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Troubleshooting Guide


If you experience any trouble with your life, try the following: Go through the relevant chapters and apply the guidelines. If you continue to have trouble, consult a Spiritual Master or a Guru.

If you have trouble with the Life Manual, you can write to AiR at or WhatsApp +91 98451 55555.

Common Troubleshooting Issues in Life

1. I am constantly worrying

There is no need to worry. Life is like a drama. We are actors. We come and we go. Learn to enjoy the show!

2. I can't find happiness

Happiness can't be found. It is a state of being. We have to be happy. Stop searching for happiness and learn to be happy.

3. I have no peace of mind

The mind itself robs our peace. Make the mind still. Spend time in silence. You will find peace.

4. I have no money to be happy

Money can give you pleasure, but not everlasting happiness. Count your blessings and enjoy what you have.

5. I am in a state of depression

You are not in a state of depression. Your mind is! This is because of negative energy. Flip over from negative to positive and you can be cheerful.

6. I get anxiety attacks

Anxiety is mostly caused by FEAR. It is the product of an overthinking mind. It makes False Expectations Appear Real. Relax. Live with faith. Surrender and trust.

7. I can't sleep

If it is because of the mind, learn to cleanse your mind every night before sleeping. Give your mind a shampoo and eliminate all the junk that is troubling you.

8. I can't find my mind

The mind is an illusion. It is just a bundle of thoughts. You can find your brain, but you can't find your mind.

9. I am not able to concentrate

This is because the mind is like a monkey that is constantly jumping. Catch the monkey mind and make it into a monk. Quieten the mind through silence.

10. I feel jealous and miserable

Because we are ignorant that we are all manifestations of the one Divine, we think we are different from one another and get jealous and miserable. Overcome this ignorance.

11. I get angry quickly

Anger is caused by the Ego. When what I want doesn't happen, I get upset. Transcend the ego. Let go of the ego and you will be able to overcome anger.

12. I feel like dying

Death is in the hands of the Divine. Make life exciting. Look forward to life by doing something that you enjoy. Add meaning and purpose to life and you will enjoy it.

13. I am bored of life

Instead of adding years to your life, add life to your years. Make your life interesting. Go on a quest. There are many exciting things to do in life.

14. I feel so lonely

This is because of ignorance that we are separate from each other. The truth is that we are all manifestations of the Divine. We are all one. This realization will take away all loneliness.

15. I can't find fulfillment

Replace greed with fulfilling your need, and be satisfied and content. Learn to say, ‘enough’, and fulfillment will come to you.

16. Nobody loves me

Love is like a boomerang. Go out and love others and you will feel loved. Love will come back to you in the measure you love others.

17. God doesn't listen

This is because you think God is far away. You don't realize that God is within the temple of your heart. Be still and you will hear God's voice.

18. I am always miserable

Because of our ignorance, we suffer. We suffer triple suffering, first the pain of the body, then the misery of the mind and finally, the agony of the ego. This makes us miserable. Realization of the truth that we are the Divine Soul will create eternal bliss. Realize the truth!

19. I want to be young again

Only the body grows old. There is no rewind button to make the body young. We must make the best of each day and also realize that we, the Soul, never grow old.

20. The body is suffering too much pain

Every 'body' that is born in this world must suffer and die. Such is the rule. Our goal is Nirvana, Moksha – to be liberated from death and rebirth. Then there will be no pain.

21. Mind is creating misery

The mind is a rascal. We must destroy it before it destroys us. We must use our willpower and our intellect to control the mind from creating misery.

22. I don't want to die

Nobody can escape from death. But only the body dies. The ME, Mind and Ego, will either be reborn in a new body, or if we realize the truth, we will be liberated and be united with the Divine.

23. I don't want to lose my money

Money is only a trust given to us. We come with nothing and we will take nothing. All our money will be left behind. Such is life.

24. I am suffering for no fault of mine

This is what you think. All suffering is due to our own Karma, our past actions that come back to us. This is a redemption of our past actions.

25. I have become old too soon

We don't age. Only the body ages. We must find out who we truly are. Realize we are the Soul that never grows old.

26. I can't find my life warranty

Life has no warranty. Any moment it can come to an end. Enjoy the present moment of life. There is no guarantee about tomorrow.

27. I am always hurrying to achieve success in life

No need to hurry. Life is a journey. Not a destination. Learn to enjoy the present moment. Remember, Success is not Happiness.

28. I am afraid of losing people I love

Then you will live and die with fear, for eventually, we will lose everybody. As long as people are around, enjoy their company. When the time comes for somebody to go, we can do nothing about it.

29. I want to learn to be detached

The only way to learn to be detached, is to detach yourself from people and things. Reduce your passion and practice letting go. Renounce whatever you are attached to and you will learn detachment.

30. I   want   to   truly   live   life,   not   just   exist  

Who is it that stops you from living? It is the ME within, the Mind and Ego. If you transcend the ME, you will start living in the true sense. You have a Life Manual in your hand that shows you the way. Start living today!