Life Manual: How to live Life by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Chapter   23

Stress, Worry, and Anxiety


Why do we worry? Why do we fear?

Why do we let stress and anxiety appear?

Because we don't realize that the cause is our mind,

The rascal plays havoc, and peace we don't find.

What is the use of living with stress, worry, and anxiety? Why do we fear, regret and live with these emotions again and again? Do we do it by choice? It seems we are helpless prisoners who are enslaved by these negative emotions and we live and die with them. We don't realize that emotions are 'Energy in MOTION'. They drive our thought process.

Many of us realize it is useless to fear. It is meaningless to live with stress, worry, and anxiety. These make us miserable and we feel so helpless when these take charge of our life. However, we don't go on a quest to find a way out. There is a way to eliminate these negative emotions.

It is our own mind that produces negative thoughts and these trigger negative feelings. They cause us misery because our mind bombards us with these thoughts again and again. Thoughts create feelings and the feelings manifest as our actions and our life.

Many people feel so helpless. They hate these negative emotions, but they don't realize that they have a choice to eliminate them. They have not learnt the art to flip over from NEP to PEP. What is NEP? It is Negative Energy Poison. Many emotions in our life create poison, like anger, hate, jealousy, revenge, and fear. These emotions become the raw material of the factory that produces thoughts our own mind. Our mind produces thoughts depending on what we feed it. If the raw material we feed the mind is negative, then obviously, the thoughts will be negative, and they will poison our entire being. It will create stress and anxiety.

But suppose we flip over from NEP to PEP; PEP is Positive Energy Power, we feed our mind with positive emotions that create power. Emotions like faith, hope, trust, love, compassion, courage and confidence. These emotions act as the raw material and the mind will start producing positive thoughts. Then there will be no stress and anxiety.

We must learn how to flip over, how to change our emotions. This is a choice. We are all blessed with an intellect which can discriminate and then, execute through our willpower. If we choose positive emotions, we can wipe out the messengers of misery that are constantly produced by our mind. We can eliminate poisonous, negative, toxic emotions and replace these with healthy, nourishing, positive and powerful emotions. But this is a choice.

Those who learn how to live life, do not feel helpless when they are bombarded with negative thoughts. They realize that they can take charge of their mind. They have learnt the art of minding the mind and so, they control the negative monster and make it a silent monk. They use the power of thought effectively, as they eliminate the useless negative emotions. Not only do they take charge of their thoughts, but they also take charge of their feelings and actions. They develop positive habits that build the foundation for a positive character and destiny. However, this is a choice.

But what about the common man? He continues to say, 'I am worried, I am stressed out! I fear.' He doesn't realize that it is his mind that is experiencing these emotions. He has not learnt to separate himself from the mind. Those who become conscious that they are not the mind, but rather, they have a mind, they don't suffer the misery of the mind. They watch the mind as it experiences fear, but they don't become fearful. They observe the mind generating worry and stress, but they become immune to such negativity. They just let these thoughts blow over like the breeze and not defeat them. They realize the uselessness of stress and anxiety. Not only do they overcome worry and fear, but they stay away from hate, revenge, jealousy and envy. They become conscious that their mind is their enemy and it produces these negative thoughts to make us suffer. Because they have learnt the art to live, they bounce back with faith, enthusiasm, courage and confidence. When hate comes, they replace it with love and when the mind creates despair, they shoot back at it with hope. They replace fear with courage, just as they choose to forgive and to forget. Their life becomes a garden of roses as they eliminate the thorns of life. Such people are always cheerful. They smile. But it doesn't take long to look at a person and know that he is drowning in depression because such a person is a prisoner of his own mind. Unfortunately, such people do not realize that all it takes to get out of this mess, is to understand life and live it.

Life is beautiful and there will be situations in this drama called 'Life' that may cause us anxiety. But once we realize how to deal with it, we will just let go. Not only will we surrender and accept, but we will replace the negative with the positive as we learn to laugh through life. Eventually, it is just a drama and we will face the final moment of ‘The End’. Then why live with stress and worry, and not enjoy life?



  • Our life is in our hands. We can choose to be negative or positive. It's our choice.
  • If we choose negativity, we will drown with worry and anxiety.
  • If we flip over from NEP to PEP, then we can live with courage and confidence.
  • NEP is Negative Energy Poison and PEP is Positive Energy Power - the negative and positive emotions.
  • Those who learn to live life, learn to enjoy it as they take control of their mind and its negative thoughts.
  • They replace the negativity with positive emotions as they live with faith, and laugh with enthusiasm.
  • They choose a life of Optimism over Pessimism and overcome all stress, worry and anxiety.