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Part Two


Creators All

You have mentioned that we are creators and as such cannot do anything else but create. I would like to start today's information along that way.

Then we comply with your desires.

It was and still is a cautionary warning to always watch our thoughts because whatever we are thinking, somewhere we are creating those thoughts.

Yes, it is the way it is for you all. You cannot not create, magnetize to you whatever your thoughts are constructing.

I understand we create our present lifetimes, bring in those who can assist us and our physical bodies are what we have and keep creating by our thoughts and actions.  What about those other creations our undisciplined thinking has formed. Where are they?

All around you yet you see them not. This is because you have not programmed your thinking to correspond with what is here now, your present condition or lifetime.

Your created thought forms have not disappeared; they exist and are forming another 'offshoot' so to say of your existence. The ramifications here are great for you have created life and now, as the creator, need to take responsibility for this ingenuity of your conscious thinking.

This is a bit overwhelming to think about. I have no idea what I've thought about or created but am responsible for them?   

Yes, it is the way it is. You do create and as creators take on a part of this existence divine. It is not so difficult to understand when you realize what is there is part of you; you formed it by your consciousness thinking and it is given form. That form now has responsibilities to care for.

Existences, worlds are being created in this way all the time. It is not so strange when you understand the concept and go that way. We have been instructing you since we first comprehended your existence and took form to give you understanding for you are part of, a creation of All.

Then, what about our charges, what we have created into form? If others are like me, my thoughts don't deliberately think of someone as a baby and go from there. The thoughts I have are about adults. How do they get a life they are living? They can't just pop up somewhere without a history?

No, it is not that way. They do have a history and we choose not to confuse you any more than you appear to be but sufficient to say they do come with a history even if, to your mind, that part has not been created by you, this part of you. 

Then what or who creates that history?  

We can claim that there is an existence and that existence does formulate for itself what it is required for the span of time they want to exist. It is not always that your thoughts bring in whatever is floating about that activates their conditions.

None of this makes sense to me. Am I confusing myself or are there different teachers today?

We are one and the same. Why is it strange that you, a consciousness, can formulate your desires, your lifespan needs and comply with your requirements? You have created form and that form, as you have done, is capable of creating what it desires to be.

I will stop for the moment to gain comprehension from your information. Our thoughts have created another consciousness. It is a part of us but it doesn’t just get dropped into any existence. It is somewhere, creating the life it chose to exist in just as we did. Am I  right in my thinking?

Then we leave you to go your way.



Interacting With Personal Selfs

Today I would like our discussion to be on something you recently mentioned. 'You will contact, forage amongst all that you are, always will be, all you contain'.

It may seem strange that we speak about other levels while you are cohabiting this earth dominion but it is the way it is. You are impacting on all your energies as they are influencing you. This abode is not only the one you are gaining from. Your creations are also helping here. They can encourage you as it were. Just as you influence them, take  a part  in what you see as (their?) reality. Allow the energies that are you in all their glory to shine forward and let you understand what you contain and are.

I would appreciate more information please.

In many ways you interact with other parts of your self. You do it all the time. Many of you are under the illusion that when you are affected by another energy part that is cohabiting someplace else it is part of you masquerading as a past life recall (reincarnation?). It is not the way. You do not have past life recalls in any way. It is again a misunderstanding of what can be and what is.

Did I mishear you when you said 'masquerading'?

It is the way, what you heard. You understand so little of the reality of what is your existence divine. It is only natural to be influenced in some way by other elements of your self. You do it all the time, this interactional flow between you all. There is no separation per se. It is a cut off line engineered, seen to be missing.

So, experiences that other parts of self are undergoing can and do have an influence of this part of me?

That is the way. It is a two way flow of energy alternating, going between, switching one to the other.

How does this come about? What activates this interaction?

It takes very little to activate the flow because it is always there upon you all. You are experiencing the flow all the time. Sometimes it is greater than other times depending on needs for survival and such.

I only partly understand what you are saying.  The energy flow between all sections of me is there all the time. It ebbs and flows depending on needs and presumably conditions? Is that right?

It is how it is.

So stressful situations can activate it more and whoever needs added energy gets a boost from one or more of the other interconnecting selfs.

It can flow that way. You are always interconnected and as such are always alleviating, changing each others energies. 

Then if we are feeling tired without reason or depressed without reason it could be coming from one of our other selfs?

It is not always a negative flow that is being received, interacted. There are joyful times to that you participate in with other parts, sections of self.

Well, what about if I was a healthy person and took care of my physical body to the best of my ability and other segments were the complete opposite. How would that be in the scheme of things you speak about today?

Again, you are thinking separation and it is not like that. You are leaning toward old gains of understanding and we are set to send you a more fruitful way.

It has to have an influence on my physical body.

No, why would that be the way? You are master of your controls. Your body is under your 'command', so to say. You control what energies flow and if it is the way you choose not to be influenced by another part, section of  your self it will not have one iota of influence. You will not feel any ramification along that way. 

Then what we, as energies are doing is attracting and repelling actions, thoughts and all that sort of thing but we are still in control of our physical body and thoughts?

Yes, it is the way.

Then how can we be influenced? Well, you have explained how but why?

Because of the interaction, the connection of the energy divine. You are not floating off someplace oblivious to all. We explained before to be careful of what you achieve, set out to be because it will come to pass of having an influence, ramifications upon all.

But if it is all illusion, what does it matter?

That is the way to see it all but unfortunately it does have a bearing sometimes on what you can and don't do. You are influenced in so many ways by what is achieved on other levels that you also cohabit. You are influenced many times by the energy flow yet little understanding of this is before your eyes.

I will finish our discussion now and read your information. Perhaps we can continue along the same line later when I may be better able to understand more of what you have explained.

Then we leave you now to your thoughts. Peace be upon you now and forevermore.



More Understanding of Parts of Self

I am intrigued by what you mentioned this morning and would like more information today. Can we do that?

Yes, we are with you at all times. As a change of consciousness but here just the same.

Just as the other sections of me are?

Yes, it is the way. We, none go away for it is all here for you to comprehend, understand.

I did read the information you provided for me but would like explanations on a few of the topics that are unfamiliar.  A point in case is where you mentioned we do not have past lives and what we are recalling or being emotionally affected by is one of our other selves still existing and going through their game of life.

It is how it is. If, as we say, there is no past per se, then it cannot be that there are past lives. It cannot be done.

You also said that we can be, or often are, experiencing emotional events that may come from one of our selves. But you made a distinction between emotional and physical. Did I get that right?

No, we phrase it another way. You change your concepts, ideas to suit whatever is around your present understanding but we are saying the present understandings may not have come from you in the first place. We mean that you might have an irrational fear of something that seems unfounded to you and you cannot understand it or source the awareness.

We are stating that it might have come from another part of self who was emotionally taxed beyond, almost beyond their endurance of fear factor. It pulled to itself whatever it needed to overcome whatever the fear factor was. You all do it because of the interactional flow from one to the other. Do you understand what we are explaining?

If we didn't want this to happen, can we prevent this flow?

It is for you to decide whether you choose to not abide by the needs of other parts of self, not come to their aid. We are explaining the flows of energy input and output between you all. We are not privy to whether it would be hindered or benefited by your interactional sway of objections.

Two questions that spring to mind. The first is when I saw my doppelganger. I asked you, the teachers, something along the lines of if I could have accessed her level?  I was told it happens all the time but is so natural that we don't know it is happening. Something like we flit in and flit out almost.

Yes, all do it. It is the way.

Without being aware of it happening?

Yes, it is quite familiar to you all.

I also asked: what if we both appeared in her reality at the same time? The answer was 'who would be the interloper. To your doppelganger in her reality you would be that way'.

You also mentioned that we are affected by the energies, emotional energies of our selfs but not our physical body. Is that the way, did I get that right?

Yes, you construct your physical body from the seeds, the essences that are here. You come this way.

Then how are we able to access areas where other parts of us exist, or are playing their game of life at?

You are confusing yourself here. You access them but do not stay. You do not have the vibratory rate that is required. You come and go. It is impossible for you to not support your charges, energies but you do it away so to say.

I need to think more about that to gain a better understanding. Meanwhile, I listened to a recording made by a doctor and psychiatrist Dr David Hawkins who said that one of the complexities psychiatrists have is some of their patients come to them with just about all of the ails known to humanity.

Their patients also suffer from split personalities and when the second personality takes over they reject the medication and the ailments and the patient becomes well again whilever the healthy personality is in  control. Is this something of what you are speaking of?

No, it is not what we are referring to. We do not go that way with this.

I know you do not accept reincarnation but I have heard that it is possible to access other parts of self that might be in another epoch and whose energy might be influencing mine. If this is so, then it might be possible to assist the other part of me to abolish  whatever their malaise is.

We cannot see the way here. We do not then agree with that concept. Other parts, self, are learning their own way they have brought into their being for the lesson to be achieved. It does not suit them in their development to have changes made by another self not of their kind.

What do you mean 'not of their kind'? If I had a thought form and created another identity, a self that is part of me, what you are saying doesn't seem right to me. Especially if it is having some sort of affect on this present 'me'.

Then we go another way with our tutorage. It is so that you may have created another form, 'self', as you say. It is also correct that this form has developed another life of its own. However, we are stating that this life form has a dribble effect, 'a bleed' as you say from one to the other. It is how it is because you remain connected 'for all time' as you say.

It is up to them how they live, conduct their life form but you are swayed in some ways with whatever it is they create for their existence. In this way, by this, you are always 'there', so to say.

They also have a bearing on you but you do not change their life purpose in any way even if you feel the calling they sometimes make for assistance. You go then, as an invitation sent, and assist with this but you do not change whatever it is they have chosen for themselves. 

Okay, I understand that part. The part I'm having trouble with is then how can they affect me, my energy?

We previously mentioned that. You can feel their emotions sometimes and act accordingly as if it were your own.

I remember you saying if we felt depressed, elated or any other emotion and could not understand why it could well be coming from another part, a self.

Yes, it is the way. The 'shoe can be on the other foot' so to say. You also have an influence, a bearing upon others not of your kind.

You have mentioned several times 'not of your kind' and I am having trouble understanding what you mean.

We mean that those are a part of you but not  'now' as you say. They are not your kin is another way in this way, this part of your life's cycle.

Not those souls who have incarnated with me into this lifetime? Not my family or friends I see and love at this earthly incarnation?

It is the way.

I would like to stop now and read back the information you have provided in our discussion.

Then we go away. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We are done, gone for the day



On Creating Other Worlds

I would like today's information to stay with our other selves and how we interact and affect each other but am not sure what to ask. You have mentioned to be mindful of our thoughts because they are attracting and creating worlds and other selfs. Perhaps you didn't say creating other worlds,  I am not sure now. Would you like to elaborate on that please?

Yes, we can explain what we have previously mentioned, you do create worlds.  Not perhaps as you understand them to be but still create nonetheless. You are manufacturing abodes that are available to other selfs to investigate and harmonize to. It is easy for this to be - taking part in these new developments and you do this so that other structures, not only of self, can grow and not be limited in any way.

What sort of structures are you referring to?

Structures not of the earth kind that you can create and bring forward. You are seeing with your inner sight that we are referring to other kinds, vegetation, animals and such. It is what is being shown. You are foraging(?) forward, ahead and creating worlds in this way.

Could you be more specific please?

We can go that way with the information you request. You are all connected to All. Agreed?

Well, you are teaching we are All and it makes sense.

You are not the little frames you are inhabiting at present. Nor are you only creators of other parts of self. We explain it this way for your comprehension. You are also, by your efforts, mind efforts, also creating other avenues that are not so developed along your way.

You are referring to animals and vegetation?

And more. Unknown to you at present there are worlds being created all the time. By you, by others. All are achieving this endeavor as part of your gainfulness, learning. All this while you still continue here, where your present consciousness abides. You are experiencing, learning, understanding other venues, what you need for your advancement.

You are still 'here' if you choose to see it that way but you are also 'there' creating other domiciles for those who abide, are created as animals. They are beginners, so to say, who choose to be and go another way. Their progress is assured for they are following their natural energy flow but you have set up the props that allows them to be and go that way.

As I understand what you are saying, all are spirit, even what we see as inanimate objects. 

It is the way it is.

Then please give me further information on these beginners who choose to go another way. Animals and foliage, trees, they must all have or be spirit.

Yes and why would it be any different to what you yourself is about. You are not the only citizenship of this energy flow. Others, not looking like you, also have this advantage.

I do understand that part. I don't understand what sort of worlds we are creating and for what sort of other species. Are we also creating the forms of these other species?

It can flow either way. When the 'species', as you say, have gained sufficient understanding in their expertise, they are able to construct whatever it is they see fits their needs. Then they go this way with this.

You are all under guidance, 'construction', so to say. It is not so strange to think you are taking stewardship of other charges and helping them along on their evolutionary path, way.

Where you say we are all under guidance and construction, this is because we were created as a thought form of another energy?

It is  how it is. You all are. None of you just popped up from a 'cabbage patch' as we know you say. You are all constructs of one energy. You go on from there and so it will be with these other charges you are formulating and creating. They, in turn, will go on their way.

Will they work their way up to become humans?

It may be what will transpire. We are unfamiliar with their agendas so we do not go that way. We are explaining to you what is about, what you do. You create. All the while you create but it does not only flow to creating other selfs. You do that all the time with your thoughts but your thoughts also take another turn and go another way. You are discovering and creating. Learning as you go forth in whichever way you see best fits your desires. 

You have mentioned that we are influenced by and influence our created selfs. Presumably it is the same with the energy that created us. Will there still be a connection with these other energy species?

It will be of accord. You are 'interconnected', so to say. What is affecting one will, by needs, affect all.

I will finish now and read back the information you have provided for today. It is going to take a change of perspective  to understand and follow what you have said.  

We understand but did we not say we were informing, bringing you 'up to speed' with your awareness. Changing previous concepts that you have followed that  no longer suit your purpose.

We leave you now with your thoughts. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We go now.



Replacing Old Theories and Energies

You are not only changing old concepts for me you are replacing them with newer ones. Ones never previously heard about. I am assuming this information is made possible because of the newer energy changes we are experiencing?

The energies have always been there for your perusal and learning. What was not there before was your comprehension. Your understanding had not progressed to gain in this way, with this. That changed. Slowly for many. Swiftly for others, comprehension came to the fore.

How we reached this stage of comprehension is another topic unknown to me. I'd like to discuss it  but today think it more prudent to continue our dialogue from yesterday where we create worlds and other species. Can we follow on from that topic for today?

You set the course and we follow.

I am assuming that these other worlds being created are fitting into a reality close by in vibratory energy rates. I know you have said we don't go anywhere so it has to be a slight different change in harmonies. Is that right?

Either way is acceptable, how you refer. We go that way with what we are explaining. Please proceed.

Well, we must have gained the knowledge of manipulating the energy by a subtle shift of consciousness. Is that the way?

You are getting ahead of yourself here. You do as you say but there are other options you need to consider before making a sweeping statement like before.

You already have the knowledge. You are working on reclaiming the right, the knowledge. This is part of what you have selected for yourself, to regain the understanding and forge on.

So, we have it all but have forgotten that in our game of life, what we have chosen to experience?

Yes, it is the way, what it is. You climb mountains with this understanding. You are elevating yourself with more knowledge and experiencing other ways, avenues, challenges. You have achieved it all before but see it not. You are deceiving yourself into believing it is a first time trial for you but it is not the way. 

I would like to now understand more of us creating worlds and species. Are the species already known? I assume they can't be if we are creating them. But, if there is no forward or backward in time are we creating the species that are familiar to us now?

No, it is not the way. You are creating, make no mistake along that way. You are creating different species in 'other realities' as you say. You are not pulling them up already formed but are manipulating, creating their form for them to go this way with this. 

But don't we have to have a blueprint of what we intend the form to be? And is it a joint effort with my other selfs?

We guide you this way; you create form but it is illusion to see it as being any way you are presently familiar with. Each 'reality', as you say, has a particular energy sway and you use what is available to you 'there'. It is different, marginally different to what is 'here' but different enough that other methods come to the fore. You are working, learning to control these other elements that are malleable and held under your sway. You are learning this way.

So, are my other selfs helping here?

It is the way.

Even if they don't know they are doing it? What about any laggards?

All are the same way. You all control, bring into being at the same time.

How do we agree on a form? You no doubt have heard of committees and the more people that make up the committee the less gets done. Is it along that way, confusion and some trying to dominate the show?

No, it does not, cannot flow as you stipulate. The form is a prerequisite of the species. You are following a bloodline plan in going this way.

I don't understand. There is already a blueprint species specification and we are learning to create it from that specification so that it becomes a species bloodline and it continues on along that way. It is a prototype of a species?

It can be seen to be along that way but it is already formulated, brought into being. You are learning to control the energy flow that created the being, so to say. It has already been achieved by you, all of your selfs, but you have masked this fact from you sight so you can start again.

It is the challenge that sets the way. You do it on other levels, with other energies for the same purpose. It is like a child playing a game over and over but with different challenges and results. 

How do you mean 'different results'?

You choose the way you will manipulate, construct your play. For you to have success every time is not the way. You know you always win, it cannot be any other way but you change the struggle for attainment where possible and you challenge yourself to see how long, how far, whichever way you set your challenge for yourself. It flows along this line of seeing and reasoning.   

 It is all a game. A game you produced by your energy flow. The knowledge is already there because you contain all that is required. You choose time and space to set your goals of play. You then follow through in this way.

It is not so arduous for you to comprehend, understand. You have 'blinkers', so to say, upon yourself and your magnificence. It cannot be any other way for to lose those blinkers knocks you out of the game so it does not happen very often. When it does you have change the game play and go another way.  

I would like to finish now. You have given us much to think about and there will be lots of questions to ask when next we communicate.

Then we go our way. Peace and blessings go to one and all. We finish now.  



Within the Universal Energy Field

I have read a theory that states, from experiments done, there is no such a thing as empty space. Instead we are immersed or part of an energy field of ions, free protons and free electrons. This is different to our  normal understanding of our four known states of matter which are said to be solids, liquids, gasses and plasma. It has been suggested that this energy field may well be a fifth state of matter.

The Russian scientist, Dr Victor Inyushin, has done extensive study on the human energy field and his observations lead him to conclude that  there is a life energy field constantly moving about and streaming off into space. That seems to be similar what you have been speaking about. I would like our discussion today to be along that line.

It is the way it is. You all have this quality for it is part of your life, part of life itself. You manipulate, attract, repel this energy flow to suit your desires. You are all dealing with this energy flow. Manipulating to suit your needs at any given time. You call upon, use this energy to change, charge, whatever suits your choices for you to understand and gain from this energy flow way.

And we use this field to create other worlds as you have previously mentioned?

It is the way. All come from this energy field.

I need to now think on questions to ask. Would you like to continue with your information  while I listen to what you have to say?

We can give you more information but would you comprehend? W

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