Modern Spiritual Astrology by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The position of Mars in your chart represents the area of the strongest focus and expression of that aspect of your consciousness which you experience as your aggressive natural energy: your initiative, ambition and drive to work and accomplish. It expresses the energy of your natural life – your initiative, aggressiveness and ambition. The areas of life represented by the House in which Mars resides illustrate where you most powerfully express your ambition motivated actions and where you are called upon to exert your energy and initiative to achieve your goals.

My Mars resides in the Sign of _________________.


When your natal Mars resides in Aries your aggressive natural energy is of a forceful and direct character. You are an energetic and independent person who demonstrates natural leadership abilities and who is known for pioneering new ideas. Others experience you as a highly competitive, bold and passionate individual but with this natal position you need to guard against unbounded egotism, overly aggressive behavior and intolerance for other points of view.


When your natal Mars is placed in Taurus your aggressive natural energy is of a determined, practical and enduring character. You are a reliable, goal orientated and productive person who is motivated by a need for material well being and security. Others experience you as an honest person of great integrity but with this natal position you need to guard against laziness, sexual jealousy and an excess love of material comfort.


When your natal Mars resides in Gemini your aggressive natural energy expresses itself with an energetic, restless and active character. You have a sharp and eager mind and are a witty and versatile person as well as being multi-talented. Others experience you as an adaptable, intelligent and socially sophisticated person but with this natal position you need to guard against restlessness, impatience and a tendency towards sarcasm.


When your natal Mars resides in Cancer, your aggressive natural energy tends to most powerfully  expresses  itself in strong  and deep  seated feelings and emotions. You tend to be a person whose principal aim in life is to attain family closeness and inner satisfaction but you constantly struggle with anger and powerful inner desires. Others experience you as a very sensual person who is protective towards those whom you love and can be counted on to be dependable in the long term, but with this Natal position you need to guard against moodiness, irritability and a tendency to lose your emotional control.


When your natal Mars resides in Leo your vital natural energy is of a determined, creative and dynamic character. You are an energetic, highly competitive and bold individual who exhibits strong will power, courage and stamina and whose ambitions are fueled by a strong sense of self confidence. Others experience you as a self sufficient, courageous and enthusiastic individual but with this Natal position you need to guard against pride, arrogance and unchecked ambition.


When your natal Mars resides in Virgo your vital natural energy is of a disciplined, adaptable and practical character. You tend to be a productive, goal orientated and logical person who has a good head for detail and can be very shrewd and calculating when necessary. Others experience you as an ingenious and productive worker but with this natal position you need to guard against being overly self critical, indiscreet or becoming obsessed with insignificant matters.


When your natal Mars resides in Libra your aggressive natural energy tends to express itself in a cooperative and generous manner. You favor a balanced approach to living and moderation in all things. Others experience you as an amicable and cooperative person who strives to be impartial in your actions and opinions - someone who strives for justice at all times - but with this Natal position you need to guard against laziness, procrastination and a lack of self reliance.


When your natal Mars resides in Scorpio your aggressive natural energy expresses itself with an intense, passionate and sensual character. You are a strong willed, forceful and determined individual who values efficiency, courage and self discipline.  Others perceive  you as a resourceful and self disciplined individual but with this natal position you need to guard against emotional possessiveness, intense jealousy and sexual excess.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Sagittarius your aggressive natural energy expresses itself in a passionate love of learning and a burning inner need to elevate your level of consciousness. You are an optimistic, independent and friendly person whose enthusiasm and self confidence serves as an inspiration to all who cross your path. Others experience you as a free spirited person with few personal inhibitions but with this natal position you need to guard against restlessness, over optimism or a lack of consistency in pursuing your goals.


When your natal Mars resides in Capricorn your aggressive natural energy manifests itself as ambition, dedication and tenacity in pursuing your goals. You are a practical, efficient and responsible person who is willing to work hard to achieve your aims. Others experience you as a strongly disciplined, focused and “take charge” individual but with this natal position you need to guard against obsessive materialism, selfishness or a ruthless “end justifies the means” attitude.


When your natal Mars resides in Aquarius your aggressive natural energy expresses itself most powerfully in social activity or within organizations that have a humanitarian or philanthropic purpose in society. You are a cooperative person who works well with others – an individual of active intellect who devotes your energy to the pursuit of a meaningful life. Others experience you as a team player with a good sense of direction and great organizing abilities but with this Natal position you need to guard against being too argumentative, impatient or overly aggressive in your social relationships.


When your natal Mars resides in Pisces your aggressive natural energy seeks to express itself through modes of artistic expression, especially those of music and poetry. You are a sensitive individual with a strong creative imagination and a high emotional energy that finds expression in a strong mystical or religious impulse. Others experience you as a person of  high ideals who  is most  happy being  a “behind the scenes” player but with this natal position you need to guard against becoming too weak willed, succumbing to a sense of inner restlessness or being overcome by your emotions.


The House where Mars resides in the chart is the astrological indication of the area of your life where your physical energy, initiative, aggressiveness and ambition are most powerfully focused and expressed.

My Mars resides in the _________________ House.

Mars in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality.

Mars in the Second House of Material Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life.

Mars in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on your overall mental development and the enhancement of your communication skills.

Mars in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on discovering and fulfilling your emotional nature.

Mars in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self-expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self fulfillment. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on expanding and multiplying yourself through biological and creative procreation.

Mars in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others.

Mars in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the close personal relationships in your personal, business and social life.

Mars in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the exploration of the undiscovered or unrealized dimensions of your life.

Mars in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the expansion of your spiritual awareness.

Mars in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on success in your career and the advancement of your professional status in the community.

Mars in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus will be on reaping the benefits of your status in society, experiencing the pleasure of your relationships with your friends, and harvesting the fruits of your realized hopes and dreams.

Mars in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on gaining self knowledge through valuing your psychic intuition and creative imagination and on the integration of dreams into your conscious life.