Peace by Paul Keller - HTML preview

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At the heart of every being is a reason to live, a driving force.  Many people have different names for this God-like thing.  Some strive for money, some power - for most it is about getting something and for many getting something without having to give commitment.

However, if we are to strive to be happy then life should not be about what we can get but what we can give.  By seeking things which are only transient i.e. physical things that will rot away with time and cannot be taken with you in your next journey beyond the physical plane you will not find true happiness.  Instead these things are like chains to your freedom they are but a temporary happiness a smile from the mouth but not from the heart.

If you seek true happiness then seek not these material things rather go about life like the sun - shine your light on everything, especially the darkness of loneliness and depression.  We all have cloudy days or weeks but the sun is still shining behind this.  Just keep on keeping on and all will be well.

It is also by giving up things that we receive – it is important to listen to other people’s problems but not take them upon yourself.  Help other people help themselves.

Happiness is within you – it is a state of being - SHARE this with all you meet in life like a smile from the heart or a gentle hug to a close friend.  Find again that youth within you for it is always there, like the sun behind the clouds...

“A twinkle of Mirth is needed on Earth.”


A call to Action

It is not true that we cannot do nothing ourselves to help make our world a better place. There are many way in which we can help. We do not have to just give money to help, we can also give service. There are many today who already do this, whether they are working in an old peoples' home or a well-known charity 0r any of the other worthy cause which benefit from this type of volunteer work. Those who are unemployed and finding it difficult to get a job could find a purpose in life that volunteer work can help give.

Let us all work together to help build a better World, a World of Sharing, Love and Peace. The New Age of Aquarius is about all this, and it is to be best done through GROUP WORK. So what better way to start than to join some group that you feel you can help contribute to.

“Hands that help are holier  than lips that pray.”

Sai Baba