Peace by Paul Keller - HTML preview

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Life is ever the great struggle, if it is not we must be doing something wrong!  For all that is gained through hard work is worth gaining and worth giving.  When we do our best we can do no more and though we may sometimes think we fail, in the eyes of the all-knowing ONE we are simply learning, like the new born babies we are.  Indeed, it is often said that through our mistakes we learn, or as Sai Baba says: “Recognising one’s errors is the beginning of wisdom”.

The important thing in life is that when things do go wrong, we do not give up, we do not curse, we do not cry.  We instead laugh at the problem and thank our loving God for showing us that it is God that loves and it is us that can experience all these things, if we open our hearts and minds to that loving energy so freely given unto us all.

Though many may feel lonely and alone in this world, they have often cut themselves of from that love which is all encompassing.  If we could only all see that WE are ONE.  One love, one peace, one humanity.  How much a better place this world would be for us all?   

Now is the time to start, if we have not already done so.  We must be positive, we must laugh where would cry, give help where we would stand back or sit on a fence watching others walk up the hills of life.

     We must clench our fist; strike it in the air and shout out from the depths of our hearts that: “I am powerful!”  That we do no not give up, absolutely no way does the warrior of light give up.

“I AM POWERFUL!” believe it and it is so.  For our dreams can come true.  Just as we are a living dream in the great mind and heart of God so can our dreams of peace and love become reality.  It only takes our loving action to bring about our dreams into reality.  The energy of the ONE can indeed come about, but only when we act for the betterment of all.


“The purpose of life is to grow in love, to expand that love, and to merge with God who is love, and this is best done through service”

Sai Baba



It is more important in life to give than to receive, to share rather than to take.  It is by helping our brothers and sisters we help ourselves.  It is only in giving that we can actually receive and in giving that we can find true happiness.

Sharing is divine and when given from the heart with love it builds.

When we help another with the hand of friendship we see the divinity within them.  Our energies connect and in working together we formulate a group aura that is much more powerful than any by its own.  This can be added to by the power of the Universal Spirit as it is attracted to this power and light called love and builds an even greater harmony within it.  When three or more people are brought together in friendship and the act of sharing then that energy becomes triangular and even further enhanced.

“You should have enough for your needs, but not enough for your greeds”

Sai Baba