Life and Mantras by Amazing Life - HTML preview

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Other Mantras That Are Being Used During Mantra Meditation


So Ham: A powerful and beautiful mantra, which honors both light and shadow, integrated the opposites: life & death, inhalation & exhalation, the yin and yang.

OM: It is a sound of universe, the vibration of the entire living things

Sat Nam: Means truth

Om Namah Shivaya: phoenix rising, transformation, and creation of change

Tat Tuan Asmi: I am what I am

Aham Brahmasmi: I am a creative force

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya: join with divine will: I surrender to Almighty

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti: Peace, peace, peace

Preparing For Your Mantra Meditation It is of utmost important that you prepare yourself just before practicing mantra meditation. Get yourself in an appropriate mindset and create spiritual atmosphere. This will help you in practicing your mantra meditation.

img3.png Let enthusiasm and spirituality fill you

img3.png Shower, dress in loose, white, clean clothing

img3.png Pull your long hair back and brush your teeth. Remember, a clean and comfortable body will promote a free mind.

img3.png Sit in a sacred space, which is ideal for spiritual practice

img3.png Make your own simple altar, and use some inspirational picture, light some candles or incense in order to keep the atmosphere meditative

img3.png Surrender your own egos. This spiritual practice is all about purifying oneself as well as letting go from preconceived thinking, and opening oneself to unconditional and boundless love of Divine Grace

img3.png Sit comfortably, which will allow your spine erect and straight

img3.png Offer your prayer from within the heart