More Annoying Dead People (Book#2) by Evelyn Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine


     I received a strange letter in the mail from a small group stating they were sponsored by a research association, that studied psychic and paranormal phenomena.  They wanted to know if I would be willing to be a participant in one of their upcoming study’s.  The letter did not say what their topic of study would be.

     The letterhead was from a university I will not name.  The letter went on to say, I and the other participants would remain anonymous in their findings.  Their main goal was to ask a specific question to see how many of the participants answers would match or be similar in context. 

     It said there would be twenty-five psychics from twenty-five different states that had been selected, and that none of us would know who the other twenty-four were. 

     If I gave my permission to be one of the participants, a five-man team would come and document my response to their question using video, audio and other paranormal equipment.

     Also, all twenty-five psychics would each be paid a stipend of $355.00 dollars for the one day of service rendered.

     So, I thought about it for a couple of days, and asked Alexander what he thought about it.  He simply said it was my choice to make, not his.  I admit, the money sure was enticing as I was working for a nice restaurant as a hostess and could surely use some extra cash.

     I called the number on the letter and spoke to a young sounding girl at the university and made arrangements for the day and time their team was available to come to my apartment.

     Three weeks later, the five-man team turned out to only be two guys and a girl; they were your typical college looking individuals.  Casually dressed and courteous.  They arrived on the appointed day and time agreed upon.  They were carrying all sorts of fancy looking equipment and thingamajigs I didn’t recognize.

     After introductions were made the team explained their basic functions; Troy was in charge of operating the cameras, sensors, meters and things of that nature; while it was Dexter’s responsibility to handle the contract, which I had to sign to get paid, and to record and document everything that happened during their visit.

     Jana, it turns out was what they called a psychic ‘fraud’ investigator.  It was her job to determine, if I was genuine or a fake.  I must say, that caught me by surprise.

     Troy and Dexter set about setting up and sweeping through my apartment; using their gadgets to measure temperature, electromagnetic waves and all kinds of other stuff I didn’t quite understand.

     Jana just sat next to me on the sofa; she would stretch her arms out toward me and run her hands around the outline of my body, but never actually touched me.  She did this several times and then she would write in a little notebook, making sure I couldn’t see what she had written.

     “Are you trying to read my aura,” I asked pleasantly.

     Jana’s reply was straight to the point, “I’m not permitted to have a conversation with the test subject.  You can direct your questions to Dexter.  He will be asking you the question that deals with this particular study.”

     “Oh, okay,” I said as I took note of the ‘test subject’ remark.  Glancing around my apartment, I watched as the two young men seemed to be finishing up.

     They had me sit in a chair opposite from Troy who was manipulating an elaborate camera set up on a tripod.  Dexter had positioned himself just to the left of Troy facing me. 

     “Are you ready to begin?  Do you need to summon your spirit operative?” Dexter asked.

     “Yes, I’m ready to start when you are,” I said as I took in and released a deep breath which helped me to relax.

     Dexter gave Troy the thumbs-up and he started the camera recording.  “Let me state that this psychic probe will be dealing with what has been occurring nationwide concerning ‘mass shootings.’  Are we good to go?”

     “Yes, I’m ready.”

     “Do you know the name of your main spirit entity that works with you?  If not, just say no; we realize not all psychics are aware of their controllers name.”

     “All my information from the other side comes from my guide Alexander,” I answered politely.

     “Very good.  Let’s begin; regarding mass shootings, what does your guide Alexander have to convey to us concerning the spiritual interpretation behind this mainstream phenomena that affects our current society.”

     Alexander started sending his reply, “My guide wants to first explain the main reasons for mass shootings; but be aware not all mass shootings will fit this pattern, but the overall majority will, he says.

     Many times, an Energy Being, or Soul if you prefer, will join up with other like-minded beings and plan out lifetimes that will intersect once they have incarnated into the physical world.  They do so in order to encounter what cannot be experienced in the Unseen World; and on a larger scale, to balance out energy that has been blocked, so to speak, and that energy needs to be expressed in a positive manner before it seeks a negative pathway to express itself. 

     For example, these Energy Beings agree to come together, each taking on a particular role while in the human form, which will help them all grow in awareness and enlightenment, or to create a positive balance where too much negative energy has developed.  They are all a part of the same soul group; for like attracts like.

     Alexander says, in the following hypothetical situation he will be utilizing for our understanding, there will be twenty-seven energy beings involved in a pre-planned mass shooting event.  The time and place have been selected; it will be an office building in a mid-sized city in a southern state.  One energy being will be the designated shooter, eleven other energy beings will be designated as murder fatalities, and the remaining fifteen energy beings will be wounded in varying degrees without any casualties.

     Alexander says after the plan has been acknowledged by a higher council of energy beings; it will now be implemented.  The energy beings have all incarnated based on their various human ages, which they will be at the time of the event; their lives will be guided, so to speak, by their spirit companions bringing them all together so the event can then play out as planned in the Unseen World.

     He says, as the termed traumatic mass shooting scene concludes; now comes the reaction of the first responders, the family and friends of all involved, the community at large, and those exposed through the various media sources across the nation. 

     The desired effect sought by the Unseen World, for allowing this to occur, is the outpouring of compassion for their fellow human beings, and to express unconditional love toward individuals, that may not even be personally known to them.

     This assists in balancing out negative energy that has been expressed through; hatred and anger, toward individuals and groups who are of a different race, nationality, religious belief or sexual orientation; whether known or unknown to them.

     Once the mass shooting has concluded; Alexander says it is now very important to understand the shooter, those killed, and wounded are all simply actors performing upon the so-called stage of life.  Look behind the named frightening act and see the true meaning; that of invoking unconditional love that is greatly needed in this nation.

     He says, it is important to not judge or invoke hatred or rage toward the individual who carries out such a predetermined violent act as a mass shooter.  The act of being a predetermined murderer and of being a predetermined victim of a murderer carry their own personal awareness and enlightenment for those involved.  Let love be your first weapon, when threatened by fear, whether you comprehend the true nature of the act itself. 

     Alexander wants to know if you have another question.”

     “No.” Dexter then stood next to Troy as they started reviewing some of the images captured on their fancy equipment.

     I mentally asked Alexander what was taking place.  He said they were trying to discern if their machines captured any measurements showing proof of his arrival and departure. 

     “Does anyone want something to drink?  I have water, tea…some Pepsi Cola perhaps?”  The boys were too busy playing with their gadgets to answer.

     Jana said, “No thank you.”

     My curiosity was up so I asked Jana, “How did you come to hear about me?”

     “I’m not at liberty to answer your questions.” She stood and whispered something to Dexter and then left my apartment.

     The boys finally stopped what they were doing and started packing up all their equipment.

     “Is that it?” I asked looking at Dexter.

     “Yep, that’s it.”

     “Were you able to get any readings on your devices when Alexander arrived?” I asked.

     “We’re not at liberty to answer any questions at this time.” Dexter said as he continued packing.

     That ‘not at liberty’ line must be something the university taught them to say I guessed.

     They soon departed and I never heard from them again.  I wondered what the other psychics came up with about mass shootings.  I never saw any documentaries on the subject or read anything on the internet about any university studies on mass shootings pertaining to psychics.

     Oh well, maybe later on they will present something in written form or something to view on TV or the internet.



The End…….