Life Manual: How to live Life by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Chapter 44

Our Ultimate Goal


We think that our Life Goal,

Is Joy, Peace, and Bliss.

To discover we are the Divine Soul,

This Ultimate Goal we Miss.

Most of us live and die, and we don't even know why we have come to planet earth. Were we made as an intelligent human being just to exist, to have fun, and to die? Did the Creator create the magnificent heart, the amazing brain and this sophisticated human machine with over 30 trillion cells just to eat, drink, and make merry? There is a purpose for us on earth. There is no doubt that there is a greater meaning that we are ignorant about. We human beings have lost sight of our Ultimate Goal, which is to realize we are the Divine Soul.

Why is the whole world just chasing success? It is because we think success will give us happiness. From the time we are born, until we die, we go behind achievements, although ultimately, they do not give us everlasting happiness and peace. No doubt pleasure that comes from success makes us enjoy life, but soon, we are thirsty again. Our greed overcomes our need and we are once again back in the race, caught in the chase and we get stuck in that maze. In the bargain, we lose sight of our Ultimate Goal.

It's a pity that we intelligent human beings become and remain slaves throughout our life. We are slaves to our own senses and to our mind. We crave till our grave, but until the end, we do not take an exit on the highway of life and go in search of the truth. It seems like we are paralyzed by our own desires and we fail to understand what this gift of life is all about. We think we are the body, mind, and ego, and we lose sight of the truth. There is nothing wrong in wishing to be happy. But we don't understand the meaning of true happiness.

We can't get happiness. Happiness is a state of being. Therefore, we have to be happy. Why are we not happy? Because we have not learnt how to live life. We have consumed life without paying attention to the Life Manual. We get attached to people and possessions and live in constant misery. Although we have a choice, we live as emotional beings rather than intellectual humans. We let the monkey create ruckus, as it drags us back into the cosmic illusion and stops us from our ultimate destination.

ME, the Mind and the Ego, are our biggest enemy, but we don't recognize that these thieves steal from us our Ultimate Goal. It is the mind and the ego that stops us from realizing that we are the Divine Soul. We pray to a God without realizing to whom we pray and what we say. Thus, if our intellect analyzes, we don't pray, we just bray. We live and die, no better than donkeys that graze the earth for the years that we are alive. Isn't it a pity that an intelligent being like man goes through the motion of life without even realizing what his Ultimate Goal is? Most of humanity lives and dies without being conscious of the Divine Soul.

It's time to wake up, and learn to live life, not as the body, mind and ego, but as the Divine Soul. It's time to be conscious of the truth, as we control our life like a chariot. Our life chariot has 5 horses, the 5 senses that are galloping. To control the chariot of life, we need to control the reins which is the mind. Without a charioteer, the reins will let the horses loose and so, the intellect must be the controller of the mind that keeps the five senses under control.

Who is in ultimate command of the intellect, the mind, and the senses? It is 'we', the consciousness, the Divine Soul. We are that ultimate consciousness that observes everything and should control everything. Because we think we are the body, mind and the ego, our life chariot is not controlled by the Divine consciousness and the intellect. Our 5 senses and the wandering mind delve into the pleasures of this world and we get caught in the attractions that promise pleasure and happiness. We are so entangled in the world of allurements that we forget we are the Divine Soul and lose command of our intellect. We live and die, only to be born again and again and suffer on planet earth. Thus we fail in achieving the ultimate goal of life.

Can we reverse the way we live? Yes! If only we realize that we are the Divine Soul, then we will take charge of our body, mind and ego and live with Divine consciousness. We will become aware that the God we are seeking is within us. We are nothing, just 5 elements of nature – Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Space, that come alive with the Divine Soul. We are these 5 elements that appear to be the body. When the Soul departs, the body dies, and we think our life has come to an end.

Death is just a bend. If we do not realize the truth, that we are the Divine Soul, then based on our Karma, our ME, Mind and Ego, will be reborn. But if we achieve the ultimate goal, and realize that we are the Divine Soul, then, we can be liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Our challenge is to feel the Divine presence within, to realize that we are not this body, mind and ego. We are the Divine Soul. Then we will be liberated and united with the Divine. To realize this, is our ultimate goal.



  • Most people think that our Ultimate Goal is to be happy.
  • We spend our entire life seeking success and pleasure.
  • Our ultimate goal is not just happiness. It is eternal happiness that comes with the realization of the truth.
  • The ultimate goal is to realize we are the Divine Soul.
  • Once we realize this, we attain a state of everlasting bliss, joy and peace.
  • We are liberated from all misery and suffering and from the cycle of death and rebirth.
  • Alas, man is lost in the world. He doesn't realize the ultimate goal that he is the Soul!
  • Our ultimate goal is to realize that we are the Soul, then to be liberated and to unite with the Divine.