Quantum Buddhism by Francois Lepine - HTML preview

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From Mind to Reality

The more you contemplate a thought process at the human level, the more this thought will become reality, or rather, the reality you perceive will be modulated in order to approach the object of the thought process.

Clearly, the more you think of something, the more it will happen. But it is not only a question of thinking about it, but also a question of “existing” as it. For a thought process to be strong enough to come to exist in your material range of awareness, you have to nourish all aspects of this concept, at every level of the scale of thought/energy density:

- Pure thought
- Mental human definition
- Emotional feeling
- Actions in the physical realm

It is hard for inexperienced meditators to simply exist in a state of pure thought. Thus, we can use specific mantras, mudras and mandalas to stimulate the pure thought, if practiced long enough. These spiritual techniques are available in various formats, and the Quantum Buddhism Association provides this type of training.
The mental definition must be a clear idea of what you wish to create in your life. You must ponder long enough on the object of your desire. Yet, you must also purify your vision about the object of desire. If you think you wish for a big car, but in fact, you really wish simply to be happy, you will not be clear as to what type of experience you really wish to create for yourself. Most of our yearnings are based on the fear of losing, insecurity, and lack of happiness. There is always a mental purification process to undergo before you can really set your mind on what you really want. This purification process will eventually lead you to the detachment from your object of desire.

If you run after a child, even in a playful manner, he will flee from you. But turn you back and walk away, the child will be running after you. Material things behave this way. It is a low of nature. Do not push away what you desire, nor try to attract it with violence. Simply contemplate the design of your creation while at peace, and you will redefine your existence.

The emotional feeling must be in tune with your availability to experience the event in the physical realm. Even if you wish for lots of money with all your heart, if deep inside your mind or your heart you nourish the thought that you don’t deserve money, then you will hinder the creative process. It does not mean it will never work, but that the creation process will take much more time to manifest at the level you wish for. Ultimately, all types of attachments are hindering the way creation happens around you. Non-attachment does not mean “getting rid of”, but more simply put “not giving importance to”. You can have all that you want in your life, but if you attach importance to objects, they will eventually break or go away, and this will cause you various levels of suffering.

Many people like to think about creating wealth for themselves. They think that wealth will bring them happiness. This is not the case. Wealth only brings excitement. Any type of possession you have beyond what covers for your living needs is superfluous and not essential to happiness. Excitement troubles your mind even more than it is, and makes fixity harder to practice, thus making all types of perception harder to decipher. We are not recommending you get rid of anything you possess. We are not recommending you stop yearning for wealth. We simply suggest that you should seek happiness before any other type of illusionary support for happiness.

However, if you feel you can become happy with a big car, or by having supernatural abilities, or amassing great amounts of wealth, then you can attempt yourself at creating all those things. In the end, you will know if these things really made you happy, or simply excited for a while.