Life Manual: How to live Life by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Chapter 22   

Living in the World


There is a way to live in this world,

Which most of us just miss.

We seek, we crave, we desire, just these…

Happiness, Peace, and Bliss.

How should one live in the world? Most of us don't live life. We just consume life chasing success, achievement, wealth, name and fame. Ultimately, we want happiness, peace, and bliss. But we don't achieve these. We are so busy trying to get to our destination, that we forget to enjoy the journey.

What is life? It is the journey between birth and death. Nobody can escape death. Ultimately, we will have to go. This is just a show! But we don't realize this. Therefore, all that we do in life is to earn and earn and earn, only for others to burn what we earn. We are so busy doing things, that we put off happiness for a later date. For reasons unknown, man lets his greed take over his need and wants more, more, and even more. Eventually, he has too much, much more than he needs. Finally, he will leave all this behind.

Although all of us know this, we don't realize the truth. Like the generations that have gone before us, we too continue to live in ignorance and ultimately, we suffer the triple suffering of body, mind, and ego. We don't discover how we should live in this world.

We human beings have come to planet earth with a reason, a purpose. It is perfectly alright to seek happiness and to enjoy this world. But instead of doing so, we sink into this world and forget to discover our purpose of life. If we want to truly live in this world, we must understand what this world is, who we are in reality and what this life is all about. Eventually, the body will die, but what happens to the one who was alive? Because we don't ask these questions, we continue to live with ignorance, and we don't attain the happiness that we seek.

Those reading this philosophy and book for the first time will encounter a few questions, 'Isn't life just to have fun, to enjoy with friends, to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries? Isn't this beautiful world for us to make merry, to eat, to drink and to indulge?' Most of the world believes that life is about earning and spending, falling in love, enjoying sex and romance, getting married, having a family, travelling the world and then leaving the world! Sure, there is no harm in doing all of this. But while we live in this beautiful world, should we not discover who we are and why we are here? Or should we just exist till we die, without realizing why we came to planet earth?

Most of us pray to the God of our religion. But there are not many who understand who God is, where God is, what God is. They mumble something, but they don't know what they say when they pray. And then, there are others who are so lost in this world, that they forget God. Should we not stop to ponder on who created this planet, the stars in the cosmos, the mountains, the rivers, the seas, the birds, the animals and the trees? Sure, our parents caused us to be born, but who created the life that makes our heart beat? Who decided the time and place of our birth or the country and religion we belong to?

Does everything in this world happen by magic, or is there some intelligent design that has created the gorgeous flowers, the beautiful birds and the exotic underwater world? How did these playful dolphins come about and who created the penguins? Isn’t life meant to discover the truth before our journey is over or must we just live, exist, and die?

We have a choice on how we will live in this world. A book like this may come into our hands and we may fling it or decorate it on our library shelf. But there will be some people who will read such a book, ask questions and then realize what life is all about. They are the ones who truly live.

The majority of humanity lives in this world without a clue about their life. Reading a Life Manual is a far-fetched thing. They are not even interested in listening to somebody who is explaining what life is and how it must be lived. After all, unless we learn the secrets and realize the truth, how will we attain true bliss? How will we experience eternal peace and everlasting joy?

There is a way to live life. Just following the protocols of our religion, our society and our family like a herd without realizing what we are doing will take us nowhere. We must fly like a bird in the open skies of life trying to discover life. To truly enjoy this gift called 'Life', we must learn to ask questions, to investigate the various options and to realize the truth. We must use the gift of our intellect and the power of will and choice, to choose the way we want to live. Either, we too can just exist, enjoy and finally exit the world or we can stop to realize the truth.

Life comes to us but once. We must make the best of it. If we don’t use it, we will lose it. We cannot save our life like we save money in a bank. Life has to be lived. We must make the best use of each day. It has 1440 invaluable minutes which are ticking away. Alas, we don’t use our life and soon it is gone!

How would you like to live life? Are you the one who will destroy a beautiful new gadget before you read the Operating Manual, or will you study what the treasure is before getting it to work? The choice is yours.



  • We all think that we live. But unfortunately, we don't realize that we just exist.
  • We come into this world, and ultimately we will die.
  • We don't discover what life is really all about because we don't ask questions.
  • We just follow the herd and before we realize it, life is over.
  • To live a life of bliss, joy, and peace, we must investigate and realize the truth.
  • There is a purpose, a deeper meaning for us appearing on earth.
  • While it is good to celebrate and enjoy life, we must not forget to discover what life truly is and how to live it.