Other Perceptions of Reality by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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The Earth Elementals.

C. S. Lewis: You don't have a  soul. You are a soul. You have a body.


I have read that there is a belief amongst some people that when they finish their life on Earth they take their earth body with them. Is that so?

No, your physical body, being of the earth plane existence, must reside there but you are spirit, pure and simple. When you decide you want to temporarily, or permanently reside someplace else for a time, you go there. You have this ability, but see it not. Were you able to understand this fundamental fact you would soar as the divine beings you are, unfettered and free.

I would like you to explain this a little more please. 

You are fettered to the earth plane. Not as a punishment. Not as something forced upon you but by your divine decree. You, as the spirit beings you are, decided you wanted to investigate this realm so you put into play what was required. You gained from the Earth's atmosphere what you needed and it came into being.

And what control does my finer energy spirit part have; what control does it have over this incarnated part I identify with or call 'me'?

It has enormous control, should it choose to use it, but it does not go that way. It allows you, this third dimensional embodied  part to 'have lead', shall we say. This finer energy is in the background monitoring and overseeing that all goes according to plan; the plan that you, this physical part of you, has instigated by your thoughts and deeds. Your finer energy self rarely interferes but can be called upon  in moments of great stress or elation.

You have mentioned a third dimensional earth energy that is always with us while ever we, as consciousness, are experiencing this third dimensional existence. I would like more information on this 'physical being' that is also here with us.

Our information today can follow that way. Your physical body is as stated; it is the formation of the physical energies required by you (as the finer energy body) to function on this Earth sphere. This you already know, but along with that was another being, a presence if you like, that came with the third dimensional  package, so to say.

This being is purely third world dimensional, but is necessary for all the other little earth energies that make up your physical body to collate and function as one while you are here. It is, we say in your vernacular, 'the devil on your shoulder'. It is this elemental energy that is part of your mission to change. To make more compliant with the needs of your Mother Earth's way. 

You have a saying on your dimension that you create your own reality from the dust and detritus of the Earth and it is the way. Your sickness, your joys are not cast upon you with flagrant disregard. No, you choose to be the way with whatever you want to experience. 

You are the instigator, 'the leader of the band' as you say and those earth energies comply. They also have a say because they are also a part of the Divine and have a consciousness that needs attention, maturing as they are also on their way to fulfillment of their desires. It is as if you are the mental vehicle that enables them  (as third dimensional energies) to grow and develop their way. You offer this and they oblige their way, pulled in by the vibrational sway you have that is you.

These earth energies work in collusion with you and it is a real symbiotic relationship because each works in aiding the others' cause as well as their own. It is the way it is and must needs be for you to inhabit this earth plane dimension and for the earth energies to attach themselves and grow.

So the hardships, disappointments and suffering we undergo whilst on this earth plane are not some karmic punishment but are what we instigated and brought into our reality for whatever reason we chose to use it for?

That is indeed the way it is.

Then when we have had enough of any difficulties we are experiencing, why does the experience keep continuing?

Because you instigated it and haven't changed the rule play you set out to grow and learn with. It is all up to you. You are responsible for what transpires for you. It is not a punishment, not karma, not some other entity doing you harm or bringing you joy. You! You! You! It is you all the time and all the way. Are you responsible: yes, undoubtedly so. It is very difficult for you to understand and accept this concept, but it is the way.

Some who read this information and maybe are undergoing tough times for whatever reason may feel that they would have treated themselves more kindly, and not have gone through the trials they are undergoing if they had known a better way or how to stop their situation.

We understand for we know the way. Do you think we have not trodden the path that many of you have chosen to undergo? Do you think we are unaware of the suffering around many of you who wonder why it is or has to be this way for them or when they can expect a respite? We do understand for we know, we have seen and done much of what is required by you to attain your goals.

Why do you think we can speak with compassion and love and bleed, figuratively speaking, at your pain and suffering? It is because we have trodden similar paths and understand the pain or ecstasy that you undergo. Believe me, it is so, but what you need to understand and come to a realization with is it is all self-inflicted. Understand this and know that the remedy lies within. You have the ability and the strength to change circumstances but have you the will to go this way? Have you the will to understand you are the instigator, not as a punishment, but as an attainment, a learning curve if you choose to go that way? 

Once you set about understanding this concept and try to find and understand your own abilities, whatever your situation will fall from you. Until then you remain a victim of others, of fate, of the whims of the world, all the while not taking responsibility and realizing it is a wake-up call, a signal to extend yourself, your abilities, and reach inward for your divine rights to go another, better way.

We understand that the way is not to take responsibility for your actions and your life; to be seen by you to be a scapegoat, a victim, but it is false words and emotions being offered here. Until you realize your greatness, your abilities for mastery over you situation, it will always elude you.



The Earth Energy Connection.

For my comprehension, can we go back to the very start? We are spirit seeking to have a physical, third dimension experience. To do this we have to have a physical body made up, created from the energies of what are here on this denser energy reality. We are able to do this by using our mind power, consciousness, and so we do create what we want in whichever way we choose to experience here. Am I correct with my thinking so far?

Yes, it is how it is.

Then who or what is this third dimension being that is somehow attached to us?

It is an earth elemental that needs to be attached to you for all the other earth energies to function. It collates them and keeps them moving in the way that you have decreed. If you did not have this little being, you would not function very well on this domain. It is what keeps you here, right in the body you have chosen.

You are able to move about with the aid of this little earth being and you cannot function here on the physical plane without it. It is a requirement and part of that requirement is that you bring the little being  along too. In this way it grows and learns and is part of the necessary inflow/outflow of the Earth's energy at any time, but especially at present when there is so much undergoing.

And what shape does this little being have and what influence does it bear on us?

How you say, it shape shifts as required to suit its needs and desires. The influence it bears on you is enormous. It teaches you things like self control and in this way it also learns a modicum of self control. In many ways it is a symbiotic relationship between you two. Other ways it is a taskmaster supreme as it teaches you much to do with self control of your mind and control of other deeds such as gluttony and the like.

Our seven deadly sins?

Yes, it is along this way. You are learning self control, as we said, but at the same time you are also learning to master, control other elements; of nature and of other realities we have not touched upon yet. We do not go that way either with our teaching now. We want you to have a grounding, a proper way of understanding yourself, what you are made of, every fibre of your being, so to say and then we branch out to more abstract information.

It is one of the many tasks, challenges, you set out to meet; to conquer what you refer to as your  'base instincts'. It is a part of the challenge, the game you set as you struggle to overcome what is, to you, a far greater challenge than you thought possible before taking up your challenge.

But isn't the earth energy elemental, with the seven deadly sins bit, what we are working on too?

It may be the way that you have chosen greed, avarice and others to do you 'undone' as you say - but is it really? Once again, look to who is the instigator here. Nothing is done, is achieved, comes into your energy field, awareness, without input in some way coming from you.

The earth energy elemental is a projection of your (finer?) self; had you not thought that through? Can you not see the challenge provided here; to set it up by being into this third dimensional plane? The earth energy then provides the catalysts for you to win or lose with your self but remember, it is also a part of your self. 

You have stated that our mind control helps us, while at the same time it helps the earth energy too. Is there more that we don't know about?

Yes, the earth energy is connected to you, not to do you harm, but to empower you. It also is connected to the other little imprint, energies, that are connected in this way.

I understand that when we finish our chosen time here, we go back .... it is very difficult not to refer to changes as time and distance.

We understand, but if you are not happy with your choice of words you can find another way.

At the moment I will stick with my simplistic way of speaking. When we finish here on this third world reality we leave. What about the little earth energy? I am assuming it is an elemental?

Yes, and the earth energy being stays here.  

Then, what happens to the earth being, apart from staying here?

It goes its own way. It is not here and then 'poof' gone. It  also serves in other ways. It grows and develops and is part of the nature world supreme. If you like to say, it is part of Mother Earth divine. It 'shape shifts', as you say, and takes on other forms for it to experience and grow.

So it could be one of the gnomes or fairies?

If it chooses we suppose it could be the way but we don't think so with this. It has other ways to grow and develop. 

In our earlier e-book, Earth Energies and the Nature Kingdom, we spoke about energies in different parts of the planet. How some are friendly to humans and some are not. Are these feelings created by the little creature you are speaking about?

No, an entirely different sort again. We need to stay with the format you have chosen for today before branching off into other domains. We do this by keeping your thoughts firmly here, so that you can think about what to say and then read our answers. It is the only way you are going to understand, otherwise you will be like the will-o-the-wisp gathering information but with little recall, or inkling of what the truth is all about.

Well, there will be lots of future questions once I read and think about your answers. We can continue on in this vein tomorrow or go onto another topic. Have we gained enough information for us to proceed to another topic?

Read your notes and then decide for yourself. We are here to ply you with questions/answers format at all times, but we need you to choose the way. If you feel the subject matter is discussed  enough then we progress to other topics. If not, we stay this way. Think about your questions, what you want to learn then decide. It can go any way you choose



When Does a Soul Enter a Body?

I have reread your information but seek clarification. First, you mentioned that this being is purely third world dimensional, but is necessary for all the other little energies to collate and function as one while you are here’.

As this comment is a little unclear, could you simplify it please? Do you mean the energies that go to make up my physical body? From my point of view it seems as if you are saying that the earth energy is a controller that collates the other elemental earth energies that make up my physical body. 

Yes, that is the way.

You have mentioned that we form a blueprint of the physical body we want before we come to this reality. If I understand correctly you stated that we are formed from the particles of this third dimension, earth to earth and dust to dust sort of thing. 

Yes, that is the way. Go on with your questioning.  

Then how do we form our physical body, and when does this little earth energy connect with us? Is it prior to birth, during gestation or after?

It can be any way. The priority here is that the little energy has formed itself in the proper manner; the right way for you to attach and stay here on this dimension while you choose your mode of way of progressing, learning and growing in whichever way it has been previously designated, designed by you.

You need to be alive here; to function, to understand and be of sorts with the energies that are in many ways foreign to your 'true self'. You cannot do it alone without the aid of this little earth energy form.

Is that the reason why the question of when a soul enters a body has never been clearly established? Some say prior to birth, at inception, some say at birth, while others say some time after. 

It can be any of the above. The main priority is the connection to stay. Prioritize this fact. It is the connection, the symbiotic relationship that is formed between you both, all.

It might be necessary to jump a little with my questions here as I try to sort out things in my mind.

We are capable of understanding and flowing any way.

We are told we create our reality but how does this symbiotic relationship relate or form?

It is the way it is. You do indeed create your reality on Earth. You also connect with and create the form you choose to function in with this.

Then how do we connect up with this earth energy to create the body we are to have? It would have to be prior to coming here.

Yes, it is the way it is. You are getting confused here. This earth body energy is able to temporarily advance to other levels; you are temporarily able to come 'here'. It is a simple way we are speaking with this but we speak this way for removal of obstructions that might cloud your thoughts.

As we previously mentioned you are to unlearn much of what went before. Your prior knowledge, prior to us intervening to assist you, has much flawing to be eradicated from your thoughts, deeds and all. We choose with you the simplistic approach to help with this. You must always though forge on even when the answers seem wrong in your eyes. We want you to challenge, to think beyond preconceptions and this is the only way to achieve it. Now, continue please with your questions.

Could you please elaborate on how we connect with this earth energy? Does this earth energy controls or manipulates the lesser elemental earth energies that are also here?

Yes, it is the way that the earth energy we discuss is the master controller while you are situated here.  It does indeed bring in, attract, whatever other little energies are needed to have you stay and function as you are able and as you have designated you want to be. You connected up prior to incarnating here and it is an agreement of sorts between you all. All includes every portion of the earth energies that are also divine in their way and have amalgamated with your spirit to enable you to function here on this, their domain.

Then how does that correlate with us creating our own reality?

It is all of accord. There is no mistake or confusion here. All goes to your clockwork in the way it was chosen and designed. Prior knowledge of what you sought to achieve, your playground to function in, it is all of accord. Everything went according to the designated planning. It is the way. 

So everything has, or is, consciousness and is progressing in its own way?

Yes, it cannot be any other way. Take your thoughts from inanimate objects. To your sight it may appear like that, that they are inanimate, but it is not the way. All pulse, vibrate with life. They are all a manifestation of consciousness divine. It cannot be any other way.

Then we have an agreement with the earth energy and ourselves, our finer spirit, before we come here?

That is correct.

What about once we are here and have the body we chose to represent us? Some of us get health problems, cancers and such. Some are even born with these afflictions. The ones born with them I would think from what you have said are wanting to experience the life with whatever the infirmity is they chose.

But what about others who get things like cancer later in life? Is that still their choice or is it that some of the little energies have taken it upon themselves to behave in an unstable way, a way not compatible with the health of the physical body?

Listen well. You choose your consciousness reality. You choose your reality. Whatever happens, whatever way it happens, you brought it about and the earth energy complied with your wishes and needs. We need to make you clear on this. It is not some vengeful god: it is not some past misdeed. That is all superstitious rot and should be one of the events, thoughts that you cast from your mind.

You are, many of you, very conscious of your drugs, man-made drugs and of the pollutants that are about you. If you choose to have them affect you, it will go that way. If you choose to brush them aside, are ignorant, oblivious even to their events and choose not to be involved in any way you will not have one iota of effect on your physical frame.

It is again illusion that you have all these microbes ready to 'do you in'. If it is the way you have chosen, yes, it will be the way you go.  If you have cast these thoughts from your mind it will not have any effect upon you and you will continue on in blissful ignorance that you could be affected in any way.

All that happens in your life is a prerequisite of your choices being fulfilled. Your little earth energy complies with this and you have a trade-off so to say. A win/win situation where you all  benefit. We have already explained in what way so will not go into this again.

We leave you now with your thoughts for today. Please read carefully our answers so that if you have an queries, any lack of understanding we go that way until we get it right in your mind. Then we can progress to other lessons divine. 

That is all. Peace and blessings we send you, now and forevermore.



Do Earth Energies Incarnate?

I understand we are able to go to other levels and we will speak about those at another time. My thought was that this earth energy stayed here because it was composed of the components of Earth.

Yes, it is the way that is constructed as you say but it is also of the stars; a combination of other elements too. It can advance itself along these lines and come and go at will without any loss to you.

We are a consciousness, spirit energy, that advances along different lines or ways to the earth energy. Is that correct?

As you like to say, 'got it in one'.

Are you also saying that ...I need to think about this some more....

Did we not previously state that it is unwise to your learning to think of all earth energies as inanimate objects? Why do you think this is so strange that others, also of the stars, are progressing along a similar line to your particular sort of consciousness?

Have we not also told you that everything you see, touch, smell, taste, hear, all, is also consciousness manifesting in different waves, way? This is what happens therefore as all is one, all is consciousness progressing in their particular manifestation. It is the way it is and will continue to grow and expand even when you cannot see how this is possible. We aim, during your education, to show you the way and prove to your suspicious mind that it cannot be any other way with this.

Does the earth energy incarnate or have other experiences similar to what we do?

It can be the way but it is different to you so does not require the same modes of transport as you do. By this we mean that at every existence, dimension, you take a part of that element to clothe yourself in. It is not the way with the earth spirit because it goes a different way with its progression.

Then those other little earth elementals that this earth energy oversees, do they incarnate like we do or at some stage progress to being an earth element like the one that holds our physical body together?

We think not. It is not along the same ways as with your consciousness divine. As we have already stated, they grow, go another way. It is not necessary for them to produce seed, offspring, at all like it is necessary for you to include if you want to experience the totality of what is on offer here.  Their needs and progress is along a different path.  

What relationship or effect does this earth element have to our thoughts? It would have to be temptations and the likes but how else? I am asking because now wonder about us controlling our mind and thoughts. Is it only to do with us being lazy, or too indulgent?                                                                               

Yes, it is the way you are controlled if you let it go this way. It is different with your mind power. It issues a different need that is also prudent for you to heed. Thoughts of 'the seven deadly sins' as you described them are brought about by your mind and lack of ambition on your part to rectify and  exert your will power. It is though where the attachment, attraction ends.

Please excuse me for interrupting but I don't understand what you are saying. Does the earth energy influence us and our mind follows on by creating images or impressions to further tempt us? Is that the way it is?

Yes, it is along this way. You might see it as a collusion, where one works in harmony with the other. Without the self control over the mind the earth energy is able to wreak havoc upon your physical body so to say. It does this because you have not instigated control over any of the issues brought to court by your mind and so temptation is rife with you.

You have not taken control as you were required, meant to do to progress the earth spirit forward in the right and proper way. Nor have you offered any control over your thoughts, your intellect, your mind. We do not condone, we do not judge, we just say, state, what we see and any ramifications that ensue are upon you all. All being those who do not comply with what is meant to be.

Then what happens to the earth energy if we have not done our part?

As your sojourn, period here ends he goes away. He is not lost in any way. He will reformat into another form, another way and progress along those lines just as you, yourself will do.  Opportunities, if you choose to see it that way, will be lost but it is really of no accord. As we have previously mentioned, there is no penalty for miscreants, or those who also chose another way.

I will finish now and read the information you have provided to my questions.

Then we leave you. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are gone for the day.



Changing What No Longer Suits.

In a previous discussion about other dimensions nearby and how they can influence us, perhaps to acts we would not normally do, I asked if the earth elemental being knew what was going on and if it did, why it didn't intervene. 

It is aware. Of course it is aware. It is your physical earth body that is influenced by controlling entities at this time. 

During an earlier conversation you stated we are learning to control our thoughts. You also mentioned that in doing so we are helping the earth elemental controller of our earth body energies. I asked you if the earth energy is a part of us and if so, was it because all are one energy and it cannot be any other way. While agreeing with the concept you also said it was more complex than that. Would you please now explain how it is more complex?

Yes, we can follow along that way, line of reasoning. It is connected to you, not to do you harm, but to empower you. It also is connected to the other little imprints, energies, that are connected in this way. They have also been constructed by your thoughts prior to incarnating into any reality form. It is up to you whether you change them by your thought power once you have incarnated onto this earth plane divine or to let them flow as they were set up to function, be. 

We do have the power to change what we see as not being to our advancement? 

Of course it is possible. You have created the form. You, as creator, have the ability to change what you have created. Your problem, if you choose to see it that way, is you vacillate or you do not take credit for your charges. Your charges, we are meaning to state, are the energies you have that create your form whilst upon this, or any plane.

It may well be that infirmities that strike you low, perhaps ones you created prior to this incarnation are not able to be shifted. We now ask you, why would that be? Why would you, as the creator, not be able to override your previous convictions of what you sought to achieve by this malaise if that is what is ailing you? Why would you not be able to change the conditions you had set up upon yourself? Why, if your needs have changed, you are not able to reconstruct your desires to a more salient outcome for yourself, your learning?  

Ignorance would be one. We were not aware we could do it or, if we were, it proved too difficult, to arduous when we tried and so we gave up instead.

It is well that you understand this. You are able to change all conditions around and within your frame, should you choose to be, go that way. We are conferring upon you the fact you can change all you see that no longer suits your present, current needs.

We are needing firstly though for you to acknowledge your input is needed to do this. It is mandatory that you change your concepts, your beliefs that you are weak and not in charge of all that affects your being. We are stating it does not have to be that way. You can change, but it has to come from you, your mind power is the key.

I do not wish to appear argumentative but a person who was born with one or no legs, as an example, is not suddenly going to sprout limbs are they?

No, it will never be the way if that is your belief structure. Because it has not been seen before, been known before, does not change on whit what we are stating. You believe it to be achievable and it will be achievable. Your present mind structure, those of all of you we would say, state it is impossible. We are stating an alternative here.

You cannot achieve anything if your belief that it is possible is not there. Until your recognize the fact that you create your reality, here, all levels, it will never come to pass that you can construct, change whatever takes your desire at any previous time, before you enter this, or any, structure.

Is this one of the reason