Quantum Buddhism by Francois Lepine - HTML preview

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The Formula

The Quantum Buddhists have a formula to express the process of creation. This formula popped into the mind of Venerable Maha Vajra when he came back from meditation. He asked the Supreme Consciousness how he could address himself to the scientific world, and Supreme Consciousness replied with the following concept, in a single pure thought, in ways that it could be explained in the form of a formula. Thus, the following explanation is only a humanized representation of what was purely received in a state of pure thought.


A creation, from mind to nature, occurs in a space-time definition. A space-time definition is an area, both in time and space, where natural events occur. When consciously manifesting things or events with our mind, we wish to influence nature. Thus, a certain amount of influence has to be built up before the influence can take place. In this formula, the big “ I” will represent the threshold of influence required to build so that the space-time definition can be influenced. The more you think and feel the object of your desire, the more you build up Influence. The big “ D” represents the space-time dimensional area to influence. The bigger the area ( D ) is, the more Influence ( I ) you must build up. The denser level you wish to create an influence, the more influence is also required. Space-time definitions are harder to influence if they are defined at a denser level of thought/energy, or at a more tangible level. Thus, influencing matter is much harder than to influence emotions, which in turn are harder to influence than thoughts, and so on.

The little “ c” is the range of consciousness that we covered in previous chapters. The broader is the range of your consciousness, the more efficient is the influence. This seems to be the greatest reason why one would want to practice either fixity, meditation, or other spiritual practices.

The little “ i” represents the integrity of the consciousness. By this, we mean to point out all the attachments, judgments and other hindrances you keep in your system. The more oppressing patterns you keep in your mind and the more suffering you hold in your heart, the lower will be the integrity of your consciousness. The more you are free from patterns, judgments, fears and emotions, the higher is the integrity of consciousness.

Now that we have covered each variable of the formula, let us explain it again. We prefer not putting numbers on these variables, but if you insist, let’s say each variable can hold a value from 0 to 1.


Basically put, our integrity ( i) is multiplied by our range of consciousness ( c), which is what modulates the speed and efficiency of the manifestation process. The greater is our ci, the faster the influence builds up over D. When the threshold point of Iis reached, the manifestation can start to happen. This process is not necessarily instantaneous, although it can be if the threshold of conscious Influence can surpass the natural flow of time contained in the space-time Definition. Most of the time, we influence events, thoughts and even emotions, but we rather let the manifestation take place according to the natural flow of time. It can significantly lower the difficulty level of our manifestation process to leave the time parameter out of our Definition to influence, even though more patience is required.

It is not required to understand all the parameters of the formula, or even the formula at all. What is essential to remember from this is that it is beneficial to:

- expand our range of consciousness, by training with various spiritual techniques
- develop the integrity of our consciousness, by taking time to do some form of therapeutic self-observation