My philosophical ideas by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Today, when we talk about philosophy, it is common that the ancient Greek philosophers are cited, but few realize that the true beginning of philosophy was about 2000 BC That is actually the beginning were long before what is thought and totally different place. Although the search for the spiritual has always been present in human history, it was right in the final period of the classical civilizations of the Middle East, when an additional impetus to the development of spiritual concepts were given.

About 12,000 years ago the world was immersed in an ice age that caused today's desert lands of Egypt and Mesopotamia had an ideal climate like the current European. The end of the frame glaciation the beginning not only an improvement in relation to the fertility of the earth but also found a special impetus to human development, which progress in understanding the moral consciousness that reached its derived highest. Although there were many philosophers who must have existed at that time such as Zoroaster, Enoch or other biblical prophets, surely most of these philosophers are not even known today. With increasing global temperatures the European climate was improving and increasing its population relatively quickly. Through trade developed by the Cretans, culture was gradually coming to the continent and was the merger of that culture with the optimism brought about by an increasingly mild climate which triggered the awakening of Greek culture and philosophy. In the year 1600 BC

a volcanic eruption on Santorini Island destroyed the Minoan civilization of Crete, which controlled trade between Europe and the Middle East, this marked the beginning of the birth of the actual European culture said to be severed ties with the North Africa temporarily. It can be said that the Greek philosophers ten were only benefited from a culture and a moral philosophy that had its peak 1,000 years earlier and was the crucible in which the major religions present were developed on earth today, such as Christianity or Buddhism. The initial beginning of philosophy we

know today was the last contribution of Mesopotamian culture to world civilization, just before global warming would make her decline.

In this article I do not distinguish between religion and philosophy because I believe that religion is only a form of philosophy, could then be said that the difference between religion and philosophy is that while religion seeks to bring together a set all important moral issues for man, instead philosophy can also try simplest aspects of ideas. Another difference that often occurs, though not essential, is that religion is assumed that the philosophical teachings derived in whole or in part of a superior or divine intelligence, but it is important not to make certain this hypothesis without irrefutable evidence prove it, especially when there are so many religious organizations that claim to be attributed an alleged mediation between the divine and the human with the sole purpose of obtaining power and money. It is therefore right that we value the cultural richness and moral teachings that we can bring religions, but never losing our ability to analyze and freedom of thought.


Arguably one of the ways of defining progress is the path that runs from darkness into light. One of the main characteristics of the uninvolved worlds is the ease with which ideas successful with the wrong words such as democracy, dictatorship, racism or feminism are clear examples of this are mixed as is common in these and other cases trying to summarize a much more complex issues simplistic and tends to gather in a single word entirely different issues leading due to error, because often the same word is used to refer to issues in a proper case and in other cases completely wrong and all this in order to circumvent really get into the merits. Since the end of World War II racism became a taboo subject which was not possible to speak without risking consequences unless it was to support miscegenation, for because of the excesses of the Nazis believed that every rejection miscegenation implied support for them. This led to the opportunists who during the Nazi resolutely joined the cause but

now took every opportunity to vilify those who oppose miscegenation. But the mistake of thinking that reject the mistreatment of other races necessarily imply acceptance of miscegenation, not realizing that it is precisely through miscegenation and racial minorities can be abused or exploited more easily committed because it is always better to live among equals so that they are more difficult cases of discrimination. A man will always be happier in a country where the police, senators, or the president are of the same race. Therefore it may be contrary to miscegenation, but also be contrary to slavery or any form of abuse, because you can believe and argue that it is better than the races live apart as a way to better secure its own fulfillment and without this having to be a contradiction. Any idea is tenable if done peacefully even belief in racial superiority, and those who think they have the right to be respected, because many times throughout history those who seek evil have used correct ideas with in order to conceal their true intentions. An example of this is the use that is made of religion to support military imperialism, a religion can be perfectly honorable, but that does not mean they are also all acts made in their name, in the same way defend racial purity may be correct, but that does not mean it is any means used to achieve it. Therefore, to say that the rejection of miscegenation is bad only because the Nazis were served it to support their own purposes could be completely wrong, in fact after World War imperialist countries like the United States used their alleged rejection of racism as way to justify the invasion of the territories of other races and so use their natural resources, an example of this was the Iraq war was sought in this case justify and outside the war saying it was for the good of the country but the result was total destruction and more than one million deaths as a result of the bombing and disease, and all concealed in order to control its oil. This is an example that can also be crimes against humanity claiming to fight for racial equality, but at the same time the United States within its borders undergo racial minorities to a caste system denying social rights such as public health or guaranteed. It is clear that communism as an economic model has proved its failure, not wanting to recognize the benefits to the economy of private entrepreneurship,

but it is also true that Western society lives lost in a mirage, being unable to see that the model economic materialistic proposed to them as perfect is actually an unjust system that prevents social integration not guarantee the most basic rights. This shows that an idea may be correct but not the means used to achieve it, since it is often just an excuse with which to perpetrate unlawful acts that have nothing to do with it and in the case of racism the alleged rejection that some countries make it is only an instrument to justify their imperialist campaigns on other continents, claiming that by not recognizing racial boundaries are considered legitimate to invade or interfere in its internal affairs. This is proof that the best way to protect the rights of each race is precisely rejecting miscegenation and demanding equal rights for all citizens of the planet. The order brings to light and disorder involving racial miscegenation that only results in confusion and chaos, which is precisely what interests speculators who try to destroy social rights and turn citizens into slaves.

The Machismo words or feminism is another similar example, because everyone understands its meaning differently, the fact is that with the rise of so-called "democracies" political parties tried to get the vote of women helping to inflate the myth feminism and thus favored social fracture, thus affirming that man and woman must make in life the same tasks is an unrealistic fallacy, because the proof is that the very nature made them different in order to increase specialization benefits could provide. The myth of feminism proposes that the realization of women is only possible to play this typically male tasks but if you ask a toddler if he agrees that his mother is absent to take place in the workplace, who believe that answer? Obviously the answer would be negative because they are the hardest hit by feminism, because in those countries where it is very implanted the birth rate is shockingly low and the few children born often see only their parents in brief moments of the day due to unnecessary competition that feminism aimed at women, because in many cases the effort to get money from two salaries is valued more than a good childcare. A good solution would be that the woman carried off only part-time jobs at least while their children were small. Another example of how the feminist role has caused

social being assimilated by some governments havoc in the case of marital separations, because in most cases the man is oppressed by law to be required delivery of the salary, housing and child custody to women. It is stripped of all its assets even without being held responsible for it. This separation represents more than a public humiliation of man, because ideally all assets are divided equally and therefore the spouses could use the family home one month each and dividing custody of their children. It would obviously be different if he were guilty of separation one of the spouses, but a law that grants all rights and properties only part, besides being unjust is a real stimulus to cause separation.

It is true that feminism is valid in many circumstances because women have the right to be free no longer have to endure a man who mistreats, also has the right to be happy as a man, but that does not mean you should forget that each sex was done by the different nature for a reason, not one to be considered a slave of the other, but not for a stupid competition between the sexes occurs to see who has the most striking career, as nature made them different so that different but complementary tasks are performed together for the good of all mankind, for the specialization of the sexes actually improves expectations that human beings can get. But some parties frivolously encourage hatred of women to their husbands in order to get their vote and meanwhile look away before the marriage breakdown and the scandalous falling birthrate. Feminism because women have contracted so afraid of marriage that increasingly are more instead of having children prefer to have dogs in an example of evolutionary nonsense.

Another issue where there is more difference between appearances and reality are democracies misnamed, because in those countries where they are used is assumed to be opposed to dictatorships political models, but such a statement is false because in reality they are more similar than it seems, because in both cases the population has a reduced capacity for political participation, because it is common to allow citizens to choose only the composition of parliament but being fully vetted in the definition of the law, genuine democracy only possible when citizens can decide individually each and every one of the laws. It

is truly pathetic to see how some countries invade others with the argument that it is to restore democracy, when theirs is only apparent, this recalls the days when Rome invaded other states saying it was for their sake, because according to them only lived barbarians. We now know that neither were as late as believed nor are such honorable motives of the alleged "democrats" because the truth is that these are just excuses for imperialist act.


The great dilemma that society of the future must be raised about the great philosophers or thinkers is. Should they be considered as divine beings or human beings? The problem of the deification of ancient philosophers like Buddha or Christ is that to consider as divine beings superhuman and therefore tend to deny the possibility of questioning freethinker opinions or assertions of these philosophers. But the fundamental issue is that until the contrary is proved, the right thing is to consider these philosophers or prophets as part of a changing world and therefore subject like others to the possibility of being wrong.

This does not mean that many of his ideas can not be correct, what this means is that like the rest of the people who have contributed to the progress of humanity they too can make mistakes and therefore fair value their ideas, but it is also a mistake to think that these ideas can not be improved or can not be wrong partly because the progress of philosophical or scientific is to be willing to question any ideas, because without this attitude is impossible to achieve real progress in the field philosophy. The religion of the future will be characterized primarily by the freedom of thought and the ability to question everything.

Regarding the deification of former or present prophets or philosophers must say that the only thing that should be considered as divine is ideas, not people, because the same person can be given at the same time successful beliefs but also other completely wrong. Only the ideas are divine since by divine can understand everything that is right and is in line with the great universal truths. The great philosophers and thinkers may have

been a source of good for the world for their contributions in philosophy, but that does not mean they should be considered infallible only because the right ideas are. The problem to consider these beings as divine is that then society refuses the possibility of improving what they taught and his followers end up arguing in unnecessary disputes not being able to adapt the beliefs of these philosophers to contemporary science. Therefore and unless proven otherwise the ideas of these people should be questioned as in the case of others, and therefore it is right to think that their ideas are successful but sometimes can be wrong in others. You may philosophers who originated religions have been truly influenced by superior beings, but then not that be a reason to question the freedom of thought, because these beings even better than us, also could be wrong in some of his ideas because only the right ideas are not perfect people. There are also those who try to benefit from the supposed infallibility of these prophets and philosophers, as defend such infallibility with the unjust and selfish to manipulate people and denying them freedom of thought for his own benefit interest, this is what often religious domes and is a real attack on freedom of thought citizens. What this shows is that you should not judge how bad religions or freethinkers who created them, because it really bad is use these philosophers to manipulate and use to denying society the right to dissent, because it must give the same right to other people to think freely or to question these philosophers if they deem it appropriate, as progress is an ongoing debate in which the right ideas remain and wrong are eliminated, but this need not accept as infallible to any person, because then it would not be possible to improve their ideas. A religion is actually a philosophy based on a compilation of idea and to improve people, but it is a serious mistake to think that no matter how much faith you have in it or who I think can not be questioned, because who says such thing is denying his followers the chance to improve it, so only ideas and not people can be considered perfect as an idea may be true, but a person contains within it many ideas which some are true but others do not. True religion will certainly be one that considers as essential to ensure freedom of thought so that any philosopher or prophet may be questioned in order to

improve their teaching, because our ability to dissent is what brings us closer to God.

With regard to the possible influence of superior beings on our planet should be noted that it is reasonable to think that the universe may exist multitude of inhabited worlds more advanced than ours, and it is reasonable to think that at any time in our past, these beings they may have come into contact with our planet, and as a result have been able to raise convey some of their knowledge to us by philosophers, prophets or otherwise. But even if this were true, it would not be a reason to consider these beings as divine and infallible, because although it is reasonable to think that their ideas are better than ours they like us, could also be wrong, because they too would be in a process evolution like us, but even if his ideas were true it does not mean that could not be changed after being transmitted because of incorrect translations or intentional changes. The fact that religious books may have ideas or teachings transmitted by them does not mean that the entire contents of these books are due to attribute to them. So in the world of philosophy and the most important ideas, must always defend freedom of thought against those who deny this right, because only truth is divine and therefore only the ideas successful they are, they understood as divine all what it is true and consistent with the great universal truths. Instead religions are formed with many ideas and it is reasonable to think that some be some but not others, because only divine ideas are not people. So right thing is not going into unnecessary arguments about the supposed divinity of philosophers or prophets originators of religion, the right thing is to use freedom of thought to improve them in all that progress allows.


It is regrettable to see the large number of scammers who populate today our libraries, all are presented to us as a kind of saviors, all claim to have the truth for the salvation of our souls but they are all different, they all claim to seek the good but none of them he is able to condemn evil or point it openly.

But even more outrageous to see how these false prophets use the method attributed a false communication with extraterrestrial assumptions or superior beings in order to make money or prevent any criticism of their claims, people should know that most of his ideas in They have actually been copied from other books, or based on conclusions lacking any evidence. What is truly unfortunate is that many people believe only by making such statements and are not able to realize that the truth is only found by an impartial analysis of things and not the easy solution of believing in those status of prophet attributed , contacted or guidance to impress his followers.

There are also those who try to present themselves as benefactors claiming warn of beings alleged evil aliens, this is just another vile strategy so that we do not realize that the true evil beings they are, using this strategy because there are people who are more likely to believe that extraterrestrial beings exist can only be evil, this is because those are petty think others also have to be, and do not realize they end up falling into the trap of his own vanity. Do they truly believe that a civilization that we could take a million years ahead, there would be nothing else to do to come to earth with intent to annoy its inhabitants? This happens because they are only willing to accept higher extraterrestrial beings in the technological aspect but not in the moral aspect, and that's a contradiction. I do not pretend here that aliens may not be on our planet, not pretend to say that all who write about spiritual issues need to be impostors, what I want is above all aware that the fact that someone the title contacted put or guide does not mean it's true.

In this current era is easy to find many books in which any idea defends crazy this is and all with a great profusion of alleged scientific arguments, but at the same time with great contradictions together, we must bear in mind that the that in a book called evidence submitted something, does not mean that it demonstrate its certainty, it is very common to use half-truths in order to favor a false view. Because within the same book or the same belief there may be many truths but also many lies or truths modified in order to mislead readers. Therefore who seeks the truth must seek itself not carried away by the easy argument of

those who proclaim themselves guides or contacted, nor by those who use politics or religion in order to seize power. Because these false prophets do not have the courage to defend their arguments recognizing that only express their own opinions and are actively using these subterfuges to get care they do not deserve.

The truly evolved man is one who before accepting an opinion discuss all things impartially regardless of fame, social significance, or the powers that these false prophets will do themselves, because analyzing things impartially is also a way of exercising freedom.

In this world in which we live, most of what they tell us lies, but the biggest lies the count, who say protect us from lies.


Currently exist in society multiple sects, all different but all claiming to have the truth, some people approach them looking for comfort and guidance for personal problems, but girl people do not know that some of these sects are destructive character is said in his dogma include its adherents denial of right to dissent imposing unconditional acceptance of all its precepts. It should be noted that these organizations actually are usually founded by one or more persons who only rely on their own opinions or information from others to form the ideology of the sect, but without providing any evidence of the truth of his ideas, taking as main objective obtaining money or simply satisfy a desire for personal power, but is imposed on the followers founder acceptance of this character as a divine being and therefore unquestionable, imitating the methods of the Catholic church. It should never lose common sense and the ability to question, as these organizations seek to convince their followers that all truth is in them and all the mistakes in others.

These sects often resort to various methods to capture its followers, one of them is to inflate your ego into believing that being a member of the sect is a great privilege and while on it and follow its precepts will possess great wisdom that give them an advantage over others. At the same time they scare them by

saying that the worst evils occur to them who do not belong to the sect.

Another method to control them is to try to make it difficult for followers to obtain other media outside the sect, i.e. only advise them to read books supplied by this and scare them regarding the use of other means of knowledge.

Another feature of destructive sects is to try to separate their followers from anyone who does not belong to it even from his family in order to ensure control over them, the paradox is that very rarely these followers come to question the seriousness of the statements made by the leader and if so are branded traitors and are subsequently expelled.

It is logical that people seek their inner development, it is also true that this present age is characterized by a moral vacuum true, so it is important for anyone who is interested in their inner development to distinguish between those who propose a doctrine with freedom of opinion and those who try to impose their dogmas only because every ideology that denies freedom of thought to his followers is certainly reprehensible.


When a person all his life living materialistically and denying the existence of life after death is passed, it may happen that after the occurrence of the Spirit into a situation of uncertainty by not understand their new situation after losing his body. So instead of trying to evolve and move on to a new reincarnation may be that this spirit try to deny the obvious and try to continue in a house as if he still had a human body. This is one of the reasons that can explain the phenomenon of haunted houses. These spirits rather than humbly recognize that they were wrong and ascend to the spiritual world, on the contrary tend to create the appearance of a false body by condensation particles spirit, this is what is usually called phantom or ghost. Condensation of these particles permits a certain interaction with matter, but much more poorly than as would be with a human body. Then for a certain time they remain in the house trying to believe they still have their physical body.

When someone goes to live in this house they begin to occur so-

called paranormal phenomena. These phenomena are nothing but an attempt of that spirit to take the new tenants of a house that considers hers, then a game of cat and mouse through which the spirit is dedicated to pursue and scare continuously to start the tenants using all means available as throwing objects, producing noise or pretending to be a horrible monster or a demon. These phenomena usually occur at night because spirits have very little power compared with the human body and during the day strong solar radiation weak energy block preventing its manifestation of the spirit so evident. Usually tenants react by trying to escape from that situation or try to deny that this is occurring, rarely they arise contact the spectrum, to try to figure out why he's there, or to make him understand that this is not his place and has to leave the house. Because the more you tend to flee more aggressive invading spirit is growing and so the best solution would be to move the counter and require you to stop and go scare. It's like fear will increase your strength or your discomfort. Sometimes the occupant spirit of the house remains in it because he believes have a slope that needs solving, this can happen when someone is the victim of a tragic death and is buried abnormally in the area of housing often secretly, then this soul refuses to leave because he considers that a clarification regarding the facts occurred is required. In this case the spirit is leading to new tenants to the settlement of the matter which he implies. In this case a solution could be to unearth the remains and take them to the appropriate place, or you may need a farewell ceremony.

There are those who attract these beings to houses by using methods such as Ouija board. This table is dangerous because through it these spirits can cause problems for residents or even trigger situations possession. The problem may start when closed and poor communication between the two worlds door is open.

After starting this situation it is difficult to take these bodies usually degenerate spirits of criminals or people who see this contact an opportunity to try to steal the body to its rightful owner. These degenerates authorities try to prevent their expulsion pretending to be demons, levitating objects or speaking in tongues, but all these qualities are not only own demonic beings, but they are normal qualities in the spiritual life.

Sometimes these beings are attracted to homes by demonic cults, these sects are not able to understand that evil can never be a profitable way, and eventually they end up paying this kind of behavior. Because it is a misconception that may exist beings whose only business is doing wrong. Evil is an error and a deviation from the correct moral behavior and so all beings who enter this path are destined to return to the good if you want to be happy. The devil only makes sense as a symbolic character representing the evil behavior, but no one can live like that forever behavior because directed toward evil is wrong and who is most damaging to everyone who uses it. Choose injustice as habitual behavior is a serious mistake, because it can cause a momentary profit, but always in exchange for a greater evil long term. That is the meaning of the phrase "pact with the devil".

Eventually all beings in the universe become perfect, when you understand that it is the only reasonable way.

Ideally, when you're in a haunted house it is to try to understand the reasons why these creatures are in them and not see them as necessarily enemies, because maybe they need our help to continue into the beyond.


What is a religion? A religion is actually a form of philosophy but extended widely. In the past, as in the case of Greece, there were great multitude of them even in the same city or within the same family, because at that time more than a religion could be said that the common is the lack of a standard view with regard to religious ideas. Why some people think that in ancient Rome, or the Muslim kingdoms of the Middle Ages, there was greater religious freedom than in the Christian kingdoms, but bear in mind that in the Roman Empire, would have been impossible attempt rulers to impose a particular religious approach, since there was no official or widespread religion in which to rely. And in the case of Islam it would be a contradiction to their political or religious leaders aim prohibit other religions, when in fact, this religion was copied from Judaism and Christianity, for what the author wanted to create a written and monotheistic religion

religions were mentioned but adding their own ideas. It was not then a real tolerance, but rather a logical conclusion, since Islam is actually based on Christianity but with added Arab beliefs.

It is true that religions are a form of philosophical thought and therefore can be considered logical existence, but it is also true that throughout history rulers and religious leaders have tried to use it to manipulate citizens, sometimes self-proclaimed divine beings as in the case of the Egyptian pharaohs, and in other cases self-proclaimed infallible beings and exclusive representatives of God as in the case of the popes of the Catholic church. These are just attempts to hijack the freedom of thought in order to control citizens by manipulating their opinions. But the divine persons there are no truths can only be considered as such. Therefore it should not blame religion for what they do with it those who manipulate because every man and society need order in the field of philosophy and ideas, because it is only possible to create a truly evolved world if the same time is deeply moral. Therefore, the future world will no longer need religious domes that have become the seat of evil, for religion is nothing but a way of thinking and the end of religious domes is to manipulate men standing between them and God. Because there are no divine men only divine ideas, because God is everything that is right and in line with universal truths. A man may be inspired by his search for truth, but that does not mean you can not make mistakes.

Create religious organizations in order to dispute the power to governments or use the resource to faith, virgins or saints to deny freedom of criticism and thought to citizens is an attack against freedom, so the man of the future you no longer need such intermediaries and teach religion through books or schools, but it will be a religion based on reason and science, not on dogma or superstition, because you will understand that you can only achieve true if the search for himself through his freedom of thought, because the only way that religions can make progress is by accepting that its founders are men and as such can also be wrong. A religion is actually a form of philosophy and science, and if you study without obsessions and entrenched ideas understood that like other sciences, participating in it and providing whatever possible to improve it, all humanity will win.

This does not mean they can not be absolute truths, what it means is that we must recognize that every person can be mistaken for it to be considered important. You can have faith in something, but that does not mean that this is due lose the ability to doubt it and improve it accordingly.


Pathetic are from my point of view those who imagine a God or Christ as supreme dictators or monarchs of the universe. First because equating Jesus with God when they are two totally different realities. There is no reason to think so, because Jesus was only a prophet or a philosopher, while God is the representation that man makes the universal order. There are also those who think that Jesus was actually a superior spirit from more advanced worlds who came to earth to help men. This hypothesis does not seem at all absurd, because for those who accept the presence of more advanced civilizations on earth may seem an option. If this were true, it would mean that on rare occasions some of these extraterrestrial beings are reincarnated among us to fulfill the role of guides for humanity. But in this case, no point looking crowns king for these emissaries of the higher worlds, because including these beings would only be one more, would truly virtuous beings, but exactly the same as the rest of their compatriots. Therefore, it is even more absurd is the worship of those who were associated in his earthly life with him, such as his mother. How can you say that Mary is the mother of God, when at the same time consider God the creator of all things? It is clear that people who behave well only seek to worship idols and not the truth.

As for the issue of universal governance mechanisms, I think it is a mistake to think of the universe as a religious dictatorship, which would be at the top dome a hypothetical God and his family. That also simplistic, it seems more a representation of the middle Ages and not the universal mechanics. In my opinion, in the universe nothing is created nor destroyed, only transformed, and the same can be applied to the eternal souls in all of us. This means that during the countless cycles of death and creation of the

universe, sometimes spend all the life of a king and every other pass through the life of a vassal. All we pass through the life of a wise person and all pass through the lives of ignorant. That is, if true that there was a sort of hierarchy of government to determine how the universe works, it is logical to consider that even there one or more leaders, they in no case would an absolute or life power, because that besides being totally antidemocratic, it would be a contradiction to the rest of their peers, they also virtuous, for the exercise of those functions.

The same can be said about the nature of God, it is not logical to consider him as an individual, but rather the sum of all beings that populate the universe and the laws that emanate from them.

Because every time we fail to live life passively and we start to design the world around us to change, then use the part of God that is within us. Therefore, it is absurd to think of an alien God to other beings that populate the cosmos. What differentiates God of individual beings is that it does not represent only a minority, but is the expression of the laws acting according to universal wisdom. This wisdom emanates from the matter that makes up the universe, because the structure of the universe, its galaxies and stars, is not the result of a moment of work, but thousands of millions of years of evolution, to give the universe we already know the laws that govern it.

Time represents only a part of this cycle, therefore the beginning of time is also the start of a cycle and the end time is the end of a cycle. Therefore at the end of the longest cycle, which contains within it all other cycles, the universe will be repeated, but not before we all find ourselves gone through all lives and all situations present in the universe, and then eventually return to start. Then try not just of a new cycle, but repeating the same time.


What can be defined as a true messiah? In ancient times it was assumed that a man was considered a messiah or a precursor of progress was an essential requirement to undertake miracles or anything supernatural. Actually every scientist who contributes to

the development of their society either in philosophy or in the rest of science has the qualities normally attributed to a messiah, therefore a messiah or prophet is but one who is ahead of its time and the true divinity of their actions is to be found more in his ideas or discoveries in his own person. But then what is divine inspiration? Arguably it is the ability to understand the keys of nature, this quality may depend on the intelligence but also the opportunity or time availability. Not to forget everything precursor of his time could not be whether before had not assimilated the knowledge that previous generations have bequeathed. Thus the divinity of a prophet is in his discoveries where he is and not him as a person. Progress for humanity needs scientists and philosophers, but no sense elevate a man defining it as divine, when their ideas are the result of the efforts of all mankind. Therefore, for someone to reach divine inspiration does not need to be helped by higher or extraterrestrial beings and if that helps better still given, but any man at any given time can find the path to enlightenment itself.


Often when someone speaks of knowing sites or new things, generally they refer to visit places in the field of geography, but there is a huge unexplored world within ourselves, namely in the field of study of culture and philosophy, and I say this because it is regrettable the lack of interest usually occurs within personal development. In a few of these plans for free time it includes a space for reading a book, to meditate or to improve the knowledge we have of science. But it is important to note that it is through our inner enrichment as we can actually improve our quality of life, since increasing our culture and make a reflection on the world around us we actually improves. When we think of taking a trip, do not forget to try to understand the world through science is an exciting journey worth touring. Some think that man uses only fifteen percent of its intelligence capability, this is not true, what is true is that very little ability to meditate and reflect on the world around us is used, which It means less understanding of things and therefore a worse use of the circumstances that life

gives us. The man of the future will be different because they will have done himself through his own reflection, as one of the last stages of human development will be to improve their own capacity for critical and search for the real truth. Because life does not have to rely only on simple sensations daily activity or physical senses provide us is also important to develop as a person through our inner enrichment. Because the moment in which we analyze things without accepting ideological impositions or prejudice, we began to be aware of the truth around us and then we started really to be free and to participate unattached in the design world we have. In the world there may be great truths, but also big lies, so our right and our duty is to learn to differentiate between them. The man of the future will be deeply worship but also deeply moral, because scientific progress and spiritual feelings do not have to be contradictory. Arguably one of the ways of defining progress is the path that separates darkness from light, for this reason you need to stop from time to time in the maelstrom of daily life to realize that seeing the world from the perspective of a calm analysis found that in him are many more things than you think when a quick observation is made. Few things are as emotional as understanding the cosmos through meditation is the closest thing there is to see God's face, because when we meditate we realize our ability to change the world around us. Arguably the main difference between an ordinary man and a philosopher is that a normal man lives life as a philosopher as well as living thought life, that is your greatest satisfaction is to understand the profound meaning of nature, is like performing a mental journey through the essential mechanics of the cosmos.

The key that explains the usefulness of philosophy is that the laws of nature are the same as always irrespective of time and space, therefore, an intelligent philosopher can gain insight by deducting many social or technological truths of other times both past and future and apply them to the present. Philosophy is not necessarily a form of divination, because it focuses mainly on scientific aspects broadly, however it is true that allows us to know much better than those limited to only investigate the

material aspects universe. Philosophy is important because when we dive into it we become designers of the world around us.


Some people think that souls after death the body migrate to other worlds of space once they have reached a higher level of spiritual development. This belief is wrong in my opinion, because I consider it absurd that the planet earth has to dispense with those beings who have attained more evolutionary level. It's like a farmer abandon the field once the harvest was ready to be picked up and leave all the fruits of his work there. Because the progress of living beings on earth is also the progress of the land itself and it is logical to benefit from the gains that have been achieved. It makes no sense to think that the world should evolve technically, but instead the most evolved souls in the spiritual plane have to go. Such beliefs are the result of seeing the world and its history too pessimistically and though in this world there are also many objectionable things positive. Therefore, it is best to see the world from a middle course and consider that progress will be making it increasingly larger number of positive things to definitely banish evil from the earth.

Moreover, if we consider this issue from a merely physical, nor does it seem logical that souls are migrating from some worlds other continuously, because I believe that spirits can not move through space instantaneously as some think. In my opinion and according to the latest scientific discoveries in the universe nothing can travel faster than light, this means that the velocity of an object in space would be proportional to the ratio between the mass and energy in it was found. Thus an object with a relatively high share of material as a spacecraft could only reach a maximum of 15% of speed of light, while instead a spirit being formed by a fraction of mass, but with a portion maximum power, could reach a speed close to reaching light. However, even if this were so, the distances between stars are measured in light years, which is the distance light travels in a year. This means that a spirit would take at least four years to reach the nearest star, and to travel across the galaxy thousands, which would be a big waste

of time compared to the other option would be to stay in the world that is and thus contribute to their progress.

I think unlike a spacecraft propulsion reaction spirits do not move on the horizontal plane of the cosmos, but use the magnetic force lines connecting the planets to each other through their polar regions. This would make a curve trajectory, although it must be said that there are no absolute straight lines in space. The procedure would be caught so to speak the electrons in the magnetic lines had destined for the planet we wanted to go and simply leave out to finish the tour, it would be a trip without energy costs. Thus the magnetic lines function as authentic space highways, but considering the great distances in space spirits only migrate to another planet when there was no choice, such as the time that had been established in the human colony, this is because only when a spirit is attached to a human body really starts to have this life and this union produced no birth would not be possible. It could be said then that planets like Earth to serve reincarnated beings evolve, so, it only makes sense that they leave Earth when creating new colony worlds possible. These worlds would be unoccupied, but would be suitable for human by using technologies suitable for this purpose. This would not modifying the worlds, but the most logical and easy it is to adapt man to them, with technologies such as the use of radomes for towns or cities outside weather-tight.


It is regrettable to see how many people make subject their self-esteem possession of jewelry and the desire of ostentation, I believe the future will belong to a society that does not need or jewelry or tattoos, or paint will be used to distort the face nails or skin, or to distort height high heels, they will not cause injuries to place pending or mutilation of sexual organs, since our body is already perfect at birth and does not need added such class. Future society considered their real jewels, dignity, decency and sincerity, because there is greater merit jewelry that everyone has within his heart. The world of the future need not rituals like baptism to symbolize what they believed, since the genuine

commitment is what everyone does without pressure or conditions, but by his own will. Because the world of the future will have as one of its great foundations pursuit of merit through personal achievement towards improving oneself, without accepting that no one intends to say in advance which is the truth, but searching for oneself through freedom of thought.


Truly we live in a time when it is given more importance to appearances than reality, this is a particularly materialistic time when obtaining money is considered more important than dignity, but what sense does the money if you do not have dignity? It is true that money is important to be happy, but a person can have all the money in the world and be the same unhappy time, and someone else can live with right and yet be happy, this is because happiness also has its rules and one of them is to live with dignity and common sense. But in this current age it is given more importance to money than to dignity, growth that solidarity is a false age where it takes more account of appearances than reality, which is called prejudice to what is not it is, where it is said God is right where it is harbored evil, because the truth is not what is said but what is.

Man must learn to reflect on the world around him, must understand that the current political game matches between left and right is nothing more than a play with which dupe citizens to deny them the right to participate directly in designing laws to prevent them can vote on them individually. Left parties say worry about workers but imitate the methods of Athenian slave-owning democracy in the V century BC, because their policies direct society toward a mestizo and disunited world, resulting in job insecurity, do not care to sell his country and his race for a handful of coins, say worry about workers but only interested enriched with public money, and promoting the reduction of sentences for criminals to the level of absurdity. In some countries like Spain punishment for killing a man is the same as for killing a thousand because only the first crime punishable

equivalent to fifteen years in prison, this shows with politicians who are identified.

On the other hand the right wing parties strive to manipulate information in order for citizens to vote just what has been offered in order to keep their bourgeois privileges and coalesce with religious organizations to supply them with an alibi good conduct undeserving. They try to dismantle all forms of social protection to create a trench country where the norm is the every man for himself while they are protected in their lairs all their money. You need to understand, you can not create a developed society if at the same time is a disunited society.

The so-called "humanitarian" organizations are mainly divided between those that use practices pro terrorists to achieve their goals and gain publicity, and only pursue an economic profit, the first claim that their alleged good intentions justify any means used to achieve it, and second using own methods of usury, as they serve those in need to seek help when their real interest is rich, since many of them take decades talking about hunger in the world to raise money but do not worry about attacking the evil in its root, i.e. birth control that is the real cause of overpopulation.

It is true that the world's wealth is poorly distributed, but it is also true that if all the economic growth of a country is invested in raising more and more people, then it is clear that hunger will never go away, but this seems not to interest those supposedly humanitarian organizations.

This is a false and amoral time when pharmaceutical companies no longer seek to cure disease but to sell drugs, you must understand that your business is the disease and not health, because if people were healthy they could not sell their drugs, the background to what they do is sell hope, but at a high price.

Citizens need to discover their own power of self-healing and away from those speculators attacking the source of the disease that is rejecting the bad habits of life. A drug can be very useful, but only if used in the right measure and as a last resort, but the right thing is to act first on the causes of the disease, rejecting the unhealthy behaviors that have sprung up.

Since the end of the Second World War the victorious nations only have worried divide the world claiming that the bad guys are

the others, but have not hesitated to overthrow democratic governments when they have opposed his intentions to dominate the world, as happened in Chile by the United States or Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union, or supporting dictators when it suited them. Generally governments encourage citizens to intervene in wars voluntarily or by telling force that is for the good of his family or patriotism, but basically just looking favor companies in which they participate and so increase your profits, but at the expense of the lives of citizens, in this as in most things there are exceptions, but only with a sensible attitude and away the passionate reactions can be found the difference.

This is a hypocritical era in which most promotes debauchery that freedom, it is said that society has to accept one chooses to have sex, but not their own. But if everything has to depend on what you decide, then someone might say you want to have per couple to an animal and not a person, then according to this reasoning other citizens should accept it. It would be more logical, help those who do not feel comfortable with their sex change their minds, because the reasons are hormonal problems or childhood traumas that can be solved. It will always be more reasonable to use the medicine to help someone who is comfortable with her own sex that away from him. In this false era of false democracies politicians promise anything in order to get votes and thus have access to public money. Homosexuality is a depraved conduct and the fact that the law should permit it does not make it morally right. Because not confuse respect that every person deserves in his private life, in fact collaborate with it.

Another prejudice is feminism, as is proposed today, because in some of its aspects induce women to be evil, he says that man owes them something for the sake of being a man. Feminists propose be equal in everything, but not in regard to life expectancy, as men often live less, not want equality when it comes to engage in hard work physically, but then will not hesitate to demand the same salary claiming to be just as productive, do not ask for equality in the division of property upon separation, as in many countries are the main beneficiaries.

The concept of prejudice, good or bad in many cases is conditioned by the opinions of the great powers, it is not all a lie,

but half-truths are used to induce erroneous conclusions, as with racism. Does the reader should wonder what would have happened to win the German World War II? Because the focus given in the media about the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis, is the one that would have been used to treat the extermination of the Indians in the United States, but as they won the Americans accept seamlessly arguments used to justify such extermination. In the background citizens tend to believe too much in the arguments that the great powers tell them, mainly for fear unfortunately society pays more attention to appearances than reality.

After the economic crisis of 1929 Germany was sunk economically in order to gain power the Nazis created panic accusing the Jews of being to blame for all evils and proposing themselves as saviors, then society will he believed, thought that if the government said it had to be true, Americans also used slander as a way of justifying the Indian extermination, so we can seize their lands, and likewise citizens accepted it. This strategy defamation prior to justify aggression step was also used later with the Arab world, in order to control its oil reserves, especially by countries so-called "democratic," when a government tries to do something knowing which provoked public rejection simply choose to distort reality and thus get public support. In history there are other similar examples, such as when Spain claimed to be Christianized America when it actually did was occupy, or when England went to war against the Boers in South Africa claiming worry about the natives, when really what they wanted was the control mines recently discovered diamonds.

Today, we are witnessing a (UN) hypocritical submitted to the United States, which denies threatening nuclear weapons to those who refuse to bow to his intentions, but instead gives them to countries like Israel, which uses a policy of extermination with the Palestinian people, to replace its inhabitants for their own settlers. US greed is the real cause of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, for example giving Arab countries is harmful when trying to impose by force allied governments in which you are interested.

We live in a promiscuous society without values, this results in a social dissatisfaction resulting in an inordinate desire to obtain money for the mistaken belief that solve their discomfort. Parents tell their children not to do what they do, what form of an example is that? They call sex love, to distort its true meaning, there can be love in sex, but it's not the same. It encourages women to live an uncontrolled sexuality, arguing that they can always abort, it is absurd to have sex without being willing to accept the consequences this may bring, it is fair that governments respect the free will of women, but they should also refuse to finance such acts.

Today, we live to some religious organizations obsessed with not losing their privileges and power, as in the case of the Catholic Church, that by denying its members the right to marry finished turned into a ghetto gay dedicated more to the profit and child rape than they should. Citizens are realizing that to search for the great universal truths do not need intermediaries to tell them what is true and what is not, because society you need are religions and non-religious organizations, whose real purpose is to compete with governments by the power. Therefore, it is better than philosophy or religion is taught through schools or books and not by these sectarian organizations.

I do not pretend that all actions made by governments or associations always pursue false interests, not to deny that in the world there are many positive things, but it is true that only through a detailed analysis of the facts impostors discovered by we must not yield to mere compliance that often these organizations ask us.

This is a world that needs a change to seek the realization of life based on moral, but not the morality proposed by religious organizations, given to greed and lust for power, but a morality based on justice and truth.

For the man of the future will understand that happiness is through peaceful means such as science and technology as must be obtained not through vanity or tyranny, and only when you understand this, you are really able to start a new era.


Many people from time immemorial have wondered what is the right way to choose in philosophy, from my point of view the right path is that of a dignified life and justice, he who arises to live according to these principles lies the solution to your ideological questions, because life straight in pursuit of justice dispels the darkness that confuse the mind. It is not possible to have a developed society if not deeply moral, and can not be moral when there is no justice as the essential principle of behavior. For whoever has these principles as the core of its conduct has easier the solution to your problems because justice is light and light is culture and truth, and society of the future will be deeply moral because only in this way can be happy and find peace. A society whose only expectation materialism and the sole purpose of obtaining money is an unhappy society, because what good is money if you have no soul.