Life Manual: How to live Life by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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I did not know how to ‘Live’ life. For 50 long years, I just wandered here and there with anger, with worry, and with fear. My life had experienced several transformations. I lived 25 years of my life just chasing money, success, achievement, and pleasure, until one day I realized that making a difference was far more fulfilling than just making money. At 40, I shut down my business and transformed my life. Although I was very happy travelling around the world, my life had no purpose. The biggest gift of my life was my Guru, my Spiritual Master, Dada J. P. Vaswani. I spent 25 years with him as I evolved and finally realized the truth about life.

He inspired me to go on a quest, a search to find the true purpose and meaning of life. Till then, I thought I knew everything. I lived as the Ego with arrogance, as I made my millions. As my life coach, Dada not only taught me the meaning of humility but led me on the path of spirituality. I am grateful to my Guru, for without him, I would have never been able to discover how to live life. This book, Life Manual, is a tribute to the teachings of my Master, who was liberated after he traversed the earth for 100 years.

This book covers all my personal experiences and my learnings. I have not put theoretical knowledge in the book, but what I have practically experienced. Therefore, this Life Manual is my personal life manual. It is ratified by teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas, and the Upanishads. It is inspired by the knowledge of saints like Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Ramana Maharishi, and Adi Shankara. This Manual has been carefully crafted after reading all the scriptures of the world, just as it has taken into account the philosophies of the world's greatest philosophers, right from ancient civilizations till the present day saints and sages.

What is life? It is a journey from birth to death. We are all gifted this life of human birth, but have we discovered how to live it? Since I wandered for 5 decades, I decided to create this manual. We refer to many manuals, not only operating instructions for our gadgets, but also the process documents for our businesses. In today's world, we cannot imagine running a business without SOPs, which are laid down in the Standard Operating Process Manual. Not only organizations, even countries are managed by constitutions, but we have ignored this important task - the need to create a Life Manual, a manual for our most important treasure Life.

We all want to be happy, but we haven't learnt the simple truth that we can't achieve happiness. We have to be happy. After having written several books on happiness and considering myself to be amongst the happiest people in the world, I have covered the simple processes of being happy. I have also explained how we can overcome misery and sorrow as we face the trials and tribulations of life. Who doesn't have problems? But those who discover how to live life accept problems gracefully. They know that pain is like a zooming train. While it comes, it never stays. It moves on.

In this Life Manual, I have shared how I live as an observer of this cosmic drama that is being enacted on planet earth. Nothing is real, in the end, we will all realize it is like a dream. Nothing belongs to us. We are merely trustees.

Whatever we receive in this world, we will leave behind and pass on to others. Then, why do we fret and fume as we miss this beautiful journey called 'Life'?

Those who haven't understood life are trying to climb the peak to reach the destination. They don't realize that the destination is death, life is a journey. We must live it moment by moment, making the best of it. This Life Manual will show us the way to ‘Live’ as we enjoy every moment of life before we finally face death. Death is certain. Nobody can escape it. Then, why does the whole world live with the fear of death? Today, the whole world has shut down due to the Coronavirus. Because of the fear of Covid-19, we have become prisoners of our mind. Our intellectual decisions are bombarded with our emotions. Perhaps a Life Manual like this could have helped people live otherwise.

We don't realize that life and death are in the hands of the Divine. Just as we cannot control when, where, and to whom we are born, we cannot control our death. It will come at the appointed time. Yes, there are a few who are frustrated and depressed and try to end their life by committing suicide. It is a pity that they have not understood life and thus, do not treasure it.

Those who understand life and read the manual, will take precautions but will not panic. They will live by faith and surrender to the Divine Will. That is the way to truly live.

When will man learn how to live life? This Life Manual may be an aid to help people discover the secrets about life. It shares how I realized the truth and live each day, joyously, with peace and tranquillity. Yes, you too can live your life with bliss and joy. Follow the Life Manual and discover what life truly is. Then start living it right from today, moment by moment. This Life Manual will show you the right way to live life. You can't put away living your life for another day.



  • This Life Manual is a treasure. It shares how I discovered the true meaning of life and how I live with eternal joy and everlasting peace.
  • Just like we use Operating Manuals and process documents to achieve success and excellence, we must not only read the Life Manual, but use it to live our life.
  • There is a way to overcome all misery and suffering and live a life of bliss.
  • There is a purpose for us on earth. Those who achieve it are liberated. This Manual shows us the way.
  • This Life Manual has it all. It is not just some theory, but my practical experience with life.
  • Today I share my most important treasure with you - the Life Manual. Read it and learn how to live!