Peace by Paul Keller - HTML preview

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On Meditation

‘When you meditate pick a quiet spot, ideally somewhere undisturbed and a place you can use regularly. You do not need to sit in any special posture, even a good chair will do but keep your back straight and your muscles relaxed.  Concentrate on the ajna chakra and keep your concentration there. 

However, a word of warning everything must be in moderation and you must balance your life, overdo nothing, least you put your life force at risk. Live a life of service which helps ground the spiritual energies gained from meditation. Service can be giving healing but on a truly divine level it is most simply helping others unconditionally from the heart.’ As he continued to read the book he could feel the cool breeze in his ajna chakra. Pazamor further pondered… Have I found myself through meditation?  If I take a microscope and continually increase the magnification looking at ever smaller things or if I take a telescope and look ever deeper into space and planets ever further away - when will I see that a tiny atom is the same as planet, in that both are living organisms – when will the two meet up and come full circle?’

‘When you meditate in the same undisturbed space over a period of time you generate a sound and an aura that are like a protecting shell.  This offers you some protection from forces that might steal your energy and enables you to better meditate.  Meditation is essentially the art of linking the physical with the spiritual while still alive in the body.  It gives the soul the chance to grab the physical vehicle, energise it and hopefully utilise it in worthy service.

After about forty days of daily meditations it becomes possible to see these auras surrounding all life forms.’

‘It is best to remain vegetarian if you wish to raise your vibration.  Though you may eat fish, which is neutral, avoid red and white meat as it will bring your rate of spiritual vibration down, grounding you and stopping your spirit from rising to the heights.  If you take further steps in cutting out cheese, eggs and milk then it can be possible to see things beyond the physical plane.  This can be hard for most and even unnecessary, sometimes affecting the health of the instigator for the worse, but a diet of pure vegetables and water will enable easier astral projection, the seeing of auras and greater healing energy to be given.

A word of warning – one must ‘know the real from the unreal’: choose well. 

The food you eat surely effects the physical temple into which it enters – eat anything with love and peace, cook and share it in the same way and you will raise the vibrations of those who eat it – whatever the type of food.’