Other Perceptions of Reality by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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The information provided is from a forum of communicators who come from different energy dimensions that interpenetrate our physical reality. Many of these teacher communicators have volunteered to be here at this significant time to assist humanity go through the transition from one epoch to another. 

This e-book is a collection of discussions I have had with the teachers over time and attempts to explain some of the changes, those we see already happening, and the special opportunities presented; opportunities not previously available to incarnating souls.

As our universe enters this new epoch it brings with it monumental changes on all levels of consciousness. What we, as a consciousness, are seeing now, Earth changes, are only a small part of the evolutionary transformation that offers enormous opportunities for all existences. Each soul here at this time, whether they are consciously aware or not, are participating in these transformational opportunities as our energy grid formation helps establish these Earth changes.

Now the influence of the previous Piscean epoch recedes it is being replaced by the Aquarian era. This newer influence opens our awareness to developments of mind boggling technologies and advancements, some already changing the way we live and think.

What is perhaps not so obvious at present is all living energies, consciousness, not only humanity, is undergoing this transformation, shifting into another, finer energy awareness. As the old gives way to the new some of the familiar species of animals and plants will cease to exist on this third dimension. Their extinction will occur because they are unable to adapt to the newer patterns of existence.

Of the species which do evolve there will be a fundamental transformation in behaviour and intellect. We will cease seeing them as dumb animals that act purely on survival instinct and understand that they, like us, are consciousness. We will understand that we are one of many consciousness' existing on this third dimension and are not 'top of the heap' of evolution, but are merely 'one of the heap'. We will also come to an understanding as we see that all are one evolving in their particular energy field and that any separation is an illusion. Further understanding of quantum entanglement will assist here.

Until we reach a more advanced evolutionary perception our illusion will remain that when we finish with our physical body we go somewhere. The reality is there is nowhere to go because we are already 'there'. What we do is adjust our vibratory pattern to harmonize with whatever it is we seek to experience on any level and existence. Quantum physicists in their different fields of research have illustrated that what we see as our solid three dimensional world of form is illusion, as are timelines, distance and spatiality.

Part of the incarnation understanding we seek to experience is in adventures on this malleable, illusory, third dimension and to achieve that we need an 'anchor'. This is achieved by working in a symbiotic relationship with an earth consciousness my communicators refer to as 'the earth elemental overseer'. 

The earth energy overseer is the term the teachers who communicate with me prefer to use. Other teachers have referred to it as the body elemental ('Spiritual Unfoldment' - White Eagle Book One p.31). Seth in his book 'The Nature of Personal Reality' as explained through Jane Roberts (p.180) refers to the earth energy overseer as the  body consciousness. Other teachers may use other names and I don't know what  terminology our scientists use but in this e-book adhere to the term as given to me by the teachers I communicate with.

In Part One the teachers explain that prior to inception we, as souls, decide what we want to achieve and experience in an incarnation on Earth. We put this desire in place by use of our imagination, attracting to us the necessary universal energies to form an energy blueprint of the type of physical body most advantageous to our desires. We also decide on the most beneficial time, date, area and epoch to fulfil our purpose.

For any soul to function on this denser third dimension they need to be anchored here. This anchoring is achieved by the earth elemental energies that are a composite of planet Earth and the earth energy overseer/controller consciousness who makes everything go to plan.

The moment we, as souls, make the connection with the earth energy being is given. Also explained is how this earth elemental consciousness is able to manipulate other earth elementals into constructing our body as we desired for an Earth incarnation.

Despite what we may presently believe, reasons are stated as to why there cannot be accidents of birth, no random malformations or sicknesses and that all interconnecting cells, all parts of our physical body communicate and interact with each other. Suggestions are given on how we can also communicate with the earth elementals and the advantages to us by doing so.

The teachers stress that we are not victims, unless we chose to be; at all times whatever happens to our physical body it is brought about by us in some way. This could be by way of a life lesson we want to experience, or unwise choices made while here. Meanwhile, the earth energy overseer complies with our wishes and thoughts. We only need to assess the condition of  our life and physical body to see how well  we are doing.  

The teachers refer to this earth energy as a thinking consciousness which faithfully adheres to and carries out our choices that affect our physical body. These choices may not necessarily be from the original blueprint we organized. Instead it may have become altered and adulterated in some ways by our choices and actions while inhabiting our third dimensional body.

Part of our function while here on Earth is to learn to control this third dimensional being by controlling our thoughts and personal excesses which may have a negative impact on our physical body. The earth energy being relates to Mother Earth and our assistance here helps all elementals upon this planet. They benefit from the energy exchange with us by way of our finer energy assisting them extending their consciousness.

In Part Two the teachers broaden our knowledge on the importance of mind control. They move from the earth elementals by referring to other creations we form while on any dimension, including this one we are presently inhabiting. They stipulate that, as creators, everything we think, we create.

Ponder for a moment about the times you give intensity to your thoughts. Someone may have upset you in some way and you have had intense, 'black' thoughts about them getting their comeuppances. Or random daydreams as you go about your day to day activities.

As the teachers explain in Part Two, both examples might at first seem be like 'out of mind out of sight' but that  concept is not valid. They, now as an energy form have been created and exist somewhere in another reality, time/line continuum. These creations of ours  exist in their own right but as our protégées. And, as all are connected, each and every protégée existence influences each other in some way.

Sections of Part Two are added insertions from another of my e-books, Other Perceptions of Reality. Their inclusions in Part Two is to function as 'a teaser' and to highlight some the reasons and relevance of our controlling our mind. The information  gives a salient understanding that whatever we create by our thoughts does not go away but is somewhere undergoing a life and experiences of its own.


As souls, consciousness, we have all chosen this amazing time to be here, to advance ourselves with the wonderful opportunities and knowledge available in this epoch. The teacher communicators have pointed out to us that we are co-creators, creating not only in our present incarnation but also creating in others.  

The intention of this e-book is to explain some of the changes, those we see already happening, and the special opportunities presented; opportunities not previously available to incarnating souls. Whatever you choose to create and experience I wish you every success in your achievements. Best wishes go to you and now, with better understanding of the part you play, enjoy your experiences.