More Annoying Dead People (Book#2) by Evelyn Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight


     As I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment building, I noticed a familiar car.  Standing outside my apartment was Belinda Montgomery, a new client of mine.  She was in her late twenty’s and had red hair and green eyes.  A little on the heavy side, but average for the most part.

     “Well, hello dear, is everything alright?” I asked as I unlocked my door.

     “Oh Evelyn, I’m so sorry for just showing up like this.  I know I should have called first, but I had so many things going on and I was in the neighborhood.  So, I figured, what the hell, I’d take the chance to drop by and see if you were able to do a reading for me.”  She seemed almost out of breath as she rattled off that statement.

     “It’s okay, come on in.  It’s been a slow week for me to tell the truth.  Let me change out of my work clothes.  Please make yourself comfy on the couch and I’ll be out in a jiffy.”

     Belinda settled in and relaxed.  She declined my offer of refreshments. 

     I sat next to her on the couch and started doing some deep breathing to prepare for Alexanders entrance.

     “Now then, my guide is here, what would you like to ask?”

     “It’s about my nine-year-old son, William.  He keeps getting ear infections and the doctor wants to do surgery to put in drainage tubes.  He’s worried about the excessive use of antibiotics to clear the infections, so he wants to try surgery.

     Surgery just scares me a little because William is so young.  I just wanted to check in with your guide to see what is causing him to have so many ear infections.  Is there something else I can do to help him?” She seemed sincerely concerned for her son.

     “Okay, Alexander says you should be aware that you hold part responsibility for these infections.  There is much you do not understand on your plane about your impact on Williams energy. 

     He says there are actions you take that directly impact the energy body and physical body of William.  Care should be taken to understand how energy is in all things and that energy can be positive and negative.  There is energy in words and actions and those words can cause harm to the long-term healing and health of any living thing on your plane.

     Alexander says there are things that can be done, healing, positive, loving energy, and similar that can rectify this situation.  Please be patient, have understanding on things that matter.  Care of a child is important until they can fully develop on their own for their spirits’ sake.  Damage can be done if they are not past certain milestones in their development that can take many years or even lifetimes to undo.”

     “So, does William need tubes in his ears?” She blurted out.

     “My guide says all healing comes from within. There are things you can teach William to heal his own body, positive thought, prayer, meditation and affirmations, such as, ‘I have a healthy and complete body, my body heals on every level.’

     There is nothing from the outside that is going to heal any ailment better than your mind.  There are supplements that can be taken to curb the signs and symptoms of this ailment, until it is learned how to use the mind to stop this and the actions of the mother have better effect on the child.

     He says pain pills to mask the problem are not overly helpful as infection still exists.  Natural antibiotic substances will clear up infection. Sleeping to allow drainage will successfully remove problems.  There is nothing that can’t be done on your plane by diet and mindful health coupled with the correct energy and actions directed on the correct and proper results.

     So much wasted time and action.  There should be less time spent on worrying about a problem and more time doing the things that human spirits can do to correct these problems.  Action!”

     “I’m not sure I understand…so what causes Williams ear infections?” Belinda asks point blank.

     “Alexander says there is an energy imbalance that a doctor is not going to experience or look for because this part of the body does not exist to them.  There is clearing that can be done with positive thought and meditation.  There are no quick fixes.  Anything taken internally or placed in the arm by your medical professionals will only cause temporary relief.  There will be no long-term satisfaction from any of these, please understand this.

     There is nothing that YOU cannot accomplish because YOU are the ones who create and destroy with your minds.  Destroying an ear infection is just as simple as destroying anything good that humans tend to ignore.

     He says to build up immunity, there must be balance on all levels of human existence, not just physical.  There must be balance, spirit is important and can present its problems as reflections into the physical body parts.  You are not alone in thinking that more should be done, but medicine can only provide physical relief, it is treating the symptoms and signs that are in the physical body, when the true problem can be in the mind or higher levels of being that are not overly visible to most of the spirits having an existence there. 

     Please understand these, we know you do. Please make this right, many infections in the ear can cause problems later in life for balance, hearing, cognizance.”

     “I just don’t understand what I should do.” Belinda said as she threw her hands up.

     “I think my guide is trying to explain this situation in a nice and positive way.  He…”

     She cut me off, “Please tell your guide I don’t need some goody-goody crap.  Just tell him to let me have it smack in the face…I can take it!” She cried out.

     Alexander started sending information, and if he does, I give it out, “He says you are living in a negative energy environment with your husband and son.  The arguing, yelling and physical abuse created by you and your spouse have impacted all three beings, and all are suffering from this toxic situation that has been created.  

     Mentally and emotionally the boy is not developed enough to withstand this level of negative energy, so it manifests itself as ear infections and is causing other underlying physical problems that will soon become evident if no positive action is taken to correct this situation.

     He says you and your spouse may choose to use your free will to live in such a negative situation, but to force this upon your son, who is an innocent bystander, so to speak, will invoke a karmic liability for you and your spouse.

     Alexander says take immediate action to correct this negative environment for the sake of the young boy or remove yourselves from it.

     He wants to know if that’s clear enough?”

     “Yes, it is.  That’s all I need to know.” Belinda left my apartment with a strong determination to take action.  

     I think guides try to say things in such a way that they want us to think and come to a conclusion about something on our own.  To use our free will, because those in the spirit dimension are not allowed to live our life for us.  They can only try to guide us in a positive direction concerning our chosen lessons and experiences.

     As it has been said, ‘there is no right, there is no wrong, just life lessons and experiences.’

     *Note to Readers:  As for ‘Mind-Energy Healing’ go before yourself and ask what you wish to do, see it being done.  Do not wait for the universe to create it, create it for yourself.  Create with the mind what you wish to see.  This method is for all things, not in only work and health.  Heal yourself with your mind.  You have the ability within yourself to place your hands on your body and direct energy with your mind.  This is not simply your own energy recycling, this is universal energy, that which exists all around you.  Your body will use it, your body will convert it from a ‘neutral’ energy into that which will be used to your benefit, for your highest good. 

You can take an active role in your healing instead of hoping for some outside cure and its side-effects to correct your health issues.

*A note from Evelyn Adams; for what it’s worth, here is what Alexander told me to say, ‘I call for the universal energy to activate, to bring forth positive healing in the way of rehabilitating, rejuvenating, regenerating energy.  Let that energy fill every atom, every molecule, every cell in my body with positive healing, bringing my body to a state of wellness and wholeness.  (*) I direct the universal energy to seek out and destroy any infection, any virus, any harmful bacteria.  To flush those from my body, bringing my body to a state of balance, harmony and perfection.  These are my decrees, for I am one with God.  So be it.’

If you have a certain illness or injury simply insert this into the above paragraph, and you may invoke this as often as you desire.  (*) I direct the universal energy to bring healing energy to (whatever you are having trouble with).  To bring it to a state of balance, harmony and perfection.