More Annoying Dead People (Book#2) by Evelyn Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter Three


     One of my frequent clients, Cynthia, called to make an appointment for a reading.  She said it wasn’t for her, but for a friend of hers, Vicky, who had just gotten out of the hospital a few days ago. 

     I told her that would be fine, so we arranged a day and time for them to come over to my apartment.

     Later that week, they arrived early, which was okay as my previous client had already departed.  I try and leave at least thirty minutes between appointments just in case the reading runs over a bit.

     Cynthia, who was in her late thirties had a slender build and short blond hair.  She was what some would call ‘spiritual, but not religious.’  Her friend Vicky, who looked a little younger, had long dark hair that went down past her shoulders.  She too was slender.  Vicky seemed in good health overall for just getting out of the hospital not so long ago.  She was a devout Christian.  After exchanging pleasantries, and making ourselves comfortable in my living room, we came to the point of their visit.

     Vicky said she had been in a car accident.  As she proceeded through a green light at a four-lane intersection, a young man of nineteen who was texting on his cellphone ran the red light and struck her on the drivers’ side of her small hatchback car.  The young man was driving a large extended cab pickup truck. 

     The force of the impact rendered her unconscious and she had to be cut out of her car by a fire rescue team.  Her physical injuries were minor, yet she had suffered a major brain concussion.  She was transported to an emergency room at the nearest hospital.

     Vicky said she remembers becoming aware that her body was floating several feet off the ground and she was in a corner of the room watching two nurses and a doctor who were examining her body. 

     There were many wires attached to her head and chest area that were attached to several machines.  She listened as the doctor told the nurses that she was brain dead, and that they should check her driver’s license to see if she was an organ donor, and to notify her next of kin.

     As she floated above this scene, she said she was not afraid and felt a sense of being surrounded by love.  Vicky became aware of another being hovering near her.  She said it was Jesus. 

     They had a short conversation about moving in a more positive direction with her remaining lifetime, and about not being so afraid and not to entertain thoughts of suicide.  Then Jesus said it was time and pointed toward her body.

     The next thing she knew she was back in her physical body and awake.  The nurses were calling it a miracle.  Even the doctor was amazed at her full recovery.  Vicky said she didn’t tell anyone at the hospital about what had happened to her.  When Cynthia came and picked her up from the hospital a few days later, she then told her trusted friend everything that she experienced.

     “My goodness, you sure have been through a lot,” I said amazed at her ordeal.

     “Yes, it’s been quite an eye opener indeed.” Vicky noted.

     “So, how can I help you today?” I asked as I felt Alexanders presence.

     “I just wanted to know ‘why me.’  What was the reasoning behind this accident, I guess is what I’m asking?  Cynthia thinks there’s more to it than meets the eye.  That new age stuff she’s into.” Vicky seemed genuinely baffled by all of this.

     “Well, my guide says he wants to give you the basic outline of why some people go through a ‘Near Death Experience’ and you will see the correlation of what you encountered to what others have endured.

     Alexander says there is an experience for many that involves their belief in the afterlife.  It is important that some be broken from this or be righted on their path away from what they were currently pursuing.  Some merely attempt to break from their physical existence prior to their scheduled departure, not that it is to be understood that there is often a specific date or time.  There is a set of goals, a loose configuration of what should be accomplished, once it is so, or it is seen that it can be only accomplished so much and you are ready to make an exit, then you shall. 

     He says near death experiences are physical bodies that are being kept alive, usually through spirit intervention, so that the energy being can be counseled or consoled in the higher dimension.

     It is important to know that there is not always physical trauma that needs to be experienced in order to bring this to a soul’s existence.  The trauma, usually interpreted by the mind, is often a catalyst for such behaviors to be understood. 

     There is a clear break.  This is merely an intermission allowing a break so that counselling of the soul can take place.  This often brings about development of skills or abilities that use other senses of the mind to produce psychic perceptions or a stronger spirit connection, so that communication in some or all forms is much more possible.

     Alexander says it is necessary to understand that there are many who experience this but never return with the information they were given. Often, in subtle ways, their conversations while out of their body, will affect their life subconsciously.  Others may not change.  Others experience this information and retain the memory of such.  To some extent, this is dependent on the person; partly this is dependent on the situation. 

     He says there are many who have observed their body while on the operating room table or after a severe trauma has taken place.  There is much that you do not understand about the mind’s perception and relation and connectedness to all things. 

     Yes, your mind can give you the perception that your energy body is leaving, though still connected, to your physical body.  But there is an awareness of all things that are available to all who exist.  This experience is often that awareness being freed from the confines and shackles of the mind; it is being freed from the cell and therefore can perceive all that is taking place.

     Alexander says because the last moments before unconsciousness were focused on the impending injury, there is the ability to experience the areas associated with this energy, therefore, it is remaining in close conscious thought proximity to that which is taking place to your body.

     The others that experience this will also remove their entire being from the physical body, though the physical body has not yet completely been used or expired.  This is, again, experiencing that which is completely able to be experienced now.  It is often trauma which unleashes the full mind’s potential and ability to see what is always readily available to it. 

     He says it is not some trauma which makes it or awakens it for you.  It was there all along.  It is the ability to access this information which is realized after the incident.  You can awaken or focus on these areas prior to having your awakening through a car accident, a motorcycle accident, a fall, something that incapacitates the physical leaving the mind to not be fully controlled or encompassed and governed by the physical senses.

     Spirit workers can do many things to sustain your body while you are removed from it, though extended absence results in death. 

     He says there are specific incidents where other activity is taking place; where the entity never leaves the body but is counseled within; there are others where they meet with their guides and higher masters in order to alleviate some confusion which has possibly brought this being to a point of neglect and destruction. 

     Others may have come to this point through no direct fault of their own but again, the mind is freed from the control the senses may exercise over it.  It is freer.  Your mind does not, and its awareness, does not take up only that which fills the empty space within your skull or that knowledge which you choose to read and surround yourself with.

     The expanse which your mind covers and can assimilate and acquire and is currently aware of covers all the known stars, planets, universes, and galaxies known to humankind on your plane of existence.

     Alexander says it is becoming aware through subtle hints, or what you perceive as subtle indications, that will awaken this.  Many need to be told of the greatness beyond this current life you are living in order to understand the scope of themselves and those they encounter.

     It is not necessary to always directly consult spirit guides or light workers for assistance and guidance; it can be lived, a life without psychic ability, and live a productive life spiritually speaking, but to know of the vastness of all creation, in your knowing and beyond it, this is why and the purpose for some needing to see the greatness that is truly all of the eternal known existence.

     Alexander says there is much that is needed to be shared in order to awaken focus into other areas.  Realms are not limited to only those inhabitants that currently reside in them, and in order to fully grasp the complexity and yet simplicity and of the purpose of this lifetime it is important to understand this. 

     Many are seriously on the wrong tasks; many are on the right and true tasks but not in a determined effort.  Many are urged.  You may not have a connection to spirit which you consciously use or call for information for yourself or others but this is still present, the ability to communicate, for there is always information sent, there is the ability for information to always to be sent to you to assist you. 

     He says it is your will that exercises the judgment and ability to carry it out, acknowledge it, or to completely ignore it.  You may decide what to do.

     Do you understand?” I asked Vicky.

     “Yes, I get it for the most part.  I see where the parts of my ‘Near Death Experience’ fit into what he said.  Time for me to make some changes in my life and head in another, more positive direction with my life.  I have been existing, not living.  I see that now.  Thanks sweetie, you’re the best.” Vicky said as she and Cynthia got ready to leave.

     “Well, the credit goes to Alexander.  He has all the answers.  There’re things he talks about that I don’t understand at times, but when I sit and think deeper, I start to get the overall meaning of what he’s explaining.”

     After our goodbyes, I closed the door and then I noticed two twenty-dollar bills on my coffee table. 

*Note to Reader:  There have been many who have had ‘Near Death Experiences’ and relate seeing the image of, or communicating with, the being known as Jesus.  Just know, Jesus is not presently a being that you can readily relate to in any way.  There are many who worship him and expect him to come to their aid, but this is simply not possible.  This does not mean that there is no aid, no one listening, no help or guidance, it is simply not the being you believe it to be.  In many cases there are similar looking presentations, for various beings for those who are in a physical form, and cling wholeheartedly to the image and idea of Jesus.  We do not at all discount or discredit the work of Jesus; many of the stories shared in bibles are accurate in their entirety, partially, and many others were ignored or dismissed over the years.  It is simply a manner of crossing over and seeing what is most comfortable to you.  You question these things because there are children adding to the claims of seeing Jesus.  There are images that are shared, and this is simply the universally accepted image because it is the true physical representation of Jesus, as he appeared on the earth plane in the human form, but it is not Jesus as the true being of energy and light.  If you were to truly experience another being on the plane of your true existence, the spirit dimension, they would not necessarily, and in most cases, not at all, appear to be a being in the physical form that you are used to seeing because of living a life in a human form.

There are those who may not comprehend this; but as with death, as with all things, there are no universal truths that are true at all times for all people; a truth can be simultaneously true and untrue.  While it is not possible to communicate directly with Jesus, it is possible to communicate, for many, with Jesus.  These communications are currently based on the life and teachings of Jesus and are related by a being who takes the physical form of Jesus.  It is not important that a specific being is aiding you.  What is more important and what can offer more assistance to you in the future is the understanding that this being you are seeking aid from is more often yourself, your true self, this is the being that can help you the most.  We do not mean this in an abstract way in which you are viewing yourself in some type of mirror, you are currently, if you are reading this, in a physical body.  You will not see yourself unless you leave your physical body and even then, you are not viewing yourself, you are only able to view a physical body, which you have inhabited along with many other bodies before, in many other lifetimes.  Many will see what is comfortable.  Many should see that there is a group of beings willing to help and assist you at all times.  No matter your current state, you are never alone.  Many religions and many belief systems will have different names for these beings, many can call them angels or guides or spirit animals, but what you see is what is more comfortable to you, to allow the message to be the most receptive that it can be.  We understand that for many it will be and has been a shock to learn about these things and to experience them.  We would not send a form, and none would visit you that would cause you to mistrust the message. What is more important is the message, not the vessel that brings it, but often it is the image or the vessel that causes mistrust or doubt.  You are not seeing Jesus.  Jesus is not able to assist you.  That energy being known as Jesus, who walked the earth over two thousand years ago, has mastered and moved from this holographic illusion into a higher level of awareness, never to return.  Yet, there are many who work from his teachings to assist those on this physical plane who still seek such guidance.

*Note to Readers:  This added information concerning Jesus comes from a higher evolved source and deals with Easter.  The time for Jesus was not that rising from the dead, there are many accounts of this.  He was not dead.  There were illnesses of the time, he was not susceptible to many of these but would infrequently succumb to one.  Easter is rebirth.  This should be shared with you and others as though it was the new year. Many seek out the new year as their purpose for starting fresh and beginning anew, Easter, and the energy associated with it through various religions, is more powerful for new beginnings than any other day.  It is shared with many and shared on many dates.  Typically, May 1st, and the week leading up to it, that is when the energy is the strongest.  This is energy associated with past acts and the intentions of those who focus on this time.  Even in the modern Easter there are many representations of various religious traditions.  It is not a time to segregate.  Start new and fresh.  The savior Jesus was not an immortal man, he was a mortal man who was sent to deliver messages and show diverse populations the message of peace and love, and that all that we seek externally is available internally.  Humans, are very literally, a representation of the universe.  You can create, you, literally, impact the universe and are creators of the world, the actions, and the physical and non-physical that takes place within it.  Jesus was not in a mysterious tomb only to be risen from the dead.  He was to be moved to another location for medical treatment.  It is important to say that no one was impervious to this disease, he was able to heal himself.  It is also to be known that the length of one's life, the age, this was a different measurement than used today.  It is important to know that recordings in the bible, those that have not been altered, many are physical and accurate depictions of that which occurred, but there is much that has been destroyed and abolished for the sake of control.  There was much added to include hate and segregation.  This was not in the true spirit of the man Jesus.  This was not in a unifying and loving tone.  These are not the messages that he would have wanted shared.  It was his world to spread unity through honesty and caring between people no matter their station in life, no matter their money or position or education or sickness or health.  Those who attempted to show their importance were only using money and their greed, these are not true things, these are not necessary things.  These are not the willing gifts of the righteous who pursue their highest works. This Easter, it is time to move beyond what is shared in a biblical text and honor the true feelings in your heart.  Start yourself as a blank slate as you awaken, allow all that is near you to enter your mind and consider it a beneficial possibility before all else.  Consider it carefully. Before passing judgment, determine how this idea, situation, determine how it directly impacts your life and your heart and your mission.  There is much judgment on topics that do not impact but a few beings on your plane, but many will use this as a weapon for disaster among people.  Include in your thinking one opposing thought per day. Examine this opposing thought to your current thinking.  If you consider it to be valid at present, determine what bearing it has on your true being. Determine what must be done so that it cannot impact you.  Determine why it does.  If it does not alter your true path, release it from your being.  It is not for you to pass judgment nor carry judgment in your heart that is unnecessary.  This is carrying unnecessary hatred.  Honor those ideas and beliefs which are truly yours, which you feel truly impact your life, that which can change it positively.  Share them, live fully in them, but be forever open to change.  If you change nothing, consider yourself open to change.  Open to new ideas, you are not a book, you are an open journal that is open and willing to receive information on your blank pages.  After reflection, if the page does not speak to you, tear out this page.  If the page is for you, keep it with you, turn the page and experience more.  At no time is it impossible to remove or add information.  You are an open and growing being.  You are living through various points, periods, and time frames of education throughout life.  Do not maintain rigid thinking that you may have acquired at a younger age, open yourself to the vast possibilities.

The reasons for many of these to manifest later in life is that we are typically less frightful, less worried, and have less concern for the status quo.  Often, these may be through a series of events which have torn down the walls of what we know, and it now makes the being more accepting of new ideas.  This does not mean you shall willingly take on the ideas and impressions of anyone you are with as if you are a puppet to be controlled.  You are merely experiencing new possibilities that were before closed.  Allow no judgment in your heart.  See beings and the world as an opportunity for learning.  Learn not from the poor actions, do not judge an action as poor.  View the life of another and learn.  Learn their perspective.  Learn their purpose.  Learn and be open.  Be inquisitive.  The more you are open to other beings the more you will grow and confront and grow within your own being.

*Note to Reader:  Concerning ‘accidents,’ there is much adjustment that takes place in your life depending on your free will, so that events that are planned may take place, that is, not the specific event in most cases, but the event that brings about the desired experience or goal that you planned to achieve and experience in this lifetime.  There are many things that influence free will and influence events during your lifetime.  There are many things that are planned, simply because they appeared accidental or inconsequential makes them no less important, though they might be.  An accident can bring your attention to an area that you were neglecting, even in terms of thought, though the accident may have some physical impact.  There may also be implications for your emotions.  It is important to adjust your thinking to understand that there are no negative actions.  There are many things that unfold so that the desired plan, that which you were counseled and chosen to experience with your own desire, that these be accomplished.  You may learn love, for example, through any number of experiences, so it is not dependent at all times that you meet a specific individual or care for an individual so that a bond is formed or any other part of love or caring be experienced.  There are times when it is very dependent on the person because of their path and yours and how they interrelate, but many goals and experiences will be brought about by the circumstances no matter how your free will has intertwined with your plan.  It is of the utmost importance to keep your mind open and clear, and not worry on how the event has been formed; but to understand the fundamental reasons, those important beyond the physical world, those that you will carry with you after your physical death.  Examine these reasons, the motivations, and the areas being affected. These are what often determine growth or an area to review for some potential lesson or meaning after you have come through physical death.  It is not necessary at all times to feel as though you experienced a specific incident and then reacted poorly to it, though you may not understand the process now, you will understand, or you still may not, upon your exit from this physical world.  Your reflection upon this situation and understanding the correct, or universal response that may have been more positive is as useful as if it were your initial response.  Typically, it is not known by you whether this also was the required response for the growth of yourself or others involved, though all actions should be considered and reviewed on terms of how you feel, much later, after the incident.  Were you better off because of your reaction to the accident or were you feeling as though you reacted negatively towards yourself or others involved?  These are important if you are considering growth and evolution in your lifetime, and beyond that life.  Please understand that it is important that all humans know of lifetimes, there is much said to deter any thought or thinking regarding this and many are expressing themselves, their emotions, and reacting as if there is no life beyond that of physical death, that there is no impact, as if this is the only life.  It is important to know that you have many attempts, many incarnations, if you chose to call them that, and many reviewing of an immediate previous life to examine and understand.  There are also many things that may not be depending on this knowledge for you but to understand this, it is to remove one’s self from the hold and control and ill focus and motivations that many hold.  Process information when you receive it.  When there is a pressing situation at hand you can learn to recognize the correct behavior.  Many may call this, listening to their inner voice or angel, but being developed enough to understand your own intuition or guidance is important.  It should be noted that all should attempt to withdraw from all outside stimulation at least one solid hour per week, and there are many benefits to this being completed several times, in short increments, throughout one’s waking hours.  Pleasing the self is not as important as developing the self.  Waking hours are spent too often on that which causes the mind to be idle.