Passion for Truths by J.W.Lee - HTML preview

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In addition, an energy grid known as the Crystal/Crystalline Grid is being activated. Both the changes in magnetic field and the emergence of the Crystalline Grid are integral processes in the creation of a new set-up on our planet. The many unique planetary alignments occurring in the Universe and the intense solar flares that we are witnessing are also directly linked to our planetary ascension.

With regard to our physical human body, our biology is slowly changing as well. The change will lead to the overall transformation from a carbon based body to that of crystalline/silicon. At a quantum level, changes are also taking place within our DNAs/RNAs. 

In summary the original intelligent design of life on Earth as well as humanity are undergoing a massive evolutionary process. During these times, many people will report experiencing cases of epiphany. Some of these people might find themselves relocating, changing their jobs and making drastic changes in their lifestyle to align with their awakening.

Ascension is the sequential step which affords us access to higher levels of energy from other dimensions.  Our gravitation to a higher dimension is essentially a merging with more light energy that will amongst other things help enhance our healing and communication abilities. As such, cases of natural remissions and telepathic communication will be more common in the future. Generally, ascended beings will also have an expanded sense of awareness and a greater level of intuition.

Thus, the Ascension or graduation of Earth from a lower vibration to a higher one is an event to be rejoiced and not something to be feared.     



- Researchers around the world including geologist and former systems designer, Gregg Braden have noted the aforesaid changes in magnetic field and an increase in the resonance of Earth and opined that it may be leading us to the next stage of evolution.


- An important point to note is that the Ascension process does not result in an automatic disappearance of the world’s problems. Instead, it should be seen as a situation whereby ‘enhanced skills’ for manifestation are being made available for those who choose to connect with the higher levels of Divine energy.


- Those people who are steeped in the old paradigm of greed, domination and division (i.e. lower frequencies of energy) will unconsciously avoid the path of ascension. The element of free will still comes into play. Thus, Ascension is a personal choice and its rate depends on each individual.  


- Channeled information has revealed that the present 7 chakras will expand to 12 and this will correspond to our new 12 auric layers and 12 layers/strands of DNAs, allowing the human being to reflect more of a multi-dimensional being than just a dense physical body.







- Q U E S T I O N   T H I R T Y -




There is great truth in the saying that life is a journey and not a destination. It becomes even more evident, when we consider the eternal aspect of our being or soul. The great Buddha who walked the face of the Earth more than 2500 years ago, aptly surmised that that there is no beginning or any ending. Even present day channeled messages from the Divine repeat this fact that the process of life is made up of cycles. Life is not linear as most human beings see it. In our three dimensional world, it appears to be so but in the ultimate reality it is a circle.

In a circle, one would be hard pressed to pinpoint a beginning or an ending unlike a linear process. Every single person is an individuated aspect of the Source. Some people choose to describe the soul as a ‘spark of God’ or ‘essence of Creator’. The terminology is actually not important for all the descriptions imply that we came from the Source and we are all making our way back to it. Along this process we co-create and experience what we have created. This is because we are part of the Creative Source and it is our nature to manifest new realities. Even though scientists are not impressed by New Age teachings, their scientific findings such as images taken by the Hubble telescope show proof that new galaxies are being birthed every now and then.  This phenomenon is consistent with the notion that the creative process is a continuous one. There is really no ending to speak of.

The history of the planet is a long one, and it has seen the appearance and demise of many civilizations. Through the gift of free will, many of such civilizations have risen to a high level but fallen towards the very end. Yet, Earth still exists. In other words, the planet which is a test bed for living beings goes through a ‘rebooting’ process, every time the beings cause their own perilous exit. The same would have happened to the existing beings called the human race, not too long ago. With a change in consciousness, humans opted to play the game of life differently this time and that is the reason why the present times are special.

When planet Earth ascends to a new level/dimension, another planet will take its former ‘place’. Every world is intricately linked and there is really no death. Thus instead of worrying about conspiracy theories or stories of Armageddon, it would be prudent for us to remind ourselves that from the highest perspective, life is just a process of creation. To be a great player, one needs to focus on the present and that is the reason why so many teachings have been delivered to us emphasizing the power of “Now”.  It is in the now that we collectively change our future. Such has always been the rule of our journey and blessed are the souls who remember.



“I existed from all eternity and behold, I am here; and I shall exist till the end of time, for my being has no end.”

-          Khalil Gibran









Love is the Light,

which lights our Way...

to Life.

And Life is experience,

that affords us growth.

Growth which expedites our Ascension..

back to the One.

One that is called Love.

When Love is rejoined,

the cycle is complete.

For in the end,

Love is all there is.

For now .... and Forever!


The Parable


A long.. long ..time ago a galaxy NOT far away, a person who preferred to call himself Mr. C acquired a vast plot of land, complete with mountains, rivers, lakes, and plains. This land was simply called Plot E. By nature, Mr. C was magnanimous. Thus, after acquiring that piece of beautiful land, he sent out flyers inviting all sorts of people to stay there, so that they too could enjoy the wonderful scenery. Apart from being a lover of nature, Mr. C was also an avid reader and he had a HUGE appetite for stories of any kind! Because of that, his invitation came with conditions.

The conditions were pretty simple and were as such: Everyone residing on Plot E would be given a marker pen and was required to write stories (of any genre) on HUGE whiteboards found all over that vast piece of land. When the ink in the marker pen ran out, the person had to leave that majestic plot of land. In other words, they had to play the role of a scriptwriter to earn their right to inhabit the land.

Initially, the response was poor because the people were skeptical about that incredible deal. Mr. C then assured them that he would formally execute a contract with them and thus implying that he was sincere. With that assurance, people of all races flocked to Plot E, which seemed like nirvana. Once, they were there, Mr. C reminded them to begin writing stories on those whiteboards. The people soaked in the beautiful scenery and then began to honor their deal by writing stories on the boards. All sorts of stories were written - some were sad, romantic, funny, inspiring, violent while others were bordering absurdity. Mr. C then made his rounds and started reading all those stories. He gave out a hearty laughter while reading funny stories and cried when he read sad ones. When it came to the absurd stories, he literally scratched his head. Nevertheless, he enjoyed every single story.

Somehow the ink in those marker pens was very lasting and this meant that the people actually stayed there for a very long time. During their stay, the people were allowed to walk around and read other peoples' stories. In doing so, certain people were attracted to some of the stories written and sought for the respective scriptwriters. When they found them, they realized that they had a lot in common. Eventually love blossomed and the couples asked Mr. C whether they could get married. Mr. C replied," I don't mind so as long as you continue to write stories for me." Happily, these people got married and settled down. The stories they wrote slowly started to change. Some were beautiful while others were difficult to digest. Regardless, Mr. C did not pass judgment as he continued to savor the stories.

Much later, the married couples bore children. Again they approached Mr. C and asked for his permission to allow their children to stay with them in Plot E. Mr. C's reply was," That's acceptable provided your children become scriptwriters like yourselves too." The parents agreed and their children were given brand new marker pens. Being newcomers, the kids did not automatically write. Instead they went around reading what other people had written much earlier. As expected, most of the kids copied the storylines and made slight variations to them. Those who liked horror stories made them more ghastly, whilst those who enjoyed inspiring stories, followed in vein.

Nothing lasts forever, and when the ink of certain pens was used up, the respective people were asked to leave. Some were sad, as they loved the environment very much and still had many stories to tell. Others were satisfied and were willing to leave as agreed. Those who wanted to stay badly approached Mr. C but he reminded them of the signed contract. Dejectedly, these people walked away slowly. Mr. C then felt very sad and called out to this group of people and told them," Look, if you really want to come back here, you have to wait for your turn, as a long queue has formed since I made the original offer." Excited, these people ran to the end of the queue and began waiting for their second journey to Plot E. At the other extreme, there were those who have grown tired of writing stories and wanted to bail out even though there was still ink left in their pens. This group also approached Mr. C and they were asked," Are you sure you want to leave? Right now, there are many people who are pestering me to allow them to jump queue and enter Plot E. Also, if you leave now, you might not get another chance so soon, even if you are willing to wait in the future." Some were adamant on leaving while others changed their minds.

The process of scriptwriting continued for a very... very ...long time and many people came and left plot E. Some of the stories written on the whiteboards were remarkable and the respective authors became professional scriptwriters. These people went on to teach others how to write inspiring stuff! Those who did not put much effort in their writing came up with mediocre stories and were remorseful after they had left plot E. This was because, the scripts written on the boards were not allowed to be rubbed off. New visitors entering Plot E could actually read what they had written a long time ago and that caused a great deal of embarrassment to the poor scriptwriters!

Mr. C as always, continued with his rounds of reading, without passing any comments. Over the years, he saw an improvement to the writings and was pretty pleased. Because of this, he had decided to issue newcomers marker pens of different colors instead of the standard black color, so as to supplement the creativity of his visitors. The last reading by Mr. C took place very recently. When he had finished that reading, he turned and looked at the calendar and it displayed today’s date!

At this juncture, you would have probably guessed that the above story is about US!

Mr. C = Our Creator
Plot E= Planet Earth
Ink of pen = Lifespan
Script = Life story
Scriptwriter = It means you and I!

It is prudent for all of us to remember that we are powerful co-writers of our destiny. If at any point in time, we are displeased with the story we are writing, we HAVE the freedom to change the script of our lives. And that ….. is the beauty of free will!






Our incarnation on Earth is a golden opportunity for us to experience the many facets of life, which may range from wonderful moments (e.g. birthday parties or wedding celebrations) to times of despair (e.g. retrenchment or loss of a loved one). Very often, people readily immerse in good times but quickly become easily disoriented during difficult situations. However with wisdom, we can accept even the most horrendous periods of life by acknowledging these as impermanent moments which add diversity and lessons to our life span.

Highly spiritual people are those who can ‘go with the flow of life’, and do not contribute to the human drama that is already playing out daily in our reality. In simpler terms, they acknowledge everything will come to pass one day and reckon time does heal all wounds. Instead of focusing their energy on replaying the dire times in their mind, they hold on to the view that we are all here to experience, learn, grow and contribute to this planet called Earth.

All human beings here are intricately linked together in a complex matrix that revolves around our karma and life purposes. Though we vary in character, we still share the same essence of loving energy that stems from the Source. As we are all offspring of the same Creator, we are therefore part of the same big family of souls. Even, the late spiritual guru, Sai Baba had proclaimed that he was God whilst he was incarnate. However, he was also quick to emphasize that the same description also applied to every single human being on Earth!

Reincarnation is a real process but due to a suppression of past-life memory upon entering this physical world, we are left to draw our own conclusions about life, which in most cases deviate from the truths. The chief reason for this ironic condition is commonly termed as the duality or dichotomy of life. It is also what the ancient Taoists have discerned as the ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ of life. The dichotomy is the single greatest challenge that we have on Earth. As we chart our course in life, we have to deal with this set up of energy which results in the two opposing voices that appear in our mind. Commonly, it is known as the battle between the Ego and the Higher Self. The conflicting nature of these two voices would often lead us to questions similar to the following:


Should we behave in a selfless or selfish manner?



Should we subscribe to the belief of lack or abundance?



Should our actions be based on the spirit of unity or division?



Should we focus on the energy of fear or love?


Within this environment we are always prompted with situations which compel us to make a choice. Do we opt for actions based on lower or higher emotions? This is where the divine gift of free will comes into play. Essentially the freedom allows us to experience firsthand, the trials and tribulations of life. It also grants us the ability to co-create our future, according to our innate desires. Ultimately, there is no definite ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ approaches to life. However, it is prudent for us to remember that there is an intelligent design to this world of ours and there are universal laws governing the many aspects of life.

The most noticeable law i.e. Law of Cause and Effect (which is impartial), will always deliver to our footsteps, the consequences of our action or inaction. Thus, the journey in life is a one that speaks of self-mastery, which involves making decisions within an environment of conflicting emotions and desires. Mastering the dichotomy of life eventually contributes to the growth of our soul and humanity on Earth. On a grander scale even the planet’s level of energy shifts in accordance with the collective human consciousness.

Our journey after this life time does not end abruptly. In the hereafter, there will be a review of our past incarnation, whereby the process will show clearly how we have impacted others in the recently concluded life on Earth. Not only do we get to see things from the other person’s point of view, we also experience the emotions felt by them. Depending on our past actions, the process can be joyful or heart wrenching, but undeniably it affords us a moment of learning. This enlightening revelation would become the starting point of another cycle of spiritual growth.

Indeed, our life does not end with the final breath of the human body. Our soul is on a long journey of experiencing, learning and rendering service. Along the path, we too become teachers or guides for the less ‘evolved’ souls. Ultimately, we are helping each other to find our way back to our Creator, which is the source of unconditional love. (Note: We do have an implant that beckons us to search for the truth or the path to the Divine force). Until that day, our journey continues with a multitude of possibilities lying ahead of us.

Our individuality may be evident in this physical world of ours, but we must always strive to remember the greatest truth of life, which announces – “We are One.” The separation is merely an illusion. Every single person is akin to an artist collectively painting a huge portrait entitled ‘humanity’. Earth is thus the medium or fabric for this masterpiece. We are the ones, through self-expression who decide on the future direction of the planet. The possibilities or outcomes are infinite.  At this point in time, the human consciousness of the world has passed the point of neutrality and it is surging ahead towards Oneness or a holistic way of life. The sense of unity can be broadly grouped into the three categories listed below:


To be One with other human beings (regardless of age, gender, nationality, race, religion, social status, political inclinations, etc.)



To be One with Mother Nature (i.e. to co-exist in harmony with flora and fauna or to be environmental friendly.)



To be One with the Divine or Higher Self.


Many major events have already taken place in the last two decades which provide evidences to this great shift in humanity. The key event that heralded this new beginning took place in August 1987 and is commonly known as the ‘Harmonic Convergence’. The date coincided with a unique and auspicious planetary alignment. It signified humanity’s desire for a future rooted in higher resonances of energy.

Thus, the said event became the starting point of a 25-year period of change (1987 to 2012) which paved the way for the Ascension of our being. As a result the physical condition of the Earth, its environment and our biological selves are all evolving in symphony right now.  Extreme fluctuations in weather patterns around the world are some of the noticeable physical changes. It is effected by Gaia (the living energy called Mother Earth) to expand its capacity for higher levels of energy.

While the physical surface changes are taking place, our environment is bombarded by waves of new energy via solar flares/sonic booms. These energies help fill the areas of our planet which are low in frequency. Although these are mostly invisible to the naked eye, spiritual healers and practitioners of deep meditation all around the world have reported sensing a fluctuation in our environment’s energy field.

The game of life that we have been playing for so long is indeed yielding a new paradigm. Year 2012 does not equate the end of times but instead the end of an era of imbalance and division. The veil separating this physical plane and the unseen higher realm is slowly being lifted, and all the changes, including our changing biology are helping us to be closer to our divinity and carry more energy within us.

Our personal filters (i.e. aspects of ego) which have been responsible for creating this illusion that make us view others as separate beings, competitors or enemies, are gradually being removed. In the long run, this will help create a scenario of mindful living, where we can walk through the human experience without effecting biased judgment towards people or events. The awareness of self will expand – inclusiveness instead of exclusiveness will be the preferred way of life.

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