Peace by Paul Keller - HTML preview

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Musings from ‘In My Mind’s ‘I’’

It is said ‘if you seek, so shall you find’, but I say ‘what shall you find?  This book says: ‘what are you looking for?’ but do I really know?

I look at my mother, these pigs, my life and question it all.  Apparently, according to this book, ‘the kingdom of God is within you’ but what is God? Never mind what is the kingdom of this God?

I have read of ‘transmutation’ – a process of turning one thing into another.  In this case I have turned two parts of wood into one, whereas from the book I have read, in the world of thought I can turn bad into good.

This idea that we have a solid physical world and an invisible (or at least to most people) one of thought is intriguing.

Synchronicity As I understand this, it means that things in life do not happen by accident, they happen for a reason.  Just like meeting that old man yesterday who gave me this book – it feels like this book is really important and is something I need to read and is relevant to my life’s journey and self-development at this moment in time and space.

‘In all we are ONE and in one we are whole’. 

“Ask and ye shall receive.”

‘An ‘agreement’ is when life around you reacts in such a way as to answer questions asked, by some form of noise or movement at the exact time of questioning – this may seem to occur as if by coincidence.’


‘Treat others as you would like yourself treated’.

He thought back to his book and remembered, ‘Karma’ – ‘As you sow, so shall ye reap’. I have always found this universal law unwavering in its detail and delivery – ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword’

‘Move slowly in life if you wish to move quickly’.

It is better to give than to receive’,