withdraw it or re-examine and look at in a better way, a way that is an 'up curve' as you say. One that gains on all fronts of the needs of the lessons you sought to gain, to learn from each process.

And how is this achieved?


You can recall and revisit the action, event, at the present (as a memory?) but lack the understanding of going further. It is becoming clearer that there may be possibilities of being able to somehow change the past to a more equitable learning curve for all involved. Presently it forms as a wish and that wish is starting to bring into your awareness the actuality. It is doing this, by freeing your concepts, thoughts of it not being possible and this is, in turn, starting to change your energy field so that what you desire now is becoming into form.

That is like giving us a second chance to undo harm done. You are explaining we are opening our mind to other possibilities and they are then able to magnetize to our energy field and become a reality.

Yes, that is the way we want you to understand what is happening now. Now may seem a way off where you have no evidence of the way, but we tell you it is in the atmosphere, the ether for all to learn from and use. It will be formed, downloaded into all who are going this way.

Well, our world is certainly going through changing times as the old gives way to the new.

It is necessary for this to come about. It is the darkness before the dawning. Much is to be achieved in all cultures as the shift, swing takes hold. Many will go 'the way of the dodo' so to say for they are not prepared to change. It is all part of their conditioning and is not a penalty of any sort. They have chosen the way they wish to be; to stay with the old and go that way. They will reconvene at another 'way and time', as you say.

Some of us staying the course are certainly finding much of the new (energies) bringing us into different times as we change to adapt and go into the unfamiliar. We do not necessarily see it as all to the good for societies. Will this also be part of what you are stating about being able to change what did not suit our learning? To reflect, adapt or look at it and gain the benefit it bestowed on us at the time?

You have a saying, 'all will come out in the wash' and when this present upheaval of all societies has run its course you will be able to reflect and change what was not your desired outcome.

We feel we have given you something to think about and reassure you that our words of promise, of what is to be will be for it is already there in the ether waiting recall, downloading into your awareness.

Peace be upon you all, now and forever. We go now, quit the way.

Thank you.


Making Mental Adjustments.

The fear of death follows from the fear of life.

A man who lives fully

is prepared to die at any time.

Mark Twain.


While our discussion yesterday was very interesting and enlightening it didn't get us far into what Robert Monroe wrote of his experiences in his OOB state. I would like to refer to one or two of his experiences because they relate to some of the discussions we have had and they add more information and understanding to our previous conversations. Will a teacher be able to answer my questions?

It is always the way that your questions are answered. We do not say that they may be as you expect the answers to be but nonetheless, they are factual to your needs.

Thank you. My question deals with something that Monroe experienced in one of his OOB experiences. At the time he did not understand what had happened or the reason why it did and I believe he interacted with a self, one that had called on him for help. Can we discuss that first?

You set the way and we follow.

The scenario was Monroe was having a conscious OOB experience and thought he was returning to his physical body as was normal for him to do. Instead found himself in another body; that of an old man in a hospital bed and, sitting either side of the bed was a distraught woman. When the women saw the old man open his eyes they were overjoyed, not realizing it was Monroe who was temporarily in the body of the old man.

From our previous discussions on other thought-form selfs, it seems as if this could have been one of Monroe's and he answered the distress call of this self. Am I right in my thinking with this?

Yes, it is the way it was portrayed. The man was near death and fearful of the transition to 'the other side' as you say. He was holding on to life, to gain more time here. He had to make a mental adjustment that this life that had been fulfilling to him was now slipping away and was soon to be gone. By the grace of the other self, Monroe in this case, it was less traumatic for the male as he slid into another reality, a reality already close at hand.

Is this always what happens at these times?

No, it is not always the way. Sometimes it is necessary for the death cycle to go unattended. We offer a way of understanding that not all choose to call upon other 'selfs' as you say. They are often unaware at these times and have no recourse because of this.

Others choose, as part of their receivership of the physical body outlook as part of their endeavors to learn know that is happening are happy to go the way it is flowing. They know and understand that life in all its glory does not end at death, the termination of the physical frame from their form. They 'participate' as you say and gain in innumerable ways with the transition.

As we are unfamiliar with this, we would appreciate more information, please.

Then we oblige, go that way. You, humanity have built many fears about the death process. You are transiting from one existence to the other. No more, no less. That you are afraid the termination is the end of your existence is unfortunately part of your lack of recourse, what would have been given to you as your 'act of passage' so to say.


To have you understand it is part of life and that once the body is detached from the soul in death that there is the transition to a better form, one more in alignment with the 'new you' so to say. You are not dead, finished for all times.

We do deal in fear; that death is the end for us; the fear of the unknown and the fear of never seeing those we love again.

It cannot be that you will never see those you love again. It cannot be.

You mentioned our act of passage. Were we, humans, ever given this right, act of passage and, if so, what happened to change it?

It is so that you were given the right to express the tides of life. You did know and understand, as did other sorts of existences, that life as it was at the time was finite but that something did not cease to exist.

I would like to know more about how we lost or missed out on our act of passage. Perhaps it is what we refer to as our rite of passage but so I don't get side-tracked into another interesting topic I will continue with Monroe's' experience with his old man’s other self.

Then we go that way.

At another of his OOBs Monroe met up again with his old man self who was by then deceased. Apparently the old man, as spirit, recognized Monroe and was happy to go with him to the next part of his journey. It was one of the times Monroe acted as a retriever for one of his selfs where he led them on to their next stage of development.

Yes, many of you serve as 'retrievers' as you say. They are of you and you assist in 'their recall' so to say.

In my Book One, In Search of Reality you mentioned that we all go on together. At the time we were discussing the energy band we all incarnated into this existence with and I assumed that was what we were referring to at the time. My question now is do we also need to reclaim all the selfs we have also created before we go on?

Yes, that is the way it is. It is not as onerous as you imagine it to be. You do not spend centuries, millennia, searching for lost kind. The attraction is the key. When the 'time is right' as you say they will come back to the fold and all will go on together.

And this was why Monroe ended up in the old man self's body? And why he was there to help him to the next stage of his transition?

Yes, it is so. The attraction was there and 'Monroe' as you say, answered the call.

Could any of the other selfs have chosen to do the retrieving instead of Monroe? Surely they would also have had the same or similar attraction?

It was not designed to be, go that way. All have the attraction yet all do not answer the call. Whatever is needed at the time is provided for each soul for it is not only the recipient soul who is blessed but also the provider of the deed.

I will finish our discussion for today and read back our notes. As is normal at these group meetings you have given us much to think about.

Then we leave you to go your way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are gone for today.


On Answering the Call.

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe,

a part limited in time and space.

He experiences himself,

his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest,

a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.

Albert Einstein


I would like to continue our discussion with Robert Monroe's OOBs experiences to help us gain a better understanding of what many of us do when we are asleep. Monroe's experiences were brought about by the knowledge and awareness he had gained and seemingly could experience an OOB whenever he wanted to.

Most of us are not at that level of expertise and understanding but am I right in accepting that many of us, while not consciously aware, also retrieve our thought-form selfs as required and do it naturally while we are asleep?

Yes, there is no argument here with what you say. Many do indeed answer the call of those of their selfs, others they have brought about by their thoughts. They are always in contact because of the attraction, the magnetization and, as we have previously mentioned, what affects one will affect all in many inimitable ways.

Because we are affected each to the other, would we know ahead of time when one of our selfs is in need?

Perhaps needing help to finish their life here and go to the next stage of their development?

Yes, it is so. As all are connected it remains that way.

And is it so that one of our selfs might be so involved or attached to this domain that they do not move on to the next stage of their journey? As a soul without a physical body they may stay at places that have great meaning or sentimental value, not realizing that they are finished here?

We cannot disagree with what you are stating. Sometimes 'selfs' as you say get stuck in their thinking and are not aware that life, as they knew it, is finished for them. It is not part of their understanding now that they are finished (here) and need to move on to 'greener pastures' as you say. They need to be helped, to understand and go their next way.

Wouldn't it be better for them to be collected by someone familiar; a family member or loved one who has passed on ahead of them?

It may be the way that this transpires. We are answering your question about selfs. We go that way.

On several occasions when experiencing OOBs Monroe speaks of meeting up with a lost soul, no longer in a physical body and who had no idea where to go next. It wasn't stated but it could have been one of Monroe's selfs. Would any encounters like that be retrieving one of his other selfs or would he be helping other souls not on his blood line?

We cannot say what would be the inclusiveness here. It is so that it is not only selfs that are assisted at these times. Many do provide a service for souls such as these. We cannot say what transpired at the time such as you say.

If it was not one of Monroe's selfs, do you have any idea why the creator of the self didn't answer the call?


No, we do not go that way. All have their means of redress. It cannot be the way that one, any are left behind in some way. In circumstances such as this it is the way that the soul in mention has to go through a

'delivery', so to say. What they need to understand and realize is that there is more to life than what they previously understood.

It is a 'reckoning' so to say. Where they come to the understanding that life, as they understood it to be is finite while the soul, them, continues on. Their next stage from that realization is to move on and others are there to provide for their redress.

And that can be anybody who chances along who helps them on their way.

We have explained there are no accidents and all are pre-planned. While it may not appear to be so, the way, it is the recourse adopted at each eventuality.

So even people who don't believe in life after death are taken care of?

Of course. Why would it be any other way? You are all one of the one source.

You have mentioned that we are a thought form self of another self.

Yes, that is the way you were 'constructed', so to say.

Then at the termination of each self's time here do we, as their creator, collect them and lead them on to the next stage of their development?

Yes, it is instigated to be, flow that way.

If we are a thought-form self of another thought-form self wouldn't the same thing apply to us? When our time here is finished and if we are unfamiliar with what happens next would our self come and collect us to lead us on to the next stage of our development when our time here is finished?

Again, there is no recourse to what you say. All travel the same road to divinity.

And do we ever reach 'the source' or the end of the road?

No, that can never be the way. It is part of your illusion that you see beginnings and endings. We are not that way. It is third dimensional thinking brought about by the conditions you strive to be.

Your information was interesting and I will stop our discussion now to read it back.

Then we take leave and go our way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, finished for today.

Thank you.


From Our Perception.

There is no good or bad without us,

there is only perception.

There is the event itself

and the story we tell ourselves

about what it means.

Ryan Holiday.


In one of his OOBs Monroe speaks of being attracted to a fierce battle between warring parties of men. The battle appeared to be during an early Roman period. One particular young warrior Monroe was drawn to was still fiercely fighting in the battle not realizing that he had been killed and his physical body was lying dead on the ground. It took a little persuasion for Monroe to convince the young fighter of his situation but once he did, he was then able to help the young man on to the rest of his journey.

My question is, Monroe was able to go and retrieve what I believe was one of his selfs. In Monroe's point of view he was going back to one of his previous incarnations. As you have stated past lives cannot exist because timelines as we see them to be do not exist

Monroe changed his perception and was drawn to the fray but it was not as was seen to be.

Please explain. Was the young soldier not one of Monroe's selfs?

He retrieved a part of himself. It is still the one person per se but not as was understood at the time.

From what you are explaining it sounds like there were several parts of Monroe. That is not the only experience Monroe mentions where he is participating at two different ages while again as observer.

As another example, Monroe mentions that in the early stages of his OOB development he was resting on his lounge when he felt something jump on his back and attach there. His impression was that it was two little ten-year-old naked children. He could not dislodge them and that he didn't have control of the situation terrified him.

From my recollection of what was written Monroe stated that the last time it happened he noticed an older, mature male that looked vaguely familiar, like one of his senior uncles, come up and lift the 'children' off Monroe and cradled them in his arms. Monroe was then able to see that the two shapes he thought were children were his two pet cats and the helpful male was an older version of himself who had come to assist him.

My question is, if Monroe was experiencing different projections of himself at different ages of his life how can that be?

Again, it takes you past your conception of what reality is. It was a change of perception or realizing that he had moved along his 'timeline', one that is adaptable. Once you understand you are not obliged to go the one way but can come and go to any level and time as you see it to be.

But how was the older Monroe able to help a younger version of himself?

What you are stating requires a different way of seeing reality as it is. We have mentioned previously that time, as you see it, is malleable. We are asking you to take your thoughts beyond what you understand them to be now and change what you perceive is your present reality. You exist and the way that you exist is what 154

you have chosen for your way to be. You need to realize and understand that you are able to change what you see is a fixation; of the life stream going the one way.

As consciousness, wherever you think you are you are.

Yes, but there is more to be involved in your clarity. It is so that there can be a fractionalization of parts but they at all times remain connected. You do it all the time. Your thoughts are quite capable of instigating more than one experience while you are contained. We are stating that Monroe was able to fractionalize himself to appear to be at the scene while at the while to be an observer of the activity.

Is this like splitting our consciousness?

In a way, yes, in a way, no. We have explained that wherever consciousness is you are because you are consciousness. You are flitting about all the time as your fancy takes you. You do not go anywhere per se.

You just change your perception to have you there and you reverse the process and have you united again.

Your mind plays tricks on you if you see it any other way.

What we are stating requires a different way of seeing reality as it is. We have mentioned previously that time, as you see it, is malleable.

I do remember you saying that there is no time, only changes and that is what we observe and think of as time. It still does not make clear to me how we can fractionalize and be in more than one place at a time.

You remain always the one person. You have gained the ability to understand that time does not exist as you see it to be. You have transcended the knowledge you held that you are fixed here. You are still a work in progress on learning that you are able to go back and forward 'in time' as you say.

Time and space are irrelevant and will become more to the fore and more people start to speak of their experiences. Then it will become more to the front of people's understanding and make it possible for them to be and go the same way.

It is again what you learn. To manipulate, have faith and gain upon this plane requires a different way of seeing reality, one that has not been presented before and your task is to set yourself in the right and proper way for your gainfulness.

I will finish our discussion and read back our notes of today.

Then we go our way. Peace be upon you all. We are gone for the day.

Thank you.


Part Eleven

How Is Time Irrelevant?

Tomorrow never comes,

it is always today.



You mentioned that time is irrelevant but from our present point of view it is relevant because we are in a time and space-based reality where all action evolves for us on this dimension.

Time is irrelevant to what you choose. It is there as a 'springboard' so to say for your gainfulness learning.

You can choose any time as you see it to harmonize with your desires (incarnation?). You then attract whatever epoch, timeframe to you for your learnings ability. It does not make any difference which way you go. It could be past or future as you see it to be.

As spirit, you come and go as you choose. You attract your desires by your thoughts and they come to be as an existence for you to create other existences and experiences to learn of your magnificence and abilities.

All the while you are moving, creating. Existences form by this way of being.

Then what about memories of experiences undergone? Emotion may have distorted the experience and it is not quite as is understood as what happened but a memory of a past event exists and is able to be recalled.

What about memories?


Your past as you see it to be relates to you and the experiences you have undergone. It is part and parcel of who you are on this dimension. It is understood that you experienced something that was brought about by your thoughts. You chose whatever took place for the learning curve it would bring about.

It is no different to when you have a dream pattern while you are asleep. You are creating all the while at these times too. They are just as relevant as what you are questioning now. That your conscious mind may have distorted the perceived reality is of no concern for the event, as you saw it to be, did eventuate in your mind. It then became part of your chain of life while domiciled here upon this dimension's existence.

This is because of us being consciousness and as such, we cannot not create.

It is so.

Then am I right is saying that all the thought-form selfs, this energy form I now identify as 'me' are all connected by 'our' energy consciousness, what we have as our 'consciousness bloodline' so to say? If that is so it seems that we are all connected and what affects one, affects all irrespective of what we perceive is past, present or future.

It can be seen to be the way. We do not denigrate your thinking acumen but it is not as you have devised your thoughts. There is more here that you have not attached to your understanding.

We would appreciate more information, please.

You have gained the understanding that all are one and what affects one affects all. You have brought it more into alignment with your 'personal' so to say bloodline but it affects all. It gains momentum when you extend your thinking to bring it into all.


Albert Einstein had a better grasp on reality as you are explaining it when he said that 'Time and space are not conditions in which we live, but modes in which we think'. He is also stated as saying 'The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.' Einstein was a brilliant scientist and held in high regard by other brilliant thinkers.

It seems that the distinction between the past, present and future cannot be as we see it to be because Monroe, St Germain, and others were able to access the past while still existing in the present. Monroe did it in his OOB state and remote viewers do it by changing focus. You have mentioned we can also do this and it will become more into our awareness and ability.

Yes, it will be the way for all concerned who choose to be, go this way.

And once 'there' as in Monroe's examples, we will gain a better understanding of events as they happened and be able to change our perception of what transpired?

It will be along the way but again, there is more here than you are understanding. We feel you have much to think about so will leave it for another day.

Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, finished for today.

Thank you.


Space and Time as a Framework.

Space and time are the framework

within which the mind is constrained

to conduct its experience of reality.

Immanuel Kant.


In thinking about energy not being able to be destroyed only changed, all that has happened on this dimension, probably others too, is still someplace in the atmosphere. Is that why people are able to move through what we perceive is time to other events and localities?

Yes, that is the way to see existences. They exist forever in the scheme of things. It is why it is able to be accessed.

You have mentioned on several occasions that time, as we see it to be, does not exist. We would appreciate more information to help us understand more of the topic.

Time is available as an era, an epoch, an event that you have as a direction so to say. It does not exist linear but is available to advance yourself whichever way you exist. If you have developed your abilities it is not hard for you to go to other levels of this existence you hold dear.

Is that like parallel lives? Is that where our created selfs are?

It is more than what you are asking but it encompasses whatever has been existing for all time. You see and understand much of what carries you through day-by-day activities where you are able to comprehend and work with what is available, that (which?) you have created for your learning. Other ways also beckon for you to understand and learn from. Which way you go depends upon your aptitude and interest, your learning acumen.

As we have been using Monroe's examples I will continue doing so. If, as I understand what you are saying, all that has happened, this time in Monroe's case, is sort of like frozen in time. I don't know how else to say it and when he reactivates the activity by being there it comes to life again.

No, we do not see it that way. It is a part of his lineage so to say that he activates but it is always there as a part of him. He is able to go and play out the activity perceived because it exists as a part of his 'lineage' so to say.

Then what about people who do remote viewing and go to what we understand to be past and future events.

They may not have had a hand in any of whatever is taking place but are able to see and understand what is happening.

We understand what you are saying but reflect a moment here. Is what is transpiring there for all to see, all who have the ability to be and go that way?

Well, if all that has ever transpired is energy and can't be destroyed it has to still be there and be available for those who have the ability to access it. Is that the same as people sensitive enough going to an area and are able to pick up or feel the conditions that have taken place there?

It may be the way. We are seeking to have you understand that all is available to those who have developed the ability to access it.

And that is at any event and time?


Yes, no constraints if you have the ability. We have mentioned this will come more to the fore as people start to comprehend more of what is available. This then, brings in, opens up their understanding and it is like a chink expands in their energy field and more information acceptable to them enters. Because it has become believable to them they then start to see and do things not previously possible or available to them.

Firstly though, for most souls they need guidance and it will come with the understanding that others impart of their experiences into what is unknown territory to many. On many levels will this information open for those interested enough to embark on what can be termed an adventure.

How will this be? It sounds like the adventurers of old who went into unchartered territory but in these cases you are mentioning it will be a mental adventuring.

Yes, you are understanding more of what is to be for many who choose to be, go this way.

With OOBs and remote viewing there was prior learning to be achieved for the people involved to be successful in their aims. How will the ordinary adventurer go about their desires?

It will be part of what we have mentioned of the chink in the energy field opening up opportunities along this way. Previous events will perhaps be brought to the fore and the person will expand on their knowledge because they will 'be there' and understand that great battles perhaps were not as was taught as brought to their understanding.

And on a more personal level? You have mentioned we will be able to go back to personal events and see what we sought to learn and whether we were successful or not?

It is part of your lineage and your lesson that you understand what you chose at any experience. It may not have transpired as you chose because the emotion on this domain is part of your selected growth lesson to be. It (emotions) is sometimes overwhelming to your desires and you will return to the event and understand, firstly, what you sought to learn from any opportunity and action and what eventuated from the term. Your understanding will be enhanced and much angst you have created will be diffused.

I will finish our discussion now. You have given us much to think about.

Then we go our way. Peace and blessing be upon one and all. We are finished for today.

Thank you.


A Clearer Understanding.

“When I say be creative

I don’t mean that you should all go and become great painters and great poets.

I simply mean let your life be a painting,

let your life be a poem.” –



You have mentioned that we are learning to see what we regard is the past and change our concept of what happened, so we get the benefit of whatever it was we chose to learn. If that is our aim then it is impossible to be karma.

It is so there is no karma and it is impossible for it to exist. You are right when you say part of your learning at this juncture is to go back and resolve some of the misconceptions you have brought about by your lack of understanding of what you set out to achieve at any event and as you say 'time'.

Is this the sort of thing we are learning to do? To what we see is going back in time to get a better understanding of what we sought to learn and what actually transpired so we clear up any misconceptions; perhaps to interact with an earlier version of our self? Presumably we will be able to observe whatever happened without any emotion influencing us.

It is indeed so that you will gain a clearer understanding of all your escapades and learn whatever it was you chose at the time or event. It is part of your evolvement that you can access these frames, vignettes of this reality and what was that transpired. It is not the way that you do it (focus?) all the time for you will be working on other projects that will take you 'further afield' so to say while still domiciled in this reality.

That would also be an interesting topic to learn about but for now I would like to learn how to access these frames or vignettes of my life. How is it going to come about that we can access these timeframes as we see them to be?

You are already learning the ability and many do it now. They are able to 'go back' so to say with clear sight and see what they thought happened and what really transpired. By doing this they have brought about an understanding which brought about a 'cleansing of the slate' so to say. They then move on to their next endeavor without the limitations they had before. They will have achieved their aim and understood what transpired without the 'drag' as you say of the emotions and the distortions they brought about.

Is this going to be like a memory?

No, not quite. Your memory still attaches to itself the emotions and lack of understanding of what transpired.

It has a gainfulness of sorts but is not the way we are discussing. You will be able to access what you set out to achieve by reliving in a way what transpired. As you used Monroe's experience of the older Monroe helping the younger Monroe it can be the way. With a memory it remains as a memory. With what we are discussing today it is more than a memory because you will understand and participate if needed to achieve you aim.

And will this participation from what we see as the past be able to change the present or future?

No, it will not be the way that the future is changed. Your understanding is changed and with the understanding is a better way of formulating your desires.

Future desires?


Yes, it is the way. You are all going through a process where events that happened are foremost in your mind as you seek to understand and clear them. You are learning to control your desires that change your perceptions and what you see are your needs.

We are told by our media and some physical teachers that 'we can have it all' and 'we deserve it'. It seems that many take that at face value and attempt to live their life that way.

We do not disagree with what you are stating but it is not going to be that way for long. We are stating that what is coming about is a change of concept as people see that what they are reaching out for is not in their best interest; to their' better good' as you say.

Again, I don't want to sound contentious but need to mention we still have the media in its various forms, movies, whatever is being looked at as showing success and happiness abounding with people because of having it all and being deserving of it. People who watch these famous people want to emulate them and put them on a pedestal.

We do not share your way of seeing reality. They have brought about, created their reality for what it contains for them to learn about and experience.

Yes, you are right. If we create our reality, what we are living that is what we have all brought in for our learning.

Going back to us being able to access parts of our life and change our perceptions; if, when watching movies, we chose to rewind the show and look at parts again, we could not change what was there but could get a better understanding of whatever transpired. Is this similar or the same as what you are mentioning about us going back with our life's events?

It may be the way. We are unfamiliar with your mechanisms. To access your desires is the way that you attract once more from the atmosphere the events as they transpired and gain a better overview of what you sought to achieve and what did transpire.

So all events that have happened are still in the universal dot matrix? They have not dissipated away into the atmosphere.

No, they have not dissipated away. All participations still exist 'someplace' as you say. That is why they are able to be accessed.

Then this involves other thought-form selfs and their lives and what they have created living their lives?

Yes, it is the way. It is not an intractable problem lest you see it that way. It is all grist for the mill of life. All go this way. It is what you refer to as keeping the wheels turning.

Before I finish today, do you have any words of encouragement or guidance for us?

We are not of your species but yet are covered by your species. We have a 'fond affection', so to say for your kind. We watch and it enables us to grow from your activities. We will not incarnate into your reality but gain enormous understanding of how species not of our kind bring about their achievements.

What you see and attain here is far in excess of your present understanding. You are mostly unaware of those who also reside in this dominion. You are a part of all that exists yet have much to learn about these other energies who abide here with you. You are unaware mostly that what you achieve here is uplifting and bringing others unknown to you forward in your wake.


We watch and many times are in awe of your achievements as you struggle to overcome seemingly intractable challenges. We are aware that all you condition yourself to be you are achieving by grasping the knowledge firsthand of what is available here for your understanding.

We understand what is transpiring upon your domain disturbs many of you for we see the aura from you all extending into the cosmos. Be not afraid. You are warriors bold who have come here at these trying times you have created and bought into existence for times such as these. You do well to remember all you experience; all you understand is taking you far into knowledge that will serve you well in your times ahead on this planet.

We salute your efforts and wish you well upon your journey. Much is being achieved and will come to the fore for your amusement and understanding.

We leave you now and go our way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. You cannot fail.

Thank you.

Learn to Doubt.

Doubt–because doubt is not a sin, it is a sign of your intelligence.

You are not responsible to any nation, to any church, to any God.

You are responsible only for one thing, and that is self knowledge.

And the miracle is, if you can fulfill this responsibility,

you will be able to fulfill many other responsibilities without any effort.

The moment you come to your own being,

a revolution happens in your vision.

Your whole outlook about life goes through a radical change.

You start feeling new responsibilities

–not as some thing to be done,

not as a duty to be fulfilled,

but as a joy to do.”

