More Annoying Dead People (Book#2) by Evelyn Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter Four


     As I was taking an afternoon nap, the buzzing from my phone awakened me.  On the other end was the nervous, yet calm voice of a man who identified himself as Dr. Benton Cline, a psychiatrist.

     He wanted to know if I would be available to come to his downtown office sometime next week.

     I explained that at the moment I had no transportation, as my car had been repossessed by a used car dealership for failing to make the payments on time, which was okay since I couldn’t afford to make the car insurance payments either.

     Dr. Cline said he would make the necessary arrangements and pay for a taxicab to bring me downtown and to return me to my apartment afterwards and pay me $150.00 dollars in cash for my time. 

     The offer sounded very good, but I felt it was way too much and told him so.  Then he explained that because of his reputation as a psychiatrist, it would not bode well with his colleagues or clients should they find out he consulted a psychic.

     He asked that if anyone in the office building should inquire as to who I was, he’d prefer that I simply say I was a client of his, and not mention my psychic talent, as he called it.  Understanding his dilemma, I agreed to meet with him at his office the following day.  As for the money, it had the appearance of a bribe, but I learned not to question how spirit helped out when I was in true need.

     A taxi did arrive and had been paid for in advance and I was taken downtown to a very nice office building.  It was some twenty stories high.  Dr. Cline’s office was located on the top floor and was very stylish.

     It was late in the afternoon as I entered the receptionist area.  There was no receptionist, nor were there any patients or clients as he referred to them.  I felt the doctor was already finished for the day and that would help to keep my visit a secret.

     His office door opened, and I was invited to join him.  I could tell he was someone renowned in his field of psychiatry from all the diplomas, certificates and honorary plaques that adorned his office walls.

     Dr. Benton Cline was in his late-forties I guessed.  Grayish-brown short hair and matching goatee, with gold framed glasses.  Average build with a developing pot belly.  Impressive pin-striped suit.

     Sitting across from each other we settled down to business.  He clarified why he had called me for a psychic reading.  One of his clients that he had diagnosed as a schizophrenic, had to be institutionalized because of her inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy; culminating in hallucinations and delusional behavior causing her to become disabled and unable to function in normal society.

     He was now using anti-psychosis drugs with little to no effect and was now considering using electroconvulsive therapy (shock treatment) which had been suggested by a few of his colleagues.

     “I’ve asked you here because I’m unsure of the direction I need to pursue.  I must admit seeking help from a psychic had never crossed my mind.” Dr. Cline stated with concern in his voice.

     “What changed your mind, if you don’t mind my asking?” I was curious to know his answer.

     “Frankly, it was my oldest daughter’s idea.  Rachel is into this ‘new age’ movement, if that’s the correct terminology.  She told me to forget what I was taught and to open my mind to new frontiers.  So, here we are.”

     “She’s right, it’s never too late to try something outside of mainstream thinking.”

     “I like to think I have an open mind.” He seemed a bit more relaxed.

     “Very well then, let me see what my guide, Alexander has to say about all this.”  I already felt his vibrations around me.

     “Yes, please.” He crossed his right leg over the other as he settled back into his chair.  Producing a small tape recorder, he held it up for me to see.  I nodded in the affirmative and he turned it on and placed it on the arm of the chair.

     I’ve had many clients who record my readings with them.  Some do it because they can’t remember all that is said, and others have told me it was so they could play it for friends or family later on.

     As I took in a deep breath, Alexander started sending information.  “My guide wants to say first off; schizophrenia is not just a disease of the mind but a problem of the overall person.  This is what your medicine does not yet understand.

     There must be another approach, differently, to overall health, that focuses on what is not yet directly or scientifically measured by your experts.  There is much in the way of science that needs to interweave with your beliefs, and this is starting to happen in your lifetime.  There is much that can be done to improve the state of a person suffering and undergoing this trauma.

     Alexander says lesser spirits and entities, from lower levels of the spirit dimension, are torturing theses poor souls who have deformities, so to speak, of their creation.

     The problem they are experiencing is that they cannot stop or tune out those lower evolved beings because of this defect.   So those lower entities bombard them with incessant communication that causes, over time, the breaking down of their mental and physical makeup.  They must learn to stop these entities and take control.

    He says ignoring a problem with medication does not lessen the impact the spirit world, of any spirit kind, is having on a person.  They must associate body, mind, and spirit as one complete element. 

     Now, Alexander says there are some who go through this with the intention of learning and experiencing it in this lifetime. 

     There are many who may come to this life and have an error in their creation or development that allows these lesser entities to communicate with them.  It is not easy to stop this.  Drugs quiet receptors in the mind and body and simply dampen the messages.  A drugged mind is less receptive and less open to messages and input, but this also includes input from any higher being or entity wishing to assist the individual.

     At the onset, a person can be helped, there are times of need but there are times when a person is driven to a kind of madness because they are unable to control the messages received.

     Alexander says schizophrenia actually occurs after the voices and messages drive a person into a psychotic state, not simply hearing these messages, this is not schizophrenia.  Once a person is unable to reason with what is occurring, that is when schizophrenia begins. 

     There is no need for this to bother you because no matter when a person experiences it, by choice or by partial impairment of the body by some intention or neglect, this is for their learning.

     Changes occur in the body that allow this to happen.  Drugs are not the answer, no drug is the answer or cure all.  The mind is the only thing to be changed, studied, learned, understood, and the only thing that needs change within it to heal the entire body and cure most earthly maladies.

     Alexander says your world is obsessed with pills, by commercialism and insecurity, this will stop, and your healing will become evident when there is too much cost involved with the purchase and manufacture of pills that provide false hope and temporary relief.

      Your doctors do not primarily focus on prevention and overall health, they fix a singular problem.  Happiness does not come from a pill bottle.  Happiness comes from within.

     Alexander wants to know if you have a question?”

     “To tell the truth, I’m not quite sure I understand his overall hypothesis concerning schizophrenia.”

     “My guide says he will rephrase in hopes it will provide more understanding.  There are breaks in the energy body of what a person has around them, this allows so-called spiritual communication more easily, as most individuals would want, if they understood this.

     But for those who only hear negative messages, this is because their mind and body are of a lower vibration, and that attracts the abundant number of lower beings, that exist around us all. 

     The majority of energy beings living in a human form have higher vibrations that do not allow a lower entity to approach them, or to have communication with them.  Raise the vibration and hope can be seen for those with this illness.”

     “I’m sorry, but I just don’t see the overall picture here, what am I missing?”  Dr. Cline asked as he gazed at me with a blank look on his face.

     Alexander was now sending more information, “My guide says many do not understand that they have a psychic gift and communication connection between worlds.  This is something you want and that most who are aware of this ability hope to achieve.

     Schizophrenics have no filter in place yet to sort through the information they receive and their doctors are not aware of the world beyond this one, therefore, in a clinical setting, there is not much hope beyond a pill or isolation for these people who have gone mad by definition of your world.

    He says there is hope for them, if you come to understand the relation of all levels of spirit and body within one another.  All is related; science separates and isolates each system; we are all one.”

     “What can I do to help my patients who have schizophrenia as a diagnosis?”  His tone of voice seemed a little agitated.

     “He says any level of healing will do wonders for them, but as with any health or spirit matter, energy does so much until a person returns to their old behavior and mentality.  There must be a change in thinking, a new way of understanding.

     If a person has the mental capacity for learning, as all do, then thought should be created to understand health and to learn more about the mind-body-spirit connection.  There is much that can be learned, healed, accomplished by inner work, not outside stimulation.

     Alexander says all can be accomplished with your mind, with your energy and the purest form of it.  We are not alone and the communication these souls receive is evidence of that.  They are still stuck in the realm of yours where the doctors are feebly trying to comprehend these ‘problems’ by years of medicine that does not confront the changes in humanity and their metaphysical abilities.

     When you come to the point where you can measure and understand these, this is when a shift will occur.  A change will happen.  You can direct thought, healing, and energy towards this resolution to bring peace and calm to those who are undergoing that type of experience.  They are not lost, living their life gives them the greatest satisfaction when they return to the spirit dimension.

     My guide says there is not much that cannot be learned from this mental state compared to yours or any other.  Positive physical and mental health are related, there must be something more that doctors can do, this is what they say and wish for, but little work is done to accept new ways of thinking.  The label ‘new age’ creates a wall and barrier between doctors and thinkers in this field, but this is what will join them together.  Many mental health problems will evaporate when this change is seen.

     Many will receive help because our world will be acknowledged, people will have hope, not fear, because they can locate easily those who understand, these beings can have a higher spiritual level because of the communication if they could harness it for the use of humankind.

     Alexander says they are not defective or broken by our standards.  Man places many labels on their own kind which serve no purpose other than placing that person in negative energy.  Often times the doctor visit makes worse the ailment or condition because of the labels associated with each ‘problem.’  There are no problems, people instantly become negative about things because of outside stimulation by doctor, society, pills, drugs, stigma.  All unnecessary.  If alone in the woods, this would not be experienced, and differences would not be seen or felt, a person can work through many things on this plane without intervention by ‘unnecessary medicine.’

     He says you can do this; you can plant the seed and help those eventually make the turn away from this type of doctrine.  There are those who are open to it.  You will not increase their psychosis or mental delirium; you will help them, and we can aid you in this.  All humankind should help those in need, help those above and below your level because all need basic requirements to survive and each can help the next achieve.”

     Dr. Cline sat up in his chair and leaned forward toward me, “This guide of yours, he seems to have a low opinion of our medical profession.  Is it his contention medical providers such as I, are nothing more than a bunch of feeble-minded drug pushers who have little regard for our patient’s health?”

     I surely didn’t expect this, “No sir, my guide wasn’t in any way suggesting that you are not a good doctor.  He was merely providing you with…”

     “We’re done here,” he said as he stood and retrieved an envelope from his desktop. 

     Walking over to his office door he opened it and then looked at me.  I stood and headed for the open door as I feared I was about to get a scolding for being a psychic.  Something I feel he truly didn’t care for in our society.

     He presented the envelope to me as I passed by and as I cleared the doorway, he closed the door behind me.  As I pushed the down button for the main lobby, I glanced inside the envelope and there was the $150.00 dollars in cash as promised.

     Once out on the street, no taxicab was waiting, but a very nice doorman called for one, which I had to pay for the ride myself, but I was just glad to be home again.

*Note to Reader:  Regarding ‘Electroconvulsive Therapy’ there is nothing being done by this.  The effects reported by some recipients that state they are receiving healing, or their ailments have been cured are completely false.  There is no healing being done that isn’t already being done, even without the person aware of it, that goes on anyway but inside the mind.  There may be a healing affect by the thought of the patient believing that healing will be done.  It can be very damaging for any being to experience electricity outside of controlled methods that humans do not understand.  There is much damage that has been done by this practice, though not as seemingly terrible as there has been in the past, much has improved.  But death is still death no matter the method or no matter how ‘humane’ your world calls it.  By this token this treatment is still just as negative as any other that causes harm for health’s sake.  No reason that this should occur.  There is nothing that the body cannot heal on its own if given the opportunity.  There is no need to damage the body in this way.  Tiny electrical pulses can cause thoughts to travel and can cause replacement of amputated limbs and can control replacements for them.  Simulated heart attacks or brain attacks are not helpful as damage is still being done.  Practitioners will not admit that the evidence is proof.  There is much damage, but they may feel that benefit outweighs the positive that can truly be done outside of their terms or realm.  There are some that can benefit from this but not in the way that the doctors perceive.  There are times when electrical pulses are misfired in the brain, maintenance is necessary, though this can still have problems for other areas of the mind and brain.  It takes a great effort from guides to present the body with enough energy to repair the unseen body with enough energy and healing to repair those things unseen.  Much can be done even with a seemingly broken mind. ‘Normal’ on your plane is a very widely used term that has no clear definition.  Oddities and abnormalities are not always needed to be fixed and tamped down; existence is good simply by existing.  There is no need for constant repair and upgrades.  Improving the mind and coming into new knowledge is important.  It is important to know that this knowledge is not new to all, only to some, it is universal and has been around for all that have ever occupied your life space.  There is much work to be done in order for all to understand this.  As you have been reading there will come a time, we are working on this, where all of humankind is healed by thought and amplified energy.  Energy is in all things; inanimate objects have energy or at the very least absorb it and act as sponges.  There is no need for medicine internally or for electricity to be applied externally for any reason.  What is painful and harmful in large doses is also painful and harmful in small doses, no matter what they perceive to be the benefit.  There is no side effect from anything the Creator has ever intended for you to use to heal any level of your being.