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Arguably from a symbolic point of view to each number would correspond to a color in this way the color of the numbers would be this.

0 White, 1 Black, Red 2, Green 3, 4, Red, 5 Dorado, 6 Blue 7

Brown 8 Red 9 Blue.

We must not confuse the symbolic meaning of numbers called (Synesthesia) because the former is the result of a metaphysical analysis of the relationship between the numbers and colors and instead the latter represented as colors are perceived by a biological abnormality.

It can be seen that the red color is repeated in even numbers and not in odd so it can be deduced that the colors with low frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum colors are in even numbers and numbers with frequency colors more high are in odd numbers.

If we analyze the numbers more deeply the conclusion would be this.

Zero: It represents the void, feminine, nothing, but nothing like complementary of something, the space between two slings or opposite the crest of a deep, water, cold, planets, stars with respect the galactic core, the circle with the center point.

One: This number represents something, existence, masculine, item, matter, the sun, the central coordinator.

The two: This number represents the association between zero and one, of them show the existence of the sexes, the binary function, the duality between the void and the particle, the magnetic polarities, as one may represent the male.

Three: This number represents life, creating an organized structure, each point is supported by the other and thus separating form the pyramid stage prior to the development of more complex structures, also it represents the difference between the top and bottom the exception and the rule.

Four: This number is progress for three to add one more point square key element is formed in the crystal structures.

Five: The number found in the middle of numbering and represents a circle with five points distributed on its circumference, five is like one but in a more evolved and complex form, it also represents wisdom.

Six: This number represents the goal, stability, spiritual feelings.

Seven: Represents the earth, matter, work, warmth, comfort. Like the three may also represent the norm and exception, the rule represented by the group of number five and the exception represented by the number two.

Eight: This number is similar to the fourth but doubled.

Nine: It is like a six to zero but also represents the end of the road, retirement, sunset, serenity.


White: This color can represent male or female values depending on the circumstances. It represents truth, justice, light, day, female horizontal line and in some planes vertical, sugar, standard stability. It may also represent divine values and taproot communicating all levels with the higher.

The black: This color like white can also represent male or female values. It represents the night, rest, ignorance, may represent evil, but not always, depends on the circumstances. As masculine symbolism represents the center point number one and infrared energy.

Red: This color represents the masculine energy, technology, the simple pleasure derived from healthy things in life, vigor, salt, except, matter, also it can be associated with evil or ignorance, but as in the case of single color black in exceptional cases because all colors are benign in its basic nature.

It also represents the vertical line and the center of the circle where the coordinator or presidential element, it can also represent the masculine is.

Green: This color represents life because it is in the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum, i.e. between the red and the blue, green combines the most effective way the energy of red and blue spiritual forces. Usually in the cosmos, in most cases the most

appropriate response to the circumstances is the intermediate, being the most balanced, representing just the green.

Brown: This color represents the land, labor, material and comfort, is a warm color that blends the characteristics of different colors, strength and vitality red green without being completely stable in a certain way. It may also represent drought and meanness as exceptional.

The Blue: This color represents the philosophy and spiritual values, being opposed to red is cooler and more intuitive. It can be considered a feminine color but depending on the circumstances.


Yellow: This color represents the illusion of living, is a part of the energy of red and another green higher frequencies can represent knowledge but vanity.

Orange: This is similar to yellow and represents mainly vitality.

Pink: it contains the strength of the red but tempered by the serenity of the bank, is primarily emotional.

Violet: It's like the blue but in a slightly higher frequency, can represent imagination and as blue elevated spiritual feelings.

It can be seen that sometimes seems to be a contradiction in the qualities attributed to numbers and colors, but their qualities depend on the plane on which they are, and may even behave in an apparently opposite. An example of this are the stars because they rotate around the galactic nucleus can be considered feminine and passive objects, but if we consider a single star with planets, then this star to adopt a male role as sun turn It has planets revolving around about him acquiring a feminine meaning. Another example is zero and one numbers or black and white, these numbers and colors can represent male or female values without being a contradiction, number one is male would be black, but turn the black color also can be considered feminine according to the plane in which you are, because in reality both numbers and colors represent the same thing but seen upside down. All things have inside masculine or feminine values that

prevails force or other will then depend on the circumstances, this does not mean that they have a magnetic polarity or a defined sexual orientation, which means is that such guidance it will be the consequence of the plane in which they are.


One of the main dilemmas that scientists and science fiction writers is raised. What will happen to the solar system when the sun completes its cycle power generator and becomes a white dwarf? Today it is common among scientists consider that the life of the stars ends when consumed most of the nuclear fuel goes into a white dwarf, but that need not necessarily be so. The reason is simple and is in my opinion what the star would finalize his life is not only the first stage of it. In other words, we would go from a phase of high consumption of initial energy in a relatively short period of about ten billion years to another reverse in which consume much less energy but in a much longer period than eighty thousand million years, when it would end really the solar system and the current cosmic cycle which would end his life by compressing and assembly of all the galaxies in a sphere where all matter in the cosmos would meet to begin another regenerative process matter that would lead to a new universe by a big explosion.

But the key question in this case. How would they be able to survive the inhabitants of the solar system with a white dwarf star type would produce a much lower amount of energy that produce now? The answer would be the application of various methods for collecting energy.

The first method would be to install collectors satellites energy in low orbit near the sun, where the light intensity is higher, then a large number of satellites would be between the different orbits of the planets, in order to serve as a bridge to transport energy, which would be sent by laser beams from a satellite to another until it reaches the destination planet.

Another method could be used tanker ships, these vessels may transport the energy in chemical form from the place of supply in the sun, there by an electrolysis process water it would be

separated into its basic elements of hydrogen and oxygen and thus may accumulate the energy then their fate would be released to become water again and restart the process. To minimize the possible use of reaction gases ships could use own solar panels with those who pay their own energy and use that energy to print a high speed reaction gases used in propulsion and minimize the amount needed, in addition to reach the fueling stations in the sun or landing on planets, these tanker ships would not have to necessarily stop, because it does not try to transship gas but transfer the energy, this could be done on the up using lasers and thus could minimize the use of reaction gases.

The stars to get to the white dwarf stage would consume much less energy than in the previous phase, but at this stage his life could be extended much further in time, perhaps five times more than in its primary stage, so not could be considered in any old case, just at this stage of their life spend much less nuclear fuel but with a much longer duration, thus consuming energy form would be inversely proportional to the above method.

It is also important to note that at this stage of human evolution the amounts of energy needed for life would be much lower than at the beginning, being many energy-saving systems that could be used. In addition, existing systems to harness the energy that reaches alone the planets could be more effective than in the past.

Because of the improved ability to harness energy you could get ten to one hundred times more energy than is achieved with earlier methods. Methods could be used as collecting energy from a ring collectors satellites orbiting planets. Or install a large number of solar panels in a wide part of the planetary surface.

Could also extract energy from the interior of the planets by using large pipes that would transport hot gases to the planetary core, these gases when heated and would amount would trigger generators to produce electricity. Thus the passage of the stars to the state of white dwarf would not necessarily mean the end but only the beginning of a new longest stage in which civilization would simply have to increase their ingenuity to adapt. Another way to achieve energy would use nuclear energy, but going beyond what has been achieved so far, that is transforming the material for this is fissile and therefore useful for producing

energy or also using thermonuclear energy contained in the large gas planets, if that were possible. It is true that solar energy and its derivatives is the ideal way to get power, it is more natural and safe, but this would be a possible option if the sun's energy was no longer viable. Also consider questionable the assertion of some scientists who believe that the red giant phase which expected the stars arrive on the stage before the white dwarf involving the destruction of the closest planet to the sun, because of shop expansion as largest surface of the star is likely that the resulting density in the outermost part is not consistent enough to be able to achieve such a result, it should be noted that in the expansion phase the star would have to pass measure several million kilometers more than its original diameter to reach the orbit of the closest planets and consequently its surface density would also be much smaller and therefore less dangerous. Nor you can know with confidence what will be the degree of intensity with which stars consume their nuclear fuel in that state, perhaps the most expansive form only with the biggest stars, which eventually end up exploding as supernovas.

However if the most extreme course should occur and the solar system proves uninhabitable always be the possibility of emigrating to other uninhabited young stars and to found a new civilization.


Arguably what time the cosmos refers is divided into two main planes, vertical and horizontal, first is vertical and timeless plane and governs what we might call the universal laws, these laws are as the foundation on which events are supported and are stable regardless of the time from which it comes, the universal laws derive from the inherent truth in the universe and are therefore stable and independent of time. Then there is the horizontal plane of the time, this is only the result of the change of position of the subject, but which has been gradually and harmoniously from a position of higher energy and chaos to a lower energy and order, or also you could call it the evolution of an unstable and primitive situation to a more stable and evolved, this is what we call

progress, since the change of matter occurs in a logical order, creating more complex structures and consistent with universal laws. It could be said then that evolution is the transformation of energy into more complex hot and cold forms.

In these circumstances our perception of time is the consequence of being able to remember the position it had stuff before, but the matter does not remain fixed but progress on a scale that could be defined as low to high in the process of evolution universe, which is why it makes no sense to talk about time travel possible, because this would require force back the whole universe in its movement which makes no sense. However it is possible to consider the time travel indirectly, i.e. when a civilization comes into contact with another more backward in this case is as if they step back in time itself. It is also possible to return to a bygone era but going forward, because another possibility of time is its ability to be repeated, because in the universe is common tendency to make things circular and repetitive, so it is reasonable to think that once the cycle of possible combinations in the matter have been exhausted these combinations will again repeat the same events and therefore eventually be repeated again. In this case a repetition is a reboot, because there will be nothing as compared to establish which is above and which later. Therefore in the universe they exist aside the laws that govern it and are constant outside time, and derived from the essential truths of the cosmos, and the other time is a succession of events there that are happening progressive and organized and developed in a logical order and in accordance with universal laws form.


One might say that the universe started as a point at which all matter was concentrated, this area had the characteristics that today are attributed to a black hole, i.e. a place where their intense gravity leaves no escape even light, the subject of this originator point cosmos mass would consist of super concentrated like the nuclei of atoms. In this central point would find contained all matter and energy of a previous expansion process, because in the cosmos all are scrolled even circulating energy, this means that

the end of the explosive process which resulted in the expansion of matter in space and the subsequent formation of galaxies all matter and energy return to the initial point that out.

After the great creative explosion of the cosmos first small galaxies form, then these galaxies merge to form larger galaxies, and finally all large galaxies come together to form a super galaxy, then the subject of this last big galaxy will be moving towards the center where all matter and energy payback merged to form the core of a new originator universe.

This process has no beginning and no end, because in the cosmos the same time also has its end, from which all events are to be repeated from the beginning. Once all matter and energy return by the effect of gravity to the center point will be a change in the original matter and this will be transmuted to form the precursor material of a new explosion, resulting in a new universe and training of new galaxies. Arguably the resulting universe after the explosion will not be identical to the previous but very similar, because the combinations of possible events are as many as possible combinations have the matter. This does not mean that the new universe will always prove different, because once the possible combinations are exhausted the cosmos will have completed their combination options and thus also its duration in time and therefore the following combination will be the first in the list existing and then repeats the same time. Of course the time required for combinations of events in the cosmos finish is logically immense, but for eternity any measure of time is negligible and it is important to note that completed the process of combinations the same time will begin again.

The process of evolution in the spiritual realm is different, because every soul of every living along their eternal life be live all possible experiences, and each new creation of the cosmos exchange their role with respect to the previous cycle, living in each new repetition of time in a different role previously lived.

Once again each being repeated again the same cosmic life itself will then consider the number of possible combinations as completed. You can say then that all beings live each and every one of the lives and experiences that other beings have passed before the cycle of possible combinations in the cosmos ends. It

should be borne in mind that the concept of time is relative, because when the same events recur may not talk about future events for the same time will restart again.

It is possible that after each cosmic cycle all souls come together to form one life and one particle, for matter is also life, and from that moment start again its split to form new particles and new souls. Actually all matter is life, the so-called organic life is actually the result of adding an individual spirit to a body created from the subject, which is mineral life. Actually, the reason for the existence of organic life is the need spirit embodied in a material body that amplifies spiritual sensations, for the spirit is essentially life and energy is most intense binding with matter. It is with the right combination of both as it progresses towards happiness, also possess a mortal body allows the spirit to renew and relive the sensations again as if for the first time. The reincarnated spirit in a material body that has the ability to experience intense feelings that the very laws of matter provide you, for being not controlled by it is always exposed to new sensations medium can build the world according to his own imagination while respecting the laws of nature.

In fact all matter has life, because everything that exists is alive, the difference is that there are things that have a distinct life, such as plants or people and there are other life forms that are part of something bigger like rocks or sea, in this case they are only part of other lives that are planets or galaxies, matter is therefore life individually, whereas instead of organic life is the result of adding a spiritual life to a life mineral, when joining the spirit body, for nature determined that the subject of the planets may be used for this purpose. Arguably this is as if there were only two real classes beings, spirits consisting essentially of energy and planets formed by material that is stabilized by concentrated energy. It is even possible that all mineral matter that forms planets and galaxies are really one being and its basic function is to provide support for the development of life forms differentiated as plants or people, i.e. form the scenario in which they would be expressed. It is also possible that at first the cosmos only one particle exists and one being, then that individual being divided into multiple particles and multiple beings. A being could be

formed by a single particle or multiple particles, the difference is that one be formed by multiple particles maintain a bond that unite directly. That bond or filament in turn would not be formed by other particles but could be divided in that case would lead to the emergence of another individual being, this being however also have eternal life, then it shares that above being itself past. At the end of the cosmic cycle all matter and all beings will meet again to merge into a single particle and the process will begin.

It could also be said that in the cosmos the two most important elements present are the matter and void, actually emptiness is just the mirror image of matter and can not understand one without the other because they are the same thing but in reverse this bipolarity is actually the origin of the sexes binary codes and magnetic fields. The field represents the existence and non-existence empty, but both the one and the other have existed since one can not speak of empty if not compared with the subject, therefore both must necessarily exist. In this context, the time is not more than the change caused by the motion of matter, and our perception of time should be able to remember the position that the matter dealt with before, but as combinations of matter are not unlimited the end time will restart.

It can also be said that there are immutable laws governing cosmic processes in the universe, these laws in turn emanate from the truth that is eternal and outside of time, but at the same time as opposed offers a wide range of options variables not subject to strict rules, i.e. the universe to be sustainable needs on the one hand the strength of a rigid and stable laws, but on the other permitted provided that these basic laws is no question, a wide range of possibilities different beings They inhabit, these laws of nature are not a whim, because the absence of a major stable framework would not be possible to build a more complex universe that allows progress towards happiness, which is the real reason for existence. Normally when someone refers to truth or the divine is what those laws are concerned, it is what remains as immutable when doubts are clarified. Indeed, in the construction of the cosmos we all participate, because our spirit is eternal, but our degree of success will depend on the way in which we are

able to understand these universal laws that are the true definition of God.

When a man is born, he forgets his spiritual memories temporarily, but instead acquires the characteristic of human life, because to achieve a happier life is better to keep the memories of the two planes, thus mixing can live each life as new and therefore more intensely.


From the beginning of time evolution of the species it has as its sole objective to create the human form. In turn this way mission is to be the most appropriate means for the spirit is manifested in the material medium. It is through this interaction between the spiritual medium and the medium material and the spirit reaches its greatest degree of happiness. This is the real reason to reincarnate and more than justified reason to create such a complex way, because its purpose is to serve as a channel of communication and expression to the spirit in the matter. Thus the human body is like a representation of the spirit but materially and must be able to serve as suitable expression medium. Just as the pure energy to be strong needs to be mixed with matter if you want to produce significant effects, just as the spirit needs to create a material body that will serve as a means of expression, because the spirit is mainly energy and the body it is mainly matter. In addition, the material means the spirit happens to have a mortal body that allows you to discover the world anew in each new incarnation and relive again the thrill of novelty, because one of the keys to happiness is to know how to keep the balance between remembering how useful but forget what is no longer needed. The average material is less intuitive than the spiritual, but instead provides lots of excitement and new things that make life embodied spirit happier and more intense than if you only existed as a spirit. Thus the spirit first begins in the material form incarnating in animal forms, until the end reaching the human form, not being possible to return back, except when a new universe where everything will start starts.

Another feature of the human form is the division between the sexes, the division is intended to create a specialization in humans in order to increase its effectiveness, this does not mean that one sex put at a disadvantage compared to another; specialization in principle only mission that each sex is dedicated to a different but equally necessary function to achieve the best quality of life possible. It is true that specialization may imply the need for different during the life of men and women work, but that does not mean that it has to be one happier than the other, because in a world developed specialization at work is an extended and necessary practice and nobody argues that this results in a specialty that has to be worse than another necessarily, because although it differently men and women have the right to be just as happy.

Therefore the reincarnation of the spirit into matter is not a temporary situation but an end in itself, necessary for the spirit to reach its highest level of happiness when interacting with matter and be surprised by the continuous innovation that this provides and great intensity of emotions that are acquired in that medium.

The real challenge of progress is to benefit from all that provides the human form but without preventing live a deeply moral and consistent with the values of the spirit life.

The widespread belief that man has to move up to a heavenly world is due to the feeling of dissatisfaction that this backward world causes, but that perfect world is not in a spiritual plane, but that is where the Earth will come when his evolution. Because what sense would that species have evolved over millions of years to reach the man, if it were to leave the fruit of so much work that's your body. Man's destiny is to live in human form, but giving spiritual values the place they deserve.


I would like to clarify that the content of this article contains only my opinions about UFOs and unsafe or proven data, because this is one of the most discussed topics at present, although it is also one of the most difficult issues to clarify for those who believe in the presence of extraterrestrial beings on our planet. I unlike those

charlatans or contacted false go with the truth ahead which may make it seem less interesting the content of my articles, but the reader must decide which is better, if a document in which the author claims that the content it is true, but actually is false or other article in which the author acknowledges his doubts. Many people like me believe that the UFO phenomenon exists and is caused by alien craft, but from there, this topic is open to a certain approaches infinity and not others.

In my opinion, the presence of UFOs in our skies main mission favor the Earth's population used to the existence of beings from other planets in the universe. Since the discovery of the atomic bomb and the beginning of space travel, aliens know that time is short for the final touch, because once earthly society spread by the planets of the solar system humans discover evidence of their activity and therefore they need to intensify its flight schedule UFO intended to accustom the Earth's population to their presence before contact is made real and open.

For this, the plan is to use easy to distinguish from ships used by the inhabitants of the earth, for this reason the saucer type model was chosen. These ships are recognized mainly by its circular shape and its high brightness, the brightness is not necessarily caused by its propulsion system, but to be easily recognized by land, in fact probably only 15% of the occasions when UFOs come to realize patrols are visible to the human eye and when they do it is because that is precisely their intent and why patrol near inhabited areas or sometimes accompany the planes, but in most cases do not get to see, because they are secret activities.

they use a simple system of invisibility, which may be by placing two televisions in opposite position and in the center of the two screens small cameras only visible television put on from very close in such cases. Then it would be enough simply to issue from the opposite television image of the opposing chamber and an observer would see the image only apparently disappearing behind television. If this system is applied to a ship it would have to make the fuselage convey an image and the device could disappear from sight, especially if the image you see a particular observer shown. These secret missions have as their main purpose

the study of nature and also promote the moral development of mankind.

These ships are bright, mainly so that we can see, even though it is also possible to use the heat as a way to lighten its weight by using a balloon effect, i.e. that exploit the interior space used to reduce weight by decreasing the density air contained therein and thus would need to consume less fuel. Ships could be divided into two different types, some others would be crewed and directed by remote control. This could explain why UFOs perform as impressive accelerations, simply do so because the drivers are not on board, but that control these ships from the control room on the mother ships. This would be useful on the one hand to avoid the risk that pilots can assume large accelerations needed to get away from the fighter jets that sometimes insist on pursuing them, and on the other an important weight would be avoided by eliminating the crew and the cockpit which would no longer need to transport. When we talk about extraterrestrial techniques, we should not think about them in a simple way, because they allow us to see only what they want to see and not what actually happens. These ships are well suited to the acceleration because the propulsion energy is applied equally across its fuselage. The design of flying saucers also has a psychological motive, because his luminous appearance intended to provoke in the viewer a desire to go to truth and knowledge, which is representing from a metaphysical view white light. Round and bright UFO shape also has religious significance as it represents the luminous center point and that is God. This is intended to stimulate the observer an interest in moral values.

Today, many people believe that humans have flying saucers and aliens caught, keep in mind that if true, could only be if they would like, which I think is quite absurd. Actually these beliefs are born of feverish minds that seek to give too much value to man on earth, thus ridiculing the aliens. An example of this contemptuous vision is usually the aliens have it in some TV

series where full of ugly and stupid beings who need the arrival of the earthlings to solve their problems, compared to current universe shows would as if modern man needed to cavemen to

him solve the current problems. Or put another way is as if the student had to give lessons to the teacher.

In my opinion, the aliens do not have, or think they have, secret dealings with any government on earth, because they consider this world as a degenerate society and too primitive on the moral plane, although coach are quite advanced, therefore, try to get used to their presence, probably because the official contact can not be delayed more than a few centuries, because the spatial expansion of land will make inevitable the encounter. Meanwhile the governments of the earth are determined to keep secret their presence, while trying to seize their ships making pursuits like a competition between equals. Another reason why the secret is kept, is that the governments of the major powers would not know how to explain that by being world leaders, however these unknown ships with impunity roam its skies in utter disregard of their armed forces If this fact was recognized lead in the weaker nations a tendency to rise from the yoke of these dominators countries, therefore, for them it is essential not to discuss this matter publicly.

The truth is that the main reason that prevents contact between humans and aliens is the moral incompatibility of the two civilizations, this may seem a simple matter to modern man, but this is because philosophical progress is the last step we have to reach civilizations to be fully realized, because it is this characteristic that differentiates the worlds who have completed their evolution not. The truth is that the backward worlds give undue importance to material things, while advanced instead give equal weight to the material to the spiritual. Extraterrestrials could provide moral or technical elements that the world needs to complete its evolution, but it is necessary that you learn slowly and ourselves, because otherwise the man would find absorbed by a foreign culture would not be able to understand, everything would be easier if mankind had more in mind the reason and common sense and less absurd traditions or ingrained however distant they are.

Another possible explanation of the circular design of UFOs might be, because as a main propulsion system a turbine or propeller camouflaged inside is used, this has already been tried

unsuccessfully by the US Army in 1958, this device called (Avrocar) was built in secret but failed to make it work because it did not incorporate lateral thrusters that were necessary to balance the main force jet. In principle this idea was not bad, but perhaps the project failed for lack of confidence in such a different pattern than usual and have a limited budget to complete all the necessary elements. Surely if they had put a little more effort they would have managed to finish the vehicle vertical takeoff without outer wings. Subsequently, it was shown that this was possible, when the lunar lander and today with the technology of the drones was built. The design and construction of such circular nave probably favored the myth that the United States had flying saucers to his credit. Another possible explanation for some UFO sightings could be paranormal phenomena, because in my opinion, the spirits are essentially energy and can be displayed at certain times as luminous spheres, therefore, can be confused with materials vehicles when actually enter more in the spiritual realm.

As for the possibility that UFOs propel by methods of antigravity, today no more than just a hypothesis, because at present there is no evidence to prove it, however, there are numerous statements of witnesses who claim have heard or seen propulsion jets on these ships, although there are others who claim otherwise, perhaps the explanation is that they have different models.

It is also possible that these ships use a propulsion system cold, i.e. it would be based on the classic reaction propulsion system but not a gas jet reheated without cold gas stream would be used.

This system would be similar to using electric vehicles but being air could use the surrounding air as reaction mass or perhaps gases contained therein and driven by an electric repulsion system similar to that used ion engines.

Another possibility is to use nuclear energy to move. To avoid heavy confinement system could use other sheets based on radioactive material as a power source for an internal system of solar panels, but more potent than the energy received from the sun. This energy could accumulate and use when need be, but considering how dangerous it seems unlikely to use, although it is not ruled out that in exceptional occasions have been used, especially if we consider that with technology as advanced as

yours may have been able to counteract the dangers that this energy is.


As regards the physical appearance of the aliens in my opinion they are much more like us than people think, because I think they are based on the same biological principles we. Because in the same way that in the universe physical laws are the same for all galaxies in the same way the progress of biology produce the human form as a more evolved version anywhere in the cosmos.

For this reason on earth there are countless species but only one is intelligent. Many people claim to have seen or spoken to them and according to the few versions each is different. But we must not forget that it is technologically far superior to us civilizations, this means that what we see is only what they want us to know and not what they do. It is also possible that some of the assumptions that aliens have been spotted not be treated but genuine extraterrestrial robots remotely piloted, this would aim to avoid any risks such as contagion of viral diseases. These robots could be controlled using a virtual reality system that would allow drivers of these devices communicate or act as if these artificial beings were themselves.

It is also possible that sometimes were able to confuse the use of helmets have the big head, the large number of UFO cases in which states have seen beings with oversized head. However, this does not seem very logical because whatever the level of intelligence that might have an extraterrestrial being that does not mean that your head has to be absurdly large compared to the body, because that would cause proves impractical. Nature precisely resolved this issue in humans creating folds in the brain in order to increase its usable area without having to increase the size of the skull. Because regardless of brain size, all living beings need to have the size of the head in proportion to body.


Many people wonder. Why are there no ships powered by nuclear energy today? The answer is very simple, is that although it's been many years since nuclear energy was invented, however, have not solved the serious risk that this type of energy has, in fact ideally complete ban for use on the surface of the earth. Given that the world is a system in which all relates frivolous is trying to get more energy using highly dangerous methods such as nuclear energy or say it is an ecological energy after disasters like Chernobyl. The truth is that the world does not need more energy than from the sun and its derivatives, so, what is needed is to adapt to the limitations that this energy is. As regards nuclear energy, try to use it for aircraft propulsion have very high risks.

For example an accident leakage of radioactive substance or contamination of the occupants by direct radiation. Not to forget that nuclear fission generators emit strong radiation that can only be avoided by confining heavy structures making unfeasible its use for flying objects that logically have to be lightweight. There is also nuclear fusion is theoretically less polluting, but at present it has not been possible to use it except as explosive in nuclear weapons.

As for the question of whether it is possible at present any government in the world to have this type of aircraft so it can be attributed to them the UFO phenomenon, the answer is that if so, try these flights were secrets but the UFO phenomenon is usually associated with luminous objects that have no interest in hiding.

Also, if the UFO phenomenon was caused by secret organizations of land would be virtually impossible to hide this fact to the public, because they can hide a lie many short time or a lie a few long, but you can not hide lie to everyone all the time, because although this hypothesis is very novelistic it remains true that thousands of people to maintain an infrastructure as needed for manufacturing and pilot design of these devices would be needed and that obviously could not be maintained secret for long.


Another hypothesis for levitation of the craft is the use of antigravity systems. The truth is that today there is no prototype, even

theoretical, to make a ship move repelling the Earth's gravity field. For this reason it is likely that future space colonization is carried out with ships bearing the classic propulsion system reaction mass and generate gravity for the occupants by the known centrifugal system, which is the rotational movement of fuselage shaped drum which generates gravity. But if possible creation of an anti-gravity system, most likely to be based on the same principle that attracts the material particles together.

Gravity may operate similarly to the magnetic fields, but unlike them instead of using electron work with a field of nuclear particles act just as a magnetic field. In this case the system of antigravity could be achieved by creating equal polarities on the ship to the existing on the planet, in this way as with the magnetic levitation of the ship would occur because in magnetism like poles repel. If you managed to discover this technology could also be used on planets or satellites with low gravity to achieve the necessary for human life and thus make life more enjoyable. In this case it would not be used to produce repulsion but attraction, as generated by the planets. However, currently there is no proof that this is possible, so that the characteristics associated with perhaps UFOs are caused by other reasons.