Modern Spiritual Astrology by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The position of Venus in your chart represents the area of the strongest focus and expression of that aspect of consciousness which you experience as your desire nature: the desire for romantic love, beauty, pleasure, relationship, children; money and material possessions. Your Venus Sign reveals how you express your desires in your personal and social life as well as how you express them in your social and romantic relationships. It reveals your attitudes towards money and material luxury as well as how you experience and express your aesthetic sense. The areas of life represented by the House in which Venus resides illustrate where your attractive powers most strongly assert themselves and where your desires most powerfully seek to fulfill themselves.

My Venus resides in the Sign of _________________.


When your natal Venus resides in Aries your desire nature tends towards aggressive self expression. You are outgoing and assertive and pursue what you desire in a direct and aggressive manner seldom relenting in your quest until you have achieved the object of your desire. Others perceive you as a vital and passionate individual intent on realizing your desires but with this natal position you must guard against impatience, narcissism or moral decline due to unchecked self indulgence.


When your natal Venus resides in Taurus your desire nature is strong, sensual and inclined to focus on the material pleasures. Your desires are of a strong and constant nature and you pursue them until you attain complete satisfaction. Others perceive you as a loyal and faithful individual with a strong sense of commitment and purpose, but with this natal position you must guard against jealousy, possessiveness and excessive indulgence in the pleasures of the senses.


When your natal Mercury resides in Gemini your desire nature is of a cool, calculating and intellectual quality. You tend to think your feelings and strive to realize your desires through careful planning rather than spontaneous emotional responses. Others perceive you as a witty, talkative and curious individual but with this natal placement you need to guard against boredom, fickleness and a restless need for variety.


When your natal Venus resides in Cancer your desire nature is of a tender, caring and nurturing quality. You are a deeply sensitive individual who seeks security and stability in relationships. Others perceive you as a kind hearted and sympathetic individual but with this natal position you need to guard against excessive caution, moodiness and unrealistic expectations that may lead to severe disappointments.


When your natal Venus resides in Leo your desire nature is of sincere, ardent and magnetic quality. You are a loyal and trustworthy individual who lives with high expectations and possesses an abundance of personal and social pride. Others experience you as an optimistic, glamorous and exciting person but with this natal position you need to guard against jealousy, snobbishness and sexual obsessions.


When your natal Venus resides in Virgo your desire nature is of a discriminating, controlled and cautious character. You tend to over analyze emotions and are very careful about your emotional involvements. Others experience you as a warm hearted, polite and unassuming individual but with this natal position you need to guard against fault finding, a sense of social inferiority and an over attraction to material comforts.


When your natal Venus resides in Libra your desire nature is of an expressive, balanced and harmonious character. You are quite sociable in nature and have keen intuition and perception into others. Others experience you as a charming, refined and sociable individual but with this natal position you need to guard against harboring resentments, avoidance of healthy conflict and falling in love with the wrong persons.


When your natal Venus resides in Scorpio your desire nature is of an intense, passionate and sensual character. You are a very straightforward, direct  and  determined  individual  with  a  deep  commitment  to attaining your goals despite any difficulties or obstacles that might stand in your way. Others experience you as a magnetic, deeply loyal and self confident individual but with this natal position you need to guard against jealousy, possessiveness and an inclination towards cruelty.


When your natal Venus resides in Sagittarius your desire nature is of a generous, thoughtful and friendly character.   You are a cheerful, happy, affectionate and emotionally demonstrative person who takes a thoughtful approach to life and is endowed with a great sense of humor. Others experience you as an honest, idealistic and imaginative person but with this natal position you must guard against being overly naïve, too outspoken or attempting to force your views and beliefs on others.


When your natal Venus resides in Capricorn your desire nature is of a mature, cautious and traditional character. You are a serious and careful individual who is logical, steadfast and dependable. Others experience you as a conservative and friendly individual but with this natal position you need to guard against a lack of emotional warmth or a cold, calculating and cynical attitude towards other people.


When your natal Venus resides in Aquarius your desire nature is of a calm, detached and aloof character. You are a popular and well liked individual who is open minded and makes friends easily. Others experience you as a charming, unique and future minded spirit but with this Natal position you must guard against eccentric behavior or being too impersonal in your relationships with other individuals.


When your natal Venus resides in Pisces your desire nature is of a kind, sympathetic and tender character. You are a charitable, devoted and empathetic individual who thinks with your heart and strives to live and feel universal love and compassion for all. Others experience you as a sensitive, compassionate and self sacrificing  individual but with this natal position you must guard against becoming impaired by your extreme emotional sensitivity or drifting off into flights of fancy and losing touch with the real world.


The House where Venus resides in your chart is the astrological indication of the area of your life where your desire nature is most powerfully focused. It is the area of life where you will express the attractive powers of Venus and seek the fulfillment of your desires.

My Venus resides in the_______________House.

Venus in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality.

Venus in the Second House of Material and Moral Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life as well as a strong moral one.

Venus in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on your overall mental development and the enhancement of your communication skills.

Venus in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on discovering and fulfilling your emotional nature.

Venus in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self-expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self fulfillment. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on expanding and multiplying yourself through biological and creative procreation.

Venus in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others.

Venus in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the close personal relationships in your personal, business and social life.

Venus in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the exploration of the undiscovered or unrealized dimensions of your life.

Venus in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the expansion of your spiritual awareness.

Venus in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success  and  achievements.  When your  Venus  resides  in  this  house, its focus is on success in your career and the advancement of your professional status in the community.

Venus in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus will be on reaping the benefits of your status in society, experiencing the pleasure of your relationships with your friends, and harvesting the fruits of your realized hopes and dreams.

Venus in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on gaining self knowledge through valuing your psychic intuition and creative imagination and on the integration of dreams into your conscious life.