Passion for Truths by J.W.Lee - HTML preview

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There is no doubt that reincarnation exists, though skeptics refuse to open themselves to this notion. One of the common reasons they use to debunk reincarnation is the increasing number of people inhabiting our world. Such people assume that at any point in time, there must be a limit to the number of souls living here. In other words, they hold on to a simplistic view that Earth is the only habitable planet in the whole universe.

The truth is, the number of habitable places and the total number of souls out there are far too numerous, for the human mind to discern. This means that souls originally from other planets may be having their first incarnation on Earth right now. Thus for them, they are reborn again but in a different environment. This view is supported by the hypnotic regression cases found in Dr. Michael Newton’s book, “Journey of Souls.” As such, the population growth could not be used as a reason to discredit the belief in reincarnation.

In the end, the question of whether reincarnation takes place is not as important as the purpose of reincarnation. Every incarnation allows individual souls to experience, for life is indeed facilitating experience and growth. We are here to express ourselves and learn from our experience.  The cycles of reincarnation are therefore the Divine’s ingenious ways to help us achieve our heavenly purpose.



“I am a great believer in the hereafter, in karma, in reincarnation… I believe that God is not just a law-giver,         but a creative artist… Reincarnation is a way for God                  to improve his earlier works.”

-          Norman Mailer





- Q U E S T I O N   E I G H T E E N -




Although most of us would not recall our past lives, some people actually have had glimpses of such times. Generally, children i.e. spirits who have entered into this physical world fairly recently are most likely to recall certain past moments of their lives on Earth. However, as they grow older, these memories start to fade away. People who are keen on knowing their past lives may undergo hypnotic regression or deep meditation but even then only parts of their previous incarnations would be revealed. The intricacies are usually blocked by the Divine forces. 

The main reason why we cannot access every single detail of our past lives is because of the possibility us negating our soul plans for this lifetime. For example, if we have harmed someone severely in our previous incarnation and this time around, we are supposed to play the role of the victim, then with such knowledge, we might just avoid the perpetrator altogether due to our innate fear. Such avoidance will thus rob us of our lesson for which we came into the world.

Since our primary role in this world involves learning lessons, it makes sense that we will not be privy to all the information of our past in this lifetime, as it will likely interfere the balancing of our karma. Thus, this lack of remembrance should not be frowned upon but valued from a higher perspective, as part of an intricate Divine scheme. It also does make this game called ‘Life’ more interesting and challenging!



“Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as                 the wish to forget it.”

-          Michel de Montaigne






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It is a known fact that we go through intermittent periods of joy and sadness in life. No occasion seems to last forever, although we do wish good times never leave us. Thus, inevitably we will all go through periods of suffering. A critical point to note - the intensity of our suffering hinges upon the level of emphasis towards it. Hence, if we were to focus a lot of our energy on such negative moments, the agony would increase manifold. On the other hand, if we were to observe it from a distant position i.e. paying less attention to its details, the intensity of such suffering would be reduced significantly.

A modern analogy of this way of life is the use of a telescopic camera. If we are passing through a landscape of great beauty we might choose to adjust the lenses to ‘zoom in’ on its glory. Doing so would increase our level of amazement and happiness, as we get to observe the intricate details of the lush environment. However, when the scenery changes to one which is just the exact opposite, we could then readjust the lenses to ‘zoom out’. That way, we would not be able witness the less than perfect details and as such, would not be overly disturbed by it.

With the aforesaid technique in mind, we could choose to ‘zoom out’ or detach ourselves from the moment if we are currently witnessing despondent drama. Distancing ourselves would help prevent the stirring up of negative emotions within us. On the other hand, if we were to focus too much attention on the drama, we may feel utterly depressed and or even flare up in temper. In truth detaching ourselves will not eliminate the unpleasant moment, but it can help alleviate our suffering. It is a very calming way of managing our state of being, for it allows us to ride through tough periods of our lives, much more effortlessly. In summary, this is a wonderful technique that can help us control our emotions effectively. Wise people have often said that if we change the way we see life, life will begin to change.     




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In the context of just one lifetime, it may appear to be true that some ‘sinful’ people are left off the hook. However, we must remember the truth, which speaks of our eternal nature. Since we continue to live many lifetimes after this, any imbalance of karma, not resolved in this lifetime, will be settled in future lives.

Perhaps, in most cases we do not witness instant karma, so we fret and assume that life is unjust. Rest assured, in the ultimate reality, there is fairness, which most people cannot discern due to their limited perspective. We just need to have faith and trust that the Universal Laws or Divine System will run its course someday. However, we need to understand that what the perpetrator needs most is enlightenment and not punishment for his misdeeds or errors.

In the long run, chances in the form of future lifetimes will be created for the person to learn.  The basis of the learning is always about love and not revenge. Another imperative point to note is that we do not have the final say, in determining the timing of ‘retribution’. The balancing of karma will take place eventually i.e. when the appropriate conditions appear. As the saying goes, all things will happen in good time.  




“How people treat you is their karma; the way you                 react is yours.”

-          Dr. Wayne Dyer







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       For a very long time, leaders at many levels have been chosen because of their seniority, amongst other criteria. This is understandable as age in the physical sense denotes the level of experience of a person. However, it is important to discern that the age of a human being does not necessarily equate wisdom. So, a sixty year old person may not be wiser than someone twenty years younger. The amount of wisdom that everyone possesses is very much tied to the individual’s past encounters and experience. Thus, if the soul of a particular person has lived many lifetimes on Earth, his vast amount of knowledge and experience will shape his level of wisdom and character. As the souls on this planet vary in terms of the number of lives lived here, they may be classified as ‘younger’ or ‘older souls’.

       Therefore, when young souls are given the opportunity to assume important roles such as leaders of countries, the citizens of those countries might suffer from reckless decision making. If the country which the young soul is taking charge of is a dominant power of the world, then the implications could be far-reaching. In other words, the appointment of such a person may affect the rest of the world negatively. The same applies to electing heads of corporations. Most souls who have had very little experience in balancing the polarities of the Earth, often succumb to the lower frequencies of energy i.e. their motives are frequently dictated by their egos instead of their Higher Selves. As such they cave in to greed for wealth, power and other self-serving reasons.

       Hence, it is always advisable not to judge one’s capabilities or potential by just looking at the person’s age. There are people in this world who are gifted to see the auras of people. The colors of the aura do provide some form of indication as to the soul’s inclination and character. Older souls tend to able to utilize both their left brain and right brain to effect sound and fair policies in their capacities as leaders. These people usually remember the truths of life and carry with them a vast amount of past human experience. Their actions often bring about a positive change to our social, political and economical climate.  


“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

- Bill Gates

- Q U E S T I O N   T W E N T Y   T W O -




Luck is an ambiguous term for karma. Similarly the word ‘coincidence’ or ‘chance’ is a poor substitution for fate or life’s plan. In life, nothing really happens by chance. Our associations or experiences can be traced to any of the following:

i) Our karma within a past life.

ii) Our previous action or inaction within this lifetime.

The Divine setting of this planet is such that there are invisible laws which govern our daily lives. Nevertheless these laws are discernable, as they unfold to us the consequences of our collective thoughts, words and deeds. In simple terms, there are causes and there are effects. There is also no biasness, as far as the Creator is concerned, since all of us are from the same loving source.

It is fruitful for us to acknowledge that life is not a series of random occurrences, with a little sprinkle of good luck and bad luck thrown in for diversity. Plans or potential lessons for all of us do exist and these were laid out prior to our incarnation. At the same time, whilst in our incarnation, we are still creating and changing our own future. As such, all the events that come into our lives are tied in one way or the other with our actions, past or present. Sometimes our invisible counterparts (e.g. guardian angel, spirit guides, souls of the ‘deceased’) help orchestrate chance encounters so that we  meet the right people at the most appropriate time, to help us with our daily lives.

Wonderful coincidences or bad luck are just descriptions for those who cannot see the larger picture in life. We do live in an ordered Universe and it is structured in such a way everyone is given an equal divine opportunity to create his own future. From the highest perspective, fairness is always present for every single soul residing in this world shares the same spiritual lineage and thus is accorded the same privilege.


“Luck is a word devoid of sense. Nothing can exist             without cause.”

- Voltaire

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In the eyes of human beings, it remains inexplicable as to why our compassionate God/Creator would permit horrible events to unfold on Earth. Every time a terrorist attack or war happens, numerous lives are lost. The survivors too, continue to suffer from immense pain (be it physical or mental), in the aftermath. In our narrow view, we fail to comprehend the reason behind the seemingly endless series of calamities that occur throughout human history.

To grasp the reason, we need to be cognizant of life’s truths. We need to remember the following salient points:


All of us have been bestowed the gift of free will i.e. we are co-creators of the life we experience on Earth.



The existence of the Universal Law of Cause and Effect ensures that the appropriate consequence is always delivered to us, at the right time and correct location. There is no discrimination in life.



Everything is made up of vibrations of energy. By the Law of Attraction, similar forms of energy are attracted to each other. Negative energy is drawn to other groupings of negative energy. Likewise, higher vibrations or positive energy is attracted to other sources of positive energy.


Wars and other massive killings are actually caused by a pent-up of negative thoughts and emotions such as fear and anger. These thoughts and emotions generate negative energies and attract more of the same. Thus when people are exposed to the propaganda repeatedly, they too will align their belief system to war and retaliation. When it reaches its ‘climax’, a release follows and the effect of this will be grave and far-reaching. Nothing happens by chance. Thus, it is not God who desires the manifestations of such events. In addition, it is also not a ‘sick’ Being which relishes in our suffering. Rather, we are responsible collectively for the dire experiences in life.

It is important for us to remind ourselves that our Creator is not running the show on this planet but instead the human beings residing here are the ones in the proverbial driver’s seat as they chart their journey in life. As thoughts, words and deeds are energy, we must therefore be mindful of our behavior here in this world, so that the energies we send out attract only the desirable outcomes in life.  

In truth, wars can really be ended or avoided.  Simple as it may sound, the solution merely lies in the shift in one’s thoughts. Thoughts are ‘things’ and they are fuel to our physical and verbal actions. It is the creator of both wonders and suffering. In the end, all of us will experience that which we have created consciously or unconsciously. The choice has always been ours!


 “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts       become your words.”

“Keep your words positive because your words                   become your behaviors.”

“Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits.”

“Keep your habits positive because your habits                   become your values.”

“Keep your values positive because your values                 become your destiny.”

- Gandhi

- Q U E S T I O N   T W E N T Y   F O U R –





Numerology is one of the oldest sciences of mankind and it plays an important role in helping people read their life path. ‘Secrets’ are indeed hidden behind numbers and if one is able to master numerology, he or she can read the potentials or the probable future. All of us can use our personal information such date of birth and name to convert them into specific numbers using numerology. With these numbers, we can find the overall lessons of our life by referring to the meanings of associated with those numbers. When we apply this study on other personal details such as our house number, we can obtain even more information about our characteristics and the potentials surrounding us.

Many people who have had such readings, vouched for the accuracy of numerology. (Note: Personally, I have conducted readings on more than thirty people and the readings do relate to the circumstances of each individual.) Generally, the study of numerology involves adding numbers together so that these numbers result in a single digit (of 1 to 9). Each digit carries with it a corresponding description and meaning. However, when the numbers add up to a double digit, such as 11, 22 or 33, the summation stops. There is a separate list of descriptions pertaining to these special numbers which are also known as Master Numbers.

One can do a numerology reading on the often mentioned year 2012. The number which pertains to this year is ‘5’ (2+0+1+2). In broad terms, the number ‘5’ carries with it the theme of ‘CHANGE’. The message of change is very consistent with the predictions of the Mayans and the revelations by psychics/mediums regarding 2012. A change normally typifies an ending and a new beginning. The ending that is linked to 2012 is the demise of the old human consciousness or the previous way of life and a new beginning that revolves around aspects of unity, equality, integrity and empowerment of self. 

The accuracy of numerology is another testimony that life on Earth is not haphazardly planned. Each of us carries the energy of our probable futures.  Thus, by discovering our personal numbers we would be able to understand our strengths, weaknesses and life path better so that we can make informed decisions in life.  

- Q U E S T I O N   T W E N T Y   F I V E -




Truths about life are impartial. These do not favor anyone in particular since every individual comes from the same Source. Truths are undeniable and eternal facts which remain constant throughout the history of mankind. Our conscience understands these truths but very often, it is our mind that refuses to acknowledge the same.

A simple and profound truth is the existence of karma. Karma is action or thought that ultimately creates a consequence which ‘boomerangs’ back to us in the future. Although the timing of the consequence varies from one case to another, its existence cannot be dismissed. It is a fact that people from all over the world experience suffering, though at different points in their lives.

The pain and hardship we go through in life are not without its cause, and we cannot deny responsibility for its occurrence.  At some point in the past, we have created scenarios that have led to our present times of distress. When the truth is laid bare to our ego, we feel hurt because we do not want to acknowledge that it is our doing. In the end, what we resist persists.

People who have had a successful hypnotic regression usually remember the true reasons for most of the suffering and highly charged dramas they had to witness in their present lifetime. When such people realize they are indeed responsible for their current situation, they awaken with a new sense or perspective in life. It would be as if the true plot of their life story was revealed to them.

No longer would they consider themselves unfortunate in all those cases of suffering or misfortune. Instead, they readily accept and forgive others for treating them “unjustly”. We do come to this planet to learn, grow and co-create. Deep within, we all want to raise the level of energy of this world by our divine actions. That was and still is our main goal in life.  In reality, the truth only hurts the ego but not the Higher Self. Cognizance is actually the key to liberation.